Disclaimer: I Do Not Own One Piece

"So this is Luffy-sans hometown?"

Walking through the quiet streets of Foosha Village, Vice Admiral Koby ignored the glares and fearful stares that his white suit and 'justice' emblazoned cloak attracted. He was used to them now. The Marines were no longer the symbol of hope and protection that they used to be. Ever since Akainu had become Fleet Admiral the world looked at Marines the same way they looked at pirates. With fear and hate.

Tilting his head to the side Koby dodged the tomato that had been thrown at his head from behind.

These days people were more terrified of marines landing on their islands than they were pirates. Afraid that someone they loved would face the World Governments absolute justice for crimes they may or more than likely had not committed. Akainu didn't mind killing the wrong person if it made the Marines seemed infallible.

Halting his gait Koby looked up at the old and splintered wooden sign hanging above his head.

"Party Bar"

Pushing open the door he walked into the tavern.


Raftel, the hidden island that was home to Gold Rogers legendary treasure One Piece. He had reached it, claimed One Piece and the title of King of the Pirates as his own.

"And none of it matters." Luffy thought sadly staring down at the worn and peeling photo in his hand the face of his crew smiling back at him.

Nami and Robin hugging his sides with Sanji next to the navigator staring at the pretty orange haired girl instead of at the camera. Chopper standing in front of everyone still barely up to his captain's knees and Zoro next to Robin smirking. Brook and Franky being the tallest of the crew were behind them, Franky's large robot arms encasing the entire crew. Jimbei and Ussop were down on the floor sitting on each side of Chopper smiling like they didn't have a care in the world.

And they didn't at the time. None of them could have guessed that a Navy blockade tracking them had used the cover of night to sail ahead a corner them.

The next morning the cannon fire had started at the crack of dawn and even the Thousand Sunny's Adam wood couldn't stand against a barrage like that.

"Damn Akainu." Luffy grit his teeth, careful not to ball his hands as even in his anger he couldn't dream of harming the last thing he had left of his crew. After everything they had been through to achieve their dreams, he was the only one who had actually done it. And now he was back in the East Blue too afraid to go back to the place that had cost him everything.


Looking up from his picture Luffy gave a small smile as he noticed the medal pinned to his friend's white suit. "Vice Admiral Coby."

Koby blushed at the title looking away as Luffy's lips quirked up. Even after everything, Koby was still shy. It was nice to have something unchanged to hold onto.

"What'd need Koby?" Luffy asked when the newly promoted Vice Admiral took a seat at the bar beside him.

"I ate a Devil Fruit."

"That's. . .nice?" Luffy frowned.

He didn't really know what that had to do with him though. Maybe Koby ate a Devil Fruit similar to the Gomu Gomu No Mi and wanted help training with it? "That is probably it."

"Listen, Koby, I would help you, but it's still too soon." Luffy pulled the picture out again staring at. It had been just a little over three months since he had been forced live alone once again.

He wasn't ready to help a marine so soon after they had taken everything from him. Not even Koby.

"It's not me who needs help, Luffy-san," Koby said shaking his head. "It's you."

Holding a hand up Koby focused the power he had been gifted and in front of his palm a door opened in the air creating a portal to another dimension. Looking through it Luffy could see the coast that was a good two miles from the Party Bar.

"Luffy-san, do you recognize this power?"

Luffy nodded. "It's the same one that bull guy from CP9 had. The Doa Doa No Mi, right?"

"Yes, he was adept at using the fruit's powers from what I've heard but he lacked the. . .imagination to bring out its full potential. This fruits power is going to bring you back to life, Luffy-san." Koby smiled sadly as the plan he had made neared its end.

He had seen his oldest friend grow more and more secluded after losing his crew. And while it shamed him to admit it, the first thought he had when he heard that the Fleet Admiral and nearly half the marines had died taking down all the Straw hats except their captain was that he hoped Luffy didn't hate him for being a marine.

Not is Luffy okay.

Or that the Zoro and the crew shouldn't have died.

Instead, he had worried about himself. He was selfish back then but he would remedy that mistake now. It would cost him his title and most likely his life but that was alright. Luffy would make sure things turned out the better the second time around.

"What're ya talking about, Koby? I'm still alive."

"Hiding in a cave staring at a picture isn't living, Luffy-san."

"It's all I have. Everything the world has to offer and all I have is this," Luffy waved the picture of his crew slightly. "You know, I would give up everything if it meant having them back. All the treasure in the world, my title. . .my life."

"Luffy-san, the power of the Doa Doa No Mi is going to bring your friends back." Koby declared tired of hearing the defeated tone in his idols voice. "I'm going to open a door to the past and you're going to go through it!"

Jerking at the sudden shout Luffy reached up and smacked Koby on the back of the head. "Don't give me false hope Coby. Traveling through time isn't possible. I can't relive my life."

"You're right, that kind of time travel isn't real." Koby agreed much to Luffy's displeasure. "I'm sending you back, mind, body, and soul. You will still be twenty years old and the younger you will still be alive so he will be the one to lead the Straw hats."

"So? What's the point of sending me back?" Luffy growled. "I can't be with my friends if the young me recruits them."

And he wasn't going to steal away the life of his younger self.

Koby pointed to the picture of the Straw Hats. "But you can protect them. Build another crew, or armada like Whitebeard had. When the younger you reaches the New World instead of having to fight the Yonko's and the Marines alone. . .?"

"They will have me and my new crew." Luffy finished. He couldn't deny that it sounded great but could he actually do it? Could he replace his crew?"

He looked down at his picture. What would they think of him if he replaced them? Recruited another swordsman and navigator before finding a sniper and then stealing another cook away from a different restaurant.

"Would they hate me?" He asked aloud.

"They could never hate you. Luffy-san." Koby said as he gently pulled the picture from his friend's fingers. "Don't think of it as replacing them. it'd be more like expanding your crew. You have so many friends in the world. Robin and Law could definitely use your help with what their childhoods were like."

Koby hesitated when Luffy stiffened at the mention of the suffering his friends had gone through but he pushed on. Luffy needed this. He needed a push to try and live life again.

"I can send you back to the day Roger died. Everything that happened after that you can stop. You can save Nami from having to work under Arlong. Save her mother from dying. Law's family doesn't have to die. You could save them and spare him that pain altogether. Stop Doflamingo from killing Rebecca's mother, save Robin-"

"Enough, Koby!"

Started by the shout Coby fell back off his seat landing on his ass staring up at Luffy who was...

...grinning like a fool.

"I'm in. I'll go back and save everyone!" Luffy pumped a fist his left hand coming up to hold his right shoulder.

Koby grinned back. He knew Luffy wasn't lost. His friend just needed the push to get back to his old self.

"What're you waiting for? Open the door?"

"It's not that simple, Luffy." Koby laughed climbing back to his feet. "First we have to head down to the coast where your new ship is waiting."

Koby smirked in mock superiority wiping imaginary dust from his coat. "I figured you would agree so I took the liberty of moving some of your treasure to a refitted marine ship. It's not as unique as the Sunny was but it will have everything you need to travel the Grand Line. Maybe when you reach Water 7 again you can have Franky fix it up."



Luffy looked at Koby who was confused at the random name. "That far in the past Franky would still be a kid. Tom would be the shipwright fixing the ships. I can't wait to meet him, Franky always said he was a super guy."

"Then we better get going. Air Door." Koby held out a hand and just like before a greenish door formed in air and opened revealing the coast. It was larger this time though and Luffy immediately noticed the sweat forming on his friend's brow.

"Are you alright, Koby?"

"Of course, let's go." Coby jumped through the door landing on the other side, his boots digging into the sand of the beach.

Following after Luffy jumped through the door as well.


Floating a little off the coast was a Marine battleship that had been repainted tan and blue. The same color as Whitebeards ship had been. Luffy was glad for that. While it still looked like a Marine ship it had been changed enough so that he wouldn't mind sailing it. And it looked awesome!

Closing the air door behind them Koby smiled at the stars in Luffy's eyes at the sight of his new ship. It was good to see him acting like his usual self. That broken shell that had been wallowing on this island the past few months wasn't something he wanted Luffy to be ever again.

"Do you like it? I'm sure we could add some things from the Sunny if you wanted-"

"No." Luffy smiled looking over at the golden head of his ship. "Franky will build the Sunny. This ship is great. Does she have a name?"

Koby shook his head. "You can name it if you want. But wait until you're back in the past. Now, go! A new adventure is beginning, Luffy-san!"

Luffy nodded a bright smile he hadn't felt in ages taking its place on his face. His teeth and lips forming a 'D'.

"Thank you, Koby." Luffy bowed his head and felt tears well up in his eyes before they became too much for his lids to hold and drops fell wetting the sand at his feet. "Thank you so much."

Hearing those words from someone who had done so much for him Koby broked down as well.

Lunging forward hot tears running down his cheeks he pulled the Luffy into a tight hug.

"Good luck, Luffy-san." The Vice Admiral stepped back and held his hand up. "Air door."

Shoving Luffy through the third door he had made that hour Koby let it close when the rubber man hit the wooden deck of the battleship and focused his power at the sea beneath the ship.

"Time Door."

The air shimmered beneath the massive boat and like every time he used his power a green door opened.

Without a foundation underneath it, Luffy's battleship slowly sank into the massive door vanishing from view as it fell into the past.

"GOOD BYE! KOBY!" Standing on the deck of the ship as it sank Luffy waved as he fell lower and lower into the past. "I"LL MAKE SURE YOU JOIN THE MARINES AGAIN!"

Waving back Koby tried to wipe the tears away with his sleeve. "I'll see you again in a few years, LUFFY-SAN!"

Seconds after the tearful goodbye the door through time closed leaving Koby alone on the beach.

Closing his eyes Koby tilted his head up at the sky feeling the sun on his face.

"Good luck, Luffy."


Miles away from Loguetown unseen by anyone, a ship appeared in the air inches above the sea before crashing down silently as there was no one around to hear it.

On the deck of the ship, Luffy stood wiped tears from his eyes as he stared at the scene in front of him.

Hundreds of ships docked or floating in the waters around Loguetown were as empty as the day they were built. He knew where everyone was. The jeers and cheers from everyone in the city could be heard even as far away as he was.

"Koby did it. I'm at Gold Rogers execution." Luffy looked out over the sea to where he knew the massive wall that was reverse mountain lay just out of sight.

Stretching his arms out Luffy grabbed hold of the railing on the second level of the ship and rocketed up to the helm.

Keeping the wooden wheel steady he sailed straight past the island where a new Era would begin. He had dreamed all his life about meeting Gold Roger, even just seeing him in person would have been amazing but the amount of Marines ships around Loguetown kept him away.

He could have taken all of them on and won of course but there was always that little chance of someone getting a lucky hit in and him dying and he couldn't risk it.

His dreams had cost him his family once. He wouldn't let that happen again. So he kept sailing. Past the execution.

Through the perpetual storm that seemed to rage around Reverse Mountain until he reached the entrance of the Grand Line.

"This is it." Holding on tight as he aimed the bow of his boat towards the lone light in the pouring rain Luffy felt his ship tip back just as the Going Merry had when he and his friends had first entered the sea what felt like a lifetime ago.

The wind rushed past his face slinging his soaking hair back and he had to fight down the urge to reach up and try and hold the invisible weight he felt on his head down as his ship climbed the mountain.



"I hear you, Laboon!" Luffy yelled back as he broke through the cloud layer and the sun shined down on him once again.

At the top of the mountain, he stuck his foot up on the helm. He didn't have a barrel handy so this would have to do. As the ship tipped again, this time forward Luffy shouted his dream from the top of the world.


Grinning as his ship began its breakneck slide into the Grand Line. Maybe he looked and sounded like a fool yelling something like that out all alone but that was his dream now. Whitebeard was a Yonko and he and his crew had been living safely for years. Ace's pops name alone protected his family and that was what Luffy wanted.

He'd make a name that rivaled Whitebeards and then he would carve out a piece of the world where his family could live free of their burdens. Or if they wanted to sail the seas looking for adventure his name would protect them.

Time Travel FIC!

I love time travel fanfictions and One piece has some good ones so I'm writing my own. Except with a twist! Most fanfics have Luffy going back to his body as a kid but this is sort of going to be a kind of fix it fic with Luffy stopping a lot of tragedies from happening.

Leave a review if you want to see someone specific on his new if you know any good Time travel fanfics I'm looking for some to read.

P.S If you know any good Time travel fanfics I'm looking for some to read. They don't have to be One Piece either, any anime, Book or movies are good.

Oh, and also characters watching their shows. I like those too so if you could please leave any suggestions. (I bow) Much appreciated.

Thanks! And Thanks for reading:)