Here we have it; an epilogue!
"I'm happy to sign you off here."
"No more brace?"
"No more brace."
Leo leapt off the examination chair, flexing his bare feet before running over to Hiccup.
"Did you hear dad? No more brace!"
Hiccup picked up his son, sharing his smile.
"I did. Should we be looking out for signs of recurrence?"
"Yes, but I'm fairly confident that your rigorous observation of his routine and the response to the treatment overall means he's going to be just fine."
Five years old, Leo Magni Haddock was still in clothes for 2-3 year olds, but he was surprisingly quick on his feet and as fearless as his Hofferson aunt. Hiccup brushed the reddish-brown hair from his sons face, mindful of his glasses.
"Alright then. Shoes on."
"But daaaad."
"Shoes. Now."
Pouting, Magni plopped down on the floor to put on his little boots. It was important his footwear support his feet and posture correctly. Tying his own laces was a recent achievement, one of those things he had had to learn from physical therapy for his poor motor function but, with determination and adherence to prescribed exercises, he was making some progress.
"Oh, I meant to ask" the voice carried clearly from the floor, despite small stature Magni had the presence of a Viking "am I allowed to dance now?"
"I'm sorry?"
The physio looked to Hiccup for clarifcation.
"He wants to take up dance classes at school, but they weren't sure if it was risking damage for a child with talipes."
"Oh. Absolutely. He may well always have smaller than average feet, but otherwise he should be able to do all the things other children do now his treatment is over. He may find some things a little tight but flexibility will improve over time."
Hiccup nodded, kissing his sons forehead when he lifted him back up for the requested cuddle as reward for wearing shoes.
"Thank you."
"Pleasure. Where are you running off to celebrate little guy?"
"Uhh, we going to see Astrid?"
"Yep. So say bye to the nice doctors."
"Bye nice doctors! Thanks for fixing my feets!"
Hiccup chuckled, expressing his own gratitude as he carried his son out. It was nerve wracking to let him walk around in the city when he was so small he almost couldn't reach to hold Hiccup's hand, but he knew the boy was excited to see the back of his boots-and-bar brace.
"When can I run?"
"When we've been to get Astrid, and get to the place with the kids area."
Pouting, Leo let himself be strapped into his car seat, holding a big book full of pictures that he was meant to finish with his parents for school. Developmentally delayed, he went to a school for children with special needs three days a week, and he adored going almost as much as he adored spending time outside with his mother.
Astrid was waiting outside her house, the Hofferson homestead she, Heather and Dagur lived in - the house was simply too big for just her and Heather it seemed. Especially when Hiccup never stayed over, Astrid always stayed with them. It was part of the whole keeping Hiccup and Valka's relationship from as many as possible.
"Hello little cutie."
She leant in back to greet her nephew first, then climbed into the front seat and promised to play with him when they got to where they were going. It was a soft play area for children, with somewhere for grown ups to eat and drink while their offspring rolled around with giant plushie shapes and other children. There wasn't one near where Hiccup now lived with his mother and their son, so it was a rare treat.
"How was physio?"
"Cleared him. Provided no signs of recurrence, he's brace free."
"That's great!"
"Yep. And they said he can take dance class, which he's very excited about."
It had been over three years since Astrid found out, and almost three years since Hiccup moved almost an hours drive away. There had been tense times and fights, but the distance had helped and now Astrid was simply happy to see them. She even got along with Valka now.
Speaking of... Valka's car was outside the building they pulled up at, telling that she had made it in time to meet them there after taking Scamp to the vets for his booster vaccinations while they were in the city.
"Scamp! Mom!"
As he had yet to grow out of his seizures, Magni had a service dog to keep an eye on him. Scamp was a golden retriever, matched up with his owner based on both being a little undersized. He had a special ID badge that noted him as a service dog, which allowed him into places as much as a guide dog.
"Hello little one! Oh, you look happy!"
"No more brace and I can dance!"
He cheered up at Valka, who smiled in return before putting him down to greet his dog. Hiccup restrained the urge to kiss his lover, knowing it would make Astrid uncomfortable. He settled for a hug which Valka returned, squeezing him tight before they separated.
"Hello Astrid."
"Hey Valka. We going in? I'm starving!"
They'd been to this particular play area before, and the staff recognised the little boy and his little service dog. Leo lapped up the attention they bestowed on him, making a fuss of him and saying hello to Scamp.
He took off his glasses and handed them to Hiccup, looking up hopefully until Hiccup nodded to say he could head over to the toys. Scamp ambled after him, sat at the edge and looked haughty and important in his "I'm a working dog, please don't disturb me" vest. Thrilled to be able to run, he charged off while three adults looked on to make sure he didn't fall or seize.
"He's such a sweetheart. What can I get you?"
The waiter in the adult area took their orders, throwing a smile in Leo's direction and skipping off to put the actual order in. Astrid eyed the waitress nearby for a minute, Hiccup noting that the girl did look quite a bit like Heather.
"How are Heather and Dagur doing?"
"Good. Dagur's been promoted at the gym he works at, and Heather's been cleared for IVF."
Hiccup took a minute to realise the magnitude of what she'd said, doing a double take.
"Wait, what?"
"We both went for tests to see about fertility before going through the sperm donor route, and Heather's apparently in better reproductive shape. So yeah, with any luck, you won't be the only parents soon."
"I'm so happy for you!"
Astrid grinned, hugged her brother. Hiccup was genuinely thrilled for her. Valka placed a hand on Astrid's arm, smiling within them.
"I am thrilled for you both."
"Thanks. Now I'm done with education and no longer a trainee counsellor, we're in a good place to try for kids."
They chatted over their food and drink, then ordered dessert with a little bowl of ice cream for Magni. Hiccup whipped around when Scamp barked, scaring a couple of the other children but he didn't move from his spot. He crossed to the soft play, found his son staring blankly with a toy that had obviously fallen from limp hands. Gently extracting him, Hiccup patted Scamp to quiet him and carried the still-absent Leo to the table.
"Scamp, come."
The retriever trotted over, sat patiently at the side of the table with eyes on his ward until the boy came around. Some days the seizures were more frequent, others they lasted more than a few seconds but thankfully, he never developed further symptoms.
"There he is. You feeling ok little man?"
"Uh huh. Did I go wobbly again?"
"Only a little bit. We got your favourite though."
Unconcerned by his own condition, once the absence passed all the boy cared for was his ice cream. Give him a spoon and all was right with the world. Hiccup felt fingers brush his under the table, saw Valka smile reassuringly at him. His anxiety was under much better control these days, but was still occasionally prone to flare-ups.
"Are you coming back with us Astrid?"
"Not today, I'm at work all week. I'm coming down next week though."
"Astrid coming for a sleepover?"
"That I am little man. Next week though, so be sure to save up lots of exciting stories for me ok?"
"Ok I will."
Leo spoke with perfect seriousness, then went back to his melted goop that once resembled frozen dairy. Astrid ruffled his shoulder length locks - the boy had adamantly refused hair cuts for the last six months. Given that Hiccup had shoulder length hair and Valka's sat beyond her waist, they could hardly be surprised he wasn't a fan of shorter hairstyles too. The young ones hair was redder and finer than Hiccup's thicker, browner locks.
"Can I go play again now?"
"Gently, no rough housing after eating."
"I know!"
Big green eyes warm with joy fixed on Hiccup's, then the boy was sliding out of his lap - still too short for most conventional chairs but hated high chairs - and toddling over more sedately to the play area with Scamp in tow. Hiccup smiled as he watched the two, reminded of Toothless who was currently back at home; he was getting on a bit, needed his rest.
"Hows your leg?"
"Fine. Recently got measured because I'm due a new one, but I might just send it off to replace the fitting mould and 'bone' cus the exterior and ankle are fine."
"Fair enough."
Astrid fished a lump of biscuit from the bottom of her ice cream sundae, popped it into her mouth and chewed thoughtfully.
"Am I coming to pick you up next week?"
"If that's alright."
Astrid could now drive, but she didn't love to. Hiccup would happily make the journey twice over to save her from such concerns if he could.
"Not a problem. I'm sure you'll call me at least twice to confirm any and all factors."
His little sister grinned, nudged his arm.
Hiccup drove her home an hour later, hugging her tight and watching with a smile as she went to give Magni a cuddle.
"See you soon little cutie. Love you bro."
"Love you too Astrid."
Valka had headed back on her own, wanting to ensure Toothless hadn't gotten too lonely. Hiccup considered that very unlikely, given that he and Scamp weren't the only animals they had. Valka might have settled down, but her animal rescue instincts were still there and so a few waifs and strays had ended up on their land.
Magni luckily loved car trips, taking off his boots and wriggling his feet before going back to his book. Hiccup saw him frown in the rear view mirror.
"Dad, you have my glasses?"
"I do, but you'll have to wait til the next set of lights."
Diagnosed with astigmatism, the boy couldn't read without them. Not that his reading was advanced, but he tried so hard and it was paying off slowly but surely.
"Oh, my boys. You're back."
"You only saw us an hour ago!"
Valka laughed, leant down and kissed Hiccup soundly. He hummed happilyn as she nuzzled his face, then there was a persistent little tugging at Hiccups jeans.
"Where's my kisses?"
Chuckling, Hiccup scooped up their son and held him where both parents could kiss his happy little face. He giggled, lit up with happiness.
"Can I go running outside now?"
Magni still wanted to celebrate brace freedom, it seemed.
"Only if you put your helmet on."
He called it his 'wobbly' helmet, for his wobbly balance when absence seizures occurred. Toothless and Scamp jogged alongside him as Hiccup and Valka sat on their outside chairs, watching the three tumble in the grass with happy squeals emanating from their son. He had flourished in the fresh air and open space, and Valka was no different. Hiccup could scarcely get the woman indoors some days, but the three of them were exceedingly happy and it allowed them to not worry about who knew they were together.
Scamp started barking, warning them of an impending fit and Valka went to get Leo this time, since she was quicker than Hiccup across the grass. Watching her straighten up with the boy in her arms, Hiccup could see how she was speaking gently to him, petting his hair as he came around.
"He's alright now."
"He's a tough little guy."
Valka smiled, gently pulling Hiccup to his feet so she could kiss him again, wrap her arms around his shoulders.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Wrangling the seemingly-endlessly-energetic boy indoors at the end of the day was difficult, but after dinner, a bath and a story from Valka, Magni finally fell asleep for the night. First time without his brace, which may have contributed to his rolling around more as he settled now he could. Scamp curled up on his dog bed next to the human bed, the door left ajar so he could come get the adults attention if he needed to 'go' or if his ward needed attention.
"I love him to pieces, but I don't know where he gets so much get up and go from."
Hiccup flopped onto their bed, rubbing his knee but remembering not to take his leg off just yet, not until he had been to brush his teeth. Valka was undressing, chuckling to herself and Hiccup twisted his head slightly to enjoy the view. Even after these last few years had passed, Valka still made his gut tighten with heat.
"Something wrong?"
"Nope. You're beautiful."
Valka smiled, reaching to untie her hair braid.
"Thank you. Are you getting ready for bed?"
"Yeah. Though just staying here to look at you is tempting."
He got up, limping slightly after getting comfy but the bathroom wasn't far. Returning to their room, he found Valka already in bed, reading over Magni's school schedule for the year. He sat down on the edge of the bed, detached his prosthetic and swung himself around to shuffle under the covers. Now he was within reach, Valka put the schedule aside and slid closer, tasting the freshmint on his breath when she kissed him.
Hiccup's hands roved her skin as they pressed together, finding precious little fabric to impede his exploration of her scars and swells. Her hand slipped beneath his shorts, stroking and squeezing until Hiccup was gasping against her mouth. He didn't know if it was the GSA or simply her, but the fire between them had never faded. Valka was as irresistible to him now as she had been near six years ago, when he first fell for her, when they conceived their son.
Their son didn't know his parents were mother and son, though Hiccup doubted they could keep it from him forever he was a little young to understand.
The next morning saw Hiccup getting up to get an excitable little Viking ready for school, along with his little Scamp. Eggs and milk for breakfast to keep him strong, a green jumper he absolutely adored going on over hard-wearing little jeans for his incessant energy and occasional falls.
"Are you gonna tell them I can dance now?"
"Yep. But only if you'll promise me you'll stop if something hurts."
"I promise daddy."
'Daddy' only came out when the boy really wanted something, usually accompanied by a pout and puppy eyes magnified by his glasses.
"And you have to wear your wobbly helmet. We don't want you falling and hitting your head."
Magni was so excited to be allowed to join dance class that he didn't even complain, packing his helmet and glasses case into his school pack and not complaining a bit about putting his shoes on. Valka came to say goodbye for the day to him, covering the little smiling face with kisses that made Leo squeal and wriggle happily.
"You look ever so handsome! Mommy will miss you."
"Miss you too mom. Dad be back soon though."
Hiccup didn't even have to walk Leo in anymore - the boy barely waited for Hiccup to unclip him from his car seat to hop out of the car, whistling to Scamp to follow him to where a teacher waited to greet him. Hiccup went anyway, hearing a happy voice saying he was allowed to dance now to said teacher.
"Yeah. He's like any other kid now, with regards to what he can do with his feet. He has his helmet with him."
The teacher nodded, smiling as she led Magni in. He turned to wave bye to Hiccup, then disappeared into a doorway toward his classroom. Hiccup always hated to see him go, but knew he loved it so and always came back brimming with smiles and stories. He headed back to their home, knowing they were lucky to find somewhere with enough space for Magni to charge around happily without being in danger, where he could get fresh air and sunshine as much as he liked.
It was about an hours drive to Astrid, thirty minutes to Magni's school. But it had been an hours walk for Astrid from her flat to the Hofferson homestead when Hiccup lived there, so the journey time hadn't changed that much to see each other, it just happened with wheels now.
Valka was out on the green patch, happy to be elbow deep in planting things or taking care of animals. They had two donkeys, three goats, a dozen farm-rescue chickens who no longer laid reliably and would have been killed, plus a slightly grumpy ewe too old to lamb any longer. On top Toothless and Scamp, that was. It meant they almost always had eggs and milk available, and Leo adored the animals, trotted after Valka when she was feeding them whenever he could in little wellies.
"Everything good?"
"Quite. Did our boy get off to school fine?"
"Yep. Doesn't even wait for me to walk him in, just charges ahead with Scamp close behind."
Valka smiled, finishing what she was doing with soil and seeds before standing up, shaking dry earth from her front. It was a fairly fruitless endeavour, but she took off her gloves before touching Hiccup at least. Their nearest neighbour was a ten minute walk past their end fence; out here Hiccup could kiss his mother with impunity and know nobody could see them.
"You have that look again."
She played innocent, but Hiccup knew better.
"What look?"
"The 'just one more animal!' look."
Suddenly, she looked rather sheepish. Apt, really.
"Alright, yes, but it was for a good reason. You know how lonely Fluffy gets."
Leo may or may not have helped name some of the animals.
"Yeah, the vet said she shouldn't be alone. You found her a buddy?"
Hiccup probably indulged her a little too easily, but he did know that sheep weren't meant to thrive alone. It was probably contributing to Fluffy's grumpy mood that she only had goats for company.
"So it's ok?"
"Yes. But that's it! You can't take care of more animals, and I'm no farmer."
Valka only pouted a little. Hiccup knew where their son got it from.
"You're right. She'll be here the day after tomorrow."
Hiccup found himself chuckling, shaking his head fondly. She was incorrigible, the feral woman saving animals never truly changing even if she had agreed to stay put with them. At least she wasn't bringing home abandoned tigers and bears.
There was a truck pulling up when Hiccup got back from dropping Leo at school on the aforementioned day, presumably to drop off 'Cloudy' as she had already been named by a certain little Viking. He slid out of the car, whistled to where he could see Valka around the back. She was better equipped to deal with people and animals.
"Is this the right place?"
"Assuming you're dropping off a sheep, yep."
The big gruff driver he couldn't quite see made a noise of assent, swinging the door open and stepping out. He was huge.
"I'm coming, I'm comin- Stoick?"
Hiccup watched Valka stop dead, the big driver with an enormous beard somehow managing to look surprised with only a third of his face visible.
"Valka? Is tha' really you?"
Oh gods, this man was his biological father. His biological father was stood in front of him and Hiccup didn't have a clue what to say to him. Valka faltered for a minute, but seemed to find her voice.
"You have something for us?"
"Oh, o' course. Gods, it's been what? Twenty odd years?"
"Given that Hiccup recently turned twenty four, I'm going to say it's been nearer twenty five years."
Hiccup waved awkwardly, watching recognition light Stoick's face.
"I thought you were adopted."
His lack of tact was a little irritating, and Hiccup channelled that for a minute.
"I still am. Henry Hofferson. But everyone calls me Hiccup. Want to get her out before this becomes memory lane?"
The sheep was unloaded in relative silence, and Valka led her gently to the paddock to meet her new best friend. Hiccup made to follow her, but realised Stoick might just follow him too. He seemed the sort to not wait for an invitation now he was so obviously amazed.
"Now ye mention it, ye look just like her."
"So I've been told."
Hiccup was acutely aware of the vast physical differences between the two of them, and for a minute he was struck with self-consciousness. Then he remembered how Valka had been all over him only that morning, disturbed only by scratching at their bedroom door as Scamp needed the bathroom. It was him she wanted, and he had no cause to doubt that.
"She's not aged a day."
Contemplating the woman, Hiccup couldn't totally agree; a few lines creased when she laughed, and the streaks of silver in her hair had grown but overall, she was incredibly fresh-faced. And always, always so beautiful.
"I uh, I gotta head in. Thanks for the sheep."
Hiccup escaped the awkward - and maybe a little wistful - attention of the hefty bearded man, heading right through to the back door. He wasn't trying to leave Valka to deal with him, he just wanted to get away. She was in the sheep pen, physically introducing the two to each other and giving both treats. There was enough room for both comfortably, and hopefully Fluffy and Cloudy would become good friends.
There was a sentence he never expected to say.
He winced at the volume of Stoick's booming voice even indoors, watched Valka straighten up and look toward the front where Stoick still apparently lingered.
"I uh, I was hoping we could catch up!"
If only to stop the shouting, Hiccup stepped out back.
"Do you want to speak to him?"
Valka shook her head a little, looking unsettled.
"Then I'll go tell him you're busy."
He didn't want to, but he would do it for Valka. Changing his jacket for a comfy jumper, Hiccup headed back out front.
"She can't leave the animals, and I don't know you well enough to invite you into my home. You weren't interested when she was pregnant, why now?" Hiccup braced himself for some serious hypocrisy "she's still your cousin, after all."
Stoick stepped back, face tightening.
"Ah. Ye know about that?"
"Alrigh'. I should get going. Tell her thanks for taking the old ewe in."
"I will."
He and Valka had connected instantly. He and Stoick were awkward, had nothing to say to each other. Of course, that might be partially down to Hiccup and Valka needing to hide their... connection.
Stoick climbed back into his truck, started up the heavy engine and slowly eased himself out of the wide street, out of their lives. Hiccup immediately made for the back, where Valka was still with the sheep although everything seemed to be going well in woolly negotiations.
"Is he gone?"
"Yeah. I think part of him hoped for some nostalgic reconnection."
"Which might have been nice. But Stoick... he's a reminder of a part of my life I don't like to remember."
"Hey" Hiccup ignored that he would get earth on his clothes, pulled Valka close when she stepped out of the pen "it's ok. What happened then led to now. If he had stuck around, you two woulda got married and we would... be normal, I guess. I wouldn't have been Astrid's brother. She woulda been stuck with a greedy, uncaring uncle when our parents died. We wouldn't have Magni. It's been a tough ride, but I wouldn't change a thing."
Valka kissed him hungrily, whimpered against his mouth and clutched him tight.
"I love you."
"I love you too. How's the new resident?"
"She's just fine. I won't leave until I'm sure they've settled though."
"That's ok. I'm gonna go change and then we can sit out here for the day?"
"That sounds perfect."
Valka kissed him again, stroking his stubbled jaw before she let him go. Slightly dazed, Hiccup headed inside to change into more appropriate attire, stepping into his outside shoes and placing his other ones near the utility sink to rinse rather than track animal... stuff through the house. He smiled at the little wellies on the mat, one set of two and two sets of four - even the dogs had wellies, to reduce how often they had to be bathed for going out on the grass. Valka was better at getting them onto paws than Hiccup.
Reclining in the shade from the house with sheep still in easy view, Hiccup felt Valka take his hand and smiled over at her. He wasn't spouting empty words earlier; it had been tough, and at times he almost wanted to give in, but they had each other and their son, he had Astrid and somewhere he felt free. And he wouldn't change a thing.
Ah, this story gave me all the feels. And now it's over. On to more Valcup adventures though!