Tigerstripe: brown tabby tom with green eyes
Jetfur: jet black she-cat with green eyes
Bone: white tom with green eyes
Bloodfur: dark orange tabby she-cat
Snakepelt: brown tabby she-cat with ripped ear
Mossytail: black and white she-cat
Graystar: old gray tom
Orangeflower: old ginger she-cat
Blackpelt: jet black she-cat
Daisyflower: tortoiseshell she-cat
Krait: Siamese she-cat
Riley: white tom with splashes of brown and black and green eyes
Harly: white, black, and brown she-cat with a blue and green eye
Flamepaw: ginger she-cat with green eyes
Barkpaw: brown tabby tom with green eyes
Dusty: gray tom
Mothwing: calico she-cat
Korosu: Javanese she-cat with red eyes
Swampstar: mucky-colored tom with green eyes
Hyacinth: Siamese she-cat
Hazelstar: brown tabby she-cat with green eyes
Chesnuttail: dusty brown tom with green eyes
Screechshade: dark brown she-cat
Rain: red fox
Lupin: Timber wolf
Breeze: white wolf
Rose: Newfoundland puppy
Holly: Newfoundland puppy
Seven: mutt