Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, sadly that right belongs to Kisimoto-sensei. But, one can dream...

Warnings: This is a NaruHina fanfic. I have shipped them since day one! As such, there may be a bit of bashing on other characters. I am open to suggestions as to the pairings of other main characters. There are only 2 cannon pairings that I am keeping no questions asked. NaruHina and ShikaTema. As for the rest, I may keep cannon pairings if that is what the readers want. Just don't expect it to happen over night. This fic may take a very long time to complete. I will try to update at least once or twice a month but life happens. Also, this is my first fic, so please be considerate if you leave a review. I will read them all and try to respond in some manor for as long as I continue this fic. So without further introduction, here is my first fic.

Chapter 1: A Party to Remember

Everyone knows the tale behind the story of a life time. A young, yellow-haired orphan grows up knowing only the darker side of humanity. He is scorned and ridiculed for something outside of his control, something he isn't even aware of. But despite the cold looks, the dark alley ambushes, and the beatings he gets every year on his birthday, this young boy grows up to be a kind-hearted man with a unique ability to make friends out of his enemies wherever he goes. His name is Naruto Uzumaki.

However, do not mistake this as a simple retelling of the same tale. Instead, we turn back the clock and witness these events with a twist. What happens to our favorite knuckle-headed Jinchuuriki if we were to twist fate into a new direction? What if the release of the Kyuubi didn't happen on October 10th, said boy's birthday? Well... Let's find out together, shall we?

October 10

It was a calm night in Konoha, not unlike most nights. There was a gentle breeze in the mild air. The streets were nearly empty of all but the night personnel, such as the village's Anbu Black Ops. Not a single thing wrong this night. At least to the untrained eye. Any Shinobi worth their rank could see that these Anbu were tense. Though the reason for said tension will remain unknown.

On the West side of the village, past the edge of the forest on the inside of the village wall was a barrier set in place, and maintained, by no less than 10 Anbu Black Ops. Inside the barrier were a man and two women. The man was easy enough to recognize with his long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He wore the standard Jonin uniform of blue pants with black ninja sandals, a blue shirt and a dark green flak jacket. Over his uniform he wore his white, ankle length jacket with "Yondaime" written down the back.

The man was leaning over a woman laying on the ground with her blood red hair all around her in a tangled mess and her blue-almost-purple eyes glazed over with pain. His hands were over her exposed, and obviously pregnant, stomach. Or rather, his hands were over the Eight Trigram Seal that was on her stomach as she was screaming out in pain. Her scream could not be heard outside the barrier though, as the barrier had sound suppression seals in place.

The final woman was at the red-head's lower half comforting her and trying to ensure the birth goes smoothly and without complications. She had brown hair and ebony eyes. Her eyes held a sense of authority, which is appropriate for many reasons. The first being her skills as an accomplished med-nin. Second is her rank as a Jonin of Konoha. Third and perhaps most impressive, though she would deny it as being important, is that she is the wife of the now retired Sandaime Hokage. To be fair, she is proud of her husband and his accomplishments, but she is rather stubborn and refuses to be recognized for anything outside her own accomplishments.

An hour later

After a long and intensive labor it's finally over and the blond haired man goes through a long series of hand signs before placing his hands over the seal and it wavers, repairing the damage caused by the Kyuubi within as it attempted to escape during the one chance that the seal was weakened. It is not known by many, but a female Jinchuuriki's seal is weakened by the intense stress caused on her body by childbirth. As such, the entity within can use this weakened state to escape, killing the host.

After the seal is repaired the Anbu release the barrier. The silence of the night is instantly disturbed by the cries of an infant. Biwako, the brown haired woman, looks at the young couple in front of her and says, "Congratulations Kushina, Minato. It's a healthy baby boy!"

Exhausted, Kushina tries to lean up, only to have Minato stop her. "Not yet," he says. "You're too exhausted from the ordeal you've just been through." He gazed lovingly into her eyes. "You rest," he said. "I'll bring him to you."

She nodded ever so slightly. "Okay, Min-kun," Se said. Clearly exhausted. She laid back down, waiting for Minato to bring her their son. Biwako handed him to Minato only after saying, "Normally, the mother is the first to hold her child." She glared at him as an anime style sweat drop appeared on the back of his head. "But given the circumstances I believe you are right." She turned to Kushina. "I'm sorry Kushina-chan, but he is right. You do need rest after what you just went through. From what I understand, even Mito-sama was bedridden for a few days after she went through this." She turned back to Minato and handed him his son. "So what is his name?"

Minato turned to Kushina and they both said together, "Naruto."

December 27

In the largest manor of the Hyuuga compound, a woman with dark purple hair and light lavender eyes with no pupil was laying down panting. Her midwife was on one side trying to help control her breathing. Her husband, and head of the Hyuuga clan, was on the other with concern clear on his normally expressionless face.

Hiashi spoke up, "Are you sure there's nothing I can do?" he asked the midwife. For the first time in his life, he was feeling useless as he saw the pain in his beloved's eyes.

"No, Hiashi-sama. Not at this time." She spoke cautiously and respectfully. She was a midwife, and she was of the Hyuuga Branch Family. As such, any complications with the pregnancy, labor, or birthing could be blamed on her for neglecting her duties. She wasn't, but that never really mattered when the Main Family was involved.

She was about to say something else when she was cut off by the loud, painful screams of labor. Hiashi looks down at his wife saying, "I'm here for you, Hitomi-koi."

"I know," she gasps between breaths. "I know." This time she says it to herself before gasping in pain as another contraction blinds her to anything but the pain. She can faintly hear her midwife saying something to her, but for the life of her she can't figure out what it is as more spasms of pain cause her to lose herself in the screams.

The midwife, activating her Byakugan, can tell that she is fully dilated. "Okay, it's time. Push!"

An hour later

The midwife handed the little pink to her mother first, then to her father. "Congratulations, you have a healthy heiress." She bowed and retreated from the room so as not to intrude on the new parents.

"Hinata, that's what we shall name our daughter."

"Hai," Hiashi said in agreement with his wife. "Hinata, a sunny place in our lives. It fits perfectly.

January 1

5 days later it was approaching sunset at the Uzumaki estate. Kushina had little Naruto in her arms as Minato finished the final preparations for their New Years party.

The guests began showing up one group at a time. All close friends. First was Kakashi, Minato's only surviving student of the Third Shinobi World War. "Hello Minato-Sensei, Kushina-Sama." He bowed to each as he spoke to them. Then, seeing the little bundle of blue he said, "Hello Naruto-kun. It's good to finally meet you." After which he gave his signature eye smile, his right eye being the only one showing. His Haiti-ate (Forehead Protector) over his left and his signature face mask covering his lower face completely. His silver white hair, which would normally be considered abnormal on a fourteen year old, was less messy than normal. He was wearing a black kimono with white accents and the Hatake clan crest on the back. Though he is the last of his clan, and they were not a very larch clan to begin with, he was still proud to wear it.

"Kakashi, this is a party among friends," Minato said. "You don't have to use the honorifics. Please, relax tonight."

Kushina then spoke up, "And yes, this is Naru-chan. I'm glad you could make it. The others should be arriving soon. Have fun tonight." She smiled gently down at him in a way only a mother can. The smile made his heart ache a little as his thoughts turned to his late teammates whom would always be in his heart.

"Thank you." He said as he entered the manor.

Kakashi went to a table and stood in a corner, pulling out the latest book from Jiraiya-Sama titled "Tale of a Gutsy Ninja" and started reading until the guests arrived. It only took a few minutes for the next guest to show. After knocking three times Minato and Kushina both went to the door, with Naruto in hand and greeted their next guest.

The door swung open with Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha standing there with a 5 ½ month old Sasuke in Mikoto's arms. Kushina immediately greeted one of her two closest friends.

"Mikoto!" She said giving her a one armed hug so as not to squish Sasuke or Naruto. "Awe! Kawaii! Sasuke-kun is so cute!" She nearly squeeled.

Mikoto blushed slightly. "You're one to talk," she exclaims. "You're Naruto-kun there looks so adorable with those birthmarks on his cheeks! I hope they grow up to be good friends."

"Of course they will," Minato exclaims. "It's good to see you both.

"It was most kind of you to invite us, Yondaime-Sama," said Fugaku.

"Uh-uh, none of that. This is a party to celebrate the new year with friends. You don't need to use the honorifics," Minato immediately said. "It'll be hard enough to get Kakashi to stop with the honorifics, I'd rather not have to deal with more," he chuckled.

"Of course, Yondai- I mean Minato... -san?" Fugaku struggled to drop honorifics all together.

Minato sweat dropped anime style. "I suppose that's the best I'll get, huh?" So he gave up and invited them inside. Before he could close the door he saw more guests arriving, so he simply waited at the door to greet them instead of closing it just to answer it again.

The next guests to arrive were the Hyuuga's. First was Hiashi, followed by his wife who he was told just gave birth a few days ago. She was holding a pink bundle. After her was Hiashi's twin brother Hizashi, who was in turn followed by his son Neji. Neji was a year and a half old and was staring around curiously at everything.

"Hiashi, Hitomi (A/N: yes, I am borrowing the name from another fanfic because it fits so well. I don't remember which fic.), Hizashi, welcome to the party," Minato said. "And who is this little guy here behind you, Hizashi?"

"This is my son, Neji." As Hizashi spoke, Neji hid ever so slightly behind him.

Kushina spoke next. "Hey there," She said in a motherly tone. "No need to be shy."

Neji hid further behind Hizashi, causing everyone to either laugh a little, or at least chuckle under their breath in the case of the two brothers. Hitomi took a step forward and greeted Kushina next.

"Thank you for inviting us," Hitomi started, "the celebrations of the clan are just to formal and stuffy for my taste."

"It's our pleasure. By the way, who's this little pink bundle in your arms?" Kushina asked. "I knew you had a child, but I was never told anything else." She gave Hitomi a firm look, but in a playful way. Hitomi knew immediately that it was not a serious glare, but she apologized none the less.

"Gomennasai, Kushina-chan. I would have come sooner, but with clan duties and your own unique circumstances I could not. This is my daughter Hinata." Hitomi said. "Gomen for not introducing you sooner."

Kushina chuckled. "There is no need to apologize for that. I understand. I'm from a clan myself. So I know the duties that go along with such a position." She then looks down at the newborn. "Hello Hinata-chan," She said in a sweet tone, "I hope you grow up just like your mother. Kind, confident, caring, and beautiful. Though, you could do without Hitomi's over apologizing nature." She laughs slightly at this, causing Hitomi to to blush at this.

"Anyways, welcome to the party. We have a table with snacks and refreshments in the dining room. The real food is in the kitchen. There's enough to feed an army of Akimichi," Minato said boldly. "So don't worry about taking too much. The first few guests to arrive are in the living room." Minato motions them in as the next guests arrive.

The next half hour or so went by like this, with Minato and Kushina, with Naruto in her arms, greeting each guest as they arrive in a friendly and open manner. The guests arrived in this order: First was the head of the Nara clan, Shikaku, and his wife, along with their son Shikamaru in her arms. Next were the Akimichi clan head Chouza, with his wife and son, Choji. Then were the Yamanaka clan head Inoichi, his wife, and his daughter Ino.

Of course none of these children will remember the party, but that didn't stop all the new parents from enjoying the introductions of their newborns. Next came Minato's predecessor, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Sandaime Hokage. After him came a few of the civilians that were friends of the family. Teuchi and his daughter Ayame. A few of the friendlier members of the council were invited, though it was no surprise that the only one that actually showed up was one of the civilians as all of the Shinobi on the council were already present at the party. This civilian was in charge of commerce in Konoha, and owned a large number of stores, including a few respected ninja equipment stores.

A/N: I will not be naming this civilian council member. No it is not Mebuki Haruno.

The party was pleasant for all those present. This food was good, and just as Minato said, there was enough for everyone to go around, even with the Akimichi clan members present. Just before midnight Minato stood in front of everyone asking for their attention.

"I just want to thank everyone for coming tonight to celebrate the coming of the new year. I goes without saying that all of those present are a good friend to either myself of Kushina. As such, I'll keep this speech short." Most of those present chuckled at this, knowing that Minato hated public speeches and formal announcements. "This past year has blessed many of us with new additions for our clans and families. So, here's to the future. May our children grow up happy and my their childhood bliss last as long as possible." Everyone understood exactly what he meant. They all grew up too fast during the war. None so as much as Kakashi, who made Jonin before he even hit 12 years old during the last war. "And so with this passing of the new year, I make it my resolution to ensure the peace and tranquility of Konoha." The applause started up right as he finished. His timing was so accurate that as soon as the last person joined in the applause, the fireworks shot into the sky.

The fireworks lasted a half hour, and they were the best Konoha had seen in years. As the fireworks died down and the guests had the last of their drinks, they began to leave. The last guests in the estate were the first to arrive. Kakashi, the Uchiha family, and the Hyuuga family were the last ones in the estate. Fugaku and Hiashi were discussing the stability of their clans and proposing joint endeavors to ensure a longstanding alliance within the clans. Hitomi, Mikoto, and Kushina were talking about their children and their plans for the future. This includes future play dates for their kids as they grow up. Minato and Kakashi were standing to the side watching everything with content looks on their faces. Or at least that is what people would think about Kakashi, as no one could actually see his face except for one eye.

The room went deathly silent for a moment when everyone heard a pained gasp and a glass shattering. All eyes turned to see Kushina with an expression of pure agony on her face as she clutched her stomach. Minato was at her side in an instant with a flash of yellow. She collapsed to her knees and open her mouth to let out a scream, but no sound came out. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she collapsed, unconcious.

Everyone present was on full alert. The Shinobi present all formed a circle facing outwards around Minato and Kushina as he began going through a set of hand signs and a blue-green glow surrounded his hands. As he moved his hands over her unconscious body, he spat one word that took everyone by surprise. "Poison."

He worked to remove the poison from her system when everyone turned inward in surprise as a man in a black cloak and a white mask with black accents and a single eye hole on his right side appeared in the center standing over Minato and Kushina. No one moved an inch, as the man had the newborn Naruto in his arms with a Kunai at the baby's throat. "Hello Yondaime," he said in a deep and distorted voice. "I've come for the Kyuubi. Hand her to me and no harm will come to your child."

A/N: Okay, okay, I know some of you probably hate me for ending in a cliffhanger, but It just felt like the right thing to do considering this first chapter—as well as chapter two—are the prologue.

Also this was the first of hopefully many chapters to come. It goes against cannon more than what I had initially intended, but once I started writing it just felt right. I hope everyone enjoys my work. If so, please review. If not, review and let me know what you didn't like. This will be an evolving story. As such, it will be very much affected by the reviews. Also, I could use a beta reader if anyone is interested. As I said above, only two cannon pairings are guaranteed. Though how they happen will be different. Let me know in the reviews what other pairings you'd like to see. This is not strictly a romance title, but it is definitely a key part.

If this is in any way similar to another fanfic, it is purely coincidence. I have taken inspiration from others, but I did not copy anything. This is doubly true for what is to come in the next chapter. I was doing something I had never seen in all the fanfics I read. It wasn't until I was nearly done planning the first few chapters that I realized that my idea was already used by another author, however, said author used this idea in a completely different way. Thus, my idea is still original. At least in my opinion. And yes, I am being vague on purpose. If anyone has any guesses as to why, I let me know and I will tell you how close you are. Ja ne.