A Curious Stop


I'm not dead, nor is this story over yet. Unfortunately, I don't get a chance to update like I used to. I've had a month off but during the whole time I've been busy helping take care of family, preparing for my final classes, and the not so fortunate job hunting. Anyway, it's not like me to abandon a story, I try to see them through to the end. I don't own anyone except my usual OC's. I still want to give a warm and huge thank you to my friend Bewitching Mayhem for her support with this stuff, and to TheSpeedhunter for just making sure this is still going. Anyways, enjoy.

Bon was starting to become quite concerned. It had been a few days since the incident where his brother had been shot. Since then Bonnie had started to act a little off. He would forget what he was doing, or sometimes the very people they held close. Bon was certain this was due to the gunshot. What had him worried though was that his brother was now losing his memory, and that perhaps this last stretch of the trip would be him watching out for Bonnie. The two had stopped in a small town just to stretch their legs.

"You ok?", Bon asked getting out of the car.

Bonnie nodded frustrated, "I don't know why…but my memory just seems foggy today…it's there but.. it isn't?"

"I'm thinking what happened a few days ago has taken a toll. What's the last thing you remember from say… Three months ago?", Bon leaned against the car.

Bonnie tapped his chin looking utterly lost in thought, "Three months ago…well I was still at the pizzeria…and buried under a lot of paperwork?"

Bon nodded with a faint sigh, "You seem to be retaining at least some of your memories. We need to get you to Spike and Wrench asap."

"Who's Spike?" Bonnie asked.

Bon looked horrified, "You…don't remember?"

Bonnie shook his head, "But given by your facial expression I should know them."

"They're the ones that gave you that new body. They're the only ones who can help you…", Bon looked down his eyes seeming to well up.

Bonnie was scratching at his memory trying to recover anything he knew about these two characters. It was true though, he had found his memories slipping away from time to time. What was really upsetting him was the fact at times he forgot who his companion on this trip was. He couldn't tell Bon though he could at least remember that alone would devastate him. The older bot sighed and tried to recall at least some of the past. What was the last thing he could say he could confidently remember?

"If you want…I can try and restore some of it", Bon quietly offered.

Bonnie looked at him, "And what would it do to you?"

"Shouldn't do anything", Bon admitted and watched a few birds.

Bonnie smiled softly and poked his forehead, "You and I both know that with your luck something will happen."

Bon smiled weakly, "It would be worth it as long as I knew you were ok."

Bonnie sighed and messed with Bon's hair, "I'll think about it, ok?"

Bon nodded and after a quick lunch they were back on the road. They were only a few days away from their main objective. However, Bonnie fearing that perhaps if his memory was failing he wanted to at least make as many more memories as he could. Bon seemed to share the same sentiment and as soon as they went past a tourist trap. They decided to stop and took pictures and just have fun. The tourist trap appeared to be a small house of clowns.

"This kinda reminds me of the sister location bots", Bon shuddered.

Bonnie chuckled, "You know that those one's weren't even the original sister location bots right?"

"Huh?" Bon blinked.

Bonnie looked at one of the clowns, they appeared to be very old, "I found a few files…the original sister location bots haven't been located. The ones that you guys had found…they were rejected models because they didn't do their job."

"Their job?", Bon blinked.

Bonnie looked around and sighed softly, "The original ones according to what Jeremy and I found were designed to lure children and murder them. Afton lost his own daughter to Baby."

"But-", Bon looked mortified.

Bonnie gently put a finger to his mouth, "No one else knows. Those bots haven't been located in some time. Supposedly they had managed to kill Michael as well."

"Who's Michael?", Bon looked at a clown that looked like he just climbed out of a nightmare.

Bonnie looked at the same clown, "He was Afton's eldest son. Supposedly, though I can't confirm it the sister location bots had scooped him and wore his skin so they could escape."

"That is terrifying" Bon shivered, "And the ones we met were rejects?"

Bonnie nodded, "From what I could see and from what Fred and Bonn could tell me that's why they ended up in that place. They hated the idea of hurting children."

"So, they had a conscious just like us", Bon lamented.

Bonnie yawned and rubbed his eyes, "Yeah, but hey they're at peace, and we do have Springy with us now too."

Bon nodded and wondered through the rest of the clowns. He was sure that these creepy faces would haunt his dreams tonight. Looking at one of the items his "heart" had almost stopped, "Bonnie!"

Bonnie heard the distress in his brother's voice and rushed to his side before gasping a little himself. Standing before them was an unusual looking bot who was mostly just twisted wires, eyes, and then there was the clown mask they wore. Neither of these two bots got a good feeling from it. Seeing one of the eyes move and look at them they decided to leave. The sight left them unsettled and they didn't even talk about it in the car.

"See if you can find any hotels close by", Bonnie focused on the road.

Bon nodded and found one about twenty miles off, "Found one. Should I get us a room?"

"Yeah go ahead", Bonnie responded and shivered.

Bon looked at his brother concerned, "You ok?"

"Just a little disturbed. It was watching us."

"I don't know who they are but I don't want to see them again", Bon admitted.

Bonnie nodded in agreement, "You don't think that?"

"Oh god I hope not" Bon shuddered.

Once they got to the hotel they checked in and went to their room. Bon looked around feeling unnerved and called the pizzeria to let them know they were off the road. Bonnie was a little unsettled still and looked at his reflection in the mirror. He was looking rather tired, but he was still there. Looking at his "wound" he saw that it was mostly healed so that was at least going for him. Hearing his brother get off the phone he poked his head out of the bathroom, "Mari sounded pissed."

Bon nodded looking a little pale, "They had very choice words when I mentioned the Afton's."

"Oooo bad call" Bonnie chuckled.

Bon nodded, "I don't think I have ever heard them that angry."

"Mari can have quite a temper", Bonnie lamented.

Bon couldn't agree more and the two began to settle in for the night. Meanwhile back at the Pizzeria Mari was fuming and in a rare outburst was throwing things out of anger and spite. Everyone was keeping their distance except Goldy who was trying to calm them down. Mari let out a loud scream and threw one of the tables before they stopped trembling.

"Mari, what has set you off?", Goldy asked.

Mari was trembling their voice sounding cold, "They mentioned the Afton's…"

Goldy understood and pulled the puppet close, "They won't hurt you ever again…they won't hurt any of us ever again."

Mari nodded and looked up at the bear, "I hope you are right."

The golden bear nodded and started to wind up the music box, "Rest."

The puppet nodded and started to doze back into their box. The large golden bear sighed and looked around the pizzeria. It felt different without Bonnie and Bon. He was hoping that their journey was going well. He turned his attention to the still quivering puppet and continued to try and put them at ease. He and the others knew about the past. Before Mari had become possessed by Afton's first victim the puppet had been different. Just an empty shell as they once had been. They had truly owed their existence to the poor soul that the puppet had tried to protect. However, Afton was able to outsmart them, and in the end a child was lost, and the puppet had nearly been lost as well.

"So cold…", Mari whimpered.

Goldy sighed softly, "They won't hurt you again…you protected us, and now we do the same for you."

The golden bear noticed that Freddy had returned from somewhere and judging by the looks of his features he knew exactly where he went, "And?"

"They said they saw an animatronic that was watching them….Bonnie admitted he's worried what they saw were the missing sister location bots", Freddy admitted.

Goldy looked worried, "You mean the ones that were designed to-"

Freddy nodded and sighed, "They had me check it out as well…but when I got there, the animatronic was there. It gave me the creeps even."

"That's something unheard of" Goldy sounded concerned, "Are they secure?"

"5 inch bullet proof glass. Apparently, someone is aware of the danger they pose."


Freddy nodded and turned his attention to Mari, "They seem settled now."

"They hate the fact that all of their children aren't here", Goldy sighed.

Several hundred miles away Bon and Bonnie both slept in relative unease. It felt like something was watching them and not in a good way. Bonnie had kept his brother close as if to protect him from his nightmares. From the shadows Bon did the same. They both could silently agree that stopping at the house of clowns had turned into a very bad idea.

Overall System: ?
