Reviews for Mechanical Melancholy
Tamara manno chapter 7 . 7/13
Where is the rest
That Speedhunter chapter 6 . 8/23/2018
Well, I guess you aren’t doing this story anymore. Whatever you’re doing, I hope you’re enjoying it. I wish you the best of luck, wherever you are.

That Speedhunter chapter 6 . 7/31/2018
Son of a ...

I knew I forgot something! I didn’t leave a review when I read this. It’s been bugging me for a long time and I just figured it out now.

I read your Author’s Note. I mean I can’t say much that can help. I see where you’re coming from, just from a Computer Science student standpoint.

I don’t know.

I suppose I can wish for you the best of luck on whatever you’re doing. Hopefully it’s for the best. I’ll be keeping tabs here for awhile, just in case you update. I’ll try to leave a review saying that I left, should I be forced to at some point for whatever reason, which I hope won’t be for some time.

LogBook27062000 chapter 6 . 6/7/2018
Good to see that you have returned to writing, I really enjoyed this chapter.
Random As Fuck chapter 5 . 3/10/2018
I really like it! Hope u upload the next chapter soon but take your time if needed
That Speedhunter chapter 5 . 2/25/2018
I get that life can be busy and all or unexpected events can derail a plan, but I noticed that things have gone quiet here for some time now.

Don’t get me wrong! I’m not frustrated or angry about the lack of updates or anything. I’m just...


For lack of a better word. Me and my overly empathetic soul can’t help but feel somewhat worried when any stranger on the internet suddenly vanishes without any explanation. Well, it’s either empathy or paranoia.

Probably paranoia.

Anyway, whatever you’re up to, I hope you’re alright. I wish thee well and good fortune and stuff. L8r!
That Speedhunter chapter 5 . 12/10/2017
FUN FACT: Recent scientific research has shown that the reason why our fingers prune up when it is exposed to water for a period of time is that it is an evolutionary trait.

It is, in fact, not caused by some sort of osmosis within our skin cells, but rather an automatic response by our nervous system, similar to our breathing, heart rate, or perspiration. They found this out when they learned that individuals with nerve damage in their fingers no longer have a wrinkling response when their hands are wet.

If our fingers get wet for some time, our nervous system constricts blood vessels in parts of the skin, making them wrinkle. Same goes for the other parts of the skin that wrinkle when wet.

It’s been determined that this is an evolutionary trait because the skin wrinkles channel water away to give us better grip on wet objects in the same fashion tire grooves do to keep their traction in the rain.

Tests observing this had participants pick up objects with both normal, dry fingers and wet, pruned fingers. The results show that people picked up wet marbles quicker with pruned fingers, confirming that pruned fingers are an evolutionary trait.

This brief science lesson review intro is brought to you by That Speedhunter, the guy who’d rather like to talk about fast and modified cars instead of our nervous system, but had no idea how to shoehorn that in here while keeping it relevant to your story. And no, I did not copy and paste this into the review (*cough* I read an article while writing this). Sorry, flu season!

It’s amazing what you can learn from the internet sometimes, as long as you remain cautious while doing so.

Human biology aside, it’s nice to see a sort of fluff chapter like this. In all honesty, I’m kinda worried if you have someone for an antagonist for this. I mean, I’ve been going under the assumption that time was their main enemy and only enemy so far, but I could be wrong. All good things come to an end and this little happy brotherly bonding is probably going to be put on hold soon, if not I’m the next chapter.

Heh, one last attempt to shoehorn car stuff in here. Maybe you can send them to an auto show or something. Maybe they’ll spot a purple or blue car they’d like to snap a pic or two of for later (maybe as inspiration for their own future cars, if they get one, which would probably be expensive).

Well, I’m going back to the Speedhunters website because now I want to see if there are actual cars with the same colors as Bonnie or Bon. L8r!
That Speedhunter chapter 4 . 12/6/2017
*The reviewer is clinging on a rocky ledge as his feet dangle in the air. Despite his predicament, he doesn’t seem fazed. He appears to be rather bored, bordering on frustrated with his situation. Either it’s because he hasn’t received aid in some time or lacks the upper body strength to resolve this himself. He utters only one sentence under his breath.*
I hate cliffhangers.

Okay, so the end of this chapter might not technically be a cliffhanger, but there’s still loose ends of the story that’ll bug me. Apparently, “loose ends mean cliffhanger” in my book (if I had one). I’m back on this storyline of yours only to find an unfortunate dead end. I mean, if you want to leave this story, go ahead. You have no obligations to keep this going. You’ve already done a lot. A LOT. If you do plan on stopping, it would be great if you could leave a note here. That way, I don’t keep checking out of desperation to see this finished. The mind dislikes ambiguity wherever something should be definitive. What ever you’re doing, writing fanfics or otherwise, I hope you’re doing well. It’s just that, when you get the chance, you should probably put a note telling what you plan to do with this story. It would put at least THIS reader at ease.

That aside, enjoying the story so far. Dark incidents of your AU aside (like the temporary death of Bon), I’m assuming that happy-ish endings are the norm for your work. Not that I’m complaining, we could use a little optimism in the real world. Things seem somewhat bleak in the story so far and I’m imagining the ways this could turn out. Happy ending? Bittersweet conclusion? Heartbreaking resolution? Whatever it is (or whether or not you put an end to this fanfiction), I’m sure that it’s for the best. L8r!
GuardianArtemis chapter 3 . 7/26/2017
I find it adorable that Freddy leaves Bonnie with plushes for the night. It's sweet. Still hyped for more!
MonsterWaterWolf5 chapter 2 . 7/24/2017
Welcome back! I really enjoy reading this.
GuardianArtemis chapter 2 . 7/24/2017
I'm happy that you're working so fast and I can't wait for more!
BewitchingMayham chapter 1 . 7/23/2017
Oh I'm so proud of you! It was perfect! *Insert squealing here*. I love how you made Spike explain it! You kept the correct information but added the flare of his personality! It was well done and I loved it! I also love how you added Overall System: Stable at the end! It was like the icing on the cake! Or the cherry of ice cream! OR BOTH!
GuardianArtemis chapter 1 . 7/23/2017
Very excited for more! Keep going!