Chapter fourteen

Over the next few years Harry proved himself as a healer, or at least a healer in training. He loved the school, he even liked all the staff. There was no ghost putting you to sleep while he tried to learn history. There was no caretaker who would always threaten to take you down to the dungeons and hang you up by your thumbs. There were no major fights of any kind, even if there were a lot of arguments. Most of the students that went to the Irish Academy of Magic realised that this school was giving them the career they wanted. They were not going to stuff up their education just because they were fighting with another student.

Even though Severus was still a tough teacher, he was a lot calmer than he had been at Hogwarts. The students enjoyed defence against the dark arts, and because of Severus' background as a death eater (which was known), he was able to give the students a lot more knowledge than any other teacher could. He made sure to teach his students how to fight against dark spells.

Harry dated, but so far he was more interested in his studies than having a serious relationship. But Harry also found out that many of the other students felt the same way. On his sixteenth birthday, Harry lost his virginity to another boy who was also sixteen and a virgin. They dated for a few months before they went back to just being friends.

Severus had a contact that would let him know whenever one of Albus' spies were outside the school or anywhere in the Irish magical shopping district. Harry never visited, Severus always took him overseas. Not just for shopping, but to continue their holidays that were also educational. Molly, Ron, Mad-eye, Sirius and many others would take turns to be in Ireland, just hoping to see Harry Potter.

Apart from making sure he always wore his coloured contact lenses, Harry allowed his hair to grow. As it grew longer the lighter it got. Whenever he looked in the mirror than look at a picture of himself at thirteen. Harry knew no one would ever recognise him now. He still wasn't going to take the chance that he could be spotted by one of Dumbledore's people. So if he left the school, it was always with Severus and both of them took polyjuice potion.

Just before Harry's seventeenth birthday, he got a letter from the twins. They used one of their inventions to overhear a conversation between Ron, Ginny, Hermione and their mother. It seems they came up with a plan to get hold of Harry, they put that plan to Albus Dumbledore. He agreed it would work and planned to take it to the Minister. They wanted Fudge to seal the Potter vaults so Harry could not access it. The story was that Harry Potter was being controlled by someone using a potion, which was the reason he stopped talking to his friend and the reason he left Hogwarts.

'It's time Severus, if I don't do this now they will make sure all my money and parent's things are gone.'

'It is time, so do it Harry.'

'It's because I'm about to turn seventeen.'

'Yes, it is. So write to the Daily Scribe so they can work out a time to meet. I will be with you but again using the potion. I believe it's time to release my memory as well. So we'll let them take a copy of yours then I will offer them mine.'

'Yours will cause the most damage, at least for the old man.'

'It all started because of Albus Dumbledore. We're going to stop him and all his little followers. Write your letter, Perseus is in my chamber.'

The people from the Daily Scribe got back to Harry straight away. Since they found out that Harry Potter, the-boy-who-lived had transferred to the Irish Academy, they had been hoping to gain an interview with him. So far they were turned down, mainly so Harry could concentrate on his lessons. Now he was near the end of his schooling, he was willing to sit down with them. He only had a few conditions, and that everything he told them would be released, be truthful, and memories attached, which had been verified by one of the Irish unspeakables.

Harry also wrote to Gringotts to have the contents of his vaults transferred to Ireland's Gringotts bank. He received a reply the following day. The goblins explained that a few people had tried to enter his vaults, they had also tried to explain that Harry was under the influence of some potion so they needed to make sure no one tricked Harry into handing over his money. The transfer was done straight away, since Harry added blood to the letter. It proved to the goblins (once they checked the blood to make sure there was no potion in his system) Harry was in his right mind and it was also proof that he wanted the contents transferred. The goblins did not care either way, they controlled both banks so they still made money, which is all they cared about.

The interview shocked the reporter, but seeing the memory and Severus Snape's memory he knew once they were seen it would be attached to the story would shock the magical world. After thanking Harry Potter and Severus Snape he rushed back to his office to get the story printed up and have the memory charmed to the paper. Every page would show a section of Harry and Severus' memory until the full memories were completed.

Minerva glared at Albus when he was arrested by four aurors, other aurors also took Ron, Ginny, and Hermione granger into custody. The Minister was also at Hogwarts that day. He had realised that Albus Dumbledore had been using him and manipulating him. He told Minerva that the governors had agreed to promote her to headmistress and she was to reinstate all the old courses that had been cancelled by Albus. The unspeakables would be arriving the following day to set all the wards that were supposed to be around Hogwarts, which would keep the students safe. Minerva already had many plans, one was to hire more teachers and remove two that were not needed or wanted. She also planned to remove Filch. It was time the students didn't feel like they were going to be dragged off and tortured by the care taker.

Once the students were back in their dorm rooms, Minerva wrote to Severus and Harry so they would know exactly what happened with Albus and his supporters who had tried to poison Harry.

Severus found Harry sitting under one of the large trees, 'Are you okay?'

Harry looked up and smiled, 'Perfect,' he held up the letter, 'It worked Severus, he's locked up and the others were expelled, but they are also on probation for the next five years. Molly was sentenced to two years and Sirius was sacked.'

'Yes, Minerva filled me in after the trials,' Severus conjured a chair, 'Without being able to call Fawkes, Albus will not last longer than a year, at most.'

'I can't feel sorry for him Severus, not with everything he did to me and planned for me. But now the students at Hogwarts will finally feel safe and be able to learn what they want.'

'With that, would you like to return to Hogwarts?'

Harry shook his head, 'No, even if I could train to be a healer, I wouldn't return. I like it here Severus, I'm more relaxed, and I've made some great friends, true friends. No, this is the school for me. I have two more years here before I can finally go to work as a healer. But I am going to miss this place. It's given me the life I want. That all started because of you. I can't thank you enough for everything you did Severus. You're my saviour.'

'I did what I knew your mother would have wanted. But you deserve the life you have now Harry. Just go out into the world and help as many people as you can. Its part of you, to help, and soon, to heal. We will still see each other, on my days off and during the holidays. Until you end up in a relationship where you will want to spend all your time with him.'

'I will still spend time with you…dad,' Harry gave a small nervous smile, he received a big smile and a nod from Severus. It was how Harry felt about Severus Snape, the man was his father, in every way that mattered. Harry had a family, one that cared.

Severus felt himself choke up when Harry called him dad. He never thought he would get close to anyone, now he had a son and one that would make a name for himself. This time it won't be the-boy-who-lived, but Harry Potter, healer. Severus was proud of Harry and he knew Harry would continue to make him proud.

For Harry Potter, his life couldn't get any better and it all started when he showed Severus Snape the letter from Lily Potter.

The end:

I wish to thank everyone for reading, and hope I can continue to bring interesting stories for the fans of fanfiction.