Sailor Moon

Forgotten and Not Wanted V2

Episode 1: Foreign Exchange

Serena/(Usagi)'s POV-Narrating (Both names for your convenience)

I had went to talk to the Sailor Scouts when it had happened. Rei, Minako, Makato, Mamoru, even Chibi-Usa had turned on me, saying I was way too clumsy and whiny to lead them. I decided then and there that if my friends, lover, even my future daughter don't want me, I'd take all the money I have and head to the US. Little did I know…That was going to be the start of yet another battle.
AN: Usagi: AUTHOR-CHAN!? Why are you doing this to me!?

Uh…I don't know…

Usagi: Moon Power, MAKE UP!

W-Wait! Can't we talk about this! AGH!

Well folks, while I'm trying to get away from Usagi so I don't…you know…DIE, Let's this story started.

Usagi's POV

Attention all passengers, we are now disembarking Flight 1982, Toyko to LA. Please collect your belongings and proceed to the gate area.

Alright…New City…New Life. You can do this Usagi.

As I left the plane, I saw a young girl wandering around on her own, seemingly lost.

"Are you ok?" I asked her.

"N-No…I want my mommy…But I can't find her…"

"Don't worry sweetie, I'll help you find her."

I took her hand, and soon found the girls' mother.

"Thank you, Miss! I was so worried for her!"

"It's nothing. I'm just glad she's ok."
"Are you a foreign exchange student? I was told I was to meet one here."

"Y-Yes. I'm Usagi Tsukino."
"Oh! Usagi, I'm Jane Williard, and you've already met my daughter Phoebe. We were chosen to be your exchange parents for the year. I was trying to find you, but it seems Phoebe found you first."
"Oh! Nice to meet you Miss Williard!"


1 Week later, LA High School

Well…I've nearly survived the day…just need to make through math...the class I'm the worst at…But it's only 5 more minutes.

"Miss Tsukino, can you and Sakura stay after class?"

Oh No…

Five Minutes Later…

"Miss Tsukino, it seems you have an issue with most of your classes. Is that correct?"

"Yes...I can't seem to get anything my teachers teach me..."

"I see. In order to help you keep up with my lessons, I'm going to have Sakura here act as your tutor. Is that alright with you Sakura?"

"Doesn't matter to me, just as long as she can get what I'm saying and doesn't get in my way."

"That settles it. Usagi, I want you to go with Sakura and get caught up on your work. Perhaps Sakura can make it easier to understand my lessons."


Wow…Sakura makes these math problems seem so easy. I actually understand how she's doing these!
"You get what I'm going at?"

"Yes! For once I actually get what one of the teachers is doing."

"Good. Now I need to be getting home, you need a lift?"

"I think I'll be ok."
"Suit yourself."
As I left the library, I saw a lone security guard standing outside an office building, and a woman approached him.

"Hey, you're not authorized to be here, please step back Ma'am."

Instead, the woman began releasing a dark aura, and began transforming into a monster!
"H-HOLY COW!" The guard yelled, firing his pistol, but to no avail!

I ran into an alley way, and after making sure no one was around, yelled, "MOON COSMIC POWER, MAKE UP!"

John's POV

"CRAP CRAP CRAP! HELP!" I yelled, firing at the monster in front of me.


Suddenly, something was sent flying into the monster, injuring it.


"How dare you harm an innocent person!" We both looked up to the roof of an office nearby, seeing a girl up there.

"The Pretty Guardian in a Sailor Suit, Guardian of Love and Justice, SAILOR MOON! In the Name of the Moon, I'll punish you!"

"S-Sailor Moon?! What's she doing here in LA?!"


The monster screamed in pain as the attack hit it, but it began attacking Sailor Moon furiously.

I wanted to help, but before I could, a blade of darkness nailed the monster.

"Another interloper!?"
We all looked up, and a girl was standing on the rooftop, wearing a ninja like outfit, and with a black crescent on her right hand.

"Who are you interloper!?"
"My Name is Mika, and you're about to be toast. My Blades of Darkness, attack!"

Several dark swords nailed the monster, sending her back. I then opened fire, nailing the wounds and making them worse.

"GRAH! DIE YOU MEDDLESOME HUMANS!" the monster yelled, firing lightning all over the place.

"Sailor Moon, now, hit it with everything you've got!" Mika yelled.


The two attacks slameed into the monster, and it exploded into a burst of dark energy, scattering around the area.

"Phew…" I said.

I then looked up at Mika.

"You are powerful Sailor Moon. But you are not strong enough to defeat this new foe on your own. I suggest you find the one who's blood runs cold, and do it quickly." She said, before disappearing.

Sailor Moon then came over, stumbling and injured, before collapsing. She then transformed, turning into a normal student.

"W-Wait…I recognize her…" I said.

Usagi Tsukino…what in the world…