"I have to admit, this is a bit of a challenge because of the rocking," Alice grumbled as she wove another piece of Bella's hair into her up-do. Bella saw Alice glance through to mirror at Rose, who was silently steaming while trying to apply Bella's make up. But the stunning blonde said nothing to the matter.

"I'm sorry," Bella said, "I guess I'm so used to the sea legs that it doesn't bother me anymore." She winced when a rather choppy wave almost sent Alice to the other side of the room. Through some miracle, she managed not to yank Bella's entire head of hair out as she steadied herself.

But not without groaning, "Where is my brother so I can personally kill him? What was he thinking have you get ready on a stupid boat?"

"If you find him, I'll help with the killing." Rose added. Bella let out a long sigh; mirroring their frustration.

"I'm sure he had good intentions?" Bella said out loud. But today had hardly been the best day for a wedding. Of course, Michigan had decided to open up the skies, and the rain had not stopped since they had moored offshore just hours ago. Guests had apparently been calling all day, not knowing where the venue was—something that Bella couldn't help with because she didn't know either—oh, and did she mention that Edward's parents were coming?

"We have other things to worry about." Bella said, "Does Edward know his parents are going to be at the wedding?" She glanced to the two women's reflections from their make-shift vanity. It was working well enough until Lake Michigan started swirling from the rain's winds.

Alice shrugged, "I told him, but he refuses to believe they are even going to show."

"That's not good if they do decide to show." Bella reigned in her frustration, aiming to calm her breathing as her friend rose from dusting her face with blush. "What about my parents, Rose?"

"No need to worry," she stated proudly, "Emmett is personally picking them up from the airport. And he knows how to get to the ceremony."

"What was Edward thinking with such a remote venue?" Bella thinking out loud; those frustrations finally starting to take a boil. Mostly because the exact location where she and Edward would exchange vows was still a secret to her. But she had heard enough from Alice that it wasn't a particularly normal location for a wedding. Whatever that meant. "It will be a miracle if any guests show up," she groaned.

Though, that wouldn't be all bad, since Bella's nerves were more centered around two-hundred people staring as she tried not to trip down the aisle. That was all. Because there was no anxiety whatsoever when it came to becoming Edward's wife. Although inviting so many people to her wedding, only for them to attend the reception due to no one could reach the ceremony, wasn't setting well in her stomach either. Only the thought of Edward at the end of the aisle, was keeping Bella centered.

"How angry will people be if they miss the ceremony and can only come to the reception?" Bella peered up to both Alice and Rose. The two women, also her bridesmaids, shared a wary look with one another. That gave Bella all the answer she needed.

"Just don't worry about that, Bella." Rose hushed, bracing shoulders as she bent down to meet the strain in Bella's gaze. Rose only went on, "This is your day. And it is going to take place somewhere that Edward clearly chose especially for you. So forget what anyone says, that is all that matters." Alice gave a firm nod at that, and Bella tried to draw in the strength of her two best friends. She gave a firm nod through the mirror.

"Alright," Rose clapped her hands and the previous atmosphere diminished into nothing. Because as Bella turned in her chair, Alice had a long white garment bag in her hand, and a beaming smile on her face.

"Time for the dress." They all said at once.


It was sprinkling. And as Bella glared up the skies, the cursed whatever cruel ancient deity that was playing this trick on her. "It should stop," Alice said in a sing song voice. Her and Rose were doing their best to keep Bella sane. But their control over her waning worries was starting to slip, and they both knew it.

"I've heard rain is cleansing." Rose added with a smile Bella knew was fake. But she merely turned to the view in front of them as she finally set eyes on the place she would be married.

And even in the misting rain, Bella had to admit the isolated beach Edward chose was stunning. The picture of Michigan's early fall color expanded in bright yellows all the way to deep reds over the length of the shoreline. It seemed as though it was a living tapestry, giving some great performance for today, and today alone.

The rain wasn't doing much favors, but Bella suddenly found herself enjoying the peaceful, private cover it seemed to give them. The venue was random, to be sure, since there was no clue that society had even touched it, sans for the neat dock they were tied to. But still, Bella thought she recognized this little sliver of sand and water.

"Where exactly are we?" Bella turned Alice and Rose once she was steady on the dock. The wooden planks were thankfully not damp as Bella paused to take in the view better. Rose and Alice both held up her dress. She opened her mouth to insist not to bother with the train getting wet. But paused when Bella saw who was waiting at the end of the dock.

"Mom? Dad?" She shouted. They both had umbrellas waiting just where the dock fell into the beach. Bella was careful not to trip on the planks as she met them on the soft sand. But as she glanced down to take her final step, there were thick slab stones nestled into beach to create a path for her to take so that the heels wouldn't sink. She thanked God at least for the tiny blessing. Though she had an inkling it was Alice's genius, and not any savoir.

"Where's Edward?" Bella glanced from her parents to Rose and Alice. The gratefully took the extra clear umbrella that her mother handed them.

"We were sent here to escort you." Renee gushed through the splattering rain.

"But mostly just hold onto the umbrellas." Charlie added with a grunt. Bella couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you for coming. Even if the weather didn't quite hold out."
"Nonsense, Bells." Charlie just offered her his elbow. "I have a feeling things will clear up soon enough."


The walk up the beach was a slow one, as to make sure Bella's dress didn't drag, and her footing was sure. But she didn't care, because it was the most beautiful walk she had ever taken.

Glancing up to the sprawling trees around her, they had provided a reprieve from the rain. Only a few sprinkles could make it down to the ground from their shielding canopy. Her parents and friends made quiet small talk with one another, mostly about the day to come, how exciting and beautiful it all would be. But Bella herself was silent. She was too busy trying to pin down at the feeling that she knew this place. The deeper they trekked into the untouched woods, the stronger the déjà vu grew.

Her father and mother beside her kept a steady, careful pace as to not break even a single sweat. Suddenly, they faced a sheer hill. But now the earth was carved with huge timbers that would serve as perfect steps. And then it dawned.

"Now don't let the hike gawk you." Charlie patted her elbow to the incline, "We'll get you up alright."

Bella blinked. Though the hike was not the reason her mouth was suddenly open, or why her heart was suddenly beating harder as her stomach hurtled over in her gut. Suddenly, she couldn't wait a bit more as she ran up the hill; her dress bundled in her hands. Because now she understood what that final rise meant.

"Wait, Bella!" Everyone called behind her, but Bella just kept running; the climb just as hard as she'd done it the first time; yet so much easier. Huffing and puffing, what she found at the top of that cliff, was worth it all: The trauma, the sheer loneliness before they had met, she would have paid it and more. The frustration, the secrets, the danger she and Edward both took in those months hiding together. It was all worth it for the view she received on that clearing.

Edward stood under an archway spun of white birch trees; hanging from the top was white wild-flowers, creating a living canopy. He stood just above the waterfall; their waterfall; the smooth stone created a perfect surface for him and her to exchange their vows: the very place they had once jumped to the pool below. Hand in hand. But the location wasn't just what made Bella's breath catch.

Edward was quietly talking to where Emmett and Jasper stood beside him; clearly, they hadn't expected her so early, yet to notice her arrival. But Bella didn't care as her eyes ate up the scene before her.

He wore the best fitting suit she'd ever seen. It was deep blue, with velvet lapels that was stark against the golden leaves above him. The aisle was a bed of orange pine needles, but as Bella blinked to the rest of their surroundings, she realized something stark. There were no chairs. Sans for the neat row, there were just enough for their closest loved ones to sit. Only dearest friends and family. But there was nothing else but Edward and that archway and the rustling water-fall behind him. So without even consciously making a choice, not wanting to wait any longer, Bella took a step.

His eyes finally fell to her. Distantly as first, for he wasn't expecting her. But when they focused, she swore they bugged out a bit.

First, his attention went to her face. No doubt she was flushing from this final surprise; and what a perfect shock it was. Bella hadn't known what to expect, but it definitely hadn't been Edward waiting atop the out-jutting rock of the waterfall they had swum in during that hike. Even if they were yards apart, Bella felt the space narrow into such palpable wonder that her knees wobbled. She watched next as his green gaze drifting to her dress; where the fitted lace tucked and dipped to every curve of her body before pooling at her feet.

Even if Bella had forgone all tradition of bridesmaids, or an escort, she couldn't help but give into that magnetic pull. There were no words spoken as the distance became less and less, and no music was needed as she slowly drifted up the aisle. Bella faintly heard complaints behind her, but she absorbed nothing but him. All she knew was that pull so innate inside her was screaming to become his once and for all.

That was when the literal clouds parted. It was so sudden, but slow at the same time. One moment, the clouds were laid out like a blanket above them, and then the next, there was blinding rays breaking through the trees. Everyone squinted to the brightness illuminating everything with stark light. But as Bella zeroed back to the man before her, his eyes had never left her. And she realized the bright beams were nothing compared to the smile spread across his face.


The vows were quicker than she would have liked. Bella's wanted to kick herself for not paying more attention and staying in the moment, but she had been just too busy holding back tears the longer Edward held that secretive smile only for her.

The sun continued to beat down throughout the ceremony; effectively drying away any drop of rain left as the quiet officiant finally announced something that made Bella's heart cleave open with utter happiness.

"I present the newly Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen!" The words roared in her ears louder than any waterfall. And Bella faced Edward with a feeling she couldn't quite contain, but she had no more time to think anything else as he swept her in a floating kiss.

Her entire body fell limp with the amount of love Edward gave just with the swipe of his lips. After a few seconds, Bella finally managed to wrap her arms around his neck as he dipped her low and fast. Their tiny crowd erupted in cheers and claps. But she wanted more.

The sun was warm at her back, but it was stark compared to the lingering buzz Edward left when his mouth parted too soon. Standing her back upright, he merely licked his lips before presenting her to their friends and family. But Bella couldn't take her eyes off of him.

More cheers came as she finally blinked to the realization that they were married. Husand and wife. Completely belonging to one another. It was too much to compute all at once.

The waterfall kept gushing behind them. "I love you." Edward said, his hand squeezing hers in silent confirmation. But Bella couldn't open her mouth to answer. He seemed to understand the same as he gently tugged her down the aisle.

"How'd you like the ceremony?" he murmured in her ear. One they were past their tiny crowd, Edward was already sweeping her in his arms.

"I was shocked. It was the best surprise." Bella replied, happily let him carry her down the steep decline. It wasn't the first time he had done so.

Her parents and the rest of their friends fell into line, seemingly to give the newlyweds their space. Though Bella had no idea where they were headed.

"I just can't believe I'm married to the infamous Edward Cullen," she murmured, "I feel like I've…tamed you somehow." She managed to spit them out, but the words felt wrong. Maybe that was part of the shock she was feeling. That she had gotten her dream of spending her life with someone like him. At first, it had been a small, pining thought when she realized what kind of man Edward was; what he had endured from his family and the world. And now, with their life spread out beyond them, Bella wondered if she deserved any of it.

But no matter the thoughts whirling in her mind, Edward gave a stark laugh that rumbled her bones. "That's one way to put it. Though I'd rather you don't go announcing the fact for the sake of my poor male ego."

She laughed easily, "Is it that fragile?" Edward gave a soft chuckle that brushed against her face. But the hand braced against her arm flared wider.

"Not at the moment." He smiled before nuzzling his mouth against her ear, "Actually, my ego is the biggest it could ever be. Because now I am married to the most amazing woman." His eyes dropped to her lips in meaning. And Bella felt that desire deep in her gut tug at the adoration clear in his eyes; and the lust in his voice.

She pressed her lips firmly to his, trying to see if it would silence her own desire that was building. They had a reception to attend, after all.

But the kiss did anything but quell anything as Edward continued down the trail, his arms so strong and warm underneath her, it was as if he had prepared for this particular trek with her additional weight in mind. She pouted down to the darkened ground.

"I can walk." Bella moved her twirled her feet as proof. Edward huffed out a good-natured snort. "What?"

"Not a chance. Alice would kill me if I let your shoes get dirty."

"I did have to walk here, you know."

"Yes. But I would be ignoring my husbandly duty if I didn't carry you through the threshold."

"What threshold?" Bella spun in his arms the instant he stopped. The forest was quiet and peaceful, though she could hear everyone's quiet chatter a good distance from where Edward barreled on in great sweeping steps. Then suddenly, as if it had been summoned from her question alone, a clearing spread, and in the center of it all was an ancient stone and red-paneled barn.

"Oh!" Was all she said, blinking to the perfect autumn picture in front of her. Bella had never particularly enjoyed the fall season, since it meant winter was coming soon after. But the historic Barn was just on the edge of the beach, facing the tiniest of clearings. The grass was lush and green beneath the canopy of trees. The rich golds and yellows seemed brightened in comparison to the picturesque barn that was center of it all.

"It has been here since the national forest was declared. I wanted our reception to be near the place where everything changed for you and I." Edward answered the silent question in her eyes. And suddenly, she found her chest warming to the view, as the man pressed a light kiss against her neck, "Do you like it?" Edward paused as she absorbed the view, gently adjusting her in his arms in the process. But his hand still remained under her as she gaped to the middle of the woods.

"This might be the most opposite any wedding could get from one in the city." She answered. Bella hadn't really put any thought into her picture-perfect day. She mostly remembered her mother having a big say when she was younger. But now it seemed, she hadn't truly known what perfection was one until Edward made it a reality.

"Is that a good thing?" His mouth spun into the tiniest of grimaces, afraid that she wouldn't like it.

"No. It's perfect." Bella angled her face up to his. Edward took no time before taking her mouth in a gentle, loving meeting. But the longer the stood there, with his smooth lips massaging hers, Bella closed her eyes with a small whimper, pulling him even closer from her grip around his neck. Edward merely brushed his tongue along the seam of her lips. And she felt her head go a bit fuzzy. He only pulled away the next moment.

"As much as I would like to continue this, love," he growled the words as Bella sat upright in his arms. "We will have table this conversation for later hour." He nodded to the ever-growing sound of excitement in the barn. And as Bella quieted the desire tugging at her core, she finally saw the soft glow of light coming from the cracks in the red wood paneling. "They're waiting for us," he spoke into her hair. And that was when Bella realized though she and Edward had a quiet wedding ceremony, the celebration of their coming life together would be anything but.

She peered up to him in pure happiness; of what they would share together in the years to come. The feeling welled inside of her chest like pure warmth, until it could not be hidden any longer as she beamed up to her new husband and said, "Then let's not keep them waiting any longer."


A/N I thought of ending it there. But if you guys want to see a reception for these two, let me know. Thanks for reading and reviewing :)