I tried uploading earlier and was having trouble, sowwy .

The whole flashback part of when he arrived was where this story was originally going to start, but I was convinced to skip it to his arrival on Midgard. I had that part ready for a while, was going to show in small flashbacks, but fuck it, idgaf.

Nightfall came, and Naruto made camp in a small underground den with Natasha, and the still unconscious Amora. The den he carved out of some type of earth manipulation and roots to keep it stable, then made a small fire on the center.

"Are you alright?" Naruto asked Natasha after laying Amora down.

"I am, better than I have ever been. Why you ask?" Natasha asked, noting how careful and gentle he was with Amora, even covered her with a jacket of some poor wolf he had killed some time ago.

"Well, you are the first person I ever do this to, and the effects will last for a few more hours."

Naruto chuckled and sat besides the fire.

"So you didn't know what would happen?" Natasha asked with a deadpan stare and sat besides him.

"Nope, but I do know that tomorrow you will wake up with a major headache, so you should try to sleep."

"I don't think I can sleep, my mind is too alert. Let's talk, who is she?" Natasha asked and he patted his lap and pulled her down to rest her head on it, then covered her.

"Her name is Amora, she's a friend of mine, and you should rest, seriously. Your mind wasn't meant to handle this stress for too long, so close your eyes and relax…" he placed his hand on her head and it glowed green.

"Amo...ra…" Natasha said as she fell asleep, the last thing she saw being the sun in his palm.

With her asleep, he glanced back at Amora and thought about how he became what he is now…

-3 years ago-

Underline words mean Native Konoha world language out loud

Italics mean either a word being stressed out in a sentence or spoken in mind- unheard of by people around.

Bold are deep sounding words or onomatopoeias.

Bold, Italics and no quotes: Naruto listening to the Bijuu in his mind.

''Ugh...'' Naruto groaned, his eyes fluttering open. His body felt numb and his mind was fuzzy. At first his eyes couldn't make anything from his dark surroundings, which seemed a bit familiar. ''Soo cold. Kurama, are you around?''

I am, but this isn't your mindscape. His old friend answered from inside his mind, and Naruto's vision started to adapt to the lack of light.

We're all here. Another voice spoke inside of Naruto and he recognized it as Son Goku's. They were all there, inside his mindscape in a circle with a crystal sphere in the middle, projecting the area around Naruto.

Standing up, he finally managed to make sense of his surroundings. A dark room with several torches, a throne made of skulls and covered with a green-yellow cloth where a very tall woman sat on. Her eyes were green and she wore a black suit with green, she donned a cloak and a large mask.

In front of her is a large, horse-sized, white armored wolf, and on the sides were a few hooded beings that Naruto couldn't identify.

The woman seemed rather bored.

Anybody has any idea on who is she? And where are we? Naruto patted the dirt from his torn pants, the only thing barely covering his modesty.

First time seeing her. She's been there for hours, waiting for you to wake up. Kurama told him and he became erect, his back and limbs cracking by every inch moved. Be careful I sense a lot of energy in her, she's powerful.

She stopped the wolf from eating you, and been observing since. Gyuki added and Naruto blinked a few times.

Well she is scary. I should say something. Naruto thought and the woman adjusted herself on her chair. ''Umm hi.''

Green eyes blinked and the woman tilted her head. It was hard to tell because of her mask, but thanks to years with Kakashi he learned to somewhat read eyes.

She was confused.

She looks confused. I wonder why. Naruto looked at himself then took a step towards her throne. The wolf growled as he approached, and he took a step back.

''Hello erm… what should I call her… I should've payed attention to Shizune's lecture on pronouns … what is this place?'' Naruto said and the woman blinked a few times.

I don't think she understands. Kurama told him and he started rubbing his chin in thought.

He wasn't the only one, thinking profusely.

What gibberish is this creature speaking? How can there be a language that Hela the queen of Hel cannot understand? She closed her eyes in thought. I should be able to understand all languages. Either he is talking plain gibberish, or… no it cannot be. That seems unlikely.

Maybe I should try introducing myself. Naruto thought, and brought his thumb to his chest. ''Uzumaki. Naruto. U-zu-ma-ki Na-ru-to of Ko-no-ha.''

Hey Kurama why is it that humans think that if they talk slowly, they will magically be understood? Matatabi asked Kurama, while Naruto's eyebrow twitched.

Kurama shrugged.

What does this fool think he is doing? Is he mocking me?! Maybe I should feed him to Garm after all. The woman and the wolf on her feet shared a look. No I'll humor it… there shouldn't be a language the allspeak cannot translate. Learning more about this creature seems better than waiting for immortals to die.

''Hello… Ko-no-ha, I am Hela, goddess of death.'' She gestured towards herself and then at the wolf, ''this is Garm.''

I think she confused my name. Naruto shook his head back and forth. ''No, no, I'm not Konoha. I'm Naruto. Na-ru-to.''

Even I can tell she's unamused. Matatabi said, while licking her paw. She has the same eyes that Yugito had before torching Omoi.

Hela's eyebrow twitched, the idea of feeding him felt more enticing by the minute.

''Me. U-zu-ma-ki Na-ru-to.'' He said slowly while bringing his right hand to his chest and giving a short, sloppy bow. Then he looked at her and waited for her to introduce herself again.

There seems to be no helping it. Hela closed her eyes for a few seconds, shaking her head in the process.

''All of you, leave.'' Hela ordered and Garm and the cloaked minions on the side left. I can't have anything seem me do this.

Naruto watched wearily as everybody left the room and then returned his attention to Hela. She seemed calm, he couldn't quite feel any signs of aggression from her.

''I'm.'' She brought her hand to her chest, ''He-la.''

''Heh-lah…'' Naruto repeated slowly, pointing at her, then gave a big grin.

Hey, since you can't understand her language, maybe you can try understanding her emotions with sage mode. Kurama asked, and Naruto's grin disappeared and he shook his head, confusing Hela.

I'm too tired to enter sage mode, and I'm not sure if doing it in here is a good idea. Something feels off about this energy. He answered them. His chakra levels were high because of the bijuus inside of him, but he was still exhausted mentally and physically.

Who knew, he does think. Shukaku joked and was shoved aside by Gyuki.

Hmm… Kurama closed his eyes.Maybe you're right, it does feel different. But I think we can handle it. For the energy to be this different, we must be far from Konoha,

Hela narrowed her eyes. He is distracted, in here, in my presence? What could be distracting him?


He clutched his stomach in pain. Ugh, soo hungry.

This place has been boring a new pet could break me out of my, malaise~. Hela chuckled, upon gaining an idea, a dark sinister chuckle that sent shivers up Naruto's spine.

Snapping her fingers and a skeleton appeared from the corner.

What the heck i-is that a g-ghost? Naruto thought upon seeing the skeleton, taking a step backwards. Okay with the freaky lady sitting on a throne of skulls, now walking skeletons. What is she, the Shinigami? Are we in Hell? Did we die? Ohh that Sasuke, I'mma open him a new one when I get back there…

Hela ignored his reaction. ''Let's find out what… Naruto eats. Prepare all of the most common food of each of the Nine-Realms. I must learn everything there is to be learnt from this creature.''

Idiot, you aren't dead, and neither are we. And she isn't our shinigami, I know, I spent 16 years inside his gut. Kurama huffed. We Bijuu don't die. We just either 'disperse' when our jinchuuriki dies and reform ready to rampage. Ooor if we are in the mood, we skip the dispersing part.

She also had plenty of time to kill you when you were unconscious. Isobu spoke, looking at the skeleton creature curiously. We would have taken over if she tried though. And by we, I mean Kurama. None of us like using the human body.

Right… thanks for having my back guys. Naruto thought back and Hela stood up.

Naruto felt small, if he ever felt self-conscious about his height before, it didn't compare to how he felt now in front of her. She already seemed imposing before, on her throne of skulls, now she seemed even more. Standing at an impressive 6'6 in comparison to his 5'4.

She's taller than… I can't even think of any woman to compare her. Naruto thought and she turned around from him towards a hallway to the side of her throne. Ero-sennin was tall, but not that much… A was pretty tall too.

You seriously don't have anything better to be worrying about other than her height? Kokuo asked, then huffed. Humans…

Humans? I remember like yesterday, you, Kurama and Shukaku competing over who was the tallest. Matatabi told Kokuo, who turned away from her.

You didn't need to bring that up… Kokuo muttered, loud enough for all the the other bijuus plus human to hear.

For the record, it's me. I'm the tallest. Kurama pointed towards his chest with a smirk, puffing it up slightly, until Shukaku shoved him aside.

You trying to start something, baka-kitsune!? Shukaku roared and Naruto cut them off to pay attention to Hela. Who was standing at the hallway, her body half turned to him as if waiting for him to follow.

Naruto swallowed a lump in his throat and followed, making a clear path around the wolf that stayed behind in her throne.

Upon reaching her, she resumed walking through the hallway. His stomach growling all the way.

Where you guys think she is taking us? Naruto said to his inner demons, bringing them out of their brawl. But as he walked and the hallway came to an end, a barrage of smells struck him.

He couldn't distinguish any of the smells, among the bunch, he only knew that it felt great. The bijuu inside him talk with him, but he didn't hear them. The smell of food completely numbed all of his other senses.

When was it that he started to drool? He didn't know, neither did Hela, she wasn't paying attention.

She'd only come to notice that he was in a trance once they had reached the end of the hall.

The door opened, revealing a very big room. There are several large desks and dozens of skeletons are placing trays with all kinds of food on them.

A barrage of smells invaded his senses. Naruto didn't recognize much among the trays, except for the things derived of pizza and meat derivatives. Everything liked pizza, and cooked meat was cooked meat wherever one went.

Hela stepped back and observed.

His eyes shined, he hardly knew where to start. So he just went for the nearest table with the most things he recognized and dug in.

Aren't you worried what type of meat this is? A little voice in his head warned him, but his stomach replied. I don't care.

To him there were unknown metal besides the plates. He couldn't figure out their purpose, and he found no chopsticks, so he just ate bare-handed.

Hey look, he eats just like you do, Shukaku. Matatabi nudged the tanuki. There goes first impression…

Shukaku growled, but decided to let it slide, this time.

He eats like an Asgardian. Hela motioned for the skeletons to leave and take out the extra tables that they had assembled. Now I'm the one getting hungry. I'll join it to observe closer.

She then sat opposite to him, grabbed a chicken leg and started eating. Hela was more composed than Naruto, but still somewhat barbaric. Most Asgardians gave no shits about table manners, she wasn't very different. She's in her domain, her realm, who could tell her that she was wrong?

HAHAHA! You were saying something, Matatabi? Shukaku laughed and Matatabi rolled their eyes.

Slowing down, he noticed his way of eating and corrected his posture and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He then glanced upwards at her their eyes met, for only a brief moment until he looked back at the food.

It was hard to get a 'feel' on her, her green eyes and mask made it very hard to decypher her thoughts.

Maybe Loki knows where this creature hails from. She thought as she ate, also trying to get a read on her blond guest. Who am I kidding? Loki busy playing 'the good son', he wouldn't know anything. But perhaps Odin would…

They continued eating in relative silence, neither could understand one another and neither wanted to give the first step.

As he ate and his mind rebooted, he realized something. Say, guys… how did we get here in the first place? And why are you all in me?

He got no response from them, it felt strange, generally they wouldn't shut up. It almost felt like they were blocking him from, well, his own mind.

Which they were…

"Oy Kurama! Why you close the connection? We should tell him.'' Shukaku said, getting in front of Kurama, who narrowed his eyes at the Tanuki.

"Should we really?'' Kurama asked and looked at his 'brothers' and 'sisters'. "He's been through a lot, if we tell him what happened, he might break.''

"Well… maybe we shouldn't, but he can recover his memories on his own at any moment.'' Matatabi sighed and looked at the sphere.

Isobu remained silent, looking at the sphere with his one eye.

"I agree with Kurama and Matatabi.'' Goku leaned near the orb. "It will be bad when he remembers. But for now we need to keep him focused, motivated and alert. At least till we know what mess we got ourselves into.''

"I believe he can handle it.'' Kokuo stomped on the floor. "He has a strong will. He deserves to know.''

Saiken made bubbles. "We should wait until we figure out where we are and he becomes stable before telling him.''

"I think we are lucky, ne? We shouldn't let old ghosts get in the way of his new chance.'' Chomei spoke for the first time and all heads turned to Gyuki.

"I agree with waiting, for now. Now look, they are finished.'' Gyuki pointed to the sphere.

Both had finished eating, and boy did Naruto eat a lot. He and Hela had eaten everything that there was to be, on the table. He felt stuffed and relaxed, but something was amiss.

He wanted to talk with her. He wanted to ask her who/what she is, and where he is. He wanted to know where is Konoha and what happened to his friends.

She wanted to find out more about him. Where he came from, why she can't understand him and what is the energy that he radiates.

But that would take time, and patience, two things that neither were known for having.

-A month later-

Time passed quickly in Hel for our blond hero and the goddess of death. Truly his presence had ended her monotonous routine of waiting for immortals to die and devising new methods of torture..

Hela had come to learn much about her new guest. Through a lot of time, patience and mimicking, they'd found a common ground to communicate. She'd come to understand a bit of his language and him of hers.

Naruto's time had been divided in trying to learn English, helping Hela with his language, and doing chores for her. She made his do silly things, which oftenly made him question what she thought of him.

He found out that he wasn't in whichever planet Konoha was in. Learning that he is in a place called Hel, located in Nifelheim which is a part of nine other realms. It brought him hope that maybe Konoha was one of the nine, but that hope soon vanished.

It had been an eventful month, and we now find Hela seated on her throne with large grimoire on her lap.

There should be something that grants the Allspeak to mortals… Now just where is it. She flipped page after page. She'd come across a lot of useful incantations and artifacts in the book, but none that could help with her situation. Perhaps the Allfather or Mora would know… no. I refuse to request anybody's aid. I shall find this myself.

She also couldn't ask for any help from Allfather. She'd made her throne and other specific parts of her realm invisible to Heimdalls eyes. There was no telling how Odin would react to Naruto.

Page after page, and nothing was found of use. Upon finishing the book, she tossed it aside and a skeleton brought her a new one. As she was about to open it, the doors to her hallway opened and a very familiar figure walked in.

A black haired man with golden helmet with two long horns, dark robes and a staff.

''Loki, what do you want.'' She locked eyes with him.

Loki brought his hand to his chest and shook his head. ''So cold. Thought you'd be happy to see me, daughter.''

''Say what it is that you want and leave.'' She straightened herself on her throne.

''Straight to the point as always. I really did a good job raising you.'' He grinned and she narrowed her eyes. ''I need to borrow your Hunting Horn.''

You didn't raise me. She thought as a long, curved horn appeared on her lap on top of the book. ''So you need this? For what? And what would I gain?''

''I cannot reveal my plans, even to you, my daughter.'' Loki grinned, but stopped upon receiving a glare. ''I can give you Thor.''.

''No.'' She answered after tapping her chin. ''Now leave.''

''Of c-you don't want him?'' Loki looked at her in disbelief.

''I do not have any desire for him now.'' Her horn disappeared from her lap. ''Aren't you his trusted, beloved brother?''

''I am, and I cannot reveal anything of my plan,'' Loki asked and she remained silent. ''Now for you to reject my brother's soul, that is a surprise. What has your attention?''

''I cannot reveal anything of my plan. Now leave, for I will not ask a fourth time.'' Her glare intensified and Garm growled.

''Very well, I'll leave. But you will give me that horn.'' Loki said and vanished in light.

It was then that Naruto arrived. His attire had changed to baggy black trousers with green lines running along, a gray shirt a long black cloak opened up in the middle.

His guard was up and he looked around the room as if looking for something, or somebody, then relaxed.

He arrived quickly… does he possess the ability to sense others? Hela thought and stared at him.

Naruto smiled upon seeing that there wasn't anything to worry about and sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head.

That posture, of his he was a warrior wherever he came from. Hela raised an unseen eyebrow. What was that energy I sensed in him? And were those markings on his face?

''You. Fight?'' She asked, trying to use the simplest words possible for him to understand.

Crud, cat's out of the bag. He blinked a couple of times.

What's with the analogy? Matatabi asked, she along with Gyuki were the only ones watching, all the others were sleeping.What did you expect? You're lucky if she didn't notice you using senjutsu.

I don't know, I just felt she was in distress and came. This place's energy is much more concentrated than that of Konoha. He nodded slowly at Hela.It is much harder to control myself when in sage mode.

''I want. To see. What you do.'' She then said slowly, and he sighed upon understanding.

I knew this would happen sooner or later. He thought and looked around.

Hela made a gestured with her right hand and several dozens of skeletons rose from the ground, each wielding a weapon of some sort.

So guys, how much you think I should show her? Naruto looked around at the skeletons, getting into his fighting stance.

That is his stance? She analyzed his posture, it was relatively simple, his hands were closed into fists and guarding his chest and face. I'm not impressed, let's see how he fares against some of the weaker undeads.

I say let's blow her mind. Matatabi said, adopting a large cheshire grin.

No, let's show her only what she needs to see. We don't want her thinking of us as a threat. Gyuki said and a spear-wielding skeleton lunged at Naruto.

Can you guys decide? Like today, no hurry. He stepped forward, anticipating it's movement, dodging the spear and punched it on the torso, shattering it. Then kicked one coming from behind. Well I might not need to use a bijuu-dama to blow her mind.

Show off. Gyuki scoffed and more rose from the ground.

They were slow when compared to Madara and Kaguya. With the Uchiha one blink could mean a missing limb, and Kaguya a blink could mean a all-killing bone up the arse.

He relies on his instincts and speed to react to his opponents. Hela thought as Naruto moved away from two sword thrusts, making the skeletons hit one another in-between the rib space.

He felt like chuckling at the sight, but refrained from doing so and shattered them both with his boot.

It doesn't seem like he follows a style, just instincts. He was trained in battle, I can appreciate that.

Hela snapped her fingers and the skeletons dissipated in smoke, only to rise another type of undead. These were more humanoid, their flesh was rotten and gray, and their eyes dark.

Z-zombies… oh boy. He back-stepped to a wall, pulled a loose chain from the ground and coiled it around his arm loosely. Well at least I don't have to worry about killing anything.

They all ran towards him simultaneously, he looked at them and quickly gauged the distance between each.

They were much more agile than the skeletons. The first one to reach him jumped on the wall and used it to gain impulse to go a step higher to bring down it's hammer on him.

But he intercepted it mid way by slamming the coiled chains against its face, blowing up its head. The next two would attacked at the same time, so he side-stepped the first and slammed the coiled chains on the second before its sword could reach him.

He then allowed the coil to undo itself and whipped the one the he side-stepped, the tip going right through its chest.

All in the span of 3 seconds.

There was no time to rest, for three more were closing in on him, followed by half a dozen behind them. So he yanked the chain, lifted his arm and flailed it around. Such was the strength that the chain tore apart the three and broke apart.

These undeads aren't worthy challenges for him… She thought as he bent down and grabbed a spear and rose with it. Bringing the tip of it through the creature's guard and slicing its head open.

A ghoul charged at him from behind him with an axe, and he turned towards it and bisected it with the spear's tip. Then used the butt of the spear to strike another on it's stomach, halting it completely, but giving an opening to the two more incoming.

He hardly evaded it's mace, only barely missing by an inch. With the creature's back to him, he shoved the spear through its skull. However by doing so, the fourth one jumped at the wall, got inside his guard and slammed it's hammer on his face.

The hammer struck him on hard on the chin, but he was far from being out. He staggered backwards and the creature attacked once more. On instinct he caught the hammer's handle and shoved the spear in between its legs, then used the spear to launch it towards a wall.

Two more creatures joined up with the one that he had evaded and that he brought to a halt, three on his right side and one of his left. He took a step to his left and impaled it's chest then grabbed the spear with both hands, lifted the creature up and launched it at the three to his right.

No time to rest. He twirled the spear to shift his grip and jumped at the middle one,slamming the spear horizontally, shattering it completely, but beheading all three.

You have to end this at once, c'mon light them all up. Matatabi suggested and pushed a little of her chakra through him.

What's this build-up of energy. Hela thought, becoming alert.

Fine, let's end this. He inhaled deeply and blew a wave of searing blue flames. The flames consumed the undead creatures in an instant, incinerating and destroying every single one of them.

Hela got up from her throne, created a barrier in front of Garm and her with just as the flames reached them. Her barrier stood strong against the flames, but even then she felt it's heat.

Overkill much, Matatabi? Gyuki asked and Matatabi blew a thin circle of blue flames at him. Real mature…

The fire then started to die down, Hela released her barrier and sat once more in her throne to contemplate the damage done. The surface of the walls and floor around Naruto had begun melting, and the farther ones were glowing slightly.

Fine, maybe using that much chakra in this small room was a bad idea. Matatabi said and laid down.

No turning back now… Naruto looked around a bit embarrassed, his chin had already healed but was still stinging a bit from the hammer.

Those flames, they felt like a dragon's breath... very interesting. She clapped slowly, the sound echoing loudly on the room. At first it alarmed Naruto, but then he saw the small, hardly noticeable smile on her face. ''So I was right in choosing to waste my time with you. I'm pleased.''

Naruto hardly understood what it was that she had said,other than that she was pleased. So he did what he always would do, rub the back of his head sheepishly.

''I want to see more of what you can do.'' She said in the usual slow manner that she had adopted to speak with him, and subtly scratched her arm. ''But not today, I have to continue researching and you too.''

He nodded, and gave a short, sloppy bow, understanding only just enough of what she said. Then he turned around and left to go back to his room, noticing her scratch her arm once more.

Hey guys, did you you see that too? Naruto made his way into his room, it was only a few meters away from Hela's throne.

See what? Gyuki asked, Kurama and Kokuo joining them.

She scratched herself, twice. He opened the door to his room. It was quite messy with several stacks of books spread across the floor, a desktop on one corner and a small bed with red and white sheets.

What's wrong with that? Kurama asked lazily, still feeling sleepy.

I don't know. It's just that she never really sneezes, itches, laughs or yawns. I was starting to think that she couldn't. He created two clones. ''Alright guys, you're going to continue looking up words and how they are pronounced, and you are going to study animals of Alfheim. I'm going to study the history of Asgard.''

"Huh, I have to study words, that's like the most boring thing there is, why don't you do that?" The clone questioned and the original pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Because I'm the boss, now go use that device that Hela gave us, I think she called it a 'com-pu-ter'." He said, pointing to the strange thing on his wall. From what he had understood of Hela's explanation, the people of Midgard use it to connect to a large database of information and to talk among themselves.

But they didn't have access to Midgard's internet and she asked(forced) a technowizard resident of her domain(the ghost of a nerd) to configure the device and place the programs that he would need. Language programs and dictionaries so that he could hear how the words should be pronounced.

And so they all started to study. As usual it was hard for him to focus on the books, his hyperactive mind would wander off to Konoha and his friends, on what happened to them after he and Sasuke defeated Kaguya.

-Four hours later-

The hours flew by slowly, and after four hours of studying hard, they had each reached their daily quota.

"Ugh, I think this is enough guys, you can dispel now." The original said upon closing a book.

"Don't have to tell us twice." Both clones saluted him and dispelled.

"Here it comes…" the large amount of information and fatigue surged into him, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he fell backwards.


He was knocked out cold by the feedback from the clones. A small price to pay to learn as quickly as possible.

He already was starting to get used to waking up every day with a headache. Sometimes he wondered if it could cause any type of permanent damage and if he should give it a rest. But he needed to learn as much as possible, as quickly as possible. His friends could be in danger while he sat and read books, there was no time to waste.

With the amount of chakra that he had, it would have been possible for him to create and sustain a dozen clones for several hours. However the bijuu inside him recommended against it due to the amount of feedback that he would receive. He never was one for studying to begin with, and two clones were already too much.

-undetermined amount of time later-

''Ahh… my head... I feel like shit-atchu!'' Naruto sneezed and got up from the cold hard. His body was slightly blue from the cold. Helheim wasn't known for being one of the warmest places of the Nine-Realms. I keep forgetting to get to bed before they dispel. Can one of you guys remind me next time? Or you know, take control of my body and take me to the bed.

We don't like taking control of your body like that. The human body is strange and unbalanced, I don't know how you guys can stand on two feet. Kokuo said and Naruto started bouncing on his feet to get his blood pumping.

Don't you guys take control of your jinchuriki when you send them into a frenzy? He started accelerating his pace.

That's different. We don't directly take control, we just pump out chakra and impose our influence. Matatabi said and Naruto stopped to think.

But Son can stand on two feet. So can Shukaku, and Kurama once swapped with me to pass chakra to Kakashi-sensei. Naruto then cracked his neck and rolled his shoulder.

The bijuu became silent, looking in between one another.

I'm waiting…

We just don't like to okay, we will interfere if it becomes critical and your life gets in danger. Kurama finally answered and Naruto sighed.

Fine, fine. Sheesh no need to get your tails all ruffled up. He then stretched his arms upwards. Alright, I'm ready to try Senjutsu again!

-With Hela-

''Argh what is going on!'' She rapidly scratched herself. The itching had only intensified with time. She'd left her throne and went to her room as to not be seen in such an embarrassing condition.

Her room was large, simple and neat. There was a king sized bed on the northeast corner with emerald green covers and sheets, and multiple wardrobes and weapon racks on the walls beside it, but no mirror.

She continued to scratch, but it just wasn't enough. She wanted to see her skin, she wanted to scratch.

So in her second of irrationality, she did the one thing she shouldn't. She pulled out her cloak and tossed it aside

The moment she removed her cloak, her strength left her. She went to pick it back up, but it was too late.

Loki appeared in a flash of light and snatched her cloak, then pulled her headdress and cowl from her, further weakening her. The left halve of her body became dead, decayed, and she collapsed from the weight of her own body.

''I wish it didn't have to come to this, daughter. But I need an army to get something.'' He said, walking around her. ''I'll give these back in exchange for a short use of your horn. It will be worth it. For both of us.''

''I'll kill you…'' She growled, crawling towards him. Glaring at her father with all the hate she could muster.

''Don't be like that, it will be worth it. I just need to get one little thing. Then I'll return your attire.'' He turned around from her. ''What do you say? I can't use the horn unless you give it to me. So what do y-''

The door to her room was shattered into pieces, Naruto. The white in his eyes had turned pitch-black and he gained black flame-like markings symmetrically on his face, above his eyes, and below his whiskers. The markings went down his neck but were covered by his cloak.

Seeing Hela on the ground, crawling and with half of her body deformed, brought something out of him.

His rage.

The atmosphere became dense and a wave of killing intent struck Loki. Naruto's chakra spiked and his body and clothes became covered in golden flames, then several black orbs appeared behind him.

This presence. Loki shakily took a step back.

He blinked and Naruto appeared in front of him, hands open like a claw. He thrusted at Loki's chest and grasped his heart. It hurt, his mouth became filled with blood and for the first time in a very long time, Loki felt fear.

Then he blinked and Naruto was back at the door, he was sweating and his pants felt humid.

I need to get out of here! Loki thought and Naruto extended his right hand, one of the orbs left his back and went towards his hand. It glowed brightly and expanded in a beam.


A millisecond before the beam struck him, Loki faded away in light. The beam carved a large, incandescent tunnel through Hela's wall.

Naruto stared at the tunnel for a few seconds, then turned to Hela. His rage and anger changing into concern for her. His eyes softened and the pressure in the atmosphere was lifted.

Running towards her, he knelt down besides her and reached for her face.

''Stop… you can't touch me…'' she tried to move away from his hand, but was too weak to do so.

''What. Did. He do?'' He caressed her face with his right hand and took her left hand with his left.

''Don't take off glove…'' She tried to pull her hand away from him. He didn't seem to get her message and did just what she told him not to.

He took her glove off and grasped her hand firmly.

Hela waited for her strange guest to decay and die, however, after a few seconds, nothing happened! No decaying. No death!

He isn't feeling anything? She looked into his other hand and noticed for the first time the sun design on his palm. His hand feels warm.

One of the orbs on his back hovered towards the ruined side her face and stopped, then glew red. Golden light shined from his hands and sank into her skin.

The truth-seeking ball began to shrink and another one came from his back, then another and another.

Time passed by quickly for them, and he soon ran out of orbs. Soon nine black spheres floated behind him. He began to pant, sweating. His cloak began to flicker on and off.

It is working, I need you guys. His reserves were emptying and he felt tired. The intervals between the flickers kept increasing with each passing second, until a surge of chakra ran through him.

His cloak surged back brighter than ever, and he gained a new set of Truth-seeking balls. Ethereal hands came out from his back, each grasping a orb. Each hand brought one of the orbs to a part of the left side of her body.

Hela felt a part of her energy coming back. Though she still felt very weak, but she could feel her body regaining some of its vitality.

''What. Did he do. To you?'' Naruto asked, trying to keep his focus.

''I was born like this.'' She answered, it felt strange, to be at somebody's mercy. ''My cloak stabilizes me.''

''Sta-bi-lyze?'' He repeated and she coughed.

''It makes me whole.'' She said and chuckled. Just look at me now, trying to explain my weakness to somebody. Who would have thought?

Naruto nodded, and the TSBs disappeared. His cloak came undone and he fell the floor. How long had he been healing her?

Hela shakily got up, her body felt like crap and she was sure it looked like it too. She was far from being as strong as she was with her garments, but much better than she was without.

She looked at the glass tunnel that he had made on her wall. It had long since cooled down and turned into a pathway of glass and crystal. Then she looked at Naruto, he was breathing heavily and hanging on.

Making her way to the tunnel, she saw her reflection on the crystals and glass. The left side of her face was still bad, but it had improved from the decayed thing that it used to be. Now it actually resembled her right side somewhat.

Why did you try so hard for me? She looked back at him again, actually feeling a little guilty for how she been treating him.

Even if he hadn't noticed it himself.

So she walked over to him and extended her hand.

He caught his breath and took it, and she helped bring him to her bed to sit down. It felt weird touching somebody without her gloves.

She'd give more thought to it and the other things that he had showed later. For now there was one thing that she wanted to do, and that was sleep. So she laid down besides him on the bed and closed her eyes.

She felt tired, weak, and wanted to sleep, but the questions kept coming back.

Opening her eyes, she looked to her side and saw that he was having no such troubles and was out cold.

How can he sleep after all of that? In the end he's but a boy, hardly even matured. She stared at his face. It is frightening that he holds all that power. I had sensed that he was powerful when he appeared in front of my throne, but that was ridiculous. Could it be that the others of his realm are as powerful as he is?

She touched his whiskers, and pulled his cheek.

He's immune to my death touch. I'm weak, but it should have some effect. She stopped pulling his cheek and started caressing his face. Perhaps I should stop trying… he was worried about me, my appearance did not scare him even for a second.

A strange, alien emotion crept into her soul, and it felt good, she didn't want it to go away.

''Thank you.'' She whispered and smooched his lips softly. She then closed her eyes and hugged him, bringing his face into her chest.

Had Naruto been awake, or paying attention to his exterior, he would have freaked out from their proximity, but his consciousness was elsewhere.

-inside Naruto's mindscape-

''Oh, boy. I showed her my Six-paths senjutsu mode. I'm screwed, she's going to hate me.'' Naruto thought, pulling his hair comically.

"You sure about that, human?'' Kurama pointed to the Sphere in the center of his mindscape.

''Since when do we have tha-oh… ohh.'' His face turned red upon seeing her kiss him. ''I-I'm sure that it must not mean anything to her. It must be a custom from here.''

"A custom? This is the first time we've seen her do that to anything.'' Kokuo lowered its head to see more closely.

''You two are even sharing the same bed, aren't you lucky?'' Chomei teased and Naruto's blush deepened.

"A man and a woman in bed together? I've seen enough through Yugito to know where this is heading.'' Matatabi grinned and his blush reached Hinata-level. If it were possible to faint in his mindscape, then he would. "Our little Naruto-chan's growing up.''

"Enough Matatabi, this isn't why we pulled him here." Kurama said, putting a stop the the teasing...for now. Matatabi sighed.

"Aww, just having some fun. Watching him is like reading one of those novels from that human Jiraiya-san. Crappy writing and everything.'' Matatabi said and Kurama's eyebrow twitched.

All of the Bijuu looked at her strangely. Part for knowing what it was that Jiraiya wrote and part for her taking interest in human literature.

"What? I couldn't help it, Yugito-chan enjoyed them.'' Matatabi looked away from her peers.

''...'' Everybody continued to stare at her.

Cough. Cough.

Son Goku broke the silence by coughing into his hand,

"Moving on...'' Kurama rolled his eyes. ''We noticed something.''

''Hmm?'' Naruto crossed his arms.

''You shouldn't enter Sage-mode anymore in here.'' Kurama said becoming serious along with all the other Bijuu.

''Huh? Why shouldn't I?!'' Naruto asked back, actually sounding angry.

''Because of that.'' Kokuo pointed out.

''We underestimated the foulness of this energy. You were right about being worried about it when we arrived.'' Kurama looked concern. ''You used killing intent. While I approve the use in this occasion, you aren't that type of person.''

''It's insidious. It seems to be under control. We thought it was. But it isn't.'' Gyuki said and Naruto took a deep breath, realizing they were right.

''You guys are right, sorry.'' He bowed his head and Matatabi picked him up with her nails.

''A little bit of anger can be healthy. It wasn't all bad, you wouldn't have notice Hela's life force fading if you hadn't used it.'' Kurama said and Matatabi placed him on top of her head.

''Oh right, that reminds me. Did you guys see that attack? I got no clue how I did it, but it was awesome right?! I need to name that technique… maybe 'super golden death beam'.'' He commented, grinning widely in excitement.

The bijuu sweatdropped.

''Right… no.'' Son Goku answered simply and Naruto looked at Shukaku, who was strangely silent.

''C'mon, you're with with me on this, right?.'' He asked and Shukaku shook his head.

''Dumbass, that technique already has a name. It was uncle's attack.'' The tanuki said and Naruto blinked.

''Uncle?'' He repeated and Shukaku nodded.

''Yea, uncle Hamura. We didn't interact with him much, he lived on the moon.'' Shukaku answered and Naruto sat on Matatabi's head.

''So what was the name?'' He looked at the sand bijuu expectantly.

Shukaku rubbed his chin in thought. ''I don't remember.''

''What do you mean you don't remember?'' Naruto's eyebrow twitched and Shukaku groaned.

''It was a long time ago, and I didn't pay attention back then. I just called it 'Big shiny sword.'' Shukaku crossed his arms and Kurama laughed.

''Hah, you speak as if you pay attention now!'' Kurama pointed out and Shukaku tackled him.

''Shaddup! Like you remember the name of that technique!'' Shukaku tried to bite Kurama, but the fox pushed him away like a toddler

''As a matter of fact, I do...''. Kurama straightened himself and everybody looked at him expectantly. ''Uh… it was… hmm.''

''Hah! See! Even you can't remember!'' Shukaku pointed at the fox.

''It was 'Golden Wheel Rebirth Explosion'.'' Saiken got into the conversation. ''Uncle was very passionate about it, you would know if you guys weren't busy fighting back then. I think humans would call him a chuunibyo. ''

"Saiken and Hamura got along well, they would spend hours together whenever he was around.'' Matatabi explained, licking her paw. ''Come to think of it, Saiken only really got along with Hamura.''

''That name is much better than anything I could have thought of. Thanks Saiken'' Naruto gave the gigantic slug a thumbs up. ''But I have no idea on how I did it. I just did it on instinct. I overloaded the Truth-Seeking Ball with chakra and boom, it happened. Any idea on what happened''

''You shouldn't be able to use that technique. I don't understand what happened.'' Saiken blew bubbles into the air. ''Sorry.''

''Huh.'' Naruto stopped to think. ''Maybe it has something to do with this world's Senjutsu?''

''Maybe, I don't know.'' Saiken smiled, it was odd to see it smile, or show expressions.

''Was there anything else you guys wanted to talk about, I'm really feeling tired.'' Naruto looked at Kurama, who nodded. ''Hey Matatabi, anybody ever tell you that you're head is very comfortable to sleep on? How does it work anyway, sleeping in the mindscape, how come I'm sleepy in here?''

Matatabi raised an eyebrow. ''You would be the first to tell me that.''

''Your mind hasn't had any rest. So you still feel tired in here. It will only go away when you truly rest.'' Gyuki answered and glanced at Kurama. ''There also is another reason that we brought you here.''

''It is about that woman, Hela.'' Kurama picked Naruto up from Matatabi's head with one of his tails and placed him on the ground. ''We aren't sure what she is, or what the man did to her. But her life force now is unstable. The remedy that you gave won't hold up until she either reverts back or is stabilized.''

''So we just have to stabilize her then. Problem solved.'' Naruto turned to the orb.

''It might not be that simple, it will take time, even if we do heal her daily. We estimate of at least at least a three months.'' Son Goku said and Naruto's eyes widened.

''Three months?! But we don't have that time! I need to get back to Konoha by that time!'' Naruto looked at her through the orb. ''Can't we cut that down?''

''We estimated three months, with you using all your chakra to heal her daily. It might be possible to do it faster with our help and if she also saves her energy.'' Kurama's face turned grim.''But that is, if you CANdo it continuously. Are you sure you want to. I'm sure you know what the consequences will be.''

''I know… but I can't just leave her, I got to help. No matter what.'' Naruto gave a large smile, but Kurama saw right through it.

He had seen him give that same fake smile all his life, and he knew what it meant.

He was scared.

''Fine, if that is how it is going to be, then we will help how we can.'' Kurama looked at the orb. ''Now leave, I know you want to enjoy that.''

''Shut up!'' His face lit up like a smouldering stone, and he then faded away from the mindscape.

There is still much more to his origin, but this should give a taste. He used to have all bijuu inside him, now he has only Kurama, he used to have both arms and he was sick