Yo everyone, and welcome to yet another story :) So apparently I just love hopeless characters in videogames, and feel the need to write a better ending to their story. Will it be the same for poor Goro Akechi? Stick around and you'll find out!

Oops!1: spoilers, spoilers, spoooilers!

Oops!2: English is not my first language! You have been warned x)

Oops!3: I will try and upload twice a week, but a lot will depend on my work schedule as well as how much spare time I will have to write a new chapter. So bear with me :D

Enjoy! :D

He was pacing back and forth, restless and unable to concentrate on anything else despite the sound of heavy rain against his bedroom window. He didn't even seem to mind the large boxes scattered everywhere around him, all labeled to help him remember what they contained, or the clock on the wall chiming midnight.

The boy suddenly stopped, a dead-serious look on his young face as he instinctively squeezed the letter he had been reading mere moments before, the sound of crumpling paper resonating in the semi-empty room, and took a deep breath to calm down. As much as he hated to admit it, he needed to rest for he had his very first day of high school the next morning and couldn't afford to ruin the image of the diligent student with perfect grades he had so hardly built during the years ever since his mother passed away.

He therefore forced himself to put the letter on his desk and sit on a single bed placed against the wall just by the window, and looked once more at the mess that was his room. He sighed at the thought of how much work that would require, and mentally smacked himself for not tidying up before. The only excuse he had was the desperate research he had been conducting during winter, which had become even more relentless as he approached the truth. He shook his head with a bitter smile as he thought of all the crap he had been through because of him.

He lied down in bed, trying to ignore how hot in was in the room, especially now that he was forced to keep the window closed because of the rain. "Still humid and warm as hell, though" he thought as he placed his arms behind his head for it to rest on them. As he stared at the ceiling above him, his thoughts ran once more to the man he had been researching about: Masayoshi Shido. An influential Diet representative. His father.

The boy felt rage boiling inside of him as he felt powerless: he finally had a name, and so what? What could he, a 15-year-old, ever do to prove he was the illegitimate son of a powerful politician?

Of course, he always hoped, deep down, that the man in question had regretted his decision to abandon his mother when she was still pregnant and was now looking for his son too. However, the brown-haired boy would quickly dismiss that thought, because he knew that Shido had enough tools and money to find him if he really wanted to. Besides, a real man would never abandon a woman with child and let her die alone and in disgrace, while his son was left in an orphanage, swapping families every year or so.

No matter what, every single family he'd had had always given up on him, growing tired of his silent and lonely personality. They would be kind and understanding in the start, before turning angry at him and sending him back to the orphanage. The only ones who had been able to cope with his odd behavior were his current guardians, whom he had lived with for three years before deciding to move to his own flat in the heart of Tokyo, though he had been careful to choose a quiet neighborhood to concentrate on his studies and to avoid drawing too much attention to himself. The grades he got granted him the best scholarship a student could wish for, which allowed him to have enough money to live on his own. His life could be pretty good had it not been for the man that haunted him day and night.

"Masayoshi Shido" he whispered angrily "You'll pay for what you did to me and mom."