Florent - I know when I laugh so hard I cry, I have to write it. So here you go... Astrid loving on Hiccup's butt.
Set around the time of HTTYD2, but before any of the drama. A rather light-hearted ode to the Hiccup butt from Astrid.
It's not that Astrid doesn't appreciate the front view of Hiccup's near obscenely tight trousers. Because she does. But... it's not what she likes the most. Not when they offer such a view of a surprisingly round, firm butt.
It was honestly ridiculous. How had this strip of a Viking become this lean, wiry man with an ass to die for? Astrid couldn't fail to notice - he wore tight leggings and when they were flying, he was always lifting that butt up from the saddle, straining enticingly against the cloth covering it.
Then there was the feel of it. When they were laying in bed together, kissing and touching, Astrid could never resist getting great big handfuls of it, squeezing and cupping the tight curve. She had an urge to tattoo her name across it, just in case anybody got any ideas about enjoying the pert backside the way she did.
Said butt was currently practically waving in her face from the back of Toothless, where Hiccup was bending forward to dive through the air on his dragon. It was a good thing Stormfly was paying attention to where they were flying... because Astrid wasn't.
It didn't get any better when they were done flying, because then Hiccup went to work in the forge and that involved an outrageous amount of him bending over, then covered in sweat and smelling of exertion and smoke.
Gods, how was Hiccup allowed to be this irresistible? Astrid swore to Odin, he was doing it on purpose and finding reasons to present that beautiful curve to her at every opportunity. And then when the clothes came off...
It was so flawless, pale from the lack of sun and looked as though it was sculpted from finest stone. Hiccup often complained she would rather look at him from behind, pouting until Astrid compromised by kissing him whilst still reaching down to fill her hands with the mounds of flesh. It seemed to suit them both.
"G'day milady. You busy?"
"Not particularly. You?"
"I'm about to go mapping to avoid my dad. Want to come?"
About to tell him not to keep ditching his dad, Astrid considered how going mapping meant more eyefuls of Hiccup's ass in his tight leggings, and her answer was simple.
"Lead the way."
I could not take this seriously for a second. Although now I can't seem to stop looking at Hiccup's butt while watching HTTYD2 as we speak.