A/N: So, this story is a stand alone, it follows the characters through Harry's sixth year and the happenings in HBP, I will obviously be taking artistic license as its only partial cannon in regards to relationships, situations that occur and the development of the war. It IS SLASH so if you don't like that you can still read this story and skip the MXM chapters as I will have chapter warnings when it will occur. Relatively slow burn but I already have several chapters written. I've done a little research on Snape's childhood home and background pulling from both movies and books as well as fan-made-dissections of Snape's passed, his home and his position in the war.

I want this to be as realistic as possible and stay as true as possible to Rowling's work but as it's a fanfiction story you will obviously see changes in some of the things that happened in the books and movies and some things will or won't happen all together. Questions, comments, corrections or constructive criticism is welcome, no flames as I never learned to appreciate them.

One last note, I do not have a computer and write most of my stories on a pad, my pad often makes REALLY stupid auto corrections and sometimes I don't catch them. I've tried my best to edit these chapters, going through them multiple times but sometimes my correction of the auto correction still doesn't turn out right because it auto corrects again. Please pardon any typos, misspellings or improper grammar as this this is pad is not near as clever as it should be and I often miss things.

Please enjoy and R&R

Much Love,


Chapter One

Snape's Memory

He is sitting in the darkest most dirty corner he can find. He's hoping, though his hopes have been dashed before, that if he can just stay small enough, crunched up and head down then his father won't notice him.

It's been three hours now, he dares to raise his head and glance at the cracked face of the clock on the mantle, three and a half he realizes. His father's voice ringing through the house, his mother biting back but mostly just screaming and grunting as he beats her down, as he destroys her spirit.

Another crack of skin on skin and then a thump, more violent vulgar words fly from his father's lips and Severus hears a sob, the first one she has let out since this roe started. He can't help but feel proud of her despite his shame flaring in his chest due to his own inaction.

He jerks his head down as he hears the heavy footsteps approaching and his heart beat intensifies but as the shadow falls over him it doesn't even linger. It washes, like some sort of nightmarish phantom, over his balled up form before it slides away and his father is out the front.

The sound of a door opening and shutting, than an engine starting and as the tires squeal and the noise of the old motor fades off into the distance he still doesn't move though his anxiety has started to dissipate.

He remains frozen, still too scared to move, the tick of the old abused clock is the only sound in the still house.

Suddenly a noise is heard, a sort of crawling noise, a clothed body on wood, and then a soft whisper, "Severus? Severus, come to mummy."

In an instant the boy is scrambling up and peeking around the corner of the living room wall to look into the kitchen. His mother lays there on the floor, one arm stretched out above her head, the other palm pressed to the floor as she tries without success to get up.

"Severus, come to mummy, please mummy needs you. My clever boy-" she pants out just above a whisper.

He moves without hesitation and comes to sit on his knees before her, his tiny hand gently brushing the red matted hair out of her face.

"Did he- hurt…. Hurt you my love?" she asks as a tear rolls down her face and dark brown eyes try to search him over for any visible signs of violence.

He shakes his head no and relief washes over her face, "My darling, do you remember where mummy keeps her special box?"

Severus thinks a moment, his eyes scanning his own young memory and he silently nods, "Oh! Good boy! Can you get- oh Gods, can you get it for mummy please?"

Severus hesitates and she gives a weak smile, "I'll be okay, just go get my special box, that's my good boy, go on."

The boy moves quickly, running back through the sitting room and tripping as he rushes up the stairs, they creak and groan under his light weight but it doesn't seem to deter him.

When Severus reaches his parents room he stops at the threshold, his father always gets so mad when he goes into their room. Yet, his mother had told him to and she needs him.

He ran forward and dropped to his belly before shimmying under the bed and pulling at the old dusty floor boards.

He was greeted by the site of an old oak chest, no bigger than a shoebox and he quickly pulled it out and hurried back downstairs. When he reached his mother he waited but no response came from her.

"Mummy? I got the box." she didn't stir and Severus quickly shook her, a groan escaping her lips and his heart fluttered with relief.

"Such a good boy-" she whispered, "So handsome…"

"I got the box mummy."

"Open it." her voice was fainter than before, more groggy and Severus grabbed her shoulder and shook her lightly again, "Blue, the blue bottle for mummy." she managed to mumble out.

Severus's hands were shaking now, tears in his eyes due to the bad feeling washing through his chest. His mother had never been this unresponsive before, she could always get the box herself, could always help herself, he didn't understand why she was so tired.

He opened the lid and pulled out a small blue bottle and desperately tried to remove the stopper. He ended up using his teeth and spit it out as a bitter taste greeted his mouth.

Not sure if it was what he needed to do but not knowing anything else he moved on his knees and lifted her head to lay on his lap, "Drink, mummy." He said as he moved more hair out of the way.

His hand was withdrawn quickly when he saw the state of her face and his breathing came in heavy pants, "Mummy! Mummy drink it!"

He brought the bottle to her lips and used his other hand to open her mouth. Gently he poured, small amounts over several minutes.

When the bottle was empty he set it aside and stood, laying her head back on the ground. He rushed to the sink and found the least dirty rag he could, soaking it in cool water from the tap he returned and started to gently clean her face, "I'm here mummy. Wake up, please wake up."

Another soft murmur from her lips and her eyes cracked open, his heart exploded with relief, "I'm here mummy." He kept repeating, continuing to remove as much blood, dirt and spit as he could.

A half hour passed and finally she began to stir, "Severus, my clever boy, is there a green bottle in the box?"

He quickly looked, grabbing up the only green bottle he saw and held it before her swollen eyes "Yes. That's it. Open it."

He repeated what he had done before, struggling a little less to uncork the bottle and slowly gave it to her. Little sips at a time until the bottle was empty, and then his mother gave a soft smile, "Thank you my darling. Such a good boy." she seemed more awake, seemed more alert and Severus noticed the bruises and swelling were fading.

Another half hour ticked by and soon her face was near normal save for the pale color of her skin and a few faint traces of the ring his father wore.

She pushed herself up on shaking arms, one wrapping around her ribs as she let out a little grunt of pain, "Put the box on the table for me, will you darling. I need to make more medicine." He helped her to stand though it did little good as he was still very small and managed to get her to the table, he picked up a toppled chair and when she sat she let out another wince and grunt, "Do you see the book in there Severus? Is my notebook still in the box?"

Severus picked up another chair from the floor and on his knees, using his hands for balance peered over into the box and noticed for the first time the spine of a little brown book wedged between the remaining bottles and the back of the box.

He pulled it out and went to hand it to her, "Page eight my darling."

He waited a moment, not sure if he should comply, father always got so mad when his mother did such things as this but when he eyed her with uncertainty she gave a soft reassuring smile, "Papa won't be home for awhile, it's okay, it's just you and me. I want to teach you, wouldn't you like that?"

Slowly he nodded, still not sure how to feel about it but embracing the small amount of excitement working it's way through his chest.

"Page eight my darling, you and I are going to make some potions."

Several hours later Severus was bottling two different potions, his mother seemed to get better the longer he worked. He had been studious, following all her instructions and the recipe she had put into her little book, helping him as best she could and correcting any mistakes he made quickly but kindly.

They had just barely enough ingredients and had to improvise on more than one occasion with the measurements, his mother cursing so softly he almost didn't hear. He had forced a large amount of focus into this task, such an amount unheard of in most children his age, but as his mother often said he was a clever boy and the excitement of getting to make real potions had helped to streamline that youthful focus into something worthwhile.

As she helped him cork the bottle they heard a car pull into the drive and both their heads snapped to the door.

"Quickly now, put it away!" she whispered hurriedly as she put the bottles back, replaced the book and snapped the lid shut. Severus shuffled quickly and his mother hobbled to the sink in an attempt to hide and wash the evidence.

Severus went up and back down quick as a flash, finding his mother in the kitchen where he left her. There they stood, waiting, but when no other sounds were heard the woman slowly made her way to the door and peeked out from behind the dusty lace.

"Just someone turning about in the drive." she said softly as she looked at her son whose eyes calmed immediately.

He saw it then, some sort of realization behind her dark brown irises and her brow furrowed as she slowly approached him.

"Severus. I need you to do one more thing for mummy, think you can do that?"

The boy smiled softly and nodded, she gingerly got to her knees in front of him and took up his face in her hands, "I want you to go out today, and I want you to make a friend."

His eyes grew wide, head leaning back and away from her hold but she didn't release him and instead used a thumb to move his hair from out of his eyes, "Listen my darling, listen, I want you to go to the park, find a child and walk right up to them. Introduce yourself, be charming and polite, share toys and laugh at their jokes and spend time with them alright? Can you do this for mummy?"

"But I want to stay with you." He said softly, his eyes staring into hers and the smile she gave in response was wonderful and Severus wished he could see it more.

"You must go and find children your own age, I won't be here forever and I can't imagine you'd want to stay here with me forever anyway, no, you must have fun and be happy. So, you'll go today and when you get back you can tell me all about it, alright?"

Reluctantly he nodded and soon she was walking him out the door and to the sidewalk, "Now, don't talk to strangers, only children and stay away from the road and be very careful. Back before sundown yes?"

He nodded again and slowly started to walk towards the park, that late afternoon he would meet a girl named Lily Evans and one year later his mother would die.


Severus Snape made himself a drink from his decanter, the amber liquid swirling and bubbling as he poured into the small crystalline glass. The warm light from the fire reflected off the rim as he brought it to his lips.

He downed it quick before he poured himself another and then proceeded to sit in his wingback chair by the small hearth. His body felt cold, though the usual nip of chill in the air was absent.

He was in his rooms at Hogwarts, the school year having just ended last week. Yet, even with the time that had past he had not returned to his home at Spinner's End, he had done nothing to prepare for his departure.

Not even a day had passed when the students left before he had been summoned, called before the Dark Lord who was very eager to have a word with him.

After the incident at the Ministry all hell had broken loose in the media, and Voldemort was very eager to ask him many things, things regarding the boy. Things that he wasn't sure he could or should answer. He knew some of the truths, others he had no clue. He had referred to Dumbledore as the only man who really knew the deep truths about Potter. Yet, still, the dark Lord probed him, searched his mind seeing only what Severus would let him see and never brushing up against the walls that the potions master had constructed so painstakingly.

Voldemort had saw Severus's mild but often bias mistreatment of the boy, had seen him over the years try to cause Potter minor discomforts and annoyances, his hand never pushing further to cause any real suspicions from the headmaster or anyone else.

The darkly clad man had been slightly surprised at the Dark Lords mirth and approval of such catty and petty bullying. It seemed Severus, in Voldemort's mind, had placed himself in the perfect position for a secret mission and even now Severus couldn't fathom why he had been pulled aside.

Severus had played his part well but had been left with a memory and in such a very strange position. So now, nearly a week after school was over he was still at Hogwarts, waiting for the headmaster to return, for he had to show him something that sat like a heavy burden upon his mind.

The headmaster had been gone this past week but had ordered Severus to wait for his return. Tonight was that night and for the life of him Severus did not know how the headmaster would handle the news or what plan of action the man would take.

Finally, after another hour of his thoughts circling the drain of his subconscious mind, and another two thumbs of whisky Severus heard shifting behind the grate of his fireplace, his head turning slowly to watch as the face of Albus Dumbledore appeared in the flames.

"Severus, good evening, I have returned and look forward to speaking with you. Shall we meet in my office in, say, fifteen minutes?"

"As you wish." Severus said softly, his voice carrying a stiffness to it that did not go unnoticed by Dumbledore, "I see we have much to talk about. Very good, fifteen minutes it is then- oh I should tell you, the new password is fudge dudders."

Severus sighed, his head leaning back slowly as his eyes closed and Albus's face disappeared.

"Lily, help me." He prayed, but as was often in his life, no one was around to hear.


"Tell me Severus, what has the Dark Lord asked of you that has caused you so much discomfort. I can see it in your eyes and notice it in your posture. It's all so very telling, which is rare for you."

Severus stood before the headmaster's desk, arms at his side's and hands rolled into fists. His eyes were studying the floor intensely and his jaw set, as he spoke he still kept his eyes downcast, "I think, Albus, it would be better to simply show you."

Dumbledore studied him a moment before he simply nodded his head once and gracefully held out his arm to motion towards his pensive.

Severus slowly walked over, took out his wand and started the process of removing all the important memories. It took a total of ten minutes and a great deal of concentration from Severus as the memories weren't fresh but his mind was apparently still trying to process them.

Finally, taking a step back he motioned to the man that he was done and Dumbledore stepped up to the silvery liquid and leaned down.


Severus stands before the Dark Lord, body and voice perfectly controlled. His mind hidden behind layers and layers of shields, fabricated and benign memories suspended for easy access at the forefront of his mind.

The room is empty save for the two of them and Severus is surprised, he had expected others.

"Severus, my dear friend." comes the slithery whisper of the demon before him.

He kneels instantly when addressed by the dark lord with such a slow dignity, presenting a soft yet resolute loyalty and reverence towards the man before him.

"My Lord." comes his soft reply.

"You remain as ever my most composed servant, something I find I can't help but enjoy. There are many who think showing their respect is by showing their fear. But you have no such pretenses do you."

Severus kept his head down and spoke as calmly as ever, "No my Lord, if you should choose to remove me from your service I can do nothing to stop it. I shall remain as ever your loyal servant, no amount of fear or graveling will keep you from doing what you deem the correct action."

"So why not die with dignity then, yes. If only half my servants held as much conviction as you. Rise my friend! We have much to speak of and I want you to be comfortable." He has approached his servant and places his hand upon the man's head, his long spider like fingers gently threading through the man's hair, what is meant to be a comforting gesture stirs a morbid anxiety that Severus quickly reigns in and replaces with a false warmth and excitement.

"You are gracious my Lord." Severus offers up, his voice betraying nothing but a very muted relief.

As Voldemort walks away, leaving the Grand Hall behind, Severus walks next to him, keeping his pace even and his hands tightly gripped behind his back. They enter onto an exposed hallway made of large stone and lined with arches. The air is frightfully cold and the breeze is biting but Voldemort seems undeterred in his thin robes, still Severus is glad for his layers.

The view would be considered beautiful to most, the gorges and valleys below lined with a thick forest and far beyond there is a hint of snow capped mountains. The sky is gray and rain can be smelled on the air which is also laced with an electric current Severus cannot ignore.

"We have reached a crossroads Severus, a point where I had never dreamed of reaching. A realization of truths that have been hidden from me. You can't imagine the information I have gleaned whilst inside the boy."

"My Lord?" Severus asks, keeping his shields tightly in place, the unimportant tendrils and bits of memories dangling in the forefront of his mind ready for Voldemort to grasp up.

"The attack on the Ministry did not go according to plan, that inept old fool was ready for me, and I was too eager to finish the boy once and for all. I've sent several of your brethren in search of the traitor to whom our current loss is owed. When we find the person responsible their punishment shall be far worse than any seen before."

Severus's hands leave their clenched position, one snaking into his robes to very gently skim over his wand but he dare not grab it.

Voldemort stops and comes to stand next to the stone railing, his snake like eyes and face looking out onto the vastness before them, but Severus can tell the man does not see the beauty, nor does he appreciate the splendor. He sees nothing, only space and raw materials, dead eyes scanning to the farthest mountain.

"So many years of loyal service to me should be rewarded, the information you have given me over these past months has been crucial to our cause and the blind loyalties that Dumbledore thinks he illicites from you are quite strong. Still, I can't help but wonder- are you truly as loyal as you claim?"

Severus felt his head slowly turn towards the demon next to him, his eyes locking onto those red slits and his brow gave the smallest of furrows up in confusion, "My devotion is absolute my Lord. You may probe my mind and see for yourself-"

"I've no use for such tactics!" the sudden outburst nearly made Severus jump but his years of practiced control held true and he remained rooted to the spot. Voldemort had turned away and in a quick stride was across the hall, standing opposite and slightly further down. The pale gray light making him appear even more otherworldly as red eyes gleamed at his servant.

"You have never given me reason to doubt you, even Bellatrix cannot find those faults she so wishes to believe in. Yet, here I stand questioning you, why do you think that is?"

Severus cannot tell if the question is rhetorical or if the creature before him expects an answer, he braves a guess and replies as composed as ever, "I do not have the right to make assumptions my Lord. Your questioning is always valid and absolute and I shan't stand against it. What you wish I shall do, bid me and I shall comply."

The demon's face slowly falls from its twisted hate filled glare to one of complete neutrality. "Always willing, such a good servant to me, to our great and just cause."

"Yes, my Lord." and Severus bows his head in contrition though the act itself is for show. His hand still resides next to his wand but he remains relaxed in posture and makes no other motions to indicate discomfort.

Voldemort approaches then, slow and steady, his fingers coming to steeple before his face and as he moves before Severus the darkly clad servant feels those icy fingers take up his chin, face raised up to look into those devilish eyes, "I question you for your own good my dear friend. It is not so wrong of me to believe that my most hated enemy could pull you away from me. Dumbledore has such ways about him. And you must suffer through the man's lies and puzzles, continuing to portray the repentant fool, yet here you stand before me resolute in your decision. You stand on the winning side Severus, however, the old man can have quite a way with words and the very idea of him being able to worm his way into your heart and mind causes me tremendous concern."

Those spider like fingers release their hold and the demon moves languidly to the side, Severus's eyes following but his head stays still as a statue.

"I am loyal to you." is Severus's reply keeping his tone soft and compliant, no weakness about him as such a thing could end his life.

"You are aren't you? No interest in anything Dumbledore has to offer? No... temptations?"

"None." He affirms though at this point he is feeling a little uneasy, for once he can't see where this conversation is going. He couldn't predict what the point of it all is and he feels a sort of longing now to be gone from here though he buries it quickly.

"You must be the greatest actor in my collection of servants, able to pull the wool over Dumbledore's eyes, hide from his probing mind- he suspects nothing does he."


"This is the very reason I have chosen you, Severus. Now, answer me this, what do you know of Harry Potter?"

Severus can't question Voldemort as he knows it will just anger him, his need for clarification will go unanswered and he tried his best to answer the loaded question, "I only know what Dumbledore allows me to know. I do not press in regards to the boy as I do not want to raise suspicion."

Voldemort's face betrays a knowing smile, "Come now Severus, even if Dumbledore were to tell you nothing, you can make your own inferences. What do you make of young Harry?"

Severus MUST play his hand carefully, must be smart and not give to much or too little, "He is brave but foolish, neglected by his relatives and disliked by them just as well, which has caused a certain thirst for attention and acceptance. He is the first to jump to the defense of those he deems innocent or worthy, and the last to take responsibility for his actions. He is cocky, arrogant and has a certain disregard for rules and regulations. Quick to temper, quick to trust and quick to shut down he is the epitome of a hormonal, abused and unloved child who found friends just soon enough to pull him out of his self-imposed punishments. He is harder on himself than anyone else and judges himself based on the expectations of society and those around him rather than his own beliefs, this causes him to falter as often his own beliefs clash with the beliefs of those around him and he wishes to make everyone happy, even if it crushes his own desires in the process."

Voldemort's jagged-toothed smile leers at him when Severus has finished, those dead eyes locked onto his own and a dark chuckle escapes Voldemort's throat, "So, in your opinion the boy is weak willed in regards to those around him that he cares about, yes?"

"Among other things, unfortunately Dumbledore would be your best chance to truly understand the inner workings of the brat." Severus said as he cocked a brow to show his confusion.

"I had a very short conversation with the boy whilst I held possession of him in the ministry. What he said to me was nothing but sentimental words laced through his mind by uneducated experience, no doubt the Headmaster played a role in his naive views. Filling his head with such a putrid thing as love."

Voldemort turned away quickly, Severus could tell the man was thinking, sorting through the information given to him. He turned back just as quick came right into Severus's space, his bony, claw like fingers coming up gracefully to barely move the man's dark hair away from his cheek, "Before I give you your task I must be permitted to see a few… memories, I must know where you stand with the boy, how much damage there is between you."

Severus knows that despite how Voldemort has worded it, 'must be permitted' is not a request, it is a command and the spy is aware of what the man is ordering him to do. He wants to see Severus's memories of Harry.

This is the first time the Dark Lord has ever even hinted at caring about the relationship between the two of them, still, Severus is glad he has prepared for such an instance.

"As my Lord commands." Severus says and he instantly closes his eyes and prepares himself. He calms all remaining thoughts, shuts down every emotion and triple checks his shields. Inside his head is nothing but false blocks guarding memories that any normal person would guard, memories of parents, intimate events, moments of trauma, embarrassment or loved ones. Behind all the blocks that would be expected are more blocks which hide memories of even darker design, things people wouldn't want others to see, things of a demented and personal nature. Further behind those he has hidden the ones that the dark Lord should never see, in regards to his allegiance, the Order and more. In between each shield are false memories, dead end spaces, loops of thought, dreams and nightmares.

So when Voldemort rounds on him and pulls out his wand, a leer in his eye and a sort of perverse pleasure twisting across his lips Severus feels relatively confident if not entirely overwhelmed.

The wand is pointed at him, and then Severus feels the spell brush his mind and the Dark Lord is inside his head. The creature is quick, wasting no time in flashing through the memories that Severus carefully presents. The raw evil and twisted hate of the wraith like man before him caressing and clawing at his mind. Images of Severus's interactions with the boy playing like a film reel before his mind. Every single moment that the two have bumped heads, insulted each other, yelled or fought through the school years.

Severus's haute derision, his superior sneers and his dark skeptical eyes watching the boy in the halls, steaming hatred and intoxicating loathing swelling in his chest as he forces those emotions often saved for the boy's father forward.

"Rude, lazy, sloppy, egocentric, selfish, spoiled, entitled little BRAT!" The words he has spoken over many years smashing against his ears and brain as he instinctively jerks his head at this violent intrusion.

The only words he can think to describe such a feeling are bluntly these, MIND RAPE.

"Don't fight me, don't fight your master." He hears Voldemort whisper to his conscious mind as he tries to press deeper, and Severus feels a raw and sadistic pain continue to claw at his memories and press against blocks that Severus purposefully allow to shatter.

His father beating him, his mother screaming and a perverse and intense arousal at the prospect of mastering the dark arts in his youth and the things he could do to his father when he had.

A fight, him and James Potter punching, kicking and Severus still trying even when it becomes three on one. His anger and hate boiling and his raw aggression fueling his dark desires to rid the world of the entitled and savage people who think they own it, own him.

He forces an image forward of Harry's first day in potions, how he had berated and ostracized the boy in front of the class and drank in the child's humility and red cheeks like a fine wine.

The boy glaring at him and accusing him of being a servant of the Dark Lord and Dumbledore's subsequent defense of him. The incident with Weasley and the Whomping Willow, the late night detentions and Severus's cruel insults and petty bullying. Severus presents more memories and more emotions, all of which give the image of pure disdain for the boy and his righteous overzealous ways.

Voldemort doesn't push further, and finally he is receding and Severus can't retain his composure as the man rips free with purposeful intent to cause pain.

Severus's hands are on the icy stone rail of the balcony, sweat on his brow and teeth clenched when the demon is fully removed from his mind. His knees shake and his stomach feels nauseous and it takes most of his strength to stand yet he remains upright, forces calm back into his mind and keeps himself from showing any weakness.

His eyes are wide, staring down into the abyss below, a look of near trauma etched across his face and a fleeting thought came to him about how Potter must have felt last year when Severus had tried to teach him this very thing.

"You may rest Severus, do not worry about showing such weaknesses in front of me. You'll find I would take more offense to such a thing as false strength than admitting when you're beaten." the pride and pleasure in the man's voice is repulsive but Severus does not shiver as he so wishes.

And at Voldemort's permission he sinks to his knees, his head bowed and his hands still gripping the rail. Soft pants escape from his mouth but he retains his guise and exudes softly, "Thank you my Lord." He is having trouble removing the feeling of insanity from his mind and it takes him an extra second to right himself.

When he is standing he inhales one last slow deep breath before he submissively squares himself and humbly looks to his master, "Did you find what you needed my Lord?"

"I am impressed Severus. There are few who can accept my presence in their mind so admirably. It took Lucious three hours to compose himself, and Bellatrix nearly one and a half. I dare say it only took you five."

"I am always ready to serve my Lord, it was an honor to share your essence." dark eyes depict true sincerity but his mind is rearing back in disgust.

"Your relationship with the boy is strained, more damaged than I had hoped. But, I think you have the ability to persuade him otherwise."

"My Lord?" Severus questions in shock as he looks at Voldemort with true confusion.

"I have a mission for you of the utmost importance, are you ready to do this for your master?"

"I am."

"Then walk with me, after all, it is a beautiful morning."


Severus stood by the window in Dumbledore's office, his arms hanging limp at his sides and his eyes searching the grounds far below. He was still waiting for Dumbledore to come out of the Pensive, the many clocks and small trinkets in the man's office driving his nerves up the wall.

Another ten minutes passed and Severus realized the time was nearing his memories end. So he summoned an elf and requested tea and then turned and waited impatiently for the man to reemerge.

His eyes scanned the shelves behind the desk and they locked onto a tall thin bottle, he hesitated, his eyes glancing to the man peering into the bowl and then back, "Yes." He said softly as he strolled to the shelf, "Yes, you are just what I need."


"You understand Severus then, why I have selected you for this task?"

Severus does understand, giving the circumstances Severus would be the ONLY option but still he wishes it was not he who the Dark Lord made such a request. His stomach nearly crawling at the thought and he can't stop his lips from a repulsive sneer, though he has turned his head to hide it.

"Yes, my Lord."

"I need you to understand, I want that boy's heart so thoroughly attached to you that you could command him to perform the killing curse and he would comply. I want him bewitched and ensnared by you, totally at the mercy of his own heart and that filthy love that he invests so much in. You need to become his reason to live, and if necessary, his reason to die. You will do this for me, and I in turn will make sure that not a single ONE of your brethren attempt to touch him this summer. You win the boy over, and I will take care of the rest. I want him eating out of your palm by the end of the upcoming school year."

Severus feels absolutely sick, lost for words and utterly confused but he keeps it all pressed down in his gut and looks at the Dark Lord with concern, "And if I fail to-"

"You will not fail. You've managed to hide your true loyalties from the old fool, how hard could it be for you to win the trust and admiration of a young boy who's just lost his only true family member."

Severus turns to look at Voldemort with a raised brow and questioning eyes and the evil man chuckles in delight, "oh yes, Severus, use his suffering and sorrow against him, embrace him in such a way that he will replace his want for the mangy traitorous dog with a want of you and your approval. I will make sure any word of this getting back to our troops will be ignored, and when you have done as you've been instructed and the time is right, I shall inform you of the rest of the plan."

"And what will you have me say to Dumbledore? How am I to persuade him to allow me summer custody of the boy? The magical protection of his relatives house-"

"You will think of something Severus, I've had the pleasure of viewing some of your most licentious desires, tortures you wished to illicit upon your unwanted muggle father, know all that and more await you if you fail. I expect it to be done and you've not ever failed me before. Do you understand?"

Severus bows his head, "Yes, as you command it so shall it be."

"Very good. Do not expect to hear from me for a time, I shall be burrowed away in my work. You just do as you're told and you shall finally have your reward."

He bows again and knows in that instant he is being dismissed. He turns to walk away but is stopped by the soft call of the ghoul behind him, "And Severus, do be careful, love is a very dangerous and often contagious disease. It would not due to get caught up in something so- perverse and disgusting, your heart won't be able to bare it and I'd hate to have to put you out of your misery."

Severus bows for the third time, the warning in Voldemort's words not lost on him, "Of course My Lord, you are wise."


When Dumbledore finally emerged his face slowly peered up from the bowl and locked eyes with Severus, "Tea?" the darkly clad man offered with a bemused look.

"Something stronger-" Dumbledore muttered as he put the Pensive away and moved to sit at his desk.

"Indeed." Severus poured a shot of brandy into both cups.

"Dear boy, how many have you had?" the old man's eyes taking in the subtle red hue of color in the pale cheeks of his companion.

"Not enough."

"Mmm." Dumbledore took sip of the tea and made a satisfied if not slightly surprised face.

"Elvish brandy in tea?"

Severus only grunted in reply, Dumbledore nodded and leaned back in his chair with a heavy sigh, a steady hand coming to his face.

"I am surprised at your thorough examination of Harry's inner traumas and habits. For someone so unimpressed with the boy, you have done well diagnosing his mental health."

"Don't bait me right now Albus, I told the Dark Lord what he wanted to hear, I guessed at most of it, just from seeing his interactions with others and his stupid antics he has gotten up to in recent years."

"You begrudge him so little faith. Still, you appear to be more invested in Harry than even I could perceive."

"You do not perceive much."

Dumbledore simply gave a knowing look and nodded leaving Severus to roll his eyes despite the immaturity of the act.

As the silence stretched on the younger man's patience grew thin until finally his reaction came sudden and quick as he leaned forward and slammed his cup down on the desk, "It IS urgent Albus! Why are you remaining silent when that sadistic madman wants me to- it's despicable, intolerable."

"I can't say I understand Voldemort's intentions clearly, this is after all very strange indeed."

Severus felt his temper flare "Very strange indeed my right eye! He wants me to take Potter to my home, get the little brat to trust me, he wants me to win the heart of a boy I have tried to humiliate and socially destroy for five years, he wants Potter to love me."

Dumbledore thought a moment and then sighed, "I cannot give you answers until I have more information. I find this as unsettling as you and not at all what I would expect from him, but Voldemort must have something up his sleeve."

"He mentioned making a realization while he was possessing the boy in the Ministry, tell me, don't hold back, is there ANYTHING that Potter knows, anything in his subconscious that could give that demon of a man some sort of leverage?"

Dumbledore thought about it in earnest, his watery blue eyes staring at the dark orbs before his own, "I may have a possible motive, but before I can share it I need time to confirm my suspicions. I will need your help to do this." He finally stated and Severus leaned back in his chair with a thump as his hand came to pinch the bridge of his nose, "And how, exactly am I supposed to get a boy who hates me, utterly detests my very existence to care for me? Let alone love me!"

"I think you will be surprised at young Harry's capacity to love. Especially his ability to forgive."

"Oh yes, the brat who is so compassionate to those around him, understanding to a fault and completely ready to forget I have made his life a living hell since he came to this school. That was the plan remember? All those years ago when you asked me to take up the roll of his protector? Keep your distance Severus, protect and shield him but never show your true intentions for you musn't show your hand!"


The man stood quickly and leaned forward, placing his hands on the edge of the desk before him, "I can't do this. You can't ask me to do this! It goes against everything you and I have tried to do! Everything we have successfully hidden, it goes against the very foundation I have spent the past five years trying to build!"

Dumbledore gave him a worried look, "I am not asking you to do this, Voldemort is, and unfortunately for the time being I see no way around it."

Severus's head jerked up to look at him, "We have no idea what the Dark Lord is planning Albus, we've no way to know he will actually tell his followers to stand down. For all we know, he may suspect me to be the one who leaked the attack at the ministry to the order. This could all be a set up to get Potter out in the open, to expose me and my true allegiance, killing two at once is no great feat for that psychopathic monster of a man."

"I understand your concern Severus, but we may have no choice. If this isn't a trap for you and Harry then we would show our hand anyway, at the very least he may kill you for not doing as you were told. We have found ourselves on the blade of a very sharp double-edge sword my dear friend, we would be best to get our balance now and take a chance then to slip and fall."

"No way will I... you are more a fool than I thought if you can't see... there are plenty of ways for us to do this without me being the one to do it." Severus finished and crossed his arms over his chest.

It was Dumbledore's turn to look bemused and he simply asked, "Such as?"

"Ask someone else, Polyjuice seems very popular this year. Minerva, Moody- Lupin for all I care, any of them could drink the damn potion and pretend to be me, only they will have the experience to worm their way into the brats heart! Order Weasley or Kingsley or Rubious! I'll brew Polyjuice every year for the next five if it means not having to comply with such a sadistic and cruel- better yet, just tell Potter what has happened, show him my memory, surely he can play nice and act the role just as well as myself until the dark Lord's plan is revealed!"


" I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO THIS!" The man bellowed as he turned away shamefully.

The silence was heavy and Dumbledore seemed to ponder this statement a moment before he said gently, "How did you come to find yourself on the receiving end of Lilly's love?"

"That was different. She… was different. Potter, most assuredly is not."

"No one is asking you to love him, they are asking you to-"

"I don't even love myself Albus. Surely one must love themselves before they can get the love of another."

"Those are very wise words for someone who claims to have no clue how to win someone's heart."

Severus grunted and turned around to stare at the older wizard, his face twisted in near disgust, "We will kill each other Albus, the boy and I will never see eye to eye and there is no way in Heaven, Hell or the spaces in between that that could EVER change. I will not be made a fool of, especially Not. Like. This!"

"I will help you. At the very least, together, we should be able to accomplish some form of friendship."

"I don't want to be his friend! I don't want anything to do with him!"

"There is no longer a choice in the matter for you. You've been given a task, and considering who gave it to you I suggest you accept my help, and allow yourself to experience this new situation. I dare say, you may very well learn to enjoy his company."

Severus slung himself down in the chair that resided before the man's desk, "I'd be more likely to enjoy the slow death Voldemort has assured to me if I fail. Mark my words Albus, this will not end well."

"End well or not, we have no other options at this current moment. You will return to your home, prepare him a room and then you will go and fetch him from Privet drive. I will have order members standing by, both outside of Harry's relatives and at Spinner's End. However, once you are there, you will be on your own, so take precautions and prepare yourself. I have more business to attend to in the North, so I shan't be able to see the two of you off I'm afraid. Just take it a day at a time, be kind and compassionate, try to offer understanding and patience. I have no doubt you will come to see Harry's attributes as his own and not that of his father nor his mother. You will see who he is Severus, Mark my words you will."

Severus just stared at the ground, his utter hatred for this situation stewing beneath the surface. He had no doubt that he was about to see a side of the boy he had never wanted or planned to see before, Severus only hoped that when Harry saw his own demons the boy would be as understanding and patient as everyone seemed to think he was.


Harry was lying in his bed and staring at the small ceiling of his equally small bedroom. His heart felt like lead and his skin was cold and clammy, the sticky sweat that dripped from his brow merged with the few tears that spilled from his eyes. Harry wished he could say he felt so horrible because his uncle had worked him mercilessly today, or because he had had a rather bad bought of food poisoning from eating some of the leftover scraps from the rubbish bin. But in all honestly, even though those previous statements were true, Harry could put the issues from the horrible incidents of the day on hold for the simple reason that he was in mourning.

Sirius had died less than two weeks ago and Harry's wounds were still fresh and raw. It seemed no matter how hard he was worked, starved, ignored or isolated from his friends, the pain Harry felt for the loss of his godfather Sirius beat any other pain or feelings of sickness that were present.

His summer had barely begun and he had already been overworked, underfed and locked in his room for the rest of the time. But the truth was he didn't notice anything other than the throbbing that twisted and mutilated his heart. Sirius was dead; his one chance to escape this place and have a real life, a real family and now his godfather had been murdered by that twisted witch of a woman Bellatrix Lestrange.

Harry only wished he had the type of personality that could wish her to suffer, but for now all he could do was lay in his room after a long day of ungodly chores and horrible stomach cramps and wish that he had jumped through the veil after his godfather.

"Boy! I say boy! Come down stairs!" Came a yell through his door as the locks twisted open and a knuckle brought loud banging noises on the old wood. Harry was tempted to ignore the command, as he wasn't sure he could make it down the stairs without hurling.

It didn't take a genius to know the chances of getting sick from eating out of the garbage were high, but he hadn't had a decent meal in days and he had been so hungry. Perhaps if he hadn't been forced to do so much work his hunger would have been lost to his depression but as he was using more energy than his body was making he finally gave in and stole something that he knew wouldn't be missed.

"Get up! Do you hear me boy, if you don't I'll come in there any make you. Now move!" Came the hissed call of his uncle again, punctuated by another sharp rap of knuckles on the door. Harry slowly stood on shaky legs, wincing as he felt the blisters from his sunburn stretch across his shirt. Tomorrow he didn't give a care of the repercussion; he was stealing some damn sunscreen from the bathroom.

Harry exited his bedroom and slowly made his way down stairs, only pausing a moment to try and keep his stomach down. If he threw up on the new carpet Harry realized the blisters wouldn't be a problem anymore. The belt would pop each one, most likely adding to the mess on the carpet and creating further misfortune for himself.

He finally crossed the threshold into the living room and put his hand on his stomach and wavered a little, "Yes, Uncle Vernon?" Harry asked.

Noticing that his aunt and cousin sat next to Harry's uncle staring off behind him the boy felt a shiver run up his spine and he turned to see who was settled opposite.

Professor Snape was sitting on the loveseat staring at him with a rather curious gaze. Harry felt his eyes go wide and his jaw drop and he quickly tried to straighten out his rather disgusting clothes (wearing his cousins old clothes while with his relatives protected his nice clothes for school) and flatten his hair to his head as his knees shook slightly.

"Prof-fessor…. I… what are you…" Harry couldn't finish and suddenly felt a fat hand take him by the scruff of his neck, "Sit down and be quiet." Uncle Vernon said with a little less force than he normally did, he pressed Harry down onto the floor and the boy blanched a little as his stomach shifted. He wiped the sweat from his brow and looked at his professor who was still eyeing him with an expression Harry had never seen before.

"Now, the boy is here. What is the meaning of this? Why are you here?" Uncle Vernon asked as he released Harry and placed his hand on his knee only a few inches from Harry's head.

If it had been Dumbledore the Dursleys surely wouldn't have laid a finger on Harry but they didn't know Snape. They didn't realize he could be more dangerous and far less forgiving than the Headmaster. Not that Harry expected Snape to run to his rescue or warn the Dursleys to lie off of him. He just hoped, that if he offered to scrub the man's cauldrons for the entirety of next term that the man wouldn't reveal anything embarrassing he might learn while here.

"I was sent by Professor Dumbledore to check on Mr. Potter. He hasn't been writing or keeping in contact with anyone from school and Dumbledore wanted to make sure that he was- alive and well, considering the recent events that occurred." Snape's words were measured, each chosen carefully and only a hint of distaste seemed to carry over into his speech. Harry could see how stiff and tight the man sat, how completely uncomfortable he was with the situation and Harry couldn't imagine of all the people to send why send Snape.

"Recent events?" Uncle Vernon asked with a puckered face, the tinge of deep red turning to a slightly darker purple, "And what have you done? We better not be having to pay for another of your mistakes boy." his uncle had seized up his hair and was pulling Harry's face up to look at him.

Harry frantically shook his head no as he gritted his teeth and kept his words buried in his chest.

Snape stayed silent as he watched these events unfold and Harry knew he was going to vomit. When Vernon released him Harry wiped his forehead again and gave a very soft groan.

"Quiet." Vernon hissed and rather gently smacked the boy upside the back of the head. Harry felt a wave of dizzy nauseous heat rise in his chest and head.

"The boy has not informed you then?" Snape started in his icy voice, though it seemed more indifferent then surprised.

"Informed us of what Severus?" his aunt asked in a biting tone that begged very little politeness and Harry jerked his head to look at her.

How the bloody hell did she know his name?

"I see." Snape said tartly as his eyes left Harry's aunts and scrolled over to his own.

Harry's head quickly turned away from that dark gaze and his eyes glanced up to look at his uncle who was glaring at him.

"D-drinks!? Anyone want drinks." Harry asked and his voice cracked horribly as he stood. Dudley who had been silent until now gave a snort and murmured, "Faggot."

Harry, whose whole day had been bad enough as it was, felt anger rise in him and he turned to look at Dudley saying softly, "Sadist."

Dudley went to get up and Harry took a step back but his aunt grabbed the rather stocky boy and somehow managed to yank him back down.

"Enough!" cried Vernon, "One more word from you and you'll regret it boy, you hear me? Now, go get the bloody drinks you fool." Vernon said with a frustrated breath as he stood over Harry with a throbbing red face and clenched fists.

Harry jumped up and rushed from the room and into the kitchen. He took a moment and allowed his breathing to calm down. His anger swelled up after a moment when he realized what this meant.

Snape was in his living room, with his relatives. No doubt taking pleasure in his appearance and the threat he had just taken from his cousin. He would have to deal with this all year now, now doubt the man would take advantage of this. Harry kicked the garbage can and then instantly regretted it. He pulled it back close and lost the small amount of food he had in his stomach. Though he doubted the half eaten spoiled banana and small piece of leftover meat had been doing him any good in the first place. His legs gave out and he sat on the floor feeling the sickness take hold.

He only waited long enough for it to pass before he quickly set water to boil and managed, despite his shaky hands, to set a tray with the proper amount of teacups and a small plate of biscuits. When the water boiled he added the tea and then placed the teapot on the tray and slowly made his way back to the sitting room.

When Harry entered only Snape looked at him, though the man continued to talk, and he quickly served everyone excluding himself, he didn't think his stomach could handle it plus he never usually was allowed to partake anyway. Once everyone was served he crossed to the fireplace and sat with his back against the wall and winced. The blisters on his back were so sore. Harry thought he might be sick again and wanted a clear shot to the bathroom.

"As it remains, you are still the only legal guardians he has." Snape said a moment later.

"Not surprised, even if the man was still alive I couldn't see him being able to put up with the brat. Never does enough around here and he is rather cheeky." Vernon said not even glancing at Harry.

Normally he was used to being treated like he wasn't in the room during a conversation but with Snape here it felt bad, really bad, like he was suddenly not even a human. He was used to his relatives treating him like dirt but to have a professor do it, even one as cruel as Snape, Harry felt annoyance and frustration rise up in him.

"So, this Sirius Black, he knew the boy's mother?" Aunt Petunia asked.

"And Mr. Potter's father, he was a family friend." Severus said tightly, his face remaining stoic despite his obvious desire to be anywhere else.

"And he was a freak like the boy too?" Vernon asked finally nodding towards Harry.

Harry noticed his aunt stiffen and watched closely as Snape slowly set his teacup down next to him.

"Freak?" Snape asked glancing towards Harry's aunt, and the boy could hear the delicate way the man said the word, could hear the hidden fury and part of him wanted to laugh.

"You one of them too?" Dudley asked before aunt Petunia could reply. Harry felt his heart go cold; Dudley rarely ever spoke when someone from his school came around. Ever since Harry had met Hagrid and the whole incident with the pigtail, Harry's cousin usually held his tongue.

Considering this was Snape and not Hagrid it would be in his relatives best interest for him to intervene, "No." Harry said softly.

Everyone looked at him and Harry sighed, "He isn't a freak. Just different."

There was a moment of silence, as everyone seemed to realize that the tension was growing thicker.

"Look, Mr-" his uncle started.

"Snape." His professor said.

"Yes, right, Mr. Snape, the boy is fine. He seems a little more lethargic than normal but it's none of our concern. He is keeping up with his chores and mostly stays in his room. If there isn't anything else I should like you to leave my home."

Harry saw the look of utter fear on his aunt's face, could see Dudley make the connection that he as well may have crossed a few lines. His uncle looked mostly oblivious until Harry noticed the slight tremor in the man's fat hands.

Snape looked over to Harry and the boy very barely shook his head no and watched as the professor looked back at the three muggles before him.

"I will gladly take my leave, I have no more desire to stay than you have for me to be here, however, there is one other thing, I need to speak to Mr. Potter alone a moment."

Harry perked; did the man have a message from Dumbledore? Snape would have left at any chance given to him if he could so if he had to stay longer it must be a message from Dumbledore.

"Very well, take him up to his room, I am tired of looking at him anyway. When he's done with you come back down and clean up this mess."

Vernon stood and headed towards the kitchen and Harry's aunt followed. Harry stood on shaky legs and crossed to his professor as Dudley stood and shoved him. Harry went sideways into Snape who gently shoved him back and Dudley grabbed him by the front of his shirt, "So, the guys are meeting at the old construction site tonight, if you aren't there for a quick game of Harry Hunting we will just come and find you tomorrow while you're weeding the garden." The boy gave a crooked smile released him as he walked off towards the kitchen.

"Go suck an egg you bloody vulture." Harry murmured as he looked after his cousin.

"Harry Hunting? Sounds intriguing." Snape offered with an evil sneer. " It's nothing-" Harry said with a snap, "what's professor Dumbledore's message ?" his green eyes finally looking to snape's.

Snape simply motioned for him to lead the way and Harry sighed as he reluctantly headed for the stairs.

Once in his room Harry sat on the bed and tried to ignore how ill he felt. He removed his glasses to wipe his face and then replaced them to see Snape looking around with narrow scrutinizing eyes, those dark orbs lingering on doodles that Harry had done long ago in another time of his life.

"What?" Harry asked feeling his embarrassment rise to his face.

"You feel alright Potter?" Snape asked and Harry looked up at the man through foggy eyes, he seemed reluctant to ask in the first place and Harry was reluctant himself to engage his professor in such a personal conversation.

"Fine sir, what is the message from Dumbledore? Am I to be moved to the burrow?" He asked hopefully.

Snape's eyes stared at him, the awkward silence thick, he didn't say anything but after a moment he did pull out his wand and Harry anxiously stared at him.

"Relax Potter, as much as I long for the opportunity to hex you I can restrain my urges." Snape said as he gently waved the wand over Harry's head and then down the front of the boys dirty shirt.

A piece of parchment appeared out of thin air and Harry could see writing on the other side.

"Is that Dumbledore's message?" Harry asked anxiously as he continued to wait for a reply.

Once again Snape didn't say anything but Harry saw the man's brow furrow as his eyes scanned the paper. They continued to scan for a lengthy time until a second page seemed to emerge from the first and float just the same and still Snape's eyes continued to scan.

"Sir, what is-"

"Silence!" The man snapped.

Harry bit his tongue and felt his anger and frustration rise in his chest as heat flushed his cheeks.

After a few more moments of this deafening silence Snape looked away from the papers and to the younger man in the room, "Potter, take off your shirt."

Harry's frustration melted and he froze as his breath hitched in his throat and he slowly looked up at the man before him,

"Professor I…"

"Your. Shirt. Potter. Now, lest I should have to spell it off of you." The man said through gritted teeth.

Harry knew better than to disobey his feared potions professor when he gave that look, so, Harry slowly removed his shirt and felt some of the blister's puss stick to the fabric. He clenched his teeth and gave a soft hiss as he did so.

When he finally got it off Snape grabbed him by his upper arm and pulled him to stand, "Turn around." The man said with little patience.

Harry did and tensed a little waiting for a jab at him; instead he was greeted by silence. A moment longer and Harry felt a single finger gently touch his skin. He spun around and reached for his shirt on the bed, "Don't bother." Snape said reaching into his robes.

He pulled out a medium sized jar from his cloak and took hold of Harry's shoulder. Harry reluctantly allowed the man to spin him around and soon Harry felt a wonderful sensation on his back. Harry couldn't help himself and he sighed and relaxed into the touch. Several minutes later the blistering pain of his sunburn was almost completely gone.

Harry turned to see his Professor replacing the bottle in his robes. Harry was about to open his mouth to say thank you when his belly let out a rather disgusting noise and Harry grabbed his stomach and ran to the small trash bin in the corner of the room. His cold sweat had returned and a wave of sick hit him hard. He tossed up mostly liquids and phlegm now. There just wasn't anything in there to get rid of.

When he finally stopped he pushed himself away from the bin and leaned against his closet door, "Sorry." Harry said softly as he closed his eyes a moment to stop the room from spinning.

"You have food poisoning." Snape said, his voice void of all emotion.

Harry nodded and said almost with a smirk, "Brilliant, I kind of figured that out myself."

Snape snorted and then reached into his robes again and pulled out another vial, which contained a light blue liquid.

"Drink." Harry shook his head, "I'll toss it."

Snape's right eye twitched, a clear sign of his annoyance, "Drink you damned fool." and then he simply tilted the bottle to Harry's lips and the boy had no choice but to drink reluctantly.

His stomach gave one last grumble of protest but then settled and Harry instantly felt better. His fever seemed to break quickly while his stomach felt full and soothed.

"Thanks." Harry said not daring to look at his professor.

The man stood stiffly and walked back over to the pieces of floating parchment, "Excellent." Harry said standing and crossing back to his bed, it had been days since he had let Hedwig out for a fly and he finally felt good enough to do it. He opened the cage door and the bird took off so quick that Harry almost lost his balance.

"Sorry! Sorry! I haven't been feeling well Hedwig!" He cried as the bird flapped around him and pecked at his head, "It won't happen again, I promise!" With that the owl took off through the window and into the fading sky.

Harry turned to see Snape glancing to the window the bird had just exited before he looked back down to the floor. Harry couldn't help daring to stare and he realized the man was thinking. He had never seen the man think before, as weird as that sounds. Snape always seemed to have something to say to him, an insult or instructions from Dumbledore or even threats. The silence was heavy, seeing those dark black eyes look at the floor, face absolutely blank yet relatively relaxed with no sneer. Snape looked nearly normal without his trademark frown or downward brow, and Harry wasn't sure he wanted to know what the man was thinking.

At this point, aside from his feelings about Sirius, which had not been on his mind since Snape arrived,Harry felt much better than he had earlier. He couldn't bring himself to be snippy with the man, despite his growing anxiety but he knew something was coming he wasn't going to like.

Suddenly, Snape spoke, his eyes only raising after the question had been asked, "You've have a sprain to your wrist this past week Mr. Potter, and a rather dark bruising around the back of your neck. Tell me, how did these injuries occur?"

Harry's own face must have shown surprise at the man's knowledge, he felt his eyes widen slight, his own face remaining relatively passive as pupils jumped back and forth studying the man.

"Dudley. Him and his friends, what does that have to do with anything?" Harry inquired, keeping his voice level.

"And the lacerations from last summer? Where those your cousins doing as well?" This made Harry falter as he knew he couldn't blame everything on Dudley, there were injuries he had sustained over the years that simply couldn't be blamed on the teenager, even if the boy was a spoiled rotten and hot tempered boxer.

"I... was climbing a tree to prune some… wait, how did you know about my back?" Harry asked with confusion, realization dawning that despite Snape's observational skills he had no way of knowing this without having been with Harry at the time.

Snape motioned with his wand and the pieces of floating parchment came to Harry who grabbed and read them quickly.

"A diagnostic Spell?" Harry asked as he scanned the rather long list of injuries.

"Very astute, Potter. There is something most interesting about yours-"

Harry looked up at the man from under his brow and realized he needed to tread carefully, "I don't see anything interest Professor."

"Well then, let me explain it to you, diagnostic spells can cover most of a person's life history of serious injury on one or two pages, you only have about ten years here and it would take another two pieces of parchment to show the rest of your medical history."

Harry released the pages, which continued to hover in the air, and looked at the man with angry eyes, "So?" and there Harry felt his Gryffindor attitude suddenly rearing its mighty head.

"So it seems that you have a very large amount of injuries to go through and most of them do not coincide with you and your friends little romps with the dark lord."

Harry turned away from the man, who as of yet, had not raised his voice or spoken one word of negativity towards him. The man had been quiet, uncomfortable and annoyed by the inconvenience but he had yet to truly show any of his least charming features.

The silence changed from heavy to pressing but Harry didn't budge and to his relief Snape moved on quickly, "Very well. It bothers me little to not know the secrets of Dumbledore's precious little golden boy. I've no time for such drivel anyway. Now, pack up your things. We are leaving."

Harry's head spun so fast around he nearly lost his balance, "I'm sorry sir, did you just say-"

"Move you stupid child! Pack your things, cage your bloody bird and gather your school books. We are leaving. If you are not down stairs and ready in five minutes I will go without you." and just like that the man turned to exit the room, stopping only long enough to give a rather lackluster stare at the locks and bolts that hung from the boys door.

Harry couldn't process it at first, standing there absolutely dumbfounded until an image of him sitting at the burrow laughing with his friends entered his mind and he instantly jerked into action. He had no doubt the man would leave him if he lingered and so he quickly grabbed everything he needed, shoving the items haphazardly into his trunk.

As if some great force had called to her Hedwig flew in through the window and landed in her cage. Stripping off his cousins rags and putting on some of his newer clothes he quickly tidied his hair and then was heading out the door.

He stopped at the top of the stairs when he heard hushed whispering, "You can't take him, the wards! I've had enough of this magic business but I won't let you put Lily's son in danger, no matter how much I hate the little brat."

"How maternal of you Tuney. So glad to know the boy has been well looked after and loved unendingly by your good heart." the sarcasm was not only there, it dripped from his words like a toxic slime.

"You beast of a man, I remember you, I remember it all and I won't let the little freak fall into the same trap his mother did, stupid arrogant little woman she was."

Harry jumped a little when he saw Snape whip his wand out and press the tip against the bottom of his aunts chin, "You and I have very different ideas about who fell into what trap Petunia. Let's not start off this transition on the wrong foot. The brat… is coming with me, you... can go about your pathetic little life, unimportant and in denial, while you waste away on your own bitterness."

"I don't think I am the only one wasting away on their bitterness Severus Snape." she hissed though Harry could see the fear in her eyes, Snape seemed to really be considering doing something and Harry felt his instincts kick in, he purposefully jarred his case on the corner of the wall and the two adults looked up the stairs, his aunt with concern and his professor with mounting annoyance.

Harry stopped next to his aunt and truly looked at her for the first time in a very long time, through the hate and anger, through the fear and resentment he saw a small twinkle of concern, a single drop of attachment and as Harry had no clue if or when he would be back he leaned forward slowly and gave the faintest peck of a kiss to her cheek, "Thank you, Aunt Petunia." though he didn't know why, because the woman did not deserve it, but something told him that this could be the last time he ever saw her.

The woman gave a very faint nod but said nothing nor did she return that one moment of love they had just shared, how ever small, weak and broken it was. Dread filled Harry as he walked passed his professor and headed out the front door.

He didn't see the look that passed between his aunt and Snape, black orbs of disgust meeting watery blue oceans of regret.


Harry felt his potions professor next to him but wasn't prepared for his things to pop out of sight, Hedwig included. He normally let her find her own way to the burrow, instead she was going to be mad at him again.

"Take my arm, Potter." The man said as he looked straight ahead and Harry could see the man's teeth gritting in his mouth.

"Sir, about my aunt, how do you-"

"Take. My. Arm. You stupid fool." The man hissed still not looking at him.

Harry reluctantly did so and he felt the heat of the man's arm through his thick sleeves.

Suddenly it was as if his body had been pinched and folded in all different directions and he was being hurled through a tight space. Moments later they reappeared and Harry landed with a grunt on his knees.

He felt dizzy and his world was spinning, his stomach giving a great lurch but he swallowed it down and took a breath, "I just apparated didn't I." Harry said looking up to the darkly clad man next to him.

A small frown graced the man's face, "Brilliant deduction Potter, though I'm disappointed, most people vomit the first time." Snape said as his eyes glanced down to Harry's pale face.

Harry rolled his eyes and looked ahead of him, expecting to see the burrow, instead however he was greeted by a large block of dilapidated buildings, row after row, the air hung heavy with smoke and mist and the smell was less than desirable.

The windows were dirty, with no sign of life or warmth and the feeling of the place was stagnant, heavy and unloved.

"Professor, where are we?" Harry asked, unable to take his eyes off the terrible structure before him.

"Welcome to Spinner's End, Potter." and with that, the man strode forward up the walk and disappeared inside the house. Harry was left out in the cold, on his knees, mouth open and eyes wide.

A/N: hope you liked chapter one. R&R to let me know I'm editing chapter two now.