"Of all the people, of all the humans. Hell, to meet a human to begin with."

Aofil cocks their head around to meet the voice. Could it be?

"And lo and behold, it's the one that owes me a couple of Sunday lunches."

"Tylior!" Aofil exclaims with overwhelming joy.

He spreads his arms out and nods at the sound of his name. "Gone for just a day, ey? Must be a very strange day since the sun has set, and even risen, plenty of times since we last met."

The two embrace each other in a large and friendly hug.

"You have no idea," Aofil says under their breath.

"It's really good to see you again, Aof," replies Tylior with a warm pat on Aofil's back. "Your back looks so wonderful."

An amused chuckle, one that's a long time coming for Aofil, is coughed out of them. Along with it Aofil feels some worry fading away. Hugging it out with the monsters is good and all, but feeling another human's skin against theirs is just something that they just now realized that they needed. They might've talked it out with the monsters, but in the end, they're a human.

Once the two friends part ways from the hug, Tylior runs his hand up and down Aofil. "And the front of you isn't that bad either," he jests. "And look, you're wearing short slee-" Tylior face freezes into a perplexed expression as he spots Aofil's forearms.

Oh yeah, he didn't know. Now he does, though.

"You want to touch it?" Aofil asks curiously while lifting their arm up to Tylior. They can see him staring hard on the patch of fur on their arm. They're half temped to rub his face in it. Actually, more than half, ninety nine out of a hundred tempted to.

He flinches back and blows his lips just before a single strand can touch his lips. Tylior takes a step back as he dries off his mouth. "That's..."

"The reason I wore long sleeves, yeah." Aofil returns their arm back to their side. They shoot it back up to Tylior's face when he steps back towards Aofil, because they might as well take advantage of this once in a lifetime situation. "You sure you don't want to touch it?"

A gentle, yet still completely stern, swat from Tylior gets his message across. "Not with my face."

Aofil allows Tylior a couple of seconds to cope with the shock, but as it subsides, Aofil sees a hungering curiosity grew in his eyes. He glances up to Aofil's eyes to make sure, and Aofil gives him their blessing. He rubs his fingers together half eagerly, half hesitant.

"Ouch!" Aofil jerks their arm back when Tylior touches their fur. They can't hold their facade for long though, and they start chuckling at Tylior's panicked expression.

"You can't fucking do that, Aof," he says with a shaky voice. "Don't be an asshole now. I'm confused enough as it is."

Guess he is. Maybe Aofil went a bit too far. "Sorry," they say. "It doesn't hurt me, I swear."

Tylior runs his finger carefully on the top of Aofil's arm. It tickles Aofil, and the way he carefully, almost frighteningly, moves his finger around, has Aofil again chuckling to themselves.

Tylior stops his finger. "You're not getting aroused by this, I hope."

"What will your girlfriend say when she hears about this?" Aofil feigns disgust.

"Is it real?" Tylior wonders. "I mean...Yeah, is it real? What is it?"

"It's one of the reasons I...you know," Aofil admits. "It's tied to that allergy I had."


Aofil nods.

After finishing wiping his fingers off on his shirt, Tylior nods as well. "I see," he says while keeping his eyes on Aofil's arm. "Is it connected to how your arm was broken for less than a day? I remember you leaning on it a day or after you punched that wall."

"You can say that."

"But it doesn't hurt you right now?" Tylior asks while raising an inquisitive eyebrow. "You seem to be comfortable with it now. What's been going on with you these last weeks?"

"I've been doing a bit of, let's say, soul searching."

"Figuratively?" Tylior pries.

"Not really. It's not something I really want to discuss. I'm fine now though, despite it."

"So?" Tylior makes a rolling motion with his hand. "What happened? Last I saw of you, you were more under the weather than rolling fog in the Underground. Now you're letting me touch some apparent fur that you have on your arm, and have had for as long as we've known each other. Magic fur, even. Magic that you're comfortable around. Your cheeks aren't red. Your eyes aren't red. Redder," he correct. "Seems like your allergy has just up and disappeared! Next thing you're gonna tell is that you haven't had your medication?"

Tylior reaches into his pocket. "You don't even have to tell me." He pulls out a plastic container filled with the pills Aofil used to take. They even have Aofil's name on it! "I have them here."

Aofil's brow furrows deep as a chasm. "How did you even get them? Why did you get them?"

"Because you still forget to lock your damn door, Aofil."

"Did you break into my apartment again?"

A deep sigh escapes Tylior. "When you left," he pockets the pills again, "and didn't come back after one day like you said you would, I became worried. The mood you were in, the things you talked about when we had that lunch, they balled up. You didn't answer your phone, your neighbors hadn't seen you. I..." Tylior moves his hand up to his forehead, and caresses it before running his hand down to his mouth. "I was scared for you. Scared about what you were capable of while in that state of your mind. It was probably already too late to check up on you when I finally decided to, but I still did. You weren't there when I entered your home. There was only a pile of your mail. You should probably send in your rent if you haven't done it already."

"Oh! Yeah, I'll send it in today."

Tylior pats his pocket. "Your doctor also sent you that refill you asked for. Two bottles, so I took one in case I ran into you here. It was the last place you said that you were going to, so I thought maybe..."

Tylior sighs into his hand before removing it. He takes a couple of second to collect himself by staring into the horizon. "You wanna get some lunch? Sevoltne told me of a place that she recommends. She left her car around the corner for me to use. I'm supposed to visit her family here, but you know how the buses are. Always running late, around the time it takes to have lunch with a friend or so. Unless you're waiting for a bus youself, that is?"

"No," Aofil points across the bus parking lot, towards an incoming moving truck. "I just need to give the driver the address. I was planning on getting a ride from them, but I could go for some lunch, sure."

"Ah, so you're moving?" Tylior gives Aofil a wide smile. "Then I'll wheel the car around next to the truck."

"You do that."

It strikes Aofil, not enough to be odd, because in a sense, the main bus station would be the best chance of meeting another human, but it strikes them nonetheless, that it's been the place where they've run into someone they thought were out of their life, and both are human to boot.

This time, however, they're actually looking forward to spending time with the human they met at the bus terminal. A friend, someone to clear the air some more with. The extensive talking they had with the monsters was exhaustive, but as Aofil went to bed in one of the Dreemurr's guest rooms that night, they actually looked forward to sleeping. Even better, they looked forward to waking up.

It's been awhile since Aofil last remembered wanting to wake up the next morning.

It was a lot to do though before they could close their eyes and feel safe about it. There's still a lot to do even now. A long road ahead for Aofil, but they've taken the first step. They admitted. It was the first step. They admitted…

And almost had all their air hugged right out of them.

There was some talking afterwards, about what Aofil felt the monsters had done wrong to them. They mounted all the blame, but Aofil knew that they didn't have to. It was all their own choice, after all. Their choice to stay, their choice to help, their choice to run away.

This time though, Aofil's gonna make the right choice.

They hope.

They want.

Please, let it be this time.

It's starting off pretty good, that much Aofil can say. Despite the other times, with Aofil hitting their head, falling down into the Underground and almost dying, and deciding to willingly kill the monsters, instead of accidentally.

They left that part out. It's in the past. A past that never happened, but that Aofil has to live with regardless. That will never fade.

Aofil flexes the fur on their arm.

Nor will this, so the best course of action is trying to live with it. Aofil wishes that they've learned that sooner.

But wishing made their curse blossom, wishing that all of this never happened. Magic doesn't exist...Well, it does, but not the magic that involves wishing. Only other magic, like fur growing on an arm because a piece of a monster prince's soul is fused to a broken human's soul that broke during them almost dying to their long lost twin fusing with said monster prince's soul and-

"Woah! Watch out!"

Aofil recoils back, stumbling as their thinking occupied them enough not to notice them walking right into the opened passenger door of the moving truck. They rub the impact on their forehead, gritting their teeth and sucking air through them to keep the pain in.

The driver closes the door. "You alright?" she asks while checking for any bleeding.

"I'm," Aofil exhales deeply, "fine."

"You're Aofil, right? We was told to meet you here."

"Yeah, here's the address." Aofil hands over the paper they got from Asgore to the driver. The seal is still on, as Aofil's pretty damn sure where Asgore and Toriel have planned on Aofil living. "I'm having lunch with a friend, so you can drive ahead."

The driver taps the paper between her thumb and index finger. "Sure." She seems a bit confused over the whole ordeal.

Aofil tries to make it seem like they don't notice, or is in thumping pain. They throw up a thumb in approval. "Yes."

They're saved in the nick of this awkward moment by Tylior honking a few spaces away from the moving truck. Aofil waves a quick goodbye to the driver, and heads over.

"Careful not to hit your head," he advises as Aofil eases themselves into the passenger seat, brushing away some yellow feathers before seating completely.

Did he see? Does he know? Aofil keeps their eyes on him as they fumble with their seat belt, but he either has the most developed poker face in the world, or he didn't see. Judging by Aofil's past experiences with playing poker with him, they hazard the latter option.

"How far is it?" Aofil asks.

Tylior turns around to show that he's talking on the phone, and Aofil mouths a "sorry".

"Yes, Sev, I'm on my way there." Tylior turns out on the main street. "No, that's not the sound of your car. It's the bus."

Aofil decides it's best not to say anything, and take the opportunity to look around the city they're about to live in from now on. They haven't been around it ever since they arrived and went on to look for a toilet.

Buildings with a mixture of architectural ages pass by the car window. Some new, some old. Some clearly human, some clearly monster. If Aofil didn't know any better they'd call it jarring. They still do, but that might change once they get used to it.


Get used to monsters around them. Get used to magic. Get used to that there won't probably be a quiet morning, or day, from now on. Perhaps not in a bad way though. When Aofil was alone, when it was just them and their thoughts, it didn't really work out, to say the underwhelmingly least. With the monsters now back to occupy Aofil's mind with other things, it might be a good change of pace with some noise to drown out their thoughts.

Hearing Tylior talk with his girlfriend about meaningless things is also good to Aofil's ears. His life is safe and good enough for meaningless to be meaningful. Although Aofil's not sure that they'll go so far as to argue...

"Orange is a complimentary color to your scales, Sev. It'll look great! It's also the color of the monster kingdom, so why not? I don't care if it's purple that's the actual color of the monster kingdom, but you get my point. I think it looks cozy, so can't we just leave it at there."

Whatever it is Tylior is arguing.

"What do you mean 'clash with the upholstery'?"

Yeah...whatever it might be.

His problem is not about memories from a previous reset going haywire, a long dead twin coming back and possessing, or bringing back an equally long dead prince to life, that's for sure.

Aofil shakes them off. Not the thoughts! Not now! They'll do their daily coping later. Now they want to enjoy themselves with a friend. Have lunch in the sun, and just not worry about anything.

And it is their enormous relief that they have a chance to.

That their head is actually listening to them. It's progress, it's a step forward, and Aofil's gonna enjoy every moment it opens up!

To a certain degree, that is. Maybe they'll finally give in and watch some of that Mew Mew Kissy Kissy with Alphys and Undyne. Although from what the two of them have described, it might be too much in the meaningless direction. Aofil won't know until they try though, but they fear that once Undyne has dragged them in she won't let them go. Both figuratively, and literally.

"Yes, I'll see you soon, my cute lizard."

A huffed voice escapes Tylior's phone's receiver before he disconnects the call. "She hates when I call her that, but if I'm lucky it'll shush any suspicion down from her that I'm actually here."

"You're such a gentlemen," Aofil comments with a snark.

"I know," he replies.

"Shouldn't be too far away now," Tylior informs as he turns away from the main street a couple of minutes after. "Sevoltne said that she's heard of this place, but never got to visit it. Should have nice food."

"Is it Mettaton's perchance?" Aofil wonders.

A quick scoff has some feathers on the dashboard in front of Tylior dancing briefly before settling back down. "Yeah, sure. Like we would be able to find a table. I know that you know the royal family, but I don't think even they can't just waltz inside and find a table just like that."

"It helps if you're kidnapped by him."

There's a silence.

"How serious are you about that, Aof?"

They shrug. "I'm not lying."

Another silence.

"It's not like I wanted to be kidnapped," Aofil makes clear with an outstretched hand. "In fact, I was having lunch with some other friends over at a place called..."

Aofil's hands flops down as they see what street they're on.

Oh no.

Tylior parks a car length away from a familiar store front.

No, why did he park? Why here?

Aofil turns to quickly implore Tylior to keep driving, but from the corner of their eye, they see that they've already been spotted. They can't drive away now! The car might be flipped over!

What to do?

"Aofil?" Tylior reaches into his pocket. "Are you alright? Do you need some-"

"No!" Aofil glances back to the monster that's now definitely spotted them from outside the car. They take a deep breath, and look sternly into Tylior's eyes. "When I get out of the car, that giant spider in the window is probably gonna come charging out the store for me. It's gonna be followed by an army or so of smaller ones that will drag me inside the cafe. Just wait until they're out of reach for you, and then get out of the car. I might be able to calm the situation down before you enter."

Tylior's hand stays in his pocket. "You-"

"Just!" Aofil heaves a heavy sigh with the intent to come to terms with what they're about to do. It helps, but not a lot. "Trust me on this."

Tylior's perplexed silence is as good as an answer that Aofil's gonna get. They unbuckle, and take one last breath before exiting the vehicle.

Muffet turns curiously around as the little legs of the chime shaped like a spider rings from above her door.

"Ahuhuhu! It's you again, Aofil!" she cheers as Aofil is dragged heels over head through the opened door with Muffin clinging like an ill weighted belt. He's accompanied by a small platoon of spiders steering Aofil's stumbles in the general direction of the counter Muffet is behind.

"Hello again, Muffet," Aofil greets back while almost tripping over themselves from the rapid swinging the one big, and many small, spiders do to coax Aofil towards Muffet. "Do you have a table for two?"

Her eyes widen.

"For two?" she repeats while putting a hand up to her subtly blushing cheek.

Her eyelids sink like rocks in an empty ocean full of air as Tylior comes bursting through the door. "Aofil!" he shouts, not entirely sure if he should try and drag the spiders on Aofil away, or not.

"For two," Muffet repeats with her hand now catching her heavy chin underneath her grumpy frown. She snaps her finger on three of her other hands, and the spiders leading Aofil through their waltz of wobbling jump off.

It takes a few steps for Aofil to regain their balance, and when they do, they meet a sour stare from Muffet. Almost triple as sour, because of the number of her eyes. She nods to outside one of the windows. "I'll send a spider out with a spider doughnut for you two."

Aofil barely manages to brush off their shoulders before their ears send the signal to halt all processes currently happening with Aofil's body! They have to clarify this.

"For free?" falls out of Aofil's mouth.

Muffet turns around, grumbling to herself. "Yes," she answers before taking some quick steps into the kitchen.

Her cheeks are as red as her flowing dress.

A startled, borderline embarrassingly sounding, yelp escapes from Tylior. Aofil swivels around to see a spider with a menu hoisting itself down towards Tylior. He takes the menu, and holds it like it's about to bite him any second now.

Another spider hands Aofil a menu as well. It hangs for a second or two, staring at Aofil, before zipping back up into the wooden rafters.

"What the fuck, Sevol?" Tylior mumbles, as he and Aofil seat themselves just outside the Spider Cafe. The sun peeks out from behind some clouds, shining warm light over the two friends. "Why did you recommend this place?"

"Every meal is an adventure with the monsters, Tyl."

He barely hears Aofil. "Yeah, I know that it was with Sev, but I thought that was just her. You were literally dragged into the store, Aofil. By spiders! And that one of them was huge! Then the one behind the counter said she would give you us free doughnuts."

As if on cue, a handful of spiders descend with two plates with one doughnut presented on each plate. One for Tylior, and one for Aofil.

"Could we get some water?" Aofil asks one of the spiders. "Or do you want something else, Tyl? Coffee?"

"Sure, I can go with some coffee."

"Two cups of coffee, then. And some water, just in case."

The waiter spiders skittle back inside through a gap in the wall.

"You seem familiar with all of this to the point of it being unsettling, Aof." Tylior feels a need to say. An extreme need, judging by the tone of his voice. "Do you know the owner or something?"

"Something like that," Aofil answers before diving behind the menu. "It's a long story," they add from behind the pictures of food and numbers stating ridiculous prices.

"They must be tangled up or something, because you're full of long stories, Aofil. No chance in hell that none of them are correlated."

"Yeah, you're right." Aofil lowers the menu. "Now that we're here, what is it you want to know?"

Tylior checks around him to see if the two of them are alone. There are some monsters a couple of tables away, but they're busy with their own talking to catch Aofil and Tylior's.

He leans forward with his forearms flat on the table, and his hands clasped together. "How are you, Aofil? Really, how do you feel?"

"I'm tired." Aofil sighs. They extend their hand to catch the cup of coffee carefully lowered into their reach. "Some time ago was the first night of I don't even know how many nights that I actually fell asleep peacefully, and even that was hard fought as I tossed and turned for a long while. I got a lot of nights ahead of me before I've slept off what I need to."

"It's a step forward though, right?"

"Yeah, it is."

"Must be a huge one if you're saying it yourself, Aof. I'm glad to hear it."

Aofil agrees with a nod. "Yeah, it is."

"So what did you do? You said you did some soul searching. What do you mean by that? If you're comfortable talking about it, that is."

"I don't know, Tylior. I don't really want to."

Tylior puts up a hand to show that it's no problem. "It's fine, Aofil. I get it. Get that you don't want to talk about it. I ain't got the foggiest what actually happened for you to turn around this well."

"Lot of things."

"That was one of my guesses, yes."

The coffee is strong, and is surprisingly devoid of spiders. Aofil likes it, and they have another sip. "I'm kinda the reason that this city even exists. One of the reasons. I might sound like bragging, and I hope that one day I'll see it as bragging, but when I arrived here, it was as if the entire weight of it was on my shoulders. Turns out that I'm a human, and that sometimes I make mistakes, and that sometimes I can't be trusted to fix them myself. Meeting you, Tylior, was one of those mistakes."

Tylior samples some coffee himself after waiting patiently for a couple of spiders to place a jug of water along with two glasses on the table. "I'm certain there's more to it than that, Aofil, so I'm gonna let you continue before I also make a mistake."

He sure has patience, and for that Aofil is unbelievably grateful.

"My mistake was trying to run away instead of facing what I'd done. I brought a monster to life, and then I just fucked off from it, hoping that it would never catch up with me." Aofil throws their arm up for a second. "Hard to run away from something when it's a part of you. I'm only slightly exaggerating." Aofil presses their thumb and index finger together while closing one eye and narrowing the other. "And by that I mean slightly."

Tylior nods as he digest it all. He lifts his cup up to his mouth to drink again, but suddenly his expression furrows, and he tilts his head while locking his eyes on Aofil. "You sure that your last name isn't actually Frankenstein?"

Aofil exhales a wheezy chuckle. "Is that what you're having your class read at the moment?"

"Maybe." Tylior sips loudly on his coffee. "Maybe."

"But yeah, I tried to escape everything that had happened to me. For good reasons, at the time. It was just so much. I couldn't stand to be near them. It hurt too much, it reminded me too much. I had to get away. I had to close them out of my future chapters."

"By them you mean the monsters?" Tylior wants to make clear.

"Yeah, the monsters. The ones I met, the ones I made friends, almost family, with."

"Almost?" Tylior wants to make clear again.

"Maybe later I can say that they are, but not now. It's too early for me."

"I see. So the past was haunting you, and only by confronting the past, and by telling it that it was haunting you, did it stop haunting you."

"More or less. Something like that."

"Gotcha," Tylior ends. He leans back in his chair, and moves his hands behind his head for support. "The important thing is that it sounds that for you, the past is now finally the past, and that you can move forward from it. It's good to hear that from you, Aofil. It really is. It takes a huge weight off of me as well."

"I wouldn't have been able to without you, Tyl. So thank you for that. From the bottom of my soul."

"I don't know much about souls," he admits with a quick shrug, "but coming from you, someone who the last time I spoke with treated magic like water on an oil fire, I'm absolutely convinced that you mean well."

"I do."

"Nice!" Tylior moves himself upright in his chair, and claps his hands together. "I'll send you my consultation fee in the mail once I get your new address."

Aofil laughs. It's good, it's relieving. It's been far too long.

But now it's here, and Aofil's never gonna let it go.

"Isn't it enough that I got you a free doughnut?" they reply with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh yeah!" Tylior exclaims, as if he suddenly remembered that he has a doughnut to eat. "You did. I guess it depends how good it tastes. I can consider knocking off a minute or two from the many years we've known each other if it's tasty. Does the owner make it by herself? Doughnut made by a spider?"

"From," Aofil corrects while reaching for their own.

Tylior sighs and rolls his eyes at Aofil. "Made from a spider, then."


Tylior shakes his head and scoffs. He regrets it immediately after taking a bite.

"Chew fast," Aofil suggest before taking a bite of their own. "Otherwise the spiders will escape."

Tylior's face turn paler than Aofil's fur. He stares at the doughnut, and a little spider crawls out of his mouth.

Aofil follows it with their finger. "There goes one." It jumps down on Tylior's plate, and scurries off across the street.

Tylior slams the doughnut down, and heaps a great mouthful of water. He rinses his mouth, and lobs it all over the paved road. "W-w-w-w-hat?" he stutters out in disbelief.

Aofil glances into the shop. Luckily Muffet didn't catch Tylior spitting out the water. She does however catch Aofil looking at her through the glass. Aofil waves the bitten doughnut in their hand at her and shoots her a smile.

She turns away, but shoots a quick peek over her shoulder before occupying herself with an oven.

Aofil stretches over the table towards Tylior's plate. "I'm guessing you've had your fill."

"Why did you recommend this?" he mutters to himself. "Why, Sevoltne?"

Aofil takes that as a no, and bring Tylior's doughnut over to their own plate. They flick a crumb away with a tiny spider attached to it from the table.

They miss it as the crumb bounces away.

And then their plate starts bouncing.

And then Aofil starts bouncing in their chair.

What the hell? An earthquake? Magic? Or-

Loud steps round the street corner, and a long shadow stretches all the way to Aofil. They drop their doughnut, and it takes the opportunity to escape in tandem with Tylior's.

He also looks up from his confusion. As he turns around, he flinches into the table. Water and coffee spills, and pours through the crack in the wooden table.

At the end of the street stands Aofil's house. The home they sold at Mt. Ebott. It stands… It stands on two legs. Two pink and black legs, with shoes the size of Tylio's car, and heels as tall as the streetlights.

The kitchen window is opened, and a blue head pops out. "Aofil!" Undyne shouts with her hands cupped around her mouth. "Alphys!" she then screams with her head turned inwards. "Get this house over there! I want to see their face!"

What the absolute hell have they gone and done now?

Undyne's yelling is drowned out by the deafening steps of the house walking closer on legs so polished it almost melts the area around it.

"...Awesome, right?" she finishes as the house stops next to Aofil. "You look hilarious with your face like that, Aofil! Why are you so baffled? It's only your house, you know! Ngahahahaha!"

Aofil's neck almost breaks as they look up to meet her.

Undyne sees that, and again turns her head inside the house. "Lower, Alphys!"

Aofil's never heard anything as loud as an entire house squatting down. The sound has monsters from the entire street open their windows and head out their doors to see what the hell is going on. Muffet takes one peek outside, and then goes back inside, shaking her head.

"We got you your house back, Aofil!" Undyne yells, now only a single story above Aofil. "You want a ride?"

A cupboard behind Undyne opens up, and its content, consisting of various sized metal pans and pots, spills out. Before she can react, one lands on her like a helmet, and she stumbles around. More than a handful make it through the window opening, but they all land in a newly formed spider web that's made in an instant.

Aofil nods towards the spider standing in her restaurant's door. "Thank you, Muffet." they say with a smile.

"Are you gonna order anytime soon?" she asks back with her arms crossed.

"Are we?" Aofil shoots the question over to Tylior, who just sits still with his mouth wide opened. A fair reaction, so Aofil's not gonna hold it against them.

Muffet looks up towards Undyne finally managing to get the pot off her head in the kitchen window."Are you gonna eat too?" Muffet asks irritably.

"Uhh...No?" comes a very flustered answer.

"Then stop blocking my cafe!" Muffet commands. She lifts one hand up, ready to snap.

"Alphys!" Undyne shouts in a panic as she shuts the kitchen window. "Get us out of here!"

The image of their own house running scared down the street using a pair of pink and black legs wearing high heels is never gonna leave Aofil, but it's a hell a lot of better than what they've gone through. For now though, lunch. As soon as Tylior comes back to his senses.

If he ever comes back.

Aofil's gonna do him a solid and order so that he has something to eat should he come back. The menu only has one thing without spiders in it, so Aofil's pretty sure what he'd order anyway.

"Could we get a refill of some water and coffee, Muffet?"

But she's already stormed off inside.

"A-Aofil?" Tylior manages to squeeze out of himself.


"D-does this happen every time you eat with the monsters?"

"More or less."

Tylior sinks into his palms with his elbow against the table.

"I think I might be the one scared of magic now, Aof."

Author's Note:

And here it ends for now!

One Falls will continue with a fourth installment, but I will get to that after a nice little spring cleanup of what I've thus far. It's a tradition by now, so I might as well continue with it.

Stay tuned next week though for something really special I've been itching to share!

Stay tuned for:

One Falls: Change Of Heart(s)