Reviews for One saved, more left behind
EnRnLe chapter 40 . 3/5/2018
The ultimate cliffhanger if I've ever saw one...
sonic chapter 31 . 12/29/2017
I liked the chapter!1
WoahThereMatey chapter 19 . 10/8/2017
Quite enjoying where this is going so far, keep going!
MrAwesomeMatty chapter 8 . 8/2/2017
Loving the concept of these three stories. Also hoping Aofil can actually get away a live a happy life by himself. Hate the fact that Sans constantly tries to rope him into something he doesn't want to do. Sometimes good stories have bittersweet endings.
A Friend chapter 8 . 8/1/2017
Fantastic! I loved this chapter. Don't get me wrong your previous ones are good, but I love how you formed this chapter.

This story has come really far at this point. Third installment of the series, I'm impressed and it's good. I've read some that have really lost their impact by over complicating things or lacking the necessary detail. I did sort of lose you on the second one at times, but that may have been due to my speed binge reading. One thing I had trouble with was since you had Aofil making sense of things as they were relayed to the reader as well, the reader had to decipher the reality of the situation from what Aofil thought as well. Not that it is a problem, it just adds a bit more depth to it that makes speed reading it a bit difficult.

The twin idea with Chara was phenomenal. I do have some questions with what exactly determination is in this fanfiction though. Does it allow one to go back in time if they contain a high amount of determination or is it just something special that Frisk got.

Also one issue with the entanglement of memories. Wouldn't Frisk trigger memories simply from their presence? Yes, their voice would represent a trigger for someone, but wouldn't their actions also? Their body language, their reactions, anything really, since they could have acted that way in the past so a person that interacted with them would have a memory of how they acted. However, since Frisk did things maybe thousands of times, if they do encounter thousands of memories all at once it probably would cancel out more or less, or risk killing the individual from sensory overload. Meaning the effect would dull overtime possibly by so many conflicting memories. Hm...

Regardless, great work. I'm excited to see where this is going and remember stay determined.