"You woke up to the same silence, to the same ray of sun slashing the bed at the same angle as always. This morning however, was different. You felt something, a rush of energy surging through you. With unfamiliar spring in your knees you decided to go for a run. Why? You just had this feeling, right? Call it magical if you will, but that would be spoiling it, don't you think?

Anyway, after a quick stop to greet the family that left you behind, you set off up towards Mt Ebott. One of many times to come, but you didn't know that, not at this time at least.

You reached the plateau after some pained effort. The setting sun blinding you as you took some rest while swinging your legs over the edge overlooking your town. Then you heard a sound, a voice. You turn around to meet it, but the only mouth you saw was that of a cave. Curios you peeked inside, and scared you bolted away from the monsters closing in on you. You tripped, and landed head first on a stone. Also one of many times to come. You should really have that head looked at. Although, there are worse things to happen to it, and the rest of you.

So, after a quicker run down the mountain, and with the encourage of Undyne, you arrived home in record time. Still with your head pounding you collapsed in Undyne's arms. Don't tell Alphys about it, she'll be jealous.

The morning after you were greeted to legends walking around in your kitchen. Lizards, fish, and even skeletons. Pretty scary, right? One would think that, but perhaps the nostalgic warmth of family and friends smothered that anxiety. Who knows? To be honest, I don't think even you know that.

Turns out the legends were friendly, who would've thought? Not you, obviously, not now, but back then you didn't have this baggage. Heck, you didn't even have the bags to back it. They told you that they came from a place called the Underground located deep beneath Mt Ebott. Yes, I know, you're all familiar with it, you know every nook and cranny of it, but you didn't back then. You didn't even know the difference between a Vulkin or a Radentim, but I'll get there, don't worry. I'm trying to build up some atmosphere here, do you mind?

So, you sampled the wonderful world of taste that the Underground had to offer the hungry and thirsty. Spaghetti as stiff as a load bearing cement pillar, snails salted to a mushy paste, and last you had Golden Flower tea. That you pretty much fell in love with though.

You learned about the monsters plan to return to the Surface, their new chapter, and you were invited to write it with them. Which was great, it meant that you now had a job! There was a small formality of an interview first, but nothing you couldn't handle.

First you had to stock up on food first. You had pretty much been living on the lowest form of food for way longer than acceptable, and your new chapter demanded effort. So why not start with filling the empty pantry?

Which you did, perhaps a bit too much. The cart was overflowing even before you began looking for the cashiers. No way that you would be able to carry it all home alone. So you chose a motorized wheelbarrow to help you carry it home.

Fair enough, I guess.

After you rolled the wheelbarrow home it was time for the interview. And what an interview it was! Seeing magic for the first time, again, first time you remember seeing it, but I digress. Seeing something that wonderful and having friends that would share something that intimate with you, it almost split your cheeks apart in glee. It felt a bit weird though, this magic, but it was probably your hunger. Actually, it felt pretty good. Didn't stop you from lashing out against Toriel's decision not to have you teach the kids magic, but it was probably your hunger again. Not even science, since it's a derivative of magic. Or at least, that's what the monsters thought before you showed them how humans saw the world. Fascinated, Toriel gave you the position.

There was this dream you had about her though, with her leaning into you and whispering into your ear. The whisper quickly turned into a shout as Papyrus woke you up. Like the good friend he is he reminded you to wake up not to be late for your first day at work!

The eyes of the monster kids as you explained even, to you, just basic concept. Like how rain fell from the sky, or how water can turn into vapor. Oh, you could go on for ages! But, lunch first, lunch with Toriel to be specific. You hurt yourself as much as you hurt her when you declined her offer to eat together at a restaurant, but she understood why. You haven't really gotten over monsters existing yet, not fully, so how would literally anyone else react to seeing one, and with a human to boot!

Still, she was disappointed, and you could see it on her. Cheekily you accidentally suggested snails, and she agreed. Much to your dismay and fear. But hey, at least it cheered her up!

For the moment.

But where to find any? Sans suggested some on the side of the road, but you politely declined. In your quest you almost drowned in a sea of people, but a shortcut, one of many, later, you and Sans managed to escape it. You walked around with him for some time before finally finding a snail shop.

How and why it exists, or if it still does, we may never know.

Be it because of the fumes from the snail shop still hazing your mind, or be it because you were just plain stupid, you messed up with the delivery to Toriel. Couldn't say that you didn't know what flavor the snails were, because Sans picked them. So instead, you deiced that teasing her was the better option.

Like I said, should've gotten your head checked, but you were probably too busy using it as an excuse not to fight Undyne.

Half a goose chase later you finally found Sans again, and with one raised eyebrow and another furrowed in confusion he informed you that the flavor was on the container. With this in mind you managed to convince Toriel that it was just a joke, and motherly as she is, she forgave you. She invited you to her house, like a mother would, and she gave you tea and pastry, just like your mother did.

She caressed your chin as your mother's image flooded back to you, she took you in as the thoughts overwhelmed you, and she comforted you when you couldn't hold it in any longer.

But it wasn't your fault, child. It wasn't your fault.

Guess you reminded her of someone as well.

After you two had your moments together she asked you to take care of Frisk for their soccer practice while she ran away on an urgent meeting. You two had a nice talk together, but it was clear that Frisk didn't want anything to do with the other kids.

Word had spread, and Frisk was now the monster kid. Being a monster among humans is not for the weak of heart, or soul. Now Frisk though, their heart is strong, and you could see it. So much so that you gave them a ride home on your shoulders. Toriel was so overwhelmed that she gave you an entire pie as a reward.

Just as planned.

Not one to deny visual metaphors, and not one to get the most use out of a questionable purchase, you brought the wheelbarrow with you to work. On your way there you were stopped by the builder that encouraged you to buy the wheelbarrow, and from him you learned about 'Above School' and 'Above Laboratory'. The builder also let it slip that he knew your dad, and that he shared this because of a debt he felt he owed. You pressed him, but he wouldn't tell.

You weren't ready.

But that had to wait, you had teaching to do. This time with Undyne. She was a great help in demonstrating how dropped objects hit the ground at the same time as thrown objects. Well, they would've done that if her spear didn't crash into the office door where Toriel sat. The rest of the class went well, although Undyne decided that leaving silently through the window might be the best course of action.

Class went well despite the violent knock on Toriel's door, and on your way home you met Alphys. Visibly anxious and desperate, she begged you for help. She had to get to the Underground, but Papyrus wasn't anywhere near her to help, nor was Undyne. You looked down at your wheelbarrow, and after some fierce debating in your head, you agreed to help.

Up the mountain, and then down the mountain you rolled her, seeing the Underground for the first time. The formless corridor where the Barrier once stood, the vast gray horizon of New Home, and the sweatiness of Hotland.

You and Alphys bumbled your way into the Lab, and broke your wheelbarrow in the process. As the final guest, plus one, arrived, Asgore could finally tour the Underground with his human entourage consisting of influential humans, and apparently now you as well.

But you can't join it dressed in a sweat shirt and tack pants. Luckily, Alphys offered her shower and wardrobe to you, and her human clothing. Pink and yellow clothing with a matching cape, tiara, shoulder pads, and cat shoes.

Just like one of her human anime!

And anime is best when on TV, so when Mettaton arrived to pick up some spare parts for himself, he couldn't let you waste your new potential, so with a signature that he signed with your hand you were now a guest to his show. After a quick stop to Radentim, his make over monster, you now looked exactly like the character your clothing suggested you were. The same gender as well.

The show went well, until Papyrus and Undyne crashed through the scene and rescued you from hearing what happened with the other kids that fell. Asgore's order, Papyrus explained as he left you in Hotland to hurry back home in time to catch Mettaton's show.

Sweaty and confused you had yourself an ice cream before deciding to try and catch up to Asgore and the humans. The path you chose turned out to be a bit more spidery than you liked though, and before you knew it, you were having tea with Muffet. With some quick thinking and with a peck on her cheek, you managed to escape her grasp.

You allowed yourself a moment to stuff your mouth full of your cape, and scream your fears into it.

Waterfall fared a bit better, after the confusing run in with the Temmies, that is. Gerson saw your perplexed state and offered you some tea in exchange that you talked with him for a while. Didn't sound like the worst idea so you happily accepted the offer.

After some reminiscing about the royal wedding he invited you to do it on your own. He presented you a gift given to him for his services during it. A memory box, containing his memories about the event. After a flash of light you opened his eyes as your own. You were Gerson at the wedding, and you saw the magnificence of a Underground with pride and hope.

After watching Asgore recover from a slip up from Toriel you were dragged back to reality. His memories faded from your head after a couple of minutes, but before they were completely gone you were quizzical why your hand had five fingers instead of three. After you remembered that five fingers is the correct amount Gerson thanked you for your company and gave you directions to catch up with the human group.

The rest of your trip through Waterfall went by with just some minor hiccups, considering, and while tucking in an Echo Flower you picked, you reached Snowdin. A sign caught your eye, and as the helpful person you are, you decided to enter this 'Librarby' and inform the owner that their sign is misspelled.

Inside you met Sans, who were handing in some books from the Surface. After being harshly shushed by the owner from greeting Sans a bit too loud, you were welcomed into the store. You had a quick chat and was recommended a best seller, 'I woke up human!'. It centers around a monster being turned into a ugly human and being shunned for being ugly and a human.

You promised you would finish it if you ever found time in your schedule. Still, you thanked the librabrian for the gift and left with Sans. Hearing your stomach rumble he suggested Grillby's.

You told him about your travels through the Underground, and when he heard about the memory box he excused himself and dashed out of the restaurant. It was the fastest you've ever seen him move.

He told you he'd be back soon, but soon quickly turned into much later, yet still he didn't return. Being an alone human in a tavern full of monsters wasn't really what you had planned for the day. But as you tried to leave you bumped into something metallic. You were forced back down into the seat and before you knew it, you were surrounded by hounds. They inspected you, and threw you a bone, so that you could throw it for them. They carried you outside as you failed to grasp what was going on, and again you were given the bone. You tossed it, and the dogs gave chase.

You played with them until their shift started. They thanked you, and went on their way. Left alone again, you wondered if Sans might be back at Grillby's. As you turned back towards Snowdin you heard laughter from behind you.

A familiar silhouette stood in some mist, and when you spotted it it turned around and headed away from town. You gave chase, but Sans seemed to always be one step ahead. You eventually came across a large stone door. The laughter continued behind it so you entered.

Through a house you continued your chase, through some strange ruins, and finally you caught him standing in the middle of a patch of flowers. Carefully you approached him, but a vine snatched your legs and hoisted you up. The laughter turned into a roar, and as you managed to escape you realized that it wasn't Sans' voice.

His form burst into roots and disappeared into the ground. Left standing was a flower just barely taller than the others. It introduced itself as Flowey, and politely asked you to reset. When you couldn't, he shrugged his vines and said that he tried to be nice, but evidently it didn't work. When he couldn't convince your soul to show, he attacked you.

You put up a fierce battle with him, but he tricked you. He left you barely clinging for life, but that was only what he had planned for you body. Your soul is what he wanted, and just as he was about to get it, he was hit with a ball of fire.

Flowey retreated down into the ground as Asgore rushed to you. He demanded the humans summoned help, and as your vision faded, he promised you would survive.

The next thing you remembered was being jolted awake by men in suits. Before you could understand that you were in a hospital they started questioning you about what you heard during your time in the Underground. In your pain and panic you let it slip that you heard something about dead humans.

What follows is a haze of waking up and losing consciousness again, eventually you learned that you were under legal protection, sparked by the rude awakening the men in suits gave you. Monster Lawyer, Monster Kid's dad, introduced himself to you as your legal representative. He expressed great interest in your case, and was happy to have you as a client. You extended your hand to thank him.

While the gesture might've been a bit fruitless, he at least appreciated the thought behind it.

Rehabilitation is a tough road to walk, whether Undyne helped or made it harder, that you're still debating about, but nevertheless, you walked it to be able to walk again. It took some time, and some effort, but eventually you were discharged with a pair of crutches. Papyrus gave you a ride home, and a nicely cooked meal for once. After you helped him with it, of course.

An old friend also greeted you, and you immediately questioned why it was even able to do it. Alphys admitted that she used some spare parts to repair your wheelbarrow, she even gave it a pair of legs that even Mettaton would be jealous of.

With spring finally back in your knees you returned to teaching the monster kids about the new world around them.

For about five minutes.

Another group of suits interrupted your lesson, and after you finished it you were handed a letter. You were summoned to a hearing regarding the monsters returning to the Surface. You were asked as a witness by the humans. Because of the nature of the trial you were also forbidden to have any sort of contact with them until the court's closed.

Bogged down with this, you decided you needed some legal advice, or maybe just a way to vent. You sat down next to your family and tried to make sense of things. It didn't go so well, and in your failed attempts you attracted the pastor. They reminded you that despite not being able to forgive what your parents did, he still mourned their deaths, like with everyone under his wings. He showed you a scar that looked just like one you had. The same vicious cut, and he told you that the monsters had that name for a reason. Some legends are true, and some turn to dust. Your family knew that.

With this in mind you rushed as fast as you could to the building site. You demanded that the builder told you what he knew about your dad.

You still weren't ready, but that didn't matter now.

He told you what happened all those years ago. You and your family were tending your summer home on the other side of Mt Ebott when a creature came from the forest carrying a child. The builder approached the monster as it fell down on its knees.

He was slashed wide open by the monster. He remembered the other humans driving the monster away, and he remembered crying for his wife and kids. Your father came up to him, and healed him.

Not a minute after the builder stood up, he was weak, but he was alive. He turned to thank your father, but he couldn't find him anywhere close.

Your father had left the builder, and had approached the smoke left behind by the monster. A red glow was fading away in it, but your dad forced it back into the still body. A piece broke off and disappeared before your father could grab it, and the builder's spine tingled as the pained howl your father let out still haunts him to this day.

The pastor warned your family about this, he warned them about the curse, but they wouldn't listen. They were responsible for the attack.

And now both the pastor and the builder were to testify in court, but the monsters had chosen the builder.

They arrived to discuss with the builder, and you had to hide. In your haste you picked up a clipboard and made yourself look busy. With some luck you managed to slip past Asgore and Monster Lawyer's surprise visit.

You had no idea what to make of the builder's story, but you knew where you would find out. The village where it all started.

After a bumpy ride on your wheelbarrow you arrived at the abandoned community. There was something there, a thick aura that covered the place. You felt it inside you, and in the middle of it you saw a patch of withered flower. An outline of a small human child caught your eye, and with heavy legs you walked closer.

The aura became thicker the more you approached the flowers. Your face blossomed, your legs felt stronger. You tossed your crutches away, you didn't need them anymore. You stood tall over the pathetic mark you left behind so many years ago. You started to think, about the trial, about the monsters. How weak they really were, how they dared to demand equal footing with you humans.

An invisible hand squeezed your heart, draining whatever strength you received. You fell over, and had it not been for your wheelbarrow carrying you home, well, you don't really know what the hell would've happened.

You arrived home parched and weak, but before you could fully rest you were summoned to the trial, effective immediately. The paper had found out about it, and both parties had agreed that sooner is better. You were given a sandwich and hauled to the court.

The trial, a chance for the humans and monsters to reconcile old hatred and bury the hatch. What really happened, was a bit different. The humans had found out what an Echo Flower was, and they had managed to get their hands on the one your wore during your encounter with Flowey.

Feeling a corner close in on him, Asgore decided to play his triumph card. He summoned the pastor, and had him explain the legend of the crimson heart. A heart said to hold immense power, but that power wasn't stable. Uncontrollable, almost. The beings possessed with this soul were said to be a great weapon, but untameable.

Asgore explained that one of these cursed beings had fused with his son, and because of that he had done what he did. A curse had shattered the Underground that day, and it still echoed throughout the Underground until the Barrier was finally shattered.

One with this curse had been summoned to the trial, and they were now invited up to the confession booth. All eyes were upon you, and you took your place.

Asgore begged for your forgiveness as he summoned the curse from within you. You became possessed by it, and monster and human alike cowered as you threatened anyone that would stand in your way.

You were quickly taken care of by a shock pistol from behind. Your unconscious body was escorted out of the court, and it continued without you.

As a thanks for your service, and as a gesture of goodwill, you and Toriel were invited to dinner at the fanciest restaurant in town. It was cut short though as you were then invited to the revealing of the brand new and shining example of human and monster cooperation, 'Above Laboratory'. Well, it wasn't completely done, but it was done enough to warrant celebrating.

After the first half of a very boring tour you were dragged to the side by Sans. Your contributions to monsterkind had not gone unnoticed, and to congratulate you on that Asgore had given you access to the building. Sans just gave you the card a bit earlier since he was also curios what was going on. Frisk as well.

Sans took keen interest in the most ominous door, and when you pointed it out to him, he waved it away. You three entered to find Alphys tinkering with a machine the likes you've never seen. As fascinating as it was scary, and as scary as it was confusing. As Sans started it up you took notice of a familiar clipboard lying on a nearby table. You recognized the handwriting on it, it was your own. You didn't have time to warn them before the machine started collapsing on itself. You grabbed Frisk and ran.

With the void right behind you, consuming everything it could find, you ran for your and Frisk's life, but you weren't fast enough.

You woke up to the same silence, to the same ray of sun slashing the bed at the same angle as always. This morning however, was different. You felt something, a rush of energy surging through you. With unfamiliar spring in your knees you decided to go for a run. Why? You just felt like it, right? Call it magical if you will.

Anyway, after a quick stop to greet the family that left you behind, you set off up towards Mt Ebott. One of many times to come.

You reached the plateau after some pained effort. The setting sun blinding you as you took some rest while swinging your legs over the edge overlooking your town. Then you heard a sound, a voice. You turn around to meet it, but the only mouth you saw was that of a cave. Curios you peeked inside, and scared you bolted away from the monsters closing in on you. You tripped, and after a long fall, you landed on a patch of flowers.

Then you met me, your twin. I did you the favor of telling you everything that had happened so that you wouldn't make the same mistake you did before Frisk was forced to reset. With the help of your family, I set your head and broken soul together again, and gave you a second chance.

You only had to do one favor for me, bring back Asriel. I didn't exactly say it to you, but I figured the implication was good enough.

Turns out it wasn't just me that wanted him back, but maybe not for the same reasons. Thanks to you forcing Frisk to reset the memories of it lingered with your friends. They struggled to separate what didn't happen, and what was actually happening. They had been spared that fate the first time you met because of you being such a big change in their life that the previous resets didn't apply anymore.

Who else could do the same?


So, you hatched a plan together with Sans and Frisk. You were to try and convince Flowey to follow you back up to the Surface, but disguised as his best friend. This way you would have the biggest chance of success.

So you prepared, you watched our tapes, you went clothes shopping, and you had a haircut. All to be as much as your twin as possible, both in looks, and in manner.

Making your way down to the Underground again, you danced around as me, you tried to lure him out, but he wouldn't show himself. Not in Asgore's throne room, not in the CORE, not in MTT Hotel, not even in Hotland. He was nowhere to be found.

During your search you came across something else though. Another level to the Lab, and the secrets it held.

Secrets you were lied to about, and boy did you let Sans and Frisk know how you felt about it. So much so that Sans figured that you weren't you anymore, and attacked. You held your own against him, but you didn't win without taking a few hits too many. Just as you were about to collapse you were grabbed by a vine. A soft flower leaned over your face.

He promised he would heal you, his best friend.

You woke up in a bed too small for you. Blood stained your entire being. Hunger and thirst plagued you, your entire body screamed in pain, but you were alive. You were alone though, and Flowey was again nowhere to be found. You had to go after him, again, but not in the state you were, and not in the clothing you wore.

Luckily you found some food to eat and some clothes to wear. Unfortunately Toriel's robe weren't exactly your size, but it had to do. A blue jacket you also wore, its previous owner now just a pile of dust underneath a boulder. Again limping from your encounter with Flowey, you made yourself through the Underground again.

Once in Snowdin you ran into Asgore and the human tour. He had some questions about your familiar attire. You were lucky he had more pressing matters on his mind, and by the skin of your teeth, you managed to continue without a pair of guards escorting you.

Your clothing drew a bit more attention in the Waterfall, especially the condiment stained jacket you had. With a well placed leg you tripped and fell into the dark water. A soap was tossed and instructions to wosh your jacket echoed as the sound of your loud splash died off.

Gerson heard you cussing out the Woshua and came to help, after you had washed yourself. He kindly offered to take the queen's robes off of you and gave you some less conspicuous clothing.

With fresh clothes you navigated through a trap set by Mettaton, and arrived back at Hotland. After some small talk with Tsundere plane, who totally just did it because it had nothing else to do at the moment, really, you hitched a ride to MTT Hotel.

From there you found your way back to Asgore's house. The door was unlocked, and slightly ajar. Someone else was there. You looked around the house, and in one room you found him. Flowey, dressed up as Asriel.

He quickly realized that you weren't Chara the second you opened your mouth, and lunged at you. He easily toppled you over since you were so weak, but when he tried to escape you asked for his forgiveness. Curios, he stopped, and tried to pry some more out of you.

You explained your goal, and he scoffed at you. He asked you what would happen if he didn't wanted Asriel to come back. Would you still force him?

You said that you wouldn't, and that this wild chase had taken more out of you than bringing back Asriel would ever give you. It wasn't worth it to chase him anymore, you were done. Flowey agreed to come with you, on the condition that you showed him where I lived before I fell into the Underground. You agreed to his terms.

As you arrived back home however, you were lured down into your basement. A new soul extractor, stolen by Sans, stood menacingly in the back end. With a blue glow Flowey was thrown into it, and with a bony finger, Sans switched it on.

He gave you an almost empty bag of fake dust he'd used to fool you that he was dead. He also told you that you were free to open the extractor and save Flowey, but that he would die if you did.

The process had already started.

So there you sat with Sans, waiting. Watching Flowey twist and flinch in agony. At last the machine finished its task with a cheerful ding. Sans gave you a memory box and told you to be ready to catch whatever soul came out of the hatch. You caught the bright white soul.

But not in the box. You caught it in your own soul.

Asriel's essence spread around your body, changing your form into something that had only existed once before. You felt your mind fade away, and as soon as your form stopped changing, you fell down limp and unconscious.

You and Asriel traveled your mind until you met Chara and Flowey. After a hectic discussion Asriel joined Chara's side, and you realized that he was a memory, the real soul inside you was Flowey. Chara wouldn't let that be though. They hunted you down and ripped Flowey out of you, and forced Asriel in. They reminded you that the one you were supposed to bring back was Asriel, Chara's Asriel. Not Flowey, not the one that realized who Chara was.

You awoke alone in your new form bound to the machine by a chain. Undyne stood guard over the foreign monster with her spear, threatening you to spill the beans before she spilled them for you. Sans thanked her for her enthusiasm, but her energy was best spent explaining what was happening to Toriel and Asgore. Before Undyne could loudly protest Sans shortcutted away with you and Frisk to try and wrestle Asriel out of you.

There's one place that might work. The place where it all started.

The village.

Your head started spinning as soon as you stepped foot into it. Asriel's memories mixed with your own. You saw yourself die, you saw Asriel run away, and you heard your parents cry.

But you fought him. You were determined to force him out of you. You dragged your combined soul out of you, and you ripped him out of it! You woke up shortly after still with fur on your chest, but it wasn't yours.

It was Asriel's.

He was back!

That means that your promise was fulfilled. With the burden of your friends memories removed from your shoulders you packed your things, and left them to their own future."

Chara takes a dramatic breath of air.

"And that's your story so far, Aofil."

Aofil sighs and rubs their forehead, "Again you leave out some of the most important things, Chara. If anything I'm now less likely to believe what you said the first time. Why are you even here?"

"I don't know," Chara shrugs their shoulder, "I'm pretty sure that I'm just your head trying to make sense out of all this. To be honest, you kinda need to if you really intend to leave everything behind."

"Well, I was on my way until you felt the need to bring it up again," Aofil looks around the black nothing that they and Chara stand in, "So, this is just a dream? Nothing else?"

"Nothing else."

Aofil raises an eyebrow, "Really?"

A chuckle from Chara echoes throughout the void around, "Well," they lean back into their hands behind their head, "that's for you to decide."

Aofil wakes up to the new silence, the new ray of sun slashing their bed at the new angle. They look at their alarm clock, still an hour or so before they have to get up. They turn to their side, and closes their eyes again.