As per Fanfiction standard Procedure:

I don't own the rights to Kuroinu (Which is own by Liquid)

or Ghost Rider (Which is own by Marvel)

And now a word to my reviewers.

DragonMaster4872-Glad to see some still value Patience. I'm also glad you enjoyed the last Chapter. As for the Monster twist sub plot, let's just say their state of these creature wasn't caused by a demonic being, just some misguided souls that induced a tragedy rather than an achievement.

Ben56- While I could make Robbie more powerful than he is, but where's the fun in that line of thinking. As for including more Elves in the story, I can and will, with some additives included.

EnriksD8-What I got cooking inside my head, might not make sense now or ever, but I'll just say the monster are move victim in all this than you might realize.

Guest (1)-Glad you like the spin, but as for the whole mass produced solder idea. I had something more tragic in mind that would explain the Monster's origins.

Chrometimeguard-Happy to blow your expectations and I'll hope for many more positive reviews to come from you. As for the Orc character being from the Kuroinu: Rebellion game, yes, I copied that idea with the creator's permission (I am sooo looking forward to that game when it comes out!). As for my thoughts On Agents of Shield Robbie Reyes, they did a splendid job with him effect wise, and his character was sound, I can only hope he'll return in another season, but I won't hold my breath as I heard it was so expensive just to have him as long as they did.

LL-Well, while Robbie doesn't have the ability to sense evil like other Ghost Riders do, Ellie Marrow was a Serial kill/Satanist/Hitman working for the Russian mob, so he would know a thing or two about a person he's meeting and relay that info to Robbie if the boy asked.

SantoryuSekai-I didn't know any Ghost Rider could cross dimensions! And going by the Comics I have of Robbie, I don't think he could either. But I willing to admit I'm wrong. As for how that would play with the story, let's just say Robbie and his brother didn't come here by chose, as for the culprit, the dwarf might know something about it.

Primus2021-Thank you for the suggestions! I would definitely consider option 1 and 2 for the history between Claus and Claudia, especially considering Grave seeing his son as himself rather than his own person.

Chapter 3

Reactions and Questions

Ghost Rider.

That was the talk of the village.

From the children that were rescued, to the lone sister and soldiers who witnessed his heroics. Everyone kept spouting off nonsense to make sense of the phenomenon. Ranging from some sort of rogue spirit, to a noble demonic entity, there were no shortage of talk revolving around the demonic guardian of the village.

The Elder Reyes for one couldn't blame the village for the excitement. He also couldn't blame them for fallout.

A couple weeks after the attempt invasion, the village had been getting visits from the other fortresses, mainly from Rad to investigate the so call 'Ghost Rider' or whatever the public dubbed him.

Robbie decided to play it safe and keep to the sidelines, away from any of the visiting knight's line of sight.

"…Get you Head out of your ass and back to work!" the voice of his boss snapped The Elder Reyes out of his thoughts and back into Reality. Turning to see the bruised, but otherwise OK, displeased Dain looking up at him.

Robbie sprung right back into the shop while shouting "Sorry Dain!"

Hastily throwing on his apron and gloves set, Robbie began to go to town on the weapons that have been piling up due the increase of warriors occupying the village.

This prevented him from witnessing a heavy decorated carriage being pulled by a couple of armored horses, passed by the shop.

The Occupants within the carriage was a woman with pale skin, bright red-eyes, and short black hair with a gold head ornament on top and ribbon on her bangs, who also wore a translucent pink shroud over top a red shrine-maiden uniform and a long bright pink skirt over her legs. The Woman were none other than the Ruler of Thorn, Kaguya along two of her own guards driven the carriage.

The Shrine Maiden practitioners let out a sigh as her mode of transportation arrived at the village's church.

For Kaguya, it has been a trying couple of weeks since the news of the village attack broke out, but the news of a demon being the one responsible for turning the tide of the battle was something that The Shrine Maiden couldn't wrap her head around.

But she was here on a mission she reminded herself.

(Flashback-Fortress of Ken)

Kaguya sat at a round brown and gold-vein decorative table, occupied by six other attendance.

The First was the newest elected into the circle of Rulers, Maia, who sat to the shrine maidens left with her swords to her sides.

Next one over was the Ruler of Feoh, Princess Alicia Arcturus, a woman with long shining blond hair, sharp blue-eyes, dressed in white and blue armored dress, with silver and gold trimmed shoulder and elbow plates. A red cloths wrapped around her neck and a silver metal band rested within her hair.

To the Young Woman's side was the Ruler of Ur, Prim Fiorire. A younger woman compared to her cousin Alicia, with long wavy pink hair decorated with a gold tiara, bright, innocence blue-eyes, wearing a frilly pink dress.

To Kaguya's right was one older woman in the room Claudia Levantine, whose light brown hair was tied in a bun, a beauty mark underneath her dark blue eyes, while her figure was covered in Silver and gold armor and silver and light blue shoulder plate that formed around her neck to form a collar of sorts. A broad sword laid below the table.

Sitting beside the vice-commander was the leader of the Halflings, Luu-Luu. A child-like woman who wore a dark green cap with ells dangling from the sides and cape that draped over her shoulders just above her chest. While wearing a pair of brown knee-high boots, white stockings and undergarments.

Finally, the leader of the alliance Celestine Lucross, an elf with a pair of green eyes and long bleach blond hair that stretched down her frame, wearing a green leaf crown on top her head while a gold crown rested just above her forehead. Her figure was clothed in white cloths that draped around her form held together by golden rings, preserving her modestly, but not cutting her off from the world. She also wore dark brown sandals with straps that wrapped around her ankles.

All representatives of the Shield Alliance turned their attentions to their leader as she called the meeting to order.

"Thank you all for coming here on such short noticed." Celestine started the meeting "There has been a development within the settlement sites we've been overlooking."

"Another attack?" Luu-Luu inquired, beating the calmer, but equally eager Alicia.

Celestine nodded before answering "Yes, but thankfully any crisis was averted due to the assistance of Lady Maia…" she gestured her fellow ruler, who waved in apparition " The mercenary forces and another individual who is the subject of the meeting."

The group forfeited their attention to their leader as proclaimed High Elf continued "This individual is reportedly a demon named the Ghost Rider."

Kaguya, along with her now updated alliance, were shocked as they were perplexed by this news.

"A DEMON!" Alicia nearly screamed out in disbelief while Prim, and Luu-Luu, shared her reaction. Figure's like Claudia and Kaguya were more composed, but did little to hide their own shock.

Celestine, nodded in confirmation before saying "Yes. This Ghost Rider managed to fight off a horde of monsters that were launching a surprise attack on the settlement. Saving the inhabitants, the soldiers and even some children and a member of our church stationed there."

While everyone was naturally dumbfounded by this, The Shine Maiden of the East narrowed her eyes in suspicion of the renowned hero/demon.

Suspicions she had no problem vocalizing "Are we certain that this demon intentions are as they were displayed?"

Such a concerning questioned invoked suspicion within her fellow shield princesses.

Celestine anticipated this and answered "Maia was unable to speak with the Ghost Rider before his departure, and none of my own contacts have been able to find a trace of him."

Claudia managed to pick up on were her leader/friend was going with this. "So you wish for us to spread out our own contacts and communicate with this Ghost Rider?"

The High Elf nodded at Claudia "If Possible, but I was about to venture out to the settlement and see if I could make contact with the Ghost Rider myself."

Once more, Celestine shocked the group.

"Don't be absurd Lady Celestine…!" Alicia roared out. Prim flinched at this, with everyone else sharing the knight of Iris's opinion. "You just can't meet a demon and not expect it to try something funny do you?!"

"I have to agree…" Kaguya spoke up "Lady Celestine, this sort of action would leave you exposed."

Celestine held her hand up to pause her allies rant. "I understand your concern Lady Kaguya, but I believe that he'll play in important part in ending this war."

Once more, everyone was shocked, the leader of the alliances were shock beyond reasoning.

(End Flashback)

In the End, Kaguya managed to compromise with The High Elf's plans. The Shine Maiden of the East would go to the settlement in an attempt to communicate with the demon if possible. If successful, it was her duty to convey Celestine's wishes to it, or in the likely event, In Kaguya's opinion, abolish the demon if it shows any unnecessary hostilities.

Although she cringed at the thought of communicating with such a creature, the Shrine Maiden bit her tongue and reaffirmed her resolve to complete her mission.

Looking out of her carriage Window, the Shine Maiden watched the bustling village going through the motions of their daily lives, lightly smiling at their innocent nativity.

(Fortress of Garm)

Within a lone structure of the desolate Badlands, the Ogre leader kneeled before this land's ruler.

The Lone occupant of the dimly lit throne room, saved Djura, was a full grown chocolate skin woman, dressed in a dark purple corset that covered up her upper body, while still leaving very little to the imagination. Adoring her shoulder was a dark cape with lite gold trims and silver clips on the shoulder and a high bat-wing like collar. On top of her raven lock was a silver crown with two long pointed ears sticking out of her hair, each having three gold earrings hanging off them. She also held an ebony colored staff with a dark red orb at the tip.

The Figure that sat on the throne of the castle was none other than the epitome of evil to the kingdom of the South, Origa Discodia of the Dark Elves.

Djura had just finished explaining his tale to the queen, who showed very little emotion to the story.

"Anything else Djura." Origa spoke out to the leader of the orcs.

Djura nodded "Yes. He told me to inform that if there were any more attacks on the villages, and he'll come for you." His tone was even, but fear subtly colored the message to address the seriousness of the Demon's promise.

In the case of Discordia, she took it very serious. "Try to keep the others at bay until I figure out who this Demon really is. Use force if necessary." She ordered and Djura took his leave.

Origa watched the orc leave before releasing a heavy sigh. This was the last thing she ever thought would happen. A demon roaming around these lands and she didn't even sense it. Granted she limited her usage of contracting arts to study, and to enhance high powered spells, but even she should have sensed the presence of this supernatural anomaly given it power.

The clapping of footsteps caught The Queen's attention to see a pair of Dark Elves stepping out of the Shadows before kneeling before her.

The First Dark Elf had a light tone skin compared to her, long blonde hair fashioned in a side pony-tail and a pair of red eyes. She wore a Purple corset like Origa, even a cape that covered up her form. She also wore purple leggings that were attached to her corset with a clip.

She was none other than Chloe, One of Origa's guards

The Other Dark Elf had a deep tone dark skin compared to Chloe, dark blue hair that reached her shoulders and cat like yellow eyes. Her attire consisted of bulky shoulder pad, neck, arm and leg guards for the armor while her mid-section was covered up by a red leotard that clung to her robust form.

She was named Delva by Origa personally.

"My Queen." The pair announced as they kneeled and lowered their heads.

"Arise…" Origa commanded as she lifted herself off her throne and walking towards her wards. "Have there been any problems…" The Queen of the North asked as she walked past the two.

"A dozen more beast had succumbed to their instinct and even started to attack their own hordes." Delva spoke up as she and Chloe followed closely behind.

Chloe then interjected "We managed to subdue them before things got out of hand my queen."

"Any Causalities?" Origa asked.

"Unfortunately, while we managed to subdue them with a couple of Djura's horde help, we lost five orcs, a cyclops, and a dozen imps in the rampage." Chloe reported.

Origa throat tightened up at this, but held her composure as she continued to march on "Inform Djura of the hordes increasing restlessness, and I'll try to prepare a stronger batch of medicine." She turned down the dimly lit hallway towards a flight of stairs that led to her private chambers. "Anything else?"

Delva spoke up "Yes, ther…" Suddenly Delva collapsed on her knee and began to cough harshly.

"Delva!" Chloe cried out with her panic alarming Origa. Both then knelt before the Dark Elf warrior and noticed a droplet of blood on the stone floor.

Acting quickly Origa dropped her staff and hooked The Dark elf's arm over her shoulder "Chloe, help me carry her to Misrey!"

Chloe didn't need to be told twice and acted as instructed. Both made their way into the castle.

"Misrey!" Origa called out as the group came upon a door, which opened to reveal a woman with pale skin elven woman with long wavy purple tip blonde hair, purplish red eyes, dressed in a dark purple sling bikini, complete with feathered collar, gloves and stocking sets.

"Yeah…" Misrey yawned as she force herself to stay awake "What…Delva!" her fatigue forgotten as she recognized the fallen form of her fellow Elf.

"She need the potion." Origa ordered as she and Chloe carried the girl into the room.

Misrey only rushed to the cabinets and dug out a vial of red liquid.

Just as Chloe and her Queen laid the Delva down, Misrey appeared beside the warrior and raised her head up while holding the potion to her lips "Here you go sweetie." She spoke softly as Delva opened her mouth and drank the contents in a single gulp.

The Blue haired elf opened her eyes and stared Origa "I apologize My Queen…"

"Don't speak…" Origa silent her knight with a pat on the shoulder "Just rest and regain your strength." She gently ordered the girl.

Delva felt shame as a warrior grow within her as she recalled appearing so weak, but she complied and shut her eyes.

Origa moved away from the bed and motioned her retainers to exit the room.

Both Elves complied with the request. Once outside, The Dark Elf Queen faced her retainers "Chloe, I'll need you to check on the creatures without Delva. Can you do it?"

"Of Course My Queen!" Chloe nodded with vigor.

Origa then turned to the other elf "Misrey, keep me up to date on Delva's condition. Intervene if you must, but don't do anything drastic."

Misrey nodded with a great muster of seriousness "I understand. I take it you're going down to your…"

"Yes…" Origa nodded in affirmative at her fellow elf's suspicion. "Call me if you must, but do not venture down there under any circumstances."

"But…" Misrey wanted to argue, but...

"Misrey, your queen has given you an order, at least try and follow it." Chloe berated her fellow elf.

Misrey whipped around to face the warrior elf "Don't make it sound like I'm some disobedient brat, Chloe." She pouted.

Chloe mimic the pale elf's action "Then do you job. It's not like your Queen actually gives you a lot of…"

Both were interrupted by a hard slap at the back of the head. Chloe and Misrey were cradling injured heads as they turned to see their mistress looking extremely peeved.

"In case you two have forgotten, Delva is trying to rest, who mind you been pulling her weight and yours this past week alone." Origa tone was clear not you to argue against. "Misrey, what down in my personal quarters is nothing you need to concern yourself with. So take care of your curiosity."

Misrey bowed as she complied with her queen's demands for the time being.

With that, the three parted way with Chloe going to the living area with for the monsters, Misrey returning to Delva's side, and Origa descending down into her castle to her private chambers.

Once there, she willed the torches to lite and observed the chambers, which was littered with varies scrolls, vials, and book. But the center piece of the room, literally and figuratively, was a man-sized tube, filled with a silver liquid. Within the tube was a distinctly female figure, whose features beyond that was obscured by the contents.

Origa approached the tube and placed a single finger on the surface. Closing her eyes, she began to check on the vitalities of her newest companion.

Within a minute, The Queen safely concluded that the latest elf would be able to walk among them within a couple moons

The thought of elves walking beside her reminded her of the good days, the simpler days, the day when she and Celestine were…

At the thought of Celestine soured her mood. How could she even think anything positive about that traitor?

No. All that really mattered was regaining that which was stolen, no matter the cost. Even if she had to violate her heritage, cross the lines that her ancestors would forsake her to the cruelest depths of existence.

She would not be the last.

That she promised.

(Settlement, Blacksmith Dain's Shop)

Reyes had just started on a batch of spearhead when he head yet another crash was heard, only this time it didn't happen within the shop.

His curiosity getting the better of him, sat up from his station, looked outside the front of the shack to see a pair of the mercenary soldier lay face first on the ground while another pair of guard that Reyes recognized as Kagayu's personal soldier stood over them.

'What's going on now?' Robbie thought while watching the scene.

"What's your fucking problem bitch?!" One of the mercenary yelled out, glaring daggers at the Priest warriors of the east.

The guard returned the glare with the brunette stepping forward, but before she could speak, Kagayu spoke up "That's enough."

The guards turned towards their leader, disbelief coloring their faces as one of them spoke out "But Lady Kagayu, this man offended you. He has…"

"Amane. Please, do not concern yourself with this." Kagayu ordered her guard "We have more important matters to attend to." She shifted her focus towards the mercenary "As for you, please refrain from such actions in the future." With that, she led her guards away from the scene.

However, she stopped her advancement and spun around to stare in the direction of the Blacksmiths shop.

Reyes, now making eye contact with the Priestess of the East, began to sweat a little as worry began to fill his mind. Could the Priestess sense the second spirit and if she could, then what…

"Hey Reyes, can you stop silently flirting with the customers and take her order?" Dain snapped Robbie out of his daze to see Kagayu and her two guards standing in front of the counter.

"Oh! Sorry…" Robbie quickly spat out as he attempted to collect himself. "Um...What can I do you for, you highness?"

Kagayu, who was apathetic with the greeting, only replied with "I apologies for interrupting you, but I'm here to investigate the recent demon sightings. I was wondering if you have any information regarding the incident?" she spoke, never taking her eyes off the blacksmith worker.

Robbie then begun to rub the back of his head, deciding to play dumb was the best course of action "Demon? Oh yeah, what can I tell you about this demon?"

Kagayu's eyes narrowed as this, but responded with her usual even tone "Any information you can provide me."

Robbie, shutting his eyes to think of some sort of answer. "Well I can't really tell you anything new… but he's just a skeleton on fire, riding a car." He blurted out.

Kagayu merely took this information in before speaking "Is that all?"

"Yep." Robbie answered before nodded.

The Priestess narrowed her eyes and stared silently at the man.

"Thank you for your assistant." The priest of the east thank the blacksmith and made her way out.

Robbie began to breathe easier as the trio of priestess were out of earshot.

As she walked away, Kagayu thought back to what that blacksmith said. 'Riding a car? He meant to say cart, right?'


Robbie finished his shift and left the shop. Along the way to the market he was knocked off his feet when he a mass collided with him.

Groaning in pain, Robbie managed to roll away from the mass laying on top of him and saw it was one of the mercenary protecting the village. The said man looked cross eyes with a dumb grin on his face.

"Saul…!" A voice called out as Reyes tuned to see Volt exiting the Tavern looking down at his drunken comrade before noticing the blacksmith apprentice "Oh, Sorry about this Reyes…" Volt apologized on behalf of the drunk before lifting the blacksmith off the ground by the Kids shoulder. "Saul here was just a little pissed and was taking it out on the barrel." The Leader of the Mercenary explained while pointing behind him to the pile of mugs scattered around the bar.

"No problem, I wasn't using that Funny Bone anyway." Robbie spoke, accepting the apology.

Volt laughed at that "Well, Why don't you come in and have a drink."

Robbie shook his head in decline "Sorry, but I gotta pick my little brother at the church." He Explained.

Volt nodded at this, but then thought "Well, why don't you bring him here and have dinner, my treat!" The Mercenary leader offered.

Robbie was shocked at the offer and responded "I don't want to intrude…"

"Come on Reyes…" Hick spoke up as he exited the bar "You've been fixing up our weapons all week. Let us treat you to a nice meal as our thanks."

Robbie thought it over before nodding "All right. I be back." He began to jog his way over to the church while waving at the pair, who returned the gesture.

Within the hour, Robbie returned with his brother and entered the bar.

Surprisingly, the brothers were met with a streams of cheers from the Black Dog group.

"Here's the Men of the Hour!" Hick cried out as he lifted his mug with the bar following suit.

Robbie couldn't help but feel a little bashful at the unnecessary applauding, Gabe on the other hand was fascinated by the amount of attention he and his brother were receiving. The two quickly sat at the only table with available seats, which was with Volt, his right hand man Hick and the magician mercenary Kin.

"So this is the famous blacksmith I've heard about." Robbie turned to see Kin staring at his with calculating eyes.

Robbie blushed a little at the praise and said "I don't know who's talking, but I can grantee you that the credit goes to Dain, who taught me everything."

Volt laughed at that "A 'take credit where it's due' Kind of guy huh?" The Black Dog leader's comment only made Reyes shrug.

Before the blacksmith could repel, a huge, well-cooked bird was placed right in front of him and his brother with a couple of mugs, one filled with beer, the other filled with water.

Gabe and Robbie eyed the meal before them, one out of amazement, the other out of shock and the suspicion.

Both used their plates to grab their share of the birds and began to chow down.

While Gabriel indulged in his meal without restraint, Reyes merely took a few bites before speaking up "So what's the occasion?" He asked the leaders of the Black Dog army.

Volt had just mid-chugging his beer when he glanced down at his guest. The Merc set his mug down and folded his arms and said "What I can't treat my favorite blacksmith to a free meal?" He purposely overplay his offended tone as both Hick and Kin tell easily tell.

Robbie merely put up his hands in his defense "No, no, no. I was just wondering why you're going the extra mile go for a guy like me?" He looked Volt dead in the eye.

Volt only stared back and after a couple minutes of silence between the two, the merc broke down "Alright, alright, you caught me." He raised his own hand in awkward defense as to ease any sort of tension between him and Reyes.

Gabriel, finally reading the mood, stop stuffing his face and looked at the scene in curiosity.

Volt then adopted a more serious, business-like look before saying "I was looking to hire you in my group as a blacksmith."

To say the Elder Reyes was shocked as an understatement.


Volt merely smiled "See, my group and I already gotten orders from the higher ups to prepare an assault of the Dark Elves fortress up north…"

"Okay…" Robbie inputted into the Merc's dialogue "But if you haven't noticed, I sharpen swords, splitting Skull isn't in my job description."

"Well if you shut up for a couple of seconds, I explain the job…" Volt interrupted, not looking bothered by the interuption. "Anyway, while you'll be kept away from the action, I will need you to help us maintain our weapons between battles."

"Really…?" Robbie asked, not believing that it was that simple, but willing to hear the mercenary out.

"Yep…" Volt replied "While I believe the fight at the Dark Elves stronghold will be a handful. I have no doubt we'll get into a few skirmishes before reaching the enemy fortress. Which is where you and a couple of other blacksmiths I recruited will come into play…"

Robbie stayed silent and listened as the Volt continued "While me and the boys have a decent stockpile of weapons, We need some professionals to keep the equipment up to date until the real fun starts."

The Elder Reyes understood the gist of the job, but there were still a couple of detail that needed to be addressed.

"Ok, two things…" He held two fingers up to countdown the questions "First, how long will I be with you guys, and two what's the pay looking like?"

Volt looked down for a moment to calculate the best answer he could give the blacksmith protégé. "Well in order, while I can't guarantee anything, I would say anywhere between two weeks and A month at best before we reach the Dark Elves' Fortress, a couple month assuming we make it back alive mind you." He explained after looking back at Robert "As for the pay, I'll personally guarantee you ten gold coins and twenty silver coins for your time and Three percent of the cut from the Shield alliance when we collect." Volt finished the terms.

The Offer was pretty solid for Robbie, but there were still a couple of problems, more on his end then Volt's.

"Do you think I could get back to you on that before I give you an answer?" The Elder Reyes asked, hoping his pause wouldn't be perceived negatively by the man making him an offer of a lifetime.

Volt cocked his eyes, clearly confused by the answer.

Before The Merc could voice his question, Robbie held up his hand in an apologetic gesture "Sorry, I just need to make sure the church can watch Gabe for me while I'm away." He explained.

Volt considered this, but once more interrupted by an outburst belonging to the Smallest in the Tavern "But Robbie I don't need a babysitter, I can take care of myself." Gabe protested his elder Brother's plan.

Only to receive a pat on the head and then "Sorry kid, But the day I leave you alone when I want the house demolished." Robert teased his brother.

Gabe pouted as he continued to argue with his brother whole hardly, with Robert only given stern rejections.

Scenes like this warmed Volt's heart a little.

"Alright, we'll be leaving in a couple week, so I hope to get your answer in a couple days at least." The Mercenary leader finalized the deal.

Robbie turned his attention back to the hero and held out his hand, which Volt accepted.

The party continued afterword with everyone eating, drinking, shouting (or singing if anyone asked), just spending all their hard earned Money.

Robbie Finally noticed that despite all the noise, Gabriel was having a hard time staying awake, with that he found his exit. The Blacksmith apprentice scooted out of his seat and turn towards his host "'Fraid I'll have to call it a night guy…" He then walked over to the drowsy Gabe and lifted the tyke into his arms.

Volt and the others just waved him off as they all said their goodbyes, but just before Robbie made it out the door, he heard "Goddess…Meeting…Demon…" despite the noise and turned to pair of merc speaking the words.

Robbie would have investigated more, but failed to get the pairs attention with his brother in his arm and decided to leave.

Once Back home he gently placed Gabe in their bed before setting himself in as well. Robbie ultimately failed to drift into dreamland immediate as the events of the evening weighed heavily on his mind.

(The Next Day)

Robbie and his brother had just arrived at the church for children's lessons.

After dropping Gabe off, he spotted Satsuki talking with the Lady Kagayu in front of the church's entrance. The pair proceeded to bow to each other before departing.

Robbie walked up right behind the sister just as she turned around, accidently bumping into each other.

"Oh Sorry!" Both bystanders shouted to each other.

"Anywho…" Sister Satsuki started up after the brief clash "Can I help you with something Robbie?"

Robbie, after snapping out of his stupor, said "Just wondering what was going on." He gestured to the direction the Shield Princess departed in.

Satsuki answered "Lady Kaguya was just informing me she would be setting up a ritual just outside the village."

Robbie cocked his head in confusion "A ritual, for what?"

"They said it was for a plan to draw out the Ghost Rider, so they could speak with it." The young sister explained, oblivious to the nervousness emitting from the Blacksmiths apprentice.

"Speak with it?!" Reyes blurted out, having difficulty containing his anxiety.

"Yes, her entourage explained that Lady Celestine had wished to personally greet the Ghost Rider" The sister of the church explained "Though I don't know why Lady Kaguya is here in her stead?"

Robbie chalked the last piece of her info away as he asked another question "Do you know when they're doing this ritual?"

Satsuki cupped her chin and answered "Around sunset tonight, Why?"

"No Reason." If Robbie could pull of whistling nonchalantly, he would have, but instead voted on a different tactic. "Do you think I can ask for a potential favor?"

Natually bewildered, Satsuki straightened herself out and gave Reyes her full undivided attention. "Anything within my power Robbie."

"I was wondering if you could look after my brother for a few weeks." Robbie asked, preparing for the worst.

The Nun looked shocked at the request. "A few Week?! What are you doing?!" She asked with a tone reminiscent to a den Mother.

"Volt's hiring me to work as one of his Blacksmiths while he raids the Dark Elf's Fortress." Robbie explained, doing his best to keep as calm as possible as not to escalate the situation any more than it already is.

The look on Sister Satsuki face told him that he failed miserable failed.

(Fortress of Ken, Ty'r Library)

Celestine quietly sat in the library she founded in the memory of her dear mentor.

The High Elf had been studying each book, every scroll, anything with information that had to do with the lore of demons, all with the intent of uncovering any secrets of the Ghost Rider.

All of her searching was in vain.

Celestine signed as she put back the books 'I shouldn't be surprised. Most of our knowledge is either within Origa's fortress, or was destroyed years ago.' She mulled over depressingly.

She finally placed the last book on the shelf when she picked up a series of footsteps. Spinning around, the High Elf came face to face with her friend Claudia, and two other individuals.

The first man was Klaus Levantain an older gentlemen in his mid-forties, with a greyish mustache and was well dressed, with a floppy hat, a pair of glasses and had a pair of scrolls under his arm.

The other man was a much older gentleman that wore heavily dressed in a dark and purple robe decorated with crosses, topped with a black and purple tricorn hat. He was Frollo, Archdeacon of the Church.

"Greetings everyone." Celestine acknowledged the trio with a bow, with the party imitating her motion.

"You as well Lady Celestine." Both Levantain and Frollo spoke in unison before facing the leader of the Alliance.

"Any luck on you end?" The Light Elf asked the Scholar of Levantine and the Archdeacon.

While Frollo merely shook his head 'no' Klaus chose to answer "I'm afraid not. Nothing within our family's achieve mention anything similar to this Ghost Rider.

"And the Church possesses no knowledge within our own." Frollo ever present frown slightly deepened as he answered.

Celestine also frowned at this news "Thank you for your efforts Lord Levantine, Archdeacon."

"If I may Lady Celestine…" Frollo spoke up "Rumors amongst our hall persist that you intend to meet with this demon?"

His tone made his question seem more like an accusation of a crime than anything, but Celestine answered regardless "That is true Archdeacon."

"Any particular reason why you would fabricate such an idea?" Frollo's tone was stead to the untrained onlooker, but the present company could tell the archdeacon was clearly unhappy on the subject.

"I wish to inquire on his motivation." The Believed Goddess reincarnated spoke "He had saved a whole village from an attack by Dark Queen's forces, yet he hasn't demanded any rewards."

"Mostly because no one has seen him since the attack." Klaus spoke out.

"Exactly…" Celestine exclaimed.

Frollo however still had more to say "How do we know he hasn't already taken something from the village already?"

Celestine answered almost immediately at that "I will see to myself archdeacon."

"Very Well." Frollo spoke before bow "Excuse me Lady Celestine." And left without another word.

Once the Archdeacon was out of site, Claudia finally let loose "That insufferable man. Who does he…."

"Now now dear…" Klaus interjected before his wife's rants got out of hand "The Archdeacon is simple concerned about these events and only wished for clarification."

The Knight of the Levantine took a moment to breathe before resuming in a much calmer tone "Klaus, you know as well as I do that the Archdeacon has never fully supported our leader since he took charge, even with all…"

"Hush now old friend." Celestine intervened "Archdeacon's has as much right to question my decision as you do."

Claudia bit her tongue from further arguing with her leader and friend, but still stood by her suspicion of the Archdeacon's potential actions. It was common knowledge that for every dozen requests Lady Celestine herself issued, Frollo only half-hearted supported a few of those decisions at best. While her holiness treated these intendances with a grain of salt, it was often speculated that Frollo had undermined a lot of Celestine's minor requests.

Celestine snapped Claudia out of her mental rant with "The Archdeacon will come around Claudia, it's only been a little over a year since he's been given his position."

Claudia sighed as she knew further arguing with her Grace will do neither of them any good. "Moving on, do you believe that Lady Kaguya will be able to summon the Ghost Rider."

Celestine nodded "Without a doubt. Lady Kaguya's techniques are on par with many of my own, she being able to handle the situation with care."

Celestine had finished placing the last of the scrolls away when The Knight of Levantine spoke "If you believe so, I just worry about her going overboard. She didn't seemed thrilled about speaking with the demon."

"Have a little faith Claudia." The Blonde High Elf placed a hand on her fellow Shield's shoulders.

Claudia simple sighed in defeat. 'Honestly Lady Celestine. You could just practice little more cautions with your allies carrying out your will.'

(The Village, Dain's Blacksmith Shop)

Robbie Reyes sat across from his teacher as he was going over his decision about leaving with the mercenary group.

As usually, Dain made it into a bigger deal then it should have been.

"I can't believe my Number One Apprentice, who I took in and raised as my own son…

"It will just be for a couple Months Dain." Robbie tried to explain as the dwarf continue to pace around the shop in anger

"Who I Fed, sheltered, bathed, clothed since he was shitting his pants out of the Goodness of my Heart…"

Robbie contained his annoyance at that "We're know each other for a couple of years at Best."

"Is now moving on to working with a bunch of muscle head just so he can gaze upon the exotic beauty that is the sworn enemy of humanity…"

"I'm just sharping their weapons short-stuff!" Robbie found it harder and harder to contain his annoyance.

But Dain remained oblivious to Robbie's shifting mood "And just when I had FINALLY Secured you an introduction with Lady Luu-Luu…"

"Dude... Seriously!" Robbie held himself back from snapping "You don't even know her!"

"I know more about her then you!" Dain fired back with a lustful grin hiding beneath his fuzzy face. "Such a petite form, the prime example of youth that any man, any age…"

A Hammer suddenly flew through the air, striking a shelf that collapsed and pummeled Dain right on the head. The dwarf kneeled on the ground while nursing his head.

Robbie composed himself before speaking up "I'll be gone for a couple months at least. Can you look after my house till I get back?"

Dain managed to get to his feet with the help of the table as he used his free hand to nurse his bump. "Why, expecting some squatters to move in?"

"No, but I think you could use a place to sleep that doesn't hurt you." He gestured the many shelfs in the shop that had to be nail back on.

"Oh how very generous of you…" The Dwarf grumbled at the subtle jab at his shop. "I take it I'll also have to look after little Gabe?"

"Nah. I talked Sister Satsuki to look after him." Robbie explained.

Dain sighed "We'll with the mercs on the road and you out of my shop, I suppose I have to get caught up on how to fix farming tool. Just come back in one piece kid."

"That's it?" Robbie expected his mentor to make a bigger fuss then that.

"When you do come back, I expect a couple of women in each of your arms! I don't care if their older then you or already knocked up! They got to be more gorgeous than our own Goddess…" Dain rants continued, unaware that Robbie had left the second the dwarf entered his speech.

Exiting through the back alley, the Ghost Rider in disguised sighed in relief at being out of his mentor's presence. Not that he wasn't grateful for all the man had done for him and Gabe, but the Dwarf could try and at least keep his 'Helpful suggestions' to himself.

While lost in his thought, Robbie didn't immediately sensed some sort of presence hovering over him.

His Uncle on the other hand did 'Hey kid, something's following us.'

Before Robbie could respond, the presence started to wrap around him and Robbie started to feel strange.

"What the hell!" Robbie cried out as the strange feeling continued to grow stronger and what worst, he knew something was wrong, but didn't know what. 'Ellie, What the hell going on!'

'Kid, I think we're fading away!' Ellie guessed from the sensation he was feeling himself.

Robbie naturally panicked at that 'Fading?! How?!'

'How should I know?!' Ellie shouted, enjoying the sudden emptiness as much as his nephew.

Said nephew was struggling to maintain his footing and in a moment of desperation, used his power to sink into the shadows and into the car that he had hidden away from the village.

Once in the familiar seat, Robbie felt the empty feeling vanish instantly and begun to relax.

"What the hell was that?!" The Ghost Rider harshly breathed out.

'What am I, a broken record?! I don't know what happened!' Ellie responded clearly annoyed by the whole situation.

Robert didn't even bothering to answer as he tried to collect himself.

Suddenly, the fading sensation began to erupt within him once more. Only this time he noticed how he could now see through his hand.

Then he lost consciousness.

(The Church within the village.)

Kaguya had finished the adding her blood the upside down star shaped mark on the ground, which begun to summon the demon to the location.

With her guards standing nearby, weapons ready, The Shrine Maiden of the East began to activate the summoning circle.

"Remember, be vigilant…" Kaguya closed her eyes as she instructed her guards, warning the group their 'guest' would likely be hostile.

Kaguya resumed focusing on the seal, using it to search for traces of the Ghost Rider.

After several minutes, she picked up his scent and willed the seal to bring the demon to her. She expected resists from the demon, but disappearing was something she was unprepared for. A couple minutes of searching allowed to recover his scent and latch on to him.

The Shrine Maiden had managed to make her target appear within the circle. Once she opened her eyes, she saw a metal carriage that was described to her by the village church.

Now getting a good look at the metal carriage, even she marveled at the sleek metal, smoother and glossier then a freshly sharpened sword. Kaguya also noted how the frame of the carriage was laced with black metal, with the exception of the wheel and strangely shaped horn being made out of silver. The face of the carriage also had some sort of dark glass that reflected the afternoon sun light, making it difficult to see within the transport.

The Shrine maiden finally noticed a shadow moving within the carriage, but couldn't make out the person. Quickly nodded to her entourage, the guards held their weapons as if they were prepared for a fight as Kaguya moved closer to the carriage.

Reyes, after finally regaining his senses from whatever the hell that was, noticed how the one Shield Maiden he had hope to never encounter, was walking up to his car. He managed to force himself to sit perfectly still as he tried to think of a way out of this.

Starting the Car and driving was out, because he had no idea was he was, and didn't want to risk hitting someone and getting into deeper trouble.

It was a no brainer that getting out of the car either as himself or as the Ghost Rider was just going to create more problems then…

A noise knocked Robbie out of his thoughts to see Kaguya tapping on the hood of his car with her index finger before laying her whole hand on it.

Robert knew he was running out of time. He then decided to take a leap of fate.

Kaguya continued to examine the carriage with unusual interest when she noticed a sudden flash of light out of the corner of her eye. Looking at the source of the light, she could see a flaming skull behind the glass of the carriage and was naturally stunned.

The Shrine Maiden's Guards fared no better at they pointed their Nagitanas at the carriage upon seeing the Skull. Although appearing to stand fearless, they could not deny the sensation the resembled said emotion creeping throughout their core.

Robbie just activated his Ghost Rider form as a precaution to keep his civilian identify safe incase things went south. He then opened the door and stepped out of the car facing the Shield Maiden that stood guarded at his appearance.

After a tense standoff between the two, Robbie took the silence as the signal to break the ice. "Who are you?" Best to play dumb who you were dealing with.

The Shrine Maiden of the East in turn introduce herself "I am Kaguya of the Far East, also the standing Ruler of Thron." She answered calmly.

Ghost Rider nodded in acknowledgement. "Why did you bring me here?" Deciding the direct approach was the best option.

Kaguya only stared the Demon down, refusing to be intimidated by the alleged savior, then answered "You have been summoned by the Goddess Reincarnation and leader of the Shield Alliance, Celestine Lucross."

Robbie was naturally surprised by this. "Why?"

"I'm assuming it's due to the recent actions in saving the village." Kaguya answered honestly.

Robbie was both baffled and a little doubtful at that. "If she wanted to see me, why are you here?" He asked, pushing his luck a little.

Kaguya narrowed her eyes at the tone she interpreted. "I came here in her place to judge and determine if you're a threat to her grace."

"You just said I saved the village, why the sudden suspicion?" The Ghost Rider blurted out.

Kaguya, still maintaining her stoic, but subtle guarded posture answered "You are a supernatural being of unknown origins. To meet the Leader of our alliance without proper judgement is unthinkable."

Robbie mentally kicked himself as he temporally forgot he was still considered a demon to the population. Still, this was the first conversation he had while in his Ghost Rider Form in a while. "Ok, fair enough."

Kaguya was surprised at the Demon's passiveness, but quickly recomposed herself. The Shrine Maiden grabbed a talisman from her robes. Tossing the piece of paper onto the demon's chest, the talisman begun to glow an eerie green.

The Ghost Rider was naturally afraid of the paper that struck him, as ridiculous as that sounds, and begun to panic as it was glowing.

"The will determine your nature…" Kaguya spoke up as she noticed the demon's shift in posture. She then raised her left hand "If you aren't a threat the talisman won't…

Robbie suddenly felt a huge pain flood his body, his legs failing him as he collapsed on his knee as he clutched his chest, trying to remove the talisman. However, Reyes felt the pain intensify when he touched the piece of paper.

'Kid…!' Ellie roared within Robbie's head 'Get that fucking thing off you!'

Robbie couldn't force a response out of himself as he tried to bite through the pain.

Kaguya stood mildly perplex by what she was seeing. While the seal she placed on the demon was indeed sensing evil intent within the being, it wasn't incinerating him like it was supposed to. It appeared to be purge whatever evil resides within the demon.

Which begs the question, what exactly is this demon?

Robbie had managed to fight through the pain and grasp the talisman. Managing to fight through the intense pain, The Ghost Rider ripped off the talisman and felt instance relief. However, exhausting began to take over and he attempted to crawl his way to his car, intending to get away.

Robert ignored the crowding guards as he was just about to touch his car, then his vision faded to black.


Robbie felt heavy. Like he was aware of his surrounding, but was too tired even fall asleep. Through his blurry vision he could see five shadows looming over him.

"Mistress…Wise…Goddess…" A series of words was all Robert could make out in his delirious state.

'Wait…Goddess?!' Robbie thought as the words finally registered, inciting a panic like state to developed.

'Kid, I think we're screwed.' Ellie spoke up, sounding like he was still in pain, most likely from the earlier events.

'How are you holding up?' Robert asked, showing a decent enough concern to his deranged uncle.

'Better then you're about to be if thing are going the way I think there're going.' Ellie answered vaguely. 'I hope this is going to take a while, cause it's going to take that long for us to get recharged.'

Robbie let loose a groan 'Just fucking perfect.' After finally finding the strength, Robert managed to see he was within a dark room with no windows, dimly lit with four torches. Then he managed to see four of the five shadows from earlier were none other than the Shrine Maiden's guards.

After brief and cautionary looking around (Given the spears now pointing at him) Robbie managed to locate the Shrine Maiden kneeling in front of stone circle that laid on the floor.

Kaguya, now seeing the Ghost Rider awake, stood up and walked up to the being and stared down. "I see I have been wrong about you in many ways." She stated as she stared down with her stoic eyes. "To think a blacksmiths apprentice would be housing such a demonic essence, and no one was aware of it until a month ago."

"Am I supposed to be terrified, or charmed?" Robbie threw a Quip out in an attempt to ease the tension between the ruler of Thorn and himself.

Which worked as well as you expect.

Kaguya continued to stare down her prisoner, but soon broke her gaze to return her attention to the stone circle. "Those chains wrapped around you are disrupting you spirit, weakening your ability to transform." She explained as he traced her fingers along the stone circle.

With that, Robbie finally noticed the chains that were wrapped around his mid-section, binding his arms behind him. He began to move around a little, testing out the sturdiness of the chains, only to see barley any wiggle room for him.

Kaguya managed to activate her spell and within seconds, The Leader of the Shield Alliance, Celestine Lucross appeared.

Robbie could help but marvel at the extremely, not to mention exotic, transparent beautiful form of the High Elf appearing within the dark room.

Celestine did a once over on the room she was currently viewing, but stopped to see Robbie all chained upped and kneeling on the floor. A sight that both confused and concerned the Proclaimed Goddess.

"Lady Kaguya…" Celestine turned to her ally "Who is this man and why is he chained up like a prisoner?" She asked the Shrine Priestess.

Kaguya the bowed before answering "Milady, this man is none other than the Ghost Rider himself."

Celestine was none other the less shocked at the news, and began to look down at the being she had been seeking. "Is this true?" She asked Kaguya more than the boy.

"Yes…" Kaguya moved in front of Reyes to properly face the Goddess. "I managed to summon him and initiated a ritual to properly judge him. However there were…complications."

Celestine cocked her head in confusion as she muttered "Complications?"

Kaguya reached within her robes and pulled out the talisman from earlier, except it looked torn in half with noticeable burn marks decorated it. "This specific talisman was designed in order to banish demons tied to our world. I made a few adjustments for you goal of recruiting him."

'What…?! The Goddess was trying to recruit me?!' Robbie was naturally shell-shocked at that news.

Ellie was just as stunned, but held his tongue as the earlier incident didn't add up.

"If the Talisman is supposed to banish him, does that mean he doesn't that mean any harm Lady Kaguya?" Celestine asked, perfectly concealing her excitement in her voice.

Kaguya shock her head as she said "On that I can't be certain…" He gestured to the burnt talisman "This talisman spell broke in an unusual way so while this man was unconscious, I continued my investigation…"

Taking a deep breath, Kaguya continued "At first I was shocked to discover that two separate entities existed with this man. His own soul and another Human soul…"

'Busted…!' Ellie rang out within his Nephew's head at the Shield Princess announcement.

Celestine was just as surprised by the news as she stared down wide-eyed. "Two human spirits, How's that possible?"

Kaguya spun around to star down at Reyes. "I believe that's a question only our guest is capable of answering."

Robbie gulped as he became the center of attention. 'Any ideas Ellie?' Robbie not hiding his desperation for help from the source of his powers.

'Well here I see it kid…' Ellie begun to list out the options 'We could A, give them the straight truth, and either be most likely labeled as an extravagant liar, of just Insane…'

'Next…' Robbie spoke out, hoping the next idea was better.

Ellie continued 'B, We could make up a story that you were trying to contact you dead parents and instead got me. Not wishing to go back, I bonded to your body and…'

'Stop right there!' Robbie spouted out, immediately rejecting the second option.

Before Ellie could get another word out, a sharp prick pecked his back, causing his to glance around to see one of the guards pointing her nagitana at the prisoner.

The said guard gave a crossed look before saying "The Goddess has asked you a question De…"

"Please, their no need for such action." Celestine cried out in an attempt to ease the tension.

While her orders were obeyed, the guards and present Shield Maiden still maintain their guarded persona.

Celestine then glanced down and offered a warm and comforting smile, deciding to be patient while waiting for the Ghost Rider's answer.

Ghost Rider seeing that smile actually thought about telling her the truth, only to glance back at his 'company' and hesitate.

Then, an idea came to him. "Why are you going through all this trouble anyway?"

Before Kaguya could provide any verbal response, the Goddess incarnate answered "I do suppose I own you an explanation sir…" Celestine paused as she realized she didn't know the proper name of the Ghost Rider.

Robbie managed to pick up on where the Leader of the Alliances was going with her sentence and answered "Robbie Reyes Madam."

"Sir Reyes…" Celestine smiled, "I would humbly ask you to venture into the Garm and bring forth Origa Discordia alive and unharmed."

Silence filled the room as the contents of the Elf's sentence finally sunk in.

"What…?" Robbie blurted out.

Celestine looked surprised as she said "Oh! Do I need to make up a contract with you first?"

And after over a year and half of waiting, here it is!

Sorry it took so long. I've been struggling with my writing.