Reviews for A Savior lit with Hellfire
Guest chapter 3 . 6/2
Ok dude the ghost rider shouldn't have been affected by the talisman in the first place he would been able to burn it in an instant because he uses hell fire pluse after he ripped that thing off he should have enough strength to fight and maybe scare them off to never bother him but no instead you made him pass out like a little bitch really dude fuck you.
Cure Crystal chapter 2 . 1/30
will Sister Satsuki join the harem?
Ghostly chapter 3 . 1/9
Celestine needs to understand that as a Ghost Rider, he is tasked to send judgement upon the criminal and the sinner, to make them suffering their victims' pain before dying. This may include Origa as well.

Yes, I know this isn't the same vengeful spirit like Johnny's but still... It's the task of the Ghost Rider.
superfanman217 chapter 3 . 10/18/2019
i realy want to see their reaction to either his origin or 'origin'

i love it
Bluzerker chapter 3 . 10/4/2019
I... I don’t know why you wanted to reveal Robbie’s identity already within the third chapter of the story. It’s... well it’s a cliche trope I have read in lower fanfics. Quite often actually, and it puts me out of the reading trance of seeing it, ain’t quite right. So far your writing is fine, I don’t mind the grammar. But where are you going with this? It feels to me this have no end goal and I’ve been on that road on where the story will upbruptly end. With no indication to why or how whatsoever. Also how comes Gabriel not notice they’re in another dimension? Doesn’t he know Robbie’s the ghost rider already? I’m pretty sure Gabriel is a smart kid. I’ve been enjoying the story so far, but this part where Robbie just gets his ass beat by a piece of paper, and in turn leading to this, makes me wanna drop the story. No offense to you, and honestly i don’t really care if this puts you in a bad mood, since well how you went to tell your “flamers and haters” on what you think about them in the first chapter. Kinda game me the wrong impression.

(Really? A mic drop? It’s kinda cringe and too edgy for me kid.
Ben56 chapter 3 . 10/1/2019
Good to have another chapter, thank you very much. I will be waiting the next chapter.
inkman92 chapter 3 . 9/24/2019
Ok to let you know that the Ghost Rider is an angel but is retconned. So if the tailsman was post to be for evil then sorry my friend the Ghost Rider or any of the other Ghost Riders are not evil, plus I don't think the tailsman would work on him at all. So pls keep in mind that the Riders in Marvel are still angels just retconned.
Perseus12 chapter 3 . 9/23/2019
Oh, boy, this story is gonna be interesting and I like it! I wonder if there's any pairing for Robbie Reyes and I'll just wait to read the next chapter.
superfanman217 chapter 2 . 6/9/2019
i love it

i hope u continue
Primus2021 chapter 1 . 5/17/2019
Idea to add Claudia to the Harem without much problems, or killing the husband or making the husband a coward the lets his wife get raped by whoever, which makes her want a divorce.

1] Claudia ONLY married Claus because it was an arrangement made by their fathers. So they don't love each other and are only still together for appearances sake, and their fathers won't allow a divorce.
2] Claus is 100% incapable of giving her the 1 thing she wants above all others, a baby, Yeah he's sterile.
3] Claus also uses Claudia as a "Beard Wife" while he's screwing and being screwed by the Stable Boys and other male lovers.
4] Claus also doesn't love her, so he doesn't care if she cheats on him - not that she ever has, yet - she is just way too busy with her work as a 7SP, so when she meets Robbie it's not love at first sight but she does find him attractive.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/26/2018
A Spirit of Vengeance... That doesn't do vengeance... FUCK LOGIC!
SantoryuSekai chapter 1 . 3/25/2018
Ghost Rider is perfect apra this story, although I like more of Johnny blaze. Besides, he is very strong, a guy that destroys a galaxy is no small thing.
What will you do for the Ghost Rider to stay in their world, since he controls portals between dimensions, it would be strange to say that a person in a new world would never think of going back home?
THE CROW 88 chapter 2 . 2/6/2018
awesome chapter and add Claudia to the harem she deserve better
LL chapter 2 . 2/3/2018
So this Ghost Rider don't has the ability to sense evil? Keep in mind my knowledge of Ghost Rider is limited to the two Ghost Rider movies.

I can understand if that wasn't included as it would be too boring if Volt and his gang die in the first chapter just cause the Ghost Rider within Robbie got excited upon sensing Volt and his gang's dark intentions or was it evil? coming from them and went to burn them all until not even ashes remain.
quentin3655 chapter 1 . 2/3/2018
I guess you could say this pretty LIT
(Please kill me)
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