A/N: Okay last chapter. Time for the other chiefs to learn about Berk's unique inheritage. Just remember I.O.N. Enjoy!

And That's How Hiccup became Berk's Heir

Stoic's p.o.v

"… After we got home Gothi amputated Hiccup's leg and thanks to night furies special healing saliva it didn't got infected at all." I finally finished the story with a quick swing of my mug.

Oswald and Bertha were standing the closest to me while the other chiefs stood a little farther away. The door to the Great Hall was wide open so I can see Hiccup and his friends testing out his new metal leg.

Oswald broke the silence, "Well, that's something. So this entire time Hiccup was your lost son? What would you do if Fishlegs didn't found out that your ancestors were Dragon Riders?"

I shook my head, "Probably lost Hiccup for good. Though he might've found another way to get back since by the time we got there, he already knew."

Bertha piped up right then, "Looks like we all were looking in the wrong places. It's getting late; we'll should head to bed. Even the kids and younger dragons are all leaving."

I looked out the doorway and sure enough, the sun was set and Hiccup was the only one outside, sitting on the steps waiting for me. I smiled fondly, "You're right. Night to you'll. We'll continue this meeting tomorrow."

At that our guests headed to the guest house while I headed to Hiccup. "Ready to head home son?"

Hiccup got up and nodded excitedly, "Yea Dad. Did you see the new features I added to the leg? I can now change how scrawny it is so it can fit in the stirrup better!"

I took the sixteen year old's hand as I listened to him tell me all about the new features he added. Walking, I arrived at our house, where our laundry is seen outside drying. Val did the laundry while I talked to my fellow chiefs.

Entering, I noticed Val had put on a pot of soup. Quickly, we sat at the table for supper. Val spoke up first, "How was you guys' day?"

Hiccup grinned, "My friends and I practiced for the upcoming Dragon Races and tried out my new leg! I made it myself and added a special feature."

Val laughed, "Sounds like you had a very enjoyable day, what about you Stoic?"

I smiled warmly, "Oswald asked me why we told them last year not to look for Hiccup's tribe and why we introduced Hiccup to them as our heir. So I've been mostly telling them what happened last year."

Val nodded, "I got most of spring cleaning done and Mrs. Ingerman lent me a new book that I can't wait to start."

After we finished eating we washed up our plates and went into the living. The fire was going at full blaze, a small green terrible terror, which we have discovered are nothing more than a cat version for dragons, was curled up in front of it sleeping. Hiccup was sprawled on the floor working on an invention, while Val curled up on the couch to read her new book. I sat in my favorite chair and started to carve when a thought hit me.

"Hiccup, your first night here you said you wanted your family to be just like this. We do this every night before we tuck you in bed."

Hiccup and Val stopped what they were doing to look at me. Hiccup finally broke the silence, "Dad, I said that in Dragonesse. Though you are right. I still like it. It makes me feel safe."

Val stood up and stretched, "I never even thought about it. Come on, it's your bed time."

With that we went upstairs to tuck Hiccup in bed.

"Night Mom, night Dad." Hiccup yawned as he snuggled underneath his blankets.

I smile fondly at him, "Night our Hiccup."

The end. Yes the whole thing was Stoic telling a story to his fellow chiefs. R&R!