Alfea's Mother
By: FunahoMisaki
(A/N: I own nothing and read last chapter.)
"This the place? It's a bit… pink ain't it?" A green haired teenage girl asked as she and an older woman walked into Alfea without trouble as the younger one looked around. The older woman gave a small snort at the question.
"Excuse me but who are you and what are you doing here?" Griselda asked stopping the two and earning a smile from the older one.
"Miss Griselda, a pleasure to see you again. This is my apprentice Selina-" the older woman began only to be cut off by a loud squeal from nearby.
"Selina! Eldora!" Bloom squealed as she slammed into Selina hugging her tightly and cuddling close to her mate.
"Mom?" Griselda asked looking at the red head surprised for a moment and making Eldora look amused.
"So she's adopted you huh?" Eldora asked while Selina and Bloom were whispering quietly to each other and cuddling. They had missed each other dearly and were glad to be back together again. Seeing Bloom lean up and give the greenish haired girl a slightly more than chaste kiss on the lips caused Griselda to blink before smiling and averting her eyes.
"So she's our dad…that makes you the grandma." Griselda said looking from Selina to Eldora whose eyebrow twitched slightly with a smirk on her lips.
"You do recall that you're older than I am right?" Eldora asked looking at Griselda who smirked ever so slightly wider.
"Besides those who know that for a fact…do you really think anyone else would believe you if you tried telling them?" Griselda asked making Eldora twitch again. Griselda was right, based on their looks many would believe that Eldora was much older than Griselda.
"So…I hear we have a lot of new children now dear?" Selina asked finally separating her lips from Blooms as she ran her hand through the long red hair, holding the slightly shorter woman close with a smile.
"I may have adopted my entire school…and the rival school…and an all boys school…" Bloom trailed off with a sheepish grin while Selina snickered and kissed Bloom's temple.
"My mothering dragoness." Selina said fondly while Bloom blushed a bit and leant into the hold.
"Mama! Is that our dad?" Musa asked rushing over with the rest of the Winx, and a few other girls that looked curious or wary.
"Yes baby girl. This is my mate Selina." Bloom said smiling warmly at her 'hatchlings' as she kissed Selina's cheek.
"That explains the make out session." Griselda said watching amused when some of her 'younger siblings' made disgusted faces.
"Yuck mom and dad kissing." Stella said pulling a face at the thought and making Selina snicker while Bloom giggled and Eldora gave a small snort.
"Better get used to it hatchling." Selina said smirking as she kissed Bloom again, earning a playful swat to the shoulder.
"Not in front of the children dear. Wouldn't want to traumatize them." Bloom said smiling to show she didn't mean any harm as she playfully swatted her mate away.
"A kiss won't traumatize them." Selina said pouting at the slightly shorter woman while Eldora snorted inelegantly.
"A kiss won't but what you two get up to when alone might. There's a reason I never leave you by yourselves in my house." Eldora said giving the two an unimpressed but amused look when Bloom blushed but Selina just grinned wickedly.
"Selina if you say one word I'll make you sleep on the floor." Bloom said glaring at her mate, who had just opened her mouth, and causing her to pale and clamp her mouth shut.
"Whipped." A senior nearby called amused as the rest of the students and teachers began migrating over to meet their 'dad' and 'grandma'.
"I prefer the term trained. Whipped makes it sound like I have no spine and I guarantee you…I have a spine I just know that a happy wife means a happy life." Selina said making the male teachers and half of the female ones to snicker slightly.
"Sound words for every married person to live by." Wizgiz said nodding sagely as he hopped over quite literally.
"Especially the one threatened with the couch." DuFour said sounding a bit put out but smiling a bit at the young couple.
"You're very familiar with that threat aren't you DuFour?" Faragonda asked snickering and making the red clad professor glare at her.
"Screw you Fara." DuFour said glaring darkly at the older woman who snorted slightly in amusement.
"My husband does." Faragonda said grinning and making the students around her blush or mime gagging.
"So you're our dad?" Musa asked trying to change the subject as fast as she could.
"Yep little hatchlings. I'm Selina, a fairy witch hybrid with powers of flowers and snakes. Nice to meet all of you." Selina said smiling at the 'hatchlings' that her mate had adopted.
"A snake dad and a dragon mom." Stella said snickering heavily at that.
"And a bunch of mismatched little baby hatchlings to look after." Selina continued without batting an eye and making a few of the fairies protest being called baby hatchlings, particularly the teachers.
"Baby? You don't know how old I am do you dad?" DuFour asked looking at the green haired teen amused and disbelieving.
"Don't know. Don't care. Bloom adopted you, which makes you one of our daughters. That also makes you one of our baby girls no matter how old you are." Selina didn't even hesitate in her response making all of the girls grin. Their mom and dad are awesome.
"I wonder how she will react to the boy lying about his identity in order to try and date mom?" Palladium asked looking curious and making Selina tense painfully and a hiss to escape her lips.
"What? Who daresss try and sssteal my mate?" Selina hissed dangerously, her eyes becoming slit and her teeth sharpening and lengthening.
"Don't worry my snake. He never could tempt me away from you. I'm allergic to self-entitled idiot brats like him." Bloom said purring slightly to sooth her mate as she cuddled closer into Selina's side.
"I better go tell Saladin to keep young prince Sky far away for a while." Faragonda said moving to go towards her office in order to avoid the death of a crown prince, if only because of the bad publicity.
Griselda's next remark proved that yes her witch of a wife was rubbing off on her with possible help from said wife's sister.
"Nah just tell him to have the camera ready for blackmail."