


Third Person P.O.V

A few years ago before the present time, there's a kingdom in mobius ruled by a royal family of hedgehogs. Their king named Circe. Their queen named Aleena. They had two children. Both of them are boys. The brother is 3 years early while the younger brother is 3 years late . But sadly, after 47 years of their childbirth, they were attacked by humans and tons of army of robots.

Inside of the castle

"Capture their child at all cost!" an old man in red clothes with goggles yelled but seemed to be very demanding as lots of robots swarmed in, attacking the royal guards.

"No, You're absolutely not capturing my sons!" the grown black male hedgehog shouted back angrily at the old man.

"Why do you go through violence just to capture our sons?" the grown purple female hedgehog asked with a hint of sadness in her tone. But only to receive a twisted grin from him.

"Because if the prophecy about a male hedgehog child will born in a royal bloodline is true, then one of your child is the embodiment of chaos itself have the power to destroy the world within his grasp! He's the one chosen by chaos himself! While the other one will become immortal just like him to protect him from powerthirst monster to lay a finger on him." the scientist said wickedly.

"If that's true then I won't let you lay a finger on my sons for just some stupid experiment." Circe said full of sense of justice.

"Don't be so arrogant, your majesty. Cause all you have you do now is begging your son's life because I had already send a few couple of robots to capture your sons while the humans will conquer your kingdom and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Hahahahaha!!" the scientist chuckled maniacally.

"No, Aleena go save our sons I'll deal with this madman myself. Go!" Circe yelled angrily.

"Be safe, Circe." Aleena respond in hope that her husband to be safe.

"I will be back with ease, Aleena

Don't worry." the cobalt king convinced the queen.

Aleena nodded and rushed to their children bedroom. The dark hedgehog glanced at the mad scientist with hatred as his fists clenched tightly, ready to teach this old man his place.

"So how are you gonna defeat us, Gerald? You know that Aleena and I was once a legendary fighter in our younger days, right?" Circe with such confidence in his voice as he masked his hatred with a forced smile.

"Of course I know, your majesty. That's why I created a robot that will outmatched you." the mad scientist replied with a crooked smirk as his reply.

"Behold Mecha Circe!"

Mecha Circe looks exactly like Circe. It was like standing in front of a mirror which is creepy.

"So do you like it, your Highness?" Gerald said sarcastically. The ebony king shook his head in disagreement.

"Such disgrace. You didn't think that this mecha will defeat me, did you?" Circe replied with confidence and cockiness in his tone.

"Of course it will defeat you, your majesty. It could overpowered you and queen aleena combined. Even better, it can end your misery out of this world….. but… I still can use you." Gerald said under his breath with a smirk on his face.

"Mecha Circe, knocked this king out!" Gerald yelled with confidence.

"Yes, my lord." Mecha Circe heed its master's request monotonically.

Suddenly, Mecha Circe attack Circe forcefully but all of his attack was dodged by the ebony king himself.

"Did you honestly think that this loathsome copy can defeat me? Did you forget who am l? I am King Circe. The king of Mobius!" Circe saie cockily while dodging his mecha self without getting hit by it.

"That's why your pride will get yourself defeated by me, Circe. Oh well, you've done good, your majesty but it's simply not enough." Gerald smirked madly which caught Circe off guard.

"What the- ." before Circe could react, it suddenly attacked on his leg. Circe screamed in pain as his leg got busted. There's no escape.

"Aleena, please get our sons out of here."Circe said barely a whisper before he was being beaten endlessly by the copy of him until the king became no threat to Gerald like weakly limp there. Can't do none about it.

"It seems you all talk when your legs got busted up, your majesty."

"Why? Why did you do this, Gerald old friend? Why did you become a destroyer? Don't you care about Maria and your grandson?" Circe said weakly, bearing the pain.

"I do care about them but I was tied with this "cursed" promise." the scientist said full of...regrets?

"What do you mean? Who are you talking about?"

"Your little brother, your majesty. He is the one ordered me to do his bidding. And of course, he is the one who wanted me to capture your sons but he more prefer the chosen one so that he can change them to be like him. It's all for his stupid revenge to you for exiled him from this kingdom. That is also why he wants to conquer this land." he explained sadly. "I wish I didn't owe him anything in the first place." Gerald said lowly.

" After what he done, he thinks he can show his face after that? Hmph! What a joke. However, he can take what he want but leave my sons alone! Where is he?!" the king glared at Gerald menacingly.

"Didn't you realise what is the situation you're in now, your majesty? You are barely can even speak and you want to confront your little brother? How foolish. Mecha send him to the base. I have things to take care of." Gerald said before he turned his back on him.

"You will not get away with this!" the black hedgehog said loudly, trying to get up but failed miserably.

With that Gerald laughed lightly at Circe's little stunts. "I already have."

"Yes, my lord." replied Mecha Circe. With that the mecha carried out the disabled king out of the castle.

'Yes…. things indeed..' the madman thought mentally while laughing madly inside. "I'm coming for you, my queen as well as your sons."

"Well speaking of her …."

With Aleena

Aleena arrived at their children bedroom. She opened the door slowly as it creaked and she saw their sons fight off against two robots. Well, the brother that look like exactly like his father but has red striped fur and the younger one has royal blue fur unlike his family but close to his mother . The 8 years old male hedgehog tried to protect his little brother from harm but it seemed all in vain.

So, Aleena quickly rushed in before even thinking of everything and snatched her sons before getting hit by the robots. There was two robots silver and gold.

"Quickly, run my sons!" Aleena ordered because her number one priority is to get her sons to safety.

"What's happening, mom?" the 5 years old blue hedgehog asked with trembling body

"No time to explain. Let's go!" the queen urged in demanding tone.

"Ooh…. but the fun will be over, my queen." the mysterious voice said yet familiar.

"You! Where is Circe?" Aleena demanded some answer desperately.

"Dad? What happened to dad?" the trembled 8 years old black and red striped hedgehog asked.

"Who are you, Mister? Why are you attacking this peaceful planet?" the cobalt blue hedgehog asked as he shivered in fear.

"Who am I you ask? I am Gerald Robotnik. The conqueror of this planet as well as the earth. Everyone shall obey me as their new king." he said proudly but there was a slight hint of regrets in his tone.

"But, I must find this embodiment of chaos first before I do all of that stuff. So, are any of you the chosen one?" Gerald askes with a smirk on his face like a madman.

"No you're not taking any of them! After what you did to my dear Circe, I will not letting you get away with this, you hear me?!" the cobalt queen threatened.

"I thought you say that but I came prepared, your Highness. Kill her. She doesn't have any use to me." the mad scientist said without any mercy.

The brothers widened their eyes upon the word "kill"

"Mother, no!" the black striped red hedgehog yelled as he tried to come to his mom's aid but was stopped by the silver robot.

"And? What do you think you can do, young crown prince?"

At first, the room was echoed by silence. Then..

"I am the chosen one, Gerald Robotnik." He said without fear.

"What are you doing, son?"

Aleena asked in confusion, trying to reach him out.

"I know what am I doing, mom. Just… Believe in me.Please…" the young crown prince begged.

"Oh, really? That's so sweet of you to surrender yourself to me but where's the fun?" the madman asked that has been smirking the entire time with his crooked grin.

"Wh-What do you mean?" the young crown prince asked as his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

"You'll see.." he grinned as he seemed to be gave his robot a signal. Almost instantly, the gold and silver robots started to attack the family.

"What the…!" before the queen and the two prince could react, they were attacked endlessly by the two robots without mercy at all. 'They were defenseless!'Thought Aleena.

"Let them go, Gerald!" she yelled with all of her might as she withstand the pain.

"No. I'm enjoying this and you can't ruin it, you hear me, your Highness? Such a party pooper."

"Stop it….." At first they were ignoring the young blue hedgehog but his soft low voice turned into dark menacing shout.

"I said, stop it!" shouted the young prince.

The cobalt queen and the ebony prince were surprised with the yell of the blue hedgehog even Gerald was surprised.

"What do you gonna do about it, young prince?" the scientist asked while the silver robot that so fast even Aleena couldn't stop it from choking the blue hedgehog to the death.

"Ugh..I can't..breath.." the blue blur said between words, gasping for air as his lungs felt heavy.

"Brother!" the black blur shouted angrily. "Let him go! I'm the one who you wanted!" the young crown prince said desperately because his little brother's life is at stake.

"Alright, my young crown prince." the madman answered with smirk on his face. "Let him go". With that the silver robot release the young prince from its grasp.

"Brother..!" the cobalt blue hedgehog said lowly before passed out.

"Well, now that I found the chosen one, might as well take the queen too just in case anything happen. Robots take the queen. Don't worry she won't bite anytime soon. Let's go, my prince. Don't worry about your younger brother. I'll spare him. Come on." the scientist urged but unknown to him the blue blur didn't entirely collapsed juet yet.

"W-wait.." said the blue blur weakly.

"Hmm..still have the energy to fight, young prince?' the madman said while making a intimidating face

"You win this time but..I swear that I-" before he could continued, suddenly, the blue hedgehog was somewhat possessed by an unknown entity as his voice, fur even his iris changed. His fur has turned navy blue. And his eyes, there were no iris. His emerald green iris vanished, leaving a pair of white glowing eyes. His entire being was surrounded by dark aura.

The no longer blue hedgehog chuckled darkly. "You may have won now but in the near future, a prophecy will decide humanity fate."the black hedgehog paused as he chuckled lightly at their shocked expression but decided to shrug the thought off.

As you can see, this being has the most intimidating presence. With the aura that can choke anyone, no one dared to approach the dark being.

"I swear Gerald, one day your legacy shall pay the price for attacking my family. And when that happen, I'll be making sure you'll be paying the price dearly." he laughed maniacally. His laughter was so twisted and dark.

Aleena and her son were shocked in place to see the once sweet little blue hedgehog turned into this demon spawned. His laughter echoes throughout the room until he just stopped.

"Oh well, my time is up. Mark my words, Gerald." with that the cobalt blue hedgehog's fur changed into its normal royal blue fur as his entire body shut itself down.

The mad scientist was shocked too but instantly play it cool as if nothing happened."Ooh I'm excited to see it, my prince. I can't wait! Well then let's go, prince." Gerald pretended.

The ebony prince didn't say anything at all. After took one good look on his little brother, he prayed him to be saved and grown up so that he can see him soon. Maybe in the future later. As the moment of despair passed by, he left with Gerald leaving his little brother alone.

"Brother…." the young prince whispered who doesn't have parents even a brother anymore but luckily…

"Uncle Chuck…?" he said before passed out again.

"Don't worry, child. I'll take care of you till you grown up. I promised." the cobalt grown blue hedgehog promised while carrying him to home.

Time leap : 3 years later(473=50 years)

(The young prince p.o.v)

Since everyone thought that royal family was vanished, Mobius has become a planet without its ruler. So, the only one who knew that I'm a prince beside me is Uncle Chuck. Ever since that day he's my only friend because I'm afraid that if anybody stay with me they might get hurt or worse. I hate myself. That night, well since I knew where Gerald take my parents and brother. It's in the space on A.R.K. I wanted to go there but I can't because how can a hedgehog goes to space without a spacecraft right?...

I just watched the news on the tv at Uncle Chuck's house suddenly a live broadcast on A.R.K on air. I was like what happened here. There's a lot of dead body on the floor…! So much blood..Why are these innocent people killed.? When I know that I wish I didn't, my mind only set on one thing. It is about mom, dad and brother. What happened to them! I was screamed in pain because of the thought that they were gone forever..My emotions was uncontrollable, getting out of the control. It would only took me so far until I break.

It's the same people who raid my kingdom and guess what? It's the same people! The G.U.N. The organization that said will help people and fight for freedom and peace but none of that what they're doing. They're doing the otherwise.! Now I know they are the one! But still, it pains me that my family is gone. I wish i didn't know about my family...This is when everything gets weird and weirder. Just what my life needed right?

Third Person POV

"Hello the chosen one. I'm here to help you destroy or more of a good way of saying lock away the memories that you don't want to remember." the mysterious voice stated that contains all lot of differents vibe that even you can't tell either it's boy's or girl's.

"And who are you? Why are you trying to help me?" the young prince asked in confusion

"I'm the master emerald. I'm representing for chaos, the god of destruction to aid you in your upcoming battle. When you didn't need me, I'll be cease to exist so that's why I help you so can you be in peace. Can accept it?" the voice said.

" Are you sure you are trustworthy?" he asked suspiciously of the mysterious voice.

"Of course you can. So are you ready?"

"Ready...for what?" the prince blinked in confusion.

"That you are going to let me lock away your bad memories so that your soul can be at peace." the voice answered

He sighed deeply. "Well, it's now or never." he paused, taking a breather.

"I'm ready. Is it gonna be painful?" the blue blur asked in curiosity yet with a slight hint of fear in his tone.

"Don't worry. It will be fine. I'll do it asap." the voice convinced the young one caringly.

"I accept it." the prince said before collapsed yet again and to be reborn into a fresh as a blue hedgehog who loves to go to an adventure.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXAuthor's note:Who is the young prince? Who is his brother the young crown prince? King Circe have a little brother!*mind blown. Find out on the next chapter of Destiny! "and tell me who do you think they are in the review".#1-In this Universe, they are aging very slow so that's why they look very young and energetic.#2-review how you feel about this story. Thanks I really appreciate it.#3-for hedgehogs 10 years is like 1 years while the others 10 years is like 2 years so you guys did the math. XD!!See you later!-(EDITED)