Reviews for Destiny
sega bigest fan1 chapter 26 . 5/17
you are talented and amazing.
you posses unique skills and creativity.
your imagination is beyond anything I could imagine.
you have done an amazing job
You hold a large amount of potential for becoming a amazing writer.
waiting for the next chapter
SharpDragonKlaw chapter 26 . 5/16
It was great to see Sonic and Shadow have that heart-to-heart, poor Sonic really needed it. But, now I'm worried about Amy and Rouge, hopefully Sonic and the others find them soon.
SharpDragonKlaw chapter 25 . 1/30
Seeing Shadow a little jealous of Sonic and Tails' bond was a nice touch, I'm sure once Shadow and Sonic bond more they will have something similar as that. And the whole confrontation between Sonic and Mayhem with Jules giving Sonic that pep talk was good, a really nice bonding moment between the uncle and nephew.
SharpDragonKlaw chapter 23 . 12/10/2019
I can't help feel so sad for Sonic. He has been through a lot with Uncle Chuck's death, Kintobor turning evil, and the acts he has committed. He's got a long road ahead of him but I have faith in him.
The Sensational SpiderDom321 chapter 22 . 11/2/2019
First of all, I am so sorry that it's taken me a long time to review this story. For I have been busy with my Sonic Awakened story, An original series called "The Sensational Night Shadow", various school projects, and stop motion skits.

First off, I loved the interactions between Sonic and Tails in the beginning. It was nice to see the two of them hang around with each other after all of the chaos that's occurred lately. The battle with Dark, while brief, must've taken a lot out of Sonic. So it's nice to see him enjoy his pancakes and chili dogs with Tails.

I also loved Sonic's playful with banter with Shadow. That was nice to see. My heart melted when Sonic thanked Shadow. That was a nice moment between them.

Small errors I've noticed:

During the conversation where Sonic and Shadow are calling each other stuff like "Idiot" or "Sensitive." There appears to be missing dialogue tags between Sonic and Shadow. It's just periods at the end of their names. If you want the conversation to flow, remove the dialogue tags until the conversation ends.

During this once sentence that begins with " You wanna start that again?" There is a space between the quotation mark and word you.

Other than that, didn't see anything else.

Overall, I am looking foward to reading more of this story, my friend. Until this comes up again, I will see you next time! Btw, have you been checking out Awakened lately? I don't want to rush you, but I am just curious.

~SD321 (SpiderDom321)
AphroditeDragon chapter 2 . 4/27/2019
I like the setting but I think it would have been better with both Sonia and Manic.
The Sensational SpiderDom321 chapter 21 . 4/20/2019
Go get em' Sonic! Show them what you're made of! Sorry for my late review. This is turning into one epic battle! I cannot wait to see how it all comes down!

~SD321 (SpiderDom321)
SharpDragonKlaw chapter 21 . 4/16/2019
It was awesome to see Tails get a big moment and help Sonic out of his funk. Sonic's new Twilight form is pretty cool too and I am interested to learn more about it.
The Sensational SpiderDom321 chapter 20 . 1/7/2019
I am sorry for such a delay in reviews, I had some personal trouble with my account and I was working on my new Sonic story called Awakened. You can check it out if you like, you don’t have to, but you can.

But that’s not what this is about. Let’s talk about this chapter.

The dialogue Sonic was saying to himself while he was in his mind had me spooked. It looks like he realized that there is good and bad in everyone, especially his own demons.

Now he is finally going to kill Dark with the power of Hyper Sonic. That’s awesome! We haven’t seen Hyper Sonic since Sonic 3 & Knuckles. It’s nice to see him acknowledged in here.

Overall, it looks like the final battle is upon us (At least, I think it is.) this has been a great story so far and I cannot Wait for the Hyper Sonic fight!

~SD321 (SpiderDom321)
SharpDragonKlaw chapter 20 . 12/20/2018
Seems Sonic understands that everyone has good and bad in them. Now we get to see Hyper Sonic in battle.
JoyoftheStorm chapter 19 . 12/6/2018
*tackles you* YOU LIVEEEEEEEEE! :D

Seriously, the entire time you've been gone, I've been almost religiously checking my DA notes for you. X3 (Yes, it is I, da Hawkfeather! ;D) Sorry to hear your account wouldn't open! D: I also don't have an account on wattpad, but we can talk here now through PM's. :)

Awwww, don't worry about if Mel! I'm sure everything will turn out okay. :3 And just remember this one, very very important fact... Even if it DOESN'T end up working out with this one guy, there are still hundreds out there just as awesome as a match for you. ;) So never lose hope! :D

Anyways, this was still an EPIC chapter, and I look forwards to beta-ing the next one! ;3

~Loving every chapter,
SharpDragonKlaw chapter 19 . 12/6/2018
I hope you feel better soon we are here for you. As for the chapter I feel so sad for what Sonic went through and I hope the plan the others made works somehow. Plus, I though the fight and dialogue between the two dark beings was good.
Shawn Shady 72 chapter 1 . 5/14/2018
Your opening chapter is awesome, i was hooked the entire time. im going to keep reading. keep up the good work!
Guest chapter 18 . 5/6/2018
*hides face shyly* I'm SO happy I met your expectations! And the next time I'll do even better. Because, unfortunately, I found a lot of typos in my beta-ing. BUT NOT TO WORRY. It won't happen again. And if it somehow does? It'll hopefully only be like one or two instead of, like, eight to ten... I'll do better. *determined face*

YASSSS, I still love every chapter you roll out! It keeps us on the edges of our seats, anxiously wanting and waiting to see what happens next. :D

Thank you SO much for bringing me aboard on your story adventures! I'll do my best to help in anyway I can. :) Need a filler chapter? Lemme know. Need someone to bounce ideas around with? I'll play catch. Need some details, editing, or just a little bit of a spruce up? I'll be there. :D Beta Hawk, reporting for duty!

I'll make my reviews as long as possible, but I can't promise a very lengthy one every time. I'll try though. :3

~Loving every chapter,
SharpDragonKlaw chapter 18 . 5/6/2018
Good chapter. The battle between the two dark beings is going to be good.
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