Before we begin:

This story takes place right after the "Endgame" storyline in Archie Comic's Sonic the Hedgehog #50. Sonic had recently defeated the evil Dr Robotnik and destroyed his Ultimate Annialator. But as the dust begins to settle, there are still enemies that had been overlooked, still on the loose. At what price will Sonic and the others pay for this soon-to-be catastrophie?

The answer may become more complicated, as the barriers of time rip open, and a temporal anomoly appears...

Author's Note:

This is not just a rewrite of one of my first online fanfics, but simply its been 'remixed' (no pun intended) to add new elements and to retcon my old fanfics to reflect my updated views on the Sonicverse. Also, instead of being set in the SatAM verse as it was in the original fanfic, I decided to set this in the Archie Comics Sonic the Hedgehog 'Original' Continuality. It would fit better, I like the storyline better, and, considering that as of this writing (June 2017) that the fate of the comics are up in the air, I would like to consider this as a tribute to the original storyline that most people fell in love with, before the big giant reboot that Ian Flynn was forced to do.
Also-oh, nope, wait, no, I'm not gonna give ya the warning. It's 2017, I expect people to grow up about certain subjects. Anyone who knows me, knows what I'm talking about. And if you're new to my stories, you'll figure it out.

Temporal Shadow:
written by Sonic Remix
Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters and indica © and ™ 1991 - 2017 SEGA | Sonic Team
Please be sure to leave a review!
Contact: shadow



High on a cliff side overlooking the great city of Mobotropolis, a lone black hedgehog stood before a silver shapeless mass that loomed over him. The black hedgehog bared his teeth, staring down the mass. He was at a loss on what to do as he dodged an attack from it. It was trying to surge forth and smother the black hedgehog in its liquid like silvery mass. The hedgehog growled into a communicator on his wrist as he dodged another attack. "Rouge, where is that damn chaos emerald?! I can't fry these nanobots without it!"

Over the radio, the hedgehog could hear the female voice of his partner respond as he back flipped from one of the tentacles of the nanobot mass. "Just a few more moments, Shadow! Keep it busy, just don't let it touch you!"

Shadow growled as he backed up from the mass. "No kidding."

Suddenly he began to stumble in his footing, feeling off balance. He looked back long enough to notice that he had winded up on the cliff edge. "Shit!" That thing had him trapped. He looked forward towards the shapeless creature, which looked like was ready to surge forth and attack. He braced himself as a wave of liquid metal began to surge forth, but a teal glow began to surround it, preventing it from moving.

Shadow faltered. "What the-?!" He looked up to see a silvery hedgehog, surrounded in a glowing teal color, descending from the sky and landing beside Shadow. His arms were stretched out, and he looked like he was struggling. "Silver!"

Silver strained to speak as he concentrated. "I can't...hold it for long...if...you have a plan...better do it now!"

"Keep holding it, Silver! We need to buy time for Rouge to show up!" Shadow said.

"Did someone call me?"

Rouge the Bat came up from behind, her wings flapping as she threw a green colored jewel at Shadow. "Catch!"
Shadow caught the emerald in his hand and looked towards Silver. "Silver, wrap me in a force bubble!"
Silver looked to Shadow momentarily, before he released the silvery monster from his hold, and turned his powers on Shadow. The black hedgehog became engulfed in the teal glow. "Perfect!"

Shadow began to run forward towards the monster, letting the liquid engulf him completely. With the force bubble surrounding him, he was able to keep it from touching him. "Alright you roboticizing monstrosity, time to take you out once and for all!"

He closed his eyes and began to concentrate, drawing power from the emerald in his hand. "Chaos...BLAST!"

From outside, there was an enormous explosion of energy, enough to blind both Rouge and Silver. As Rouge landed on the ground, Silver lifted his arms to cover his eyes, releasing his powers on Shadow.

When the two were able to look again, they had seen that not only had the liquid monster had lost its cohesion and scattered about the grass, dead and lifeless, but Shadow himself wasn't even there.

Rouge gasped. "Shadow...he's gone!"

Silver panicked. "Oh no, what if the combination of chaos blast and my powers-"

Rouge covered his mouth. "Don't even say it!"

Silver pulled her hand away. "I have to go, I need to report back!"
Before Rouge had a chance to say a word, Silver began to glow and take off into the air. Rouge merely stared into the sky.

"...TO WHO?!"

Chapter 01


Fireworks. Campfires. Music. Cheering. Dancing.


These would be the words to describe the events and atmosphere of the village of Knothole. A great dictator has fallen, all thanks to the heroics of Sonic the Hedgehog and his freedom fighting friends.

But a short distance away from the celebrations, Sonic and his friends were meeting up, a request from the Princess Sally. She spoke up as he and the others approached her. "Isn't this great? We been waiting our whole lives for this moment, Sonic! We couldn't of done it without you."

Sonic nodded cheerfully. "Man, I have no idea what to say, Sal! It feels like a dream. But, why'd you call us here anyway? Shouldn't we be celebrating with the others?"
Sally gave somewhat of a soft laugh. "Well, I wanted to surprise you! I figured it would be better to do so in the company of close friends rather than in front of everyone."

A metallic chuckle came from behind Sonic as a robotic hedgehog with an elderly appearance stepped up and laid a hand on Sonic's shoulder. "Heh heh. Knowing my nephew, he'd probably love all the extra attention from the crowd."

Sonic smirked. "What? I can be a humble 'hog too, Uncle Chuck! Am I missing something though? What's going on?"

Before Sally could answer, there was a sudden crack of thunder, as what looked like a lightning storm was forming high overhead. "Whew, the weather is sure turning fast. Better make this quick before it gets too bad."

She pulled out a box from behind her back. "Sonic the Hedgehog, for your outstanding bravery, bold courage, and strong leadership-"

Sally started to open the box, where a lightning bug suddenly flew out. "Oh! Oh dear, where did that come from?" She watched as it flew away before looking back into the box, where a gold medal laid. "-the freedom fighters award you!"

As she began to take out the medal to put on Sonic, there was another crack of thunder, and a sound was starting to grow louder and closer from above. It sounded like...yelling?

Everyone looked up in time to watch something crash down right into Sonic, knocking him to the ground. "YOW!"

"Sonic!" the others yelled and ran to help him get whatever crashed into him off. Sonic groaned and helped push off what looked to be a black hedgehog. He hissed and clutched his chest as some of the hedgehog's quills had jabbed into him. "Ow!"

The black hedgehog groaned and stumbled back as some let go of him to go to Sonic's side. Sally looked worried, having dropped the box with the medal to help Sonic. "Oh Sonic, that looks bad! Let's get you to the doctor."

Sonic groaned. "No argument from me, Sal..."

As he was escorted away with Sally, Uncle Chuck and Tails, Sally looked back at those remaining. "Help him up and find out what's going on!"

Antoine made a salute as Bunnie and Rotor helped the hedgehog to his feet. "Hey, you okay?" the walrus asked.

Shadow groaned as he stumbled a bit, feeling dizzy. "I think so, just feeling woozy...it'll go away I think..."

"Good, good...what's your name?"

Shadow looked to the walrus, his vision starting to clear. "Shadow. Who-" He paused. "...Rotor...?"

Rotor blinked. "Do you know me?"

Shadow looked around. "Bunnie...Antoine?" He turned about. "...where am I?"

Bunnie and Antoine stared at the strange hedgehog as Rotor answered. "You're in Knothole. How do you know us?"

Shadow looked to Rotor for a moment before another crack of thunder sounded. Shadow looked up to see the electric storm overhead. He murmured. "Temporal storm..."


Shadow looked back to Rotor. "...what year is this?"

Rotor just stood there, dumbfounded. "...what?"

Shadow grasped Rotor by the arm and pointed up. "See that?"

As Rotor looked up, Shadow continued. "That is a temporal storm. It disrupts time. I must of fallen through a tear in the fabric of time and landed somewhere in the past." He had Rotor look at him. "So I'm going to ask you again. What. Year. Is. This?"

Rotor stumbled as he tried to find his words. "Um...uh...its...um...3235..."

Shadow let go and stepped away, thinking. "3235...3235...the year the first Robotnik war ended..."

"FIRST Robotnik War?" Rotor asked in bewilderment. "We just ended the war!"

Shadow looked back at Rotor. "Just ended? Like how long ago?"

"Yesterday! Sonic destroyed the weapon Robotnik had and he's gone!"

"Sonic..." Shadow murmured, looking around. "Where IS Sonic anyway?"

"Headed to the medical facility. You jammed your quills pretty good into him when you landed on him."

"What?! Shit!" Shadow cursed before suddenly taking off in the direction of where Sonic and the others were headed.
Rotor, Antoine, and Bunnie merely stared at where Shadow took off, before Bunnie looked to the others. "...did that boy just cuss?"

As Sonic was getting his wounds tended to by Doctor Quack, there was a rather loud commotion coming from outside. Sally and Chuck stood up just as the black hedgehog came in, pulling one of the people standing watch off his arm. "Let me in, I need to see Sonic!"

Sally came over and touch the watchman's shoulder. "We got this."

He looked at her and nodded, walking away as Chuck stood in Shadow's path. "Who are you? What's your business with Sonic?"

Shadow had to stop for a moment. "Uncle Chuck? You're..." He shook his head. He had never seen Sir Charles as a robot. This was a different time. "Sorry. My name is Shadow. I need to see if Sonic's alright."

Chuck looked back to Sonic before looking to Shadow. "He'll be okay. How do you know Sonic?"

"Long...long story. Please, can I talk to him?"

Chuck sighed. "Let the doctor finish with him first."

After a bit, Chuck let Shadow in to see the bandaged Sonic laying in bed. He sat up when he saw the black hedgehog approached.

Shadow faltered a moment when he saw Sonic. "Whoa...I...um...right...different time, different time..."

Sonic gave him a strange look. "What're you talking about?"

Shadow shook his head. "Sorry. I know you're supposed to be younger but..you look so different."

"Um..." Now Sonic was even more confused. "What are you going on about, dude?"
Shadow sighed in frustration and sat down by Sonic's bedside. "My name's Shadow. Sorry about dropping in and injuring you. I wasn't expecting that to happen."

"Uuuh...yeah, no problem. What about you, are you okay?"

Shadow nodded. "I will be. Just a little disoriented."

"Well at least one of us came out of this unscathed." Sonic chuckled. "I should of known I wouldn't get a day off, even with Robotnik gone. So what happened anyway? Not every day that hedgehogs fall out of the sky...well-" Sonic paused. "I may have, once or twice...but that just makes me all the more curious as to where you come from."

Shadow smiled rather wryly. "From the future, apparently."

Sonic's ears perked up. "The future, really?"

Shadow nodded. "Apparently I accidentally time traveled to the past when I was fighting...some monstrosity...long story..."

"Heh, you look like a fighter. I'd love to hear stories when I'm feeling better."

Shadow smirked a bit. "Something tells me I'm gonna be here a long while until I can figure out what sent me back here to the past." Shadow looked to Sally and frowned a bit. "Um...if you don't mind me asking, is there a place I can stay?"

Sally took note of Shadow's look but nodded. "Of course, I'll make sure that a place is arranged for you to stay at."

Sonic looked to the doctor. "What about me? Can I go home yet?"

Doctor Quack frowned but nodded. "I suppose there's no harm in releasing you. You're all patched up. I would like to check up on you in a few days to make sure your wounds are healing okay."

Shadow nodded and winced as he moved, but managed to stand himself up. "Quite alright with me, Doc. I think I'm gonna hit the hay early." He looked to Shadow and smiled. "It was nice meeting you."

Shadow nodded, watching Sonic leave. "Thanks Sonic...it's...good...to see you again. See you in the morning."

After Sonic got home, he prepared to go to bed when he looked down at his bandages. Apparently some spots where he was bleeding through the bandage were starting to turn lighter in color, like an amber brown. He reached to pull off the wrappings to get a better look. The wound was closing up, but the area around it was covered in a amber colored substance, caking up and feeling oily. The first thought that came into his mind was to go back and ask Dr Quack about it, but moments later, he decided it would probably be best to wait till morning. Putting his wraps back on, he went and settled for bed.