Reviews for Temporal Shadow: Roboticized
RoseyRandom chapter 10 . 4/15
OMG,OMG,OMG! This is so good. I just finished! I can't wait for more!
RoseyRandom chapter 6 . 4/15
RoseyRandom chapter 4 . 4/15
What's happening to sonic? Let's see. Lol
RoseyRandom chapter 3 . 4/15
When I watch Ralph Brwaks the Internet the other day, I saw Sonic, and I was all like "OMG! They really need to make an animated Sonic movie!" And I was all excited and crazy. Lmao. I LOVE SONIC THE HEDGEHOG! And I love this story.
RoseyRandom chapter 2 . 4/15
This is getting intense
RoseyRandom chapter 1 . 4/15
I'm loving this so far. And thanks for making this chapter longer.
Plumalchemyst chapter 10 . 2/21
Loved it
ReviewPerson chapter 10 . 7/23/2017
God. That was good. Like, there's no way to describe the emotion. Very good! Glad you kept it going too! I'll be looking for your works in the future! Awesome job!
Guest chapter 10 . 7/20/2017
Aww! The comics are being cancelled. :( Wait, so is shadow going to stay in the past or will he be able to go back? Will everything Change if he does go back? Oh well, I'll know sooner or later.

Guest chapter 9 . 7/15/2017
Please update, it's looking great so far! Wonder if Sonic will reboot then come back as the enemy...guess I'll have to find out later

Guest chapter 8 . 7/10/2017
Nice job! At least Sally is
ReviewPerson chapter 7 . 7/7/2017
OHHHHH shit! Keep it up, it's so good!
Guest chapter 7 . 7/5/2017
Oh no! What's going to happen next? Find out in satA-

Guest chapter 6 . 6/30/2017
Please continue it, even though I'm early, the cliffhangers! I can't handle cliffhangers! Waaaa! Me want story! *Takes an sec to come down* ok...well What I meant to say is, that it's very good and would like you to keep on updating Please

P.s. cliffhangers kill me XD
ReviewPerson chapter 5 . 6/23/2017
So sonic knows what's going on? This just gets more and more worth reading. Haha the spicy drama too. Looking forward to the next chapter, as always :)
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