Here is the next chapter. Please read and review love Hermione xx

Arthur stopped pacing a serious expression coming across his face as a disgusting revelation happened in his head which he hoped would not be true. "Excuse me Molly I must let the twins know what happened" he said smiling slightly despite himself.

"Ok dear they are already on their way here so you can take them to one side to explain it all to them. I'll sit here by my baby girl a while longer!" she said releasing a sniffle. Fred and George entered shocked by the rage on their fathers face and a crying Ginny sitting in the bed.

"Come with me into this side room here boys now!" he demanded as they followed him in after which he put up silencing and privacy wards.

"It is an emergency my family finds itself in so I have no choice but to evoke the Weasley trust oath. I will ask you some questions now and you must be truthful at all costs. Besides with the oath present anyway you can't lie!" he said casting the oath and stunning them both with its force.

"Did you give Blaise Zabini a box of luxury truffles somehow this afternoon around lunch time?" he asked seriously confused by their expressions. They looked highly relieved and then totally stunned all in one. They has obviously done something worthy of worry but this wasn't it clearly.

"No father we did not!" they answered in unison.

"Ok now you two look guiltier then two shit house rats so tell me this time what did you do?" he asked as they exchanged looks.

"We wanted to prank Ginny and so we gave her some cakes filled with truth serum. We then brought her to the hospital wing to get it reversed. We were scared so we told Madam Pomfrey she was hit by someone else. We didn't know what to do and panicked. She thanked us for bringing Ginny to her and said it would have to wear off as the day wore on by itself. You can even ask her dad and she will agree!" they said seriously looking afraid.

"You shouldn't have done that however you did then bring her to the hospital wing to get help so I can at least commend you on doing that. You at least tried to right a wrong. Well done boys. I'm releasing the oath now. There we go. Ginevra is now pregnant with the child of Blaise Zabini. It would seem he somehow got some truffles imbibed with the strongest love potion in our world!" he said as he cancelled all of the spells and lead them out of the side room once again.

"Madam Pomfrey did they bring Ginny in here this afternoon after someone gave her veritas serum?" he asked as she looked confused for a moment.

"Yes they did. I assure you Arthur it will not affect the pregnancy. I am out of the antidote though so as I told those good boys she'll have to loose the veritas serum herself over the day. It is still affecting her now though" she said as Arthur approached his now crying daughter as Madam Zabini stepped through the floo and dusted herself off looking with disgust at her son for a moment.

"Ginevra why did you give Blaise Zabini truffles with the strongest love potion in our world keyed to you inside them?" he asked as she gasped.

"But dad I didn't give them to him I swear. I gave them to Harry. He was meant to eat them all and fall in love with me. I knew he wouldn't take them from me directly so I slipped them into his school bag when he wasn't looking I have no idea why Blaise here got them I swear!" she said honestly as Madam Zabini calmed down.

"Mia Caro Blaise I came as soon as I heard. Are you alright mio figlio?" she asked him as he then broke down crying himself.

"No mother I am not. I am very sore. I don't know what that potion was intended to do but we fornicated for ten hours on end. She is pregnant with my baby. I don't even like her all that much even if she was good. It's not fair. I am not ready to become a papa myself I'm just fifteen for goodness sakes!" he said sounding outraged. Harry was called there to see them all looking very hurt and angry.

"Harry I must ask you something important now. We all know that Ginny here slipped you some chocolate truffles what did you do with them?" Arthur asked Harry whose eyebrows rose in shock.

"Oh well yes I hate truffles I always have. They're the most pretentious chocolates ever and so I thought who would be the most pretentious people I could give them to and decided to place a compulsion charm on the box. I gave them to my house elf and had him place them on the bed of the first Slytherin boy he found but not to tell me who it was because I didn't care. I mean Slytherin's always eat so well and daintily and so the thought of one devouring a box of fancy truffles like a pig made me laugh. Why? Did the Slytherin who got them get a stomach ache?" he asked casually as Arthur pinched the bridge of his nose in barely concealed rage.

"What are you not telling me? Was he allergic to them did he die?" Harry asked looking horrified beyond belief and scaring Arthur.

"No Harry Blaise Zabini is the one who got them and he didn't die. Did you know what was in the truffles?" he asked as Harry looked confused.

"Well I would assume some pretty nasty and fancy cocoa powder eww. Look will someone tell me what's going on? I just hate truffle chocolates and thought that as they are pretentious a random Slytherin boy should get them. We all know how pretentious they are all you have to do is look at Draco Peacock Malfoy to see that!" he snapped as everyone rounded on him a look of horror on his face.

"Well Mia caro he obviously didn't know. Mr Potter these chocolates had the worlds strongest love potion in them keyed to Miss Weasley here and when my Blaise ate them he was forced to fornicate with her for hours at a time. She is now pregnant with his baby!" she said as Harry fumed.

"Mrs Zabini I am terribly sorry about that and as for you Ginny you disgust me you slut! This could have been me! You could have ruined my life you stupid bitch! If you wish to terminate the baby I will foot the bill or whatever. Yourself and Blaise are obviously not together so to have a child in a loveless relationship would not do any good. A better alternative however would be to put that baby up for adoption when it's born so someone less fortunate who cannot have their own baby will be able to have one now. What do you think?" he asked as Madam Zabini looked at him seriously.

"I understand that you thought these were just ordinary truffles alas they were not. What has happened is unfortunate but I have made enough mistakes in my life to judge too harshly your actions Mr Potter for if I did I would be a hypocrite and I am not one of those I assure you. The sooner Blaise and Ginevra are married the better. They will raise this baby together if it kills them. They will learn to love one another as much as they will love this baby" she said as Molly went bright red like the Hogwarts express.

"She will do no such thing! We cannot afford it and she was meant to marry Harry Potter they have a marriage contract anyway so she can't marry Blaise!" she snapped at very high decibels.

"I wasn't going to do this because I wanted an easy life but I can see I messed that up here. Essentially I am not free to marry Molly because I am already married. Your so called marriage contract was against the law and destroyed as soon as it was placed in my vault. You're not my mother, you are Ginevra's mother. My mother did not agree to that. I can tell you now that if you so much as harm my wife or tell anyone outside of this room that she is my wife you will feel the entire weight of the Potter family magic upon you. It will not be nice. As this is inadvertently my fault I will pay for something of your choice Madam Zabini!" he said addressing her with the most respect.

"Mrs Weasley you have enough money although where it came from I do not know. You do not need to lie about your status to me. I am not a fool. Mr Potter thank you. I can safely say that neither Blaise nor I will tell anyone you are married. I will assume that Arthur here will insure his wife doesn't open her mouth like a trout! I know Arthur from work Molly and he's wonderful at his job. He's also always pleasant. He loves you all dearly you are lucky" she said as Ginny cried out.

"Do I have to marry the sexy man mummy?" she asked her mother who looked at her suddenly with such disgust it made herself reel in shock. It had been an unexpected feeling she had not anticipated feeling. It was like a slight stab in the heart or something.

"Well Ginevra what happened has happened. Who gave you the chocolates?" she asked as Ginny blushed.

"It was Professor Dumbledore mum!" she said seriously.

"You will marry Blaise Zabini and you will not complain. Every cloud has a silver lining and this is ours. Mr Zabini I am sorry you got tangled in this mess as it's truly unfair. You didn't ask for this. Harry next time you get chocolates even ones you hate scan them first before sending them away like a reckless idiot. You have essentially ruined my daughters life and I feel I cannot forgive you for that yet. Blaise is not you but he makes an adequate substitute. I just wanted my daughter to have the best. There is nothing wrong with that and I will not hear anything bad against that!" she thundered at anyone who thought to say otherwise. It was decided they would marry in the hospital wing tomorrow as they couldn't leave the school for it. They would celebrate in the come and go room afterwards. Blaise was entirely scarred by it all. He had a baby on the way suddenly and he was expected to have a wife too now. He fainted out cold as it all hit him and was revived and given some chocolate by Madam Pomfrey who smiled at him brightly.

They would have nanny elves to care for their baby whilst at school. It was a risk indeed as Ginny had just turned fourteen the other day. Harry would turn fifteen this summer. It was all agreed and a contract was signed. Blaise forgave Harry after realising how sorry he was. He clearly hadn't meant to do it to him. Holding a grudge now would have been petty and he was raised better then that. A scan showed that the pregnancy was exactly six weeks along now. The particular potion used would insure that the initial conception was fast and sped up by up to eight weeks in advance after which point the pregnancy was expected to continue on as normal. This new weird family unit would have to adjust to this fine mess they had found themselves in. "Is there anything else we need discuss before Arthur and I head home?" Molly asked as Fred cleared his throat.

"Hermione and I will be having our wedding reception in the Japanese Gardens of Waterloo. This is non negotiable and is what I want!" he said as Molly looked furious.

"But Fred that's way above your station. I sweat to god since we've gotten money somehow all you all want to do is spend it all well my answer is no!" she snapped as he looked calmly at her.

"I am not asking you to pay for it I am asking you to calmly attend. I have already paid for it with my own money. It is my own money I have made on the side from my own products and I will not be handing any of it over either. Just attend and shut up. Haven't you caused enough drama for one night? You are lucky Harry doesn't sue you for attempted line theft!" he snapped as Molly gasped.

"Fred I would never do that ever I assure you. I would force the idea of course because well that's in my nature but I would never force him. I didn't know about those chocolates and on my own life and magic I swear it. I don't know what Albus Dumbledore was thinking doing that but as I gave a vow earlier not to tell anyone about Harry's marriage I will not. I don't need that kind of trouble. I will attend but I do think you are better then that. I can't see why we can't just have it out the back like we do all family functions. It's what we've always done and I hate to have someone in the family who will not conform!" she said weeping a bit but telling him she would come none the less. Madam Zabini forgave Harry totally inviting him to her sons wedding. It would be a sincere adjustment but being an unwed mother in pureblood society was highly frowned upon. As Blaise thought more about it he endeavoured to give that unborn baby the best life he could and if he had to do that with Ginny by his side then so be it. She was pretty after all even if he had no interest in her like that at all. It would be an interesting few months.