It has been a very, very long time hasn't it everyone? Too much time, to be honest. As you all know I basically dropped off the face of the Earth around summer of last year or so. This being due to, my entering college. However it did not work out well for me, so I instead got a job in my hometown.

There is both good news, and bad news. The good news is that I will be making a return to my writing roots and my stories that a few of you have loved since I last started in 2017.

The bad news, is that I will not be able to continue Diamond in the Rough, or MDNT. Both have left me with... Mixed feelings. Too long have I stood away from either project. Even my interest in RWBY and BNHA has dwindled down considerably in the past months as college didn't allow me to have time to indulge in such writing. So now, comes the hard part.

Finding out what writing will interest me, and allow me to get back into my old swing of things. Some of you will be sad, I know. These two series are the ones I'm most known for and have tried my best to put out. But, I don't want to continue a project with barely any motivation and heart, instead of finding something I CAN put my heart into. Expect an update on my main profile in the coming weeks of what I shall be doing. For now, see you all next time.