Chapter fifteen
Most of the talk that day was centred around the Slytherin's that had disappeared. Not just from the great hall, but they left Hogwarts. Susan Bones had many students asking her if her aunt was really going to run for minister for magic. Harry was even asked if his godfather was really going to vote for Bones.
Harry, Hermione and their friends headed outside but were joined by others, like Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott. They also noticed that Tonks was never far from them, but there was also another auror close by.
'Hey Potter, can I talk to you?'
Harry looked up from where he was lying with his head on Hermione's lap to see three Slytherin girls. Tonks and the other auror moved closer.
'Um, yeah, sure,' Harry stood but so did Hermione and their friends, and every one of them had their wands in their hands.
'We're not going to attack, we're actually here to thank you.'
'Pardon,' Harry's eyes widened.
'Since Malfoy and the other's parents were arrested, we've finally be able to have some peace in the snake pit, and feel safer. Since Snape was Malfoy's godfather, he allowed the blond peacock to get away with anything. Malfoy would mouth off about having any of us any time he wanted, so we learned early on to stay in groups. There was a lot of talk about some of the older boys…raping the younger girls. When the older brother of a girl that was attacked found out, he went after Flint. The boy and his sister disappeared, never seen or heard of again. So you see, you saved us with the help of your godfather. We wanted to tell you thanks.'
Harry put his wand away then stepped forward, he held out his hand to Daphne Greengrass who shook it.
'Then I'm glad you lot are safe. Gryffindor's and Slytherin might never be close, but maybe we can stop all the shit that's been going on for years. If the-boy-who-lived and the ice princess of Slytherin can get on than anyone can. Blimey I hate these names.'
Daphne's cold look began to break until she laughed, 'I believe with those idiots leaving just might mean the ice is melting. You're okay Potter, tell your godfather thanks, from all of us still here.'
'You're okay too Greengrass, but I'll tell him.'
Harry and his friend, along with the two aurors watched as the Slytherin's headed back into the castle.
'You melted the ice princess mate,' Ron said making everyone laugh.
'I knew she wasn't like Malfoy and his lot. At least now I know why she put on that ice princess act. Blimey, how could Snape allow things like that to happen?'
'Because he was a sadistic bastard like many of the others,' Tonks said, 'Those students were never found so we have no idea if they were murdered or they just disappeared. Maybe that will eventually be answered when Madam Bones gets through with all her questions,' Tonks said.
'Maybe it's time we tried to stop this rift that goes on between the houses. Right now we have two Hufflepuff's with us. We just had a pleasant conversation with some Slytherin's. It might be possible to unite the houses instead of keeping them separated. We can still be competitive in things like quidditch, but it doesn't mean we can't be friends, or at least friendly.'
'With Snape gone I think things will change between Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and the Slytherin's. It was the way Snape acted towards all of us that made most of us hate the Slytherin's. We just found out that not all of them are as bad as we thought,' Susan said making everyone nod in agreement.
When the friends sat down again, they all decided to make an effort in being friendly with people from other houses. All they could do was try and if it worked then it will be the first time since Salazar Slytherin left the other founders that the students of Hogwarts were united.
Just as everyone was finishing dinner, Professor Sprout stood calling for attention. First she explained that Professor Dumbledore decided to retire and has already left Hogwarts. She had to wait until everyone stopped talking before she could continue. She then went on to explain that she has been named headmistress. She also went on to explain that all the teachers would be just that, teachers. There would be new staff who will be taking the roles as head of house and of course more staff to take over not only Herbology now she was made head, but there will be a new potions teacher, history of magic teacher and divination will only be taught to sixth and seventh years who have been tested for any type of seer ability. After the students stopped applauding, she went on to explain that there will be more elective subjects offered from the following year, but there would be strict rules on how many classes a student could take. All the students now at Hogwarts and next year's first years will be sent the information during the holidays so they can decide just what other classes they might want to take. Some of the classes start from first year but they will have classes for the students who are already attending Hogwarts so they will be up to catch by their N.E.W.T. They will not take their O.W.L in these extra classes since they have not had enough time, so it will be a N.E.W.T. Many wanted to know just what these extra classes was, but the new headmistress explained that the details were still being worked out. They would find out more towards the end of the year.
The last announcement surprised everyone. The triwizard tournament was cancelled. The students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were remaining for a few more days before they would return home. But the three students who were selected to be champions were given five hundred galleons and a trophy stating they had been selected as champions for the triwizard tournament. Sprout explained that the tournament was only introduced again due to a lot of bribes. The school governors said the only way they might ever introduce it again is if everything about the tournament was changed. It should involve all students from the three schools, no dangerous or life threatening tasks and each school would host one of the tasks. If this decides to be done, it will not happen for years, at least so it wasn't worth thinking about right now.
When Harry and his friends got up to leave the great hall, they made sure to speak with the three Slytherin girls on their way out. They wanted the other students to see that Harry Potter and his friends could get on with some Slytherin's, then anyone could.
'Blimey, Dumbledore and Snape are gone, Sprout is headmistress and there will be new teachers,' Ron said as he stepped into the Gryffindor common room.
'Things are changing, and for the better,' Hermione said, 'But I wonder what these other classes will be.'
'She said you can only take so many Hermione, so there will be no overdoing it like you did last year.'
'I know, once I dropped muggle studies and divination I had a normal schedule. I suppose we will just have to wait until we get the information.'
'I was surprised when the tournament was cancelled,' dean said.
'I wasn't, not really. After it was announced Hermione and I read up on it and found more about what the tasks were like and why it was cancelled. But I just had an idea. Sprout said if they introduce it again it will be safer and for all the students. What if I mention to Sirius about how the muggle Olympics are done.'
'Oh that's wonderful Harry. The magical world could have it's own version of the Olympics. Students could come from all over the world, not just from Europe's three biggest schools.'
'What's the Olympics?' Neville asked.
'Every four years a different country hosts them. They are different sports, from running, swimming, diving, horse jumping, gymnastics, too many to name. It starts with the heats, then the first and second person will go on to the next until the final where they will compete for the medals. The medals are gold for first, silver for second and bronze for third. We could change it a little so that all students could compete in things like how fast you can cast a spell, how good a potion is, or like Neville, how many can identify plants in Herbology. There could be a flying competition, one where you do manoeuvres or a race, or even like an obstacle course. Even the first years could be involved if it's set towards the end of the year. That is one thing many muggle raised people miss when they come here, things they did like sport of other activities like gymnastics. I know many purebloods don't get why people like to exercise for fun, but it does get you fit and healthy. I always wanted a bike so I could not just have fun riding, but it does get you fit,' Harry grinned hugely, but so did Hermione. Dean was nodding in agreement, but so was Seamus.
This could be some of the first changes that not only Hogwarts will see, but the magical world. Magic makes you lazy, if they could get students to see that physical exercise it not just to get you healthy but it can be fun, and competitive then maybe in twenty years there will be a lot more things offered to do in the magical world. Right now the ministry was being cleaned out, Hogwarts is getting rid of bad teachers. There will be no more bullying from the purebloods who thought they were better than everyone else. It was time for not only Hogwarts to get past blood bigots, but also for the entire magical world.
Harry only did the interview and spoke about leaving the magical world to prove a point. Sometimes all it takes it for one person to speak out before bad things ended and good things began. Harry would have left the magical world if it had stayed the same, now even with these few changes, it might be worth staying in the magical world. It didn't mean that Harry, and others couldn't enjoy what the muggle world offered. Maybe it was also time to introduce more muggle things to people in the magical world. Harry and Hermione could start with Ron and Neville, see if they like what the muggle world offered. If they did then they would speak with Sirius and take it from there. The magical world was changing, it would be slow, but it will make a better world, for all magicals.
The end:
I wish to thank everyone for reading, and hope I can continue to bring interesting stories for the fans of fanfiction.