
Noun | mul-ti-verse | \ˈməl-tē-ˌvərs\

: a theoretical reality that includes a possibly infinite number of parallel universes

She hadn't really believed in the idea of the multiverse before. Sure, she'd thought it was interesting - something nice to dream about. All of the possible "what ifs?" had been something fun to talk to her friends about. / Something that people read about in fanfiction. Dreamed of different scenarios but never thinking it was real. And for some, that's a relief. The worlds loved by fandoms, most of them are deadly and terrifying.

For her, it had been enough to just dream. To wonder. But it wasn't something she had ever thought might actually be real.

That is, until the day it suddenly became very real.

She barely even remembers what happened on that fateful day. One moment, she'd been at home. Sitting in the sun and cuddling with her dog- a rare nice day in the spring. Suddenly there was a loss of breath and her vision swam. She heard her dog barking and whining, then nothing. darkness.

She had, quite literally, been floating in near total darkness. She remembers having wished for more time - there were so many things she'd wanted to do, she wasn't ready to go yet. The stories she'd never get to know the endings of, the stories she wanted to tell herself. The plans she had and family she wanted. The life she wanted to live. But the darkness had swallowed her. And then there'd been light. No, she had been light.

She hadn't been as alone as she initially thought, either.

There'd been another light of some kind. A mesmerising white one. To this day, she doesn't know if her own light had been the same colour or a different one. She doesn't know if it matters, anyways.

All she knew in that dark and oppressive place was that there was someone else there. Another Light. She wasn't alone and her own light couldn't be extinguished.

She couldn't make out who the other light was or what they were. All she could tell was that she felt comfortable in the other Light's presence. She was unclear as to how much time passed, assuming that it did, at least. But it was impossible to tell in the suffocating darkness. Still scared and completely lost, she tried to call out to the other light, but any noise was absorbed immediately by the darkness. It terrified her even more. She was so terrified, she felt like she was having a panic attack, which shouldn't be possible because she was dead. Regardless, she was slowly losing it and the feeling of being watched did not helping her. At. All.

Of course, when the silence was finally broken, it had to be broken by what could only be a god. No… not simply one god. Several gods. Giant looming orbs of light, brighter than the sun itself, suddenly surrounded her.

And then.

The gods spoke.










That was all that there was, all that she could feel.

She wondered if that was how depression felt. If she'd finally gone over the edge, if the stress and hardships of life finally getting to her. But no… she knew that to be a lie. She'd been fine - happy, content, ready to take on the world.

Something had happened.

What in the world had happened? The last thing she remembered was going to sleep… just taking a little nap in the sunshine.

She couldn't think. She couldn't grasp her thoughts. It was all slipping away, like sand slipping through your fingers.

She was cold. Oh, so cold in this oppressive darkness.

She wanted to be warm again. Longed for her mother's comforting and and warming embrace. Longed for the light and colors that were devoured in this blackness.

She tried to move. To do something. She couldn't move. Why couldn't she move? She was sure her heart would be beating more quickly by the second, but… nothing.

She couldn't feel anything.

It was dark. Too dark.

"Help me!" She thought. "Someone! Where is the light?!"

And as if answering her prayers… there was light. A clear, little, golden orb of warm light - a little star of her very own, a miniature sun.

She wants to wrap herself around that light, around the warmth. But she can't move. It's terrifying.

Of course… that's when she's suddenly surrounded by so much more light and heat and power and she wants to run-run-run, but she can't, and she's confused and frightened...

From darkness to blinding light. It was overwhelming. She wanted to go home. What was going on? The lights hurt almost as much as the darkness. It was terrible.

And then it got worse.

The light spoke.

And she realized that these weren't just lights.

They were gods

"Child of Mortals. We have tested the strength of your heart, and We have found it worthy".

"Worthy?" She thought. "Worthy of what?"

"Worthy to suit Our purpose. Worthy to help He Who Sleeps defeat He Who Is Cursed".

She was confused. She was scared. She had no idea what was going on, what had even happened? One moment she had been slipping away… the next, she was in the darkness. And now gods, massive beings, nothing but power and pure energy spoke to her.

"We see you are confused, Child of Mortals. All will become clear soon. Just know that We have found you are better suited elsewhere".

(Many years later, she will still curse out the gods for being a bunch of damn liars, because NOTHING became clear).

Suited better? Elsewhere? What did they mean? This couldn't be real. Gods didn't exist. What the hell was going on!? She was just at home and now this? What happened? Who were they to decide where she should be and what she should be doing? Wait. Did- did that mean she was dead!?

"Wait… they just- I- I can't be- I had so much to- they can't do this! I'm not done with my life!"

They had no right! Who gave them the right to destroy her life!? To kill her! For their own agenda and amusement!?

"Child of Mortals! Calm yourself!"

"Such audacity, such insolence! We gift it a new life, and this is the thanks We get?! We should destroy it here and now!"

"Silence! We will do no such thing! He Who Sleeps needs aide to defeat He Who Is Cursed. We found suitable assistance, We shall not destroy her!"

What was this? In-fighting? Disagreement between the all-powerful?

It seems as if they were not all in agreement on whatever this was.

"I just want to live!" "I can't let go - there was so much I want to do- what will become of those I left behind?"

"Hush Child. If you do well and what you're supposed to, you will be rewarded and happy."

She had already been happy. She had a good life, a loving family, wonderful friends, and she had been figuring her life out!

She wondered what was so important that she had to die for it to happen. Her soul, her very self, wasn't some object they could just move! Or… well, she'd thought that was the case. But the gods had proven her wrong once, already.

She wanted to be angry.

She wanted to scream! To be furious!

But how could one as small as she stand against a god?

How could she, when all she felt was numbness.

And in the end…

…there wasn't even a choice, was there?

Not against the gods' will.




And then…






….There was darkness again and that's all she knew.


Hello guys, gals, and nonbianary pals! (Yes I'm borrowing that from Thomas Sanders) Welcome to our prologue of Caught in the Game! I am Counting Sinful Stars (name change pending) and I am half of this wonderful duo who is writing this fic! NordicTwin and I have been slaving away for several weeks now, hashing out details and everything for this story, so we hope that you'll enjoy it!

I am so excited to share this with everyone and get it out there.

Caught in the Game is an AU of the Yu-Gi-Oh! DM series. While there will be many elements that are the same as from canon, most of it will be altered and changed because, well, it's an AU. So if you notice we missed something or that things are different from canon, it's intentional and we know.

So brace yourselfs my duckies, we are about to FUCK up the canon storyline. (Also brace yourself for angst. Cause NordicTwin and I are PURE EVIL when it comes to angst) and if you have any ideas or suggestions for things we could end up doing, please let us know!

And one last (but not least) note, there are many amazing SI fanfic writers out there like Silver Queen and Lang Noi, and while they're inspiring, the one author and the fic they wrote is my main inspiration. That author is Panda-chan31 (who I believe is only on rn) and her wonderful SI Yugioh story "Monachopsis". So if you haven't read it, I suggest you do!

Thanks so much for reading and don't forget to review!

Counting Sinful Stars

Ladies and Gentlemen! Lovely readers, one and all, thank you so much for stopping by for the prologue of Caught in the Game! My name is Nordic Twin, and I'm one half of the duo of authors behind this fic, and I, along with Counting Sinful Stars, am so excited to get this show on the road.

Caught in the Game is a two-person labor of love dedicated to YuGiOh! And all of its wonderful characters. Hold on to your socks, 'cause we're going on one long trip through AU and canon elements alike.

I won't keep you guys for much longer than this. There's going to be many more chances for both CSS and I to ramble, but I just want to say that we've got a LOT of things planned, so start getting pumped up!

Thanks for reading!

Nordic Twin