Adrien jerked, stumbling back on his rear, blinking wildly as he looked around. "What the…?" He, he was by the Eiffel Tower. When did he get by the Eiffel Tower? Last he remembered he was at school?


He gave a start, his heart skipping nervous beats.

Slowly, he turned, looking up to see Ladybug looming over him, gazing down at him, looking very tired and relieved. Adrien turned to her, alarmed. What was wrong with his Lady? Why did she look so tired? What was wrong? Who hurt her? What happened?

She crouched down, gazing at him with a softy, shaky smile. "You, you doing ok?" she asked tilting her head about.

"I, I'm perfectly fine!" he quickly reassured, hands twitching to reach for her. But ke kept them to his side, conscious to be respectful of boundaries. "You, you ok?" Adrien asked, looking her over, My Lady on the tip of his tongue.

"I," she started, faltering before him. Then she shook her head and gave him a wary smile. "I'm ok." She didn't sound ok. "But, you're not." She looked down to the ground, frowning as she mulled something over. Then she looked up and gave him a weak, shaky smile. "You, you want to see Marinette?"

Adrien gave a start, his heart skipping nervous beats.

"M-Marinette?" he asked timidly.

Ladybug nodded. "Do you… do you want to see her?" she asked again.

Adrien gulped, feeling nauseous and nervous. "Yes," he breathed. "Ye-yes, please. Let, let me see her."

He jumped when Ladybug set her hand on his.

For a moment, they sat still, her hand rest on his, Adrien's heart pounding as he gazed at her, watching her peer down at their hands, her red gloves laid over his. She closed bluebell eyes, breathed in, then released. Her eyes, as light as the sky, turned to him and she gave him a small, encouraging smile. She rose up, pulling him along.

She gave his hand a light squeeze. "Wait here," she murmured, "she, she'll be a minute."

Adrien gave a silent nod, wide eyed as he stared at her.

Ladybug slowly withdrew, and wandered away, disappearing into an alley.

Adrien stood, stiff and still, gulping as he waited. His collar felt too tight, he felt queasy with nerves, his breath short.

He was about to see her again.

He was going to see Marinette again.

See her right after…

He still didn't quite know what happened.

One minute he was at the school, the next he was here with Ladybug and apparently Marinette was here too instead of at home...



Adrien looked over, seeing his saber lying close by, on the ground.

He was, he had been...

He rubbed his neck, even more uncomfortable and guilty than before.

He must have been akumatized. He must have done something to Marinette, must've fought his Ladybug and—

Adrien jerked when he saw movement, seeing Marinette slowly come out into view, slowly come near him. She was all hunched up, all small and nervous. Her hair was loose around her shoulders and was a tangled mess. And the loose pajamas she wore weren't fit to be out and about like this.

And yet, there was before him, eyeing him nervously, and yet, tired.

A lot like Ladybug.

Adrien slumped, his heart going out to both, yearning to reach out and help them both. Only there was only one that stood before him. One he possibly hurt as an akuma, for sure hurt as Adrien. He looked past her, hoping to see his Lady, hoping that she could help him with this.

Ladybug nowhere to be seen.

Marinette came a little closer, her eyes set to the ground, her form still so small and it felt so wrong; Adrien should never see her like this.

And yet he was.

And it was making his insides twist.

"Marinette," he breathed, making her stop.

She spared him a fast glance up, then looked away, her cheeks red, biting her lip as her body shuddered. Adrien quickly drew near, his hands hovering close, ready to reach for her. But he hesitated, unsure of just what he had done as an akuma. What he should do.

With a shaky breath, she greeted in a soft voice, "Hey."

She took another step and asked, peeking up at him, "You, you ok Ad-Adrien?"

She was upset and hurt and had to face him as an akuma and she was asking if he was ok.

Always a giver, watching out for others.

Adrien didn't resist pulling her into a hug, giving into his instinct and holding her close. For a moment, she was stiff in his arms, frozen with surprise. Then she relaxed, leaning heavily into his embrace, her body quivering, snorts and gasps bubbling out of her as she tried to keep the dam from bursting.

Adrien pulled her closer, nuzzling her. He whispered shakily into her hair, "I'm sorry. I, I'm so sorry."

The dam broke.

With a heaving gasp, she broke down in his arms, her body falling heavily on him, her arms blindly wrapping around his torso, unintelligible words babbling from her.

Adrien just held her, his own eyes aching with an uncomfortable sting, slowly rocking them back and forth, letting this moment sit with them, letting it settle, let all this pour out.

"I'm sorry," he whispered into her hair, unsure if she could hear him past her sobs. "I really am."

He truly was.

They were exhausted their way back.

Marinette clutched his white jacket he leant her, and he held tight to his fencing sword, his mind a heavy mull, trying to grasp some memory of what had happened.

He almost didn't believe that he had been akumatized.

He was Chat Noir.

The hero.

One of two.

He had thought that came with an immunity but… Hawkmoth got to him, when he was upset and wanting to make up with his friend.

They weren't safe like they thought.

And a small, scared part of him was left wondering, what would he do if Ladybug ever got akumatized?

He hurriedly pushed those thoughts back.

There was a now to focus on.

"I'm sorry for kidnapping you," Adrien murmured.

"It's ok," Marinette replied, her gaze half lidded, unseeing.

Adrien was sure she barely heard him. He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "No, not really," he said. When Marinette didn't respond, he spared her a wary glance.

Her gaze was still to the ground, just moving in a trance.

Adrien drew near and bounced his shoulder to her, snapping her out of her trance. She jerked, looking up at him, wide eyed and surprised.

He gave her a shy smile. "We ok?" he asked, nervous, hopeful.

Blinking, she gave him a smile back, still shaky and weak, but it was a smile, it was there, and it sent a warmth through him. "We will be," Marinette reassured. "I know we will. Just…"

"Need to get past this," he finished with a sigh.

"It doesn't go away after a day," she confirmed with a sigh. Then, shyly, she reached out, her fingers lightly touching his knuckles. He moved his hand, interlacing their fingers. "We are friends, Adrien," she confirmed, her voice firm and resolute. "We always will be, I'm sure. I just… I will need a little time."

He nodded, solemn.

She gave his hand a squeeze and gave him a small smile. "Thanks for trying to make me feel better."

He cracked a grin, a weak laugh running through him. "Always Marinette," he promised, slowing as the school came into view, desiring to be with her a little longer.

Only it was not so as there was a distant shout.


They looked ahead, seeing Alya racing towards them, her hair an equal mess, her clothes all ruffled up, cell clutched in her hand.

Reluctantly, Adrien let Marinette go, allowing Alya to step in, hands clutching Marinette's cheeks, looking her over. "You ok?!" Alya demanded.

"Fine," Marinette reassured with a smile. "We're both fine."

"Thank goodness," Alya breathed, pulling Marinette into a hug. Then she withdrew and gave Adrien a smack.

"Ow!" he whined, surprised.

She scolded, "What were you thinking coming in and kidnapping her?!"

"I wasn't!" he defended, "I was under akuma influence! And I wanted to help!"

"Idiot," Alya muttered with no real bite. Then she turned and tugged Marinette along, bidding, "Come on girl, let's get you some tea and back home. Your parents are worried sick." Alya talked on as she dragged Marinette home. The dark haired girl turned and waved Adrien goodbye, mouthing, "See you later" to him.

He sighed as he stared after them, then turned and slipped back into the school. He put his foil away and went to his locker, unsurprised to come by just in time to be greeted by a burping Plagg.

"Adrien!" he cried, rising up and stretching his arms out to Adrien.

Adrien raised a brow down at the kwami. "I get akumatized and you eat away at your Camembert," Adrien murmured dryly.

"Stress eating!" Plagg defended. "Plus you disappeared on me! What's a poor, hungry, worried kwami to do?"

Adrien sighed, running a hand over his face.

"So, how did it go?" Plagg asked.

"I don't remember," Adrien answered.

"Not too surprised," Plagg declared.

"Me and Marinette are still friends."

"No surprise."

"She wants time…"

"And I remember telling that to you before," Plagg hummed.

Adrien leaned against the locker, frowning. "This is a mess," he murmured.

"Oh I can confirm how messy life can be," Plagg declared. "Just enjoy and roll with what you can. It will always get better, you just have to make it there."

Adrien hummed. "You actually sound wise."

"I am wise," Plagg confirmed, "you just won't listen."

Adrien raised a brow at the kwami, then shook off the declaration. Who knows with Plagg. It can be hard to believe him sometimes. Instead he gathered up his stuff and messaged the Gorilla, alerting him that he wanted to retire home, too exhausted to stay the rest of the day.

Plagg zipped up and settled on Adrien neck, small purrs coming off his body.

Adrien relished the sensation the whole way home.

And when his cell lit up, Adrien smiled, relieved and optimistic at the message Marinette sent him.

'I'll see you tomorrow, Adrien.'

Sorry to say that there are no plans to continue Devoted, no interest for a sequel or any sort of continuation. This I deem done. It was just meant to be a real short akuma fic, a different take on akumization caused through a rejection. Something I haven't seen anyone else do.