Based on the song Heroes by Alesso.

"You can't go round saving everyone Tris!" Yelled Tobias.

I looked at him, "Why not... Four?" I screamed bitterly, I had just risked my life to save our city and I didn't even get a well done from him.

"Don't use my name as a weapon Tris. You could have died!"

All of a sudden I felt dizzy, I had survived the death serum and the gun wound but the nurses didn't know how to treat me.

I fell forward, hitting him in his chest. With a gentleness only I knew he possessed he grabbed me.

"Please. I care too much about you Tris, I thought you'd died when I saw you."

I looked him in the eyes. His hair was longer and his face was gaunt. I had been in a coma for a month and this was the first I'd seen of him since I had woken.

"I'm sorry." I said, my voice cracking. It was true. I wasn't sorry for saving all the people I saved but I was sorry for putting Tobias through what I had.

He sighed, closer to tears than I'd ever seen him. "I love you Tris."

I stood on my tiptoes and put my forehead to his chin, my fears of intimacy long gone.

"I love you too."

For the first time since my parents death I felt like I would mend.

With Tobias I could be brave.

This is dedicated to the amazing MoonlessGalaxy, who's stories you should check out like... now. We've been talking for a year now and I hope for many years more.

I'm so cheesy.