This shall mark the final chapter before the special chapter next time. After that, we shall begin the second phase, which I'm really excited for. Anyway; I only own the few OC's and Story, nothing else.
This is the prologue arc for the story, in case anyone wonders why it was so short.
The three hid while the guards passed. Uzume looked up, when they were out of hearing distance, Uzume looked back down on the two on the ground in the bush.
"Obsidian troops...shit!" Uzume growled as she hit the ground.
"Obsidian troops...? Why are they here?!" Neptune asked in confusion.
"..." Noire kept quiet, gulping as she looked out into the distance...where she saw black smoke rise where the village was, along with flames. She widened her eyes in shock, the signs of a fire clear as day.
"Something happened in the village! We have to go!" Noire said. Uzume and Neptune looked out into the distance as they saw the smoke rising. Uzume and Neptune's eyes widened as they realized what black smoke meant.
"Son of a-!" Uzume growled as she ran towards the village, along with Neptune. Noire was the last to follow, taking out Obsidian Troops quietly while they proceeded towards the village. As they continued, they noticed a large amount of troops present in the village area. Which was quite strange, for normally, when locating a isolated village they send fewer troops. However, this seemed...strange.
Uzume was the one thinking this, wondering why so many troops would come to such a isolated village. She had a bad feeling...that was for sure...
Upon arriving at the village, the the entire village was purged into flames. People running, and those who could fight fought of troops, though numbers were beginning to diminish for the opposing side. Neptune drew his blade and Uzume pulled out her knives. Noire pulled out her spear as the three quickly ran for the main village hall, which they would find old man Ikuro.
During the path, they encountered several troops. Neptune had skillfully defeated 3 of them, while Uzume defeated 2 while approaching. Noire had taken down 4, but they just kept coming. Armed with bows and swords and axes, they were around every corner, every path, every sighted place within the village.
As they continued, Uzume had heard one of the soldiers yell.
"There! Found the target!" Ultimately, Uzume had thought that it was just them that they were after. However, that made no sense. As far as she knew, they were just regulars living from the dictated life of the nation. Sure, Neptune was perhaps a bit careless and got into trouble when away, but even he wouldn't get this much attention by the capital of Planeptune. Uzume hardly ever left his villages borders, so it couldn't be her...
The only possible solution was...
But the mere thought of it sounded ridiculous. However, she doesn't know very much about Noire's background, so Uzume didn't cross out the possibility of it. Uzume kept her guard up, for if Noire was the target, there would undoubtably be trouble. She had heard that Noire was cursed from Neptune...and it involved a Nightröth. However, they only tread during the night, and on full moons, so it couldn't be the work of a röth.
The only way a röth could appear is when it at least turns night, but it's full power would not manifest itself until a Full Moon. Uzume took out 2 more soldiers swiftly and skillfully as she continued. However, a collapsing bell tower blocked her from the other two ahead. Embers and flames blew around, forcing Uzume to cover her eyes. Coughing, she waved her hand. She looked at the destruction of the bell tower as she cursed under her breath.
"Nepsy! Noirsy! Keep going! I'll catch up!" Uzume yelled as she took another route. On her way, she passed bye uite a useful weapon for this situation; A bow and arrow. Picking it up on instinct, she intended to take it with...but a hand held onto it.
And it wasn't a obsidian soldier hand either.
Uzume was shocked, but she shook the bow, the hand that held it falling to the ground. It was clear that the one that held it wasn't with the living any longer, so Uzume took the bow and arrows, rushing to catch up with Neptune and Noire...
Neptune and Noire kept going, Neptune taking out Obsidian troops left and right as they did. Neptune began breathing heavily, obviously exhausted. He fell to one knee, catching his breath.
"There...are so many of them!" Neptune yelled, before continuing to take breath. Neptune looked to the it slowly grew darker. Neptune widened his eyes in shock and confusion. He stood up, as thunder began rumbling in the air.
"It's...turning night...?" Neptune mumbled. The sound of metal hitting the ground was heard, as Neptune turned to see Noire gripping her chest, her skin turning pale. Her legs began to wabble as she fell and hit the ground, as she did Neptune rushed to her aid. He crotched down and turned her, seeing her pale face and seeming dead expression. She let out a weak, quiet high squeal, as she was now unresponsive to anything Neptune did.
"Hey, Hey! You okay?! Do you need a extra life or something?!" Neptune yelled.
The dark howl of a wolf was then heard.
Neptune swung his head back in realization. Immediately, he picked up Noire, holding her over his shoulder, as he ran towards the village hall. His sword in his other hand, he fought off anyone who got in his way. The sound of stomping grew louder and louder, it was obvious that, somehow, the Nightröth after Noire was here.
He had no idea how it was possible, from the old tales it was never heard of that the Nightröth's could control the night and bring it forth. But that didn't matter right now. There was no way Neptune would be able to fight off the Nightröth while carrying Noire. He had to get to the Hall, there he could at least get Noire to safety while defending the tsundere.
The dark howling grew louder and louder, and the stomping of the ground increased even further. Neptune continued to advance, not giving himself a breather even for an instant. When he was almost at the entrance to the hall, a shock wave knocked him off balance. Noire hit the ground, as well did Neptune. Neptune could, for some reason, not summon up any magic power or let alone strengh. That shock wave must've been some type of magic cancel? Either way, he was in trouble.
The shadow of a beast, that put the night to shame, covered him. Neptune managed to look up, to see a black wolf land on the ground, and it circled around to show the exact same Nightröth that was after Noire. The wolf he rode upon growled darkly and fiercely.
"Do you think...that you could escape...destiny...?" The Nightröth asked. It got off the wolf and slowly walked towards Noire. However, Neptune caught his eye first, seeing him summon up some strength to begin to get up. The röth walked over to him first, and slammed its foot onto Neptune back. Neptune yelled in pain, as the röth pushed down harder, twisting its foot.
"You've not yet awakened to...your power...but that won't be issuable for" The röth spoke as he reached to his hip, and slowly pulled out a black double edged one handed sword. He lifted it up to the air, and twisted it around so taht it pointed to the ground.
" now lost..." It it lowered its blade quickly. But, before it could reach...
A flash of light exploded, blowing the röth away. The wolf roared at the sudden burst of light, as the röth arose, witnessing the source.
It was Ikuro Jiigoku.
He held a staff in one hand, and a sword in the other. He had a serious and stern expression on his face, while his staff produced a blinding light. The Nightröth's wolf was forced to step back. The Nightröth itself stepped back as well, holding up his arm to block the light.
"Go back to the shadows where you came from!"
"Do you think you can command me...old man?" The Nightröth asked, as it lifted its sword, summoning a pitch black darkness. Before anything else happened, Ikuro pointed his staff at the röth, erasing his darkness and making him yell in both anger and pain.
"You have no power when Light is present! Begone!" Ikuro yelled, as the röth was forced into the continued to step back where the light didn't reach, as it was no longer within sight. The wolf also retreated, escaping into the darkness. Ikuro's staff brew less light as he bent down to Neptune.
"You must not die yet, neither that Noire child." Ikuro spoke as he set down his sword, flipping Neptune to his back.
"Old man...? How's Noire? She...ran outta HP so I think she needs a extra life or something." Neptune said, as Ikuro ignored that question, well, part of it anyway.
"The girl is fine. Listen to me, we don't have time. You take that girl, make your way towards Lowee and its army, there, you will find support on the matter." Ikuro said, Neptune slowly managed to get up, wrapping his hand around the Trinity Blade.
"What...? Lowee? Why Lowee? What's going on Old Man?" Neptune asked, as Ikuro grabbed his shoulder and lifted him off the ground.
"There's no time, you must flee to Lowee!" Ikuro ordered as he pushed him towards Noire, prompting him to get her out of here. But before Neptune could even question Ikuro's decision, the air grew more tense, as everything turned silent.
Ikuro looked behind him slowly, signaling that he must've knew something about this bad feeling that had appeared. Ikuro looked at Neptune.
"RUUUN!" He roared, but a large orb of darkness descended on the ground where the three were, blowing back Neptune, Ikuro remained where he was, holding one arm over his face. He looked at the mass of Darkness that had descended, raising his staff and summoning light from it.
However, this didn't affect the darkness at all. The darkness merely let out a high pitch screech that, after a instant, disappeared as all silence took control. Then, Ikuro's staff blew up, blowing Ikuro back and hitting a demolished building. Ikuro groaned in struggle, looking up, he saw a figure walking towards him.
"Obsidian... Heart..." He let out, as the figure didn't move, it raised it hand and Ikuro was forced to the air. Ikuro couldn't move, paralyzed for some reason, and seemingly being choked. The figure slammed it hand down, Ikuro hitting the ground hard enough to make a dent in the ground. It raised it hand again and lowered it with the exact same amount of force, Ikuro taking more and more damage. Finally, the figure known as Obsidian Heart raised it hand up and slowly gripped it hand, like trying to crush something.
Neptune, who was watching the entire scene okay out, decided to take action. He picked up his sword, and lightning shrouded it, sparking off of the ground. He rushed towards the figure. The figure known as Obsidian Heart noticed Neptune, but knew that his attack would do nothing.
How wrong it was.
The attack pierced through the darkness, as Obsidian Heart let out a earth shattering scream. A hand smacked him away, sending him flying into a collapsed building. Obsidian Heart growled in fury, obviously not pleased that someone managed to harm her, a child for that matter.
"Heh...hehehe..." Ikuro began chuckling, which Obsidian Heart noticed.
"You...have no...power...for what come..." Ikuro managed to speak, which Obsidian Heart didn't find very amusing. She gripped her hand again, making Ikuro suffer more.
"Nonsense..." Obsidian Heart spoke, her voice the tone of a mature woman. She then pushed her entire arm, sending Ikuro into a building at high speed, and later formed a ball of dark energy and launched it at him. A dark explosion occured, and it let out a loud boom.
"..." Obsidian Heart remained quiet. The darkness around her fading only slightly as the hand felt its side, and raised its hand, only to see blood soak her hand. Even then she said not a word, as she looked over at Noire. She slowly levitated to her, and picked her up by the hair.
"You...have caused me a lot of trouble...but no more." She said, before throwing Noire over her shoulder. She caught a glance of Neptune, unconcious and damaged to the point of bleeding. What a fragile being, she had thought. If he bleeds from a mere hit, then she has no need for concern over this child.
There is no hope.
Darkness then shrouded both her and Noire, and she disappeared it no thin air...
Neptune slowly began to open his eyes, staring up at the ceiling of a...library. Neptune couldn't quite fathom what had happened, or how he got here, for from what he could recall, he was facing the final boss already, and then he got beat by one hit.
Neptune slowly began to rise up, but plopped back down when he felt a great sharp pain on his abdomen. He looked at himself, and saw that he was in a bed with bandages on his side. His shirt was off so he could see himself without raising his shirt.
"Don't move." A voice said, as Neptune looked around, only to see no one. Footsteps behind the purple haired child were then heard. Neptune glanced up from the bed, and saw a woman.
She had tan skin, and pink twin tails that reached her waist. She had a eye patch over her right eye. She had a grayish black long coat that had a hood on it, and had black pants and boots. She had a scythe attached to her back, along with fingerless black gloves on her hands. The coat also had segments of leather armor on it.
She walked over to the bed, pulled up a chair, and sat down. She inspected Neptune as she then spoke again.
"Your wounds will reopen if you move too much. I'm no doctor, but..." She said, as Neptune stared at her in confusion...
"...Who...are you?" Neptune asked, as the woman slowly composed herself by siting up straight.
"I am one of the leaders of the underground supply organization ASIC; Second in command, Magic." Magic introduced herself.
"...Hm." Neptune merely answered, as if not really caring much of her Idenity. "Any~Who~, what's the deal? Where am I?" Neptune asked, as Magic cleared her throat, standing up and walking around the area a little.
"I brought you back to the library where you found this book here." Magic said, as she picked up the small tome from Neptune bag, inspecting it.
"Hey! You stole that?! Is your pickpocket skill 100 or something?!" Neptune asked while pointing a finger at Magic. He then felt a sharp pain in his abdomen and covered it with both hands, hissing in pain.
"Don't shout, you'll reopen your wound." Magic said, walking back towards Neptune. "And I didn't steal was merely in your bag, and I just happened to catch a glance of it. Besides, I discovered it first." Magic said as he tossed the book onto Neptune's lap, and then walked back to the desk.
"I came here to try to get that book, for it wields some sort of great guidance...or so the legend goes. But imagine my surprise when a kid waltz on in here, wielding the Trinity Blade of the Quartet on his back, and takes it." Magic said, as Neptune merely remained quiet.
"Ah, crap baskets, you're not gonna tell me I have to go on some forced adventure now, are you?" Neptune asked, as Magic shook her head.
"Forced? No. Choice? Yes." Magic said as she stopped and looked at Neptuen dead in the eye.
"Ikuro Jiigoku has passed..." Magic said that, and Neptune's heart sank. Before he could question anything else, Magic spoke again.
"And Obsidian Heart has taken Noire back to the Capital. I know not of why, but it cannot be good. So, you have a choice. Either you can live out the rest of your days, knowing full well that Ikuro Jiigoku died for nothing and watch the world rot, or you can decide to save your friend, and save the world." Magic said sternly and seriously.
Neptune didn't amswer for a great amount of time. Ultimately, the death of Ikuro made his heart ache, and to make it worse he assumed not many of the villagers made it out of the village safely either. And the fact that Nepgear was in the village didn't ease him at all. For all he knew, Nepgear could be dead. But he didn't want to think about that, rather, he had a gut feeling that Nepgear had it out okay. Uzume, he knew was alright. It would take more than Obsidian Troops to take her down.
Neptune began to think deeper now...Save the world by choice, or do nothing...
Neptune inhaled.
"Oaky, I'll go save Noire and save the world and junk." Neptune answered. Magic gave a satisfied 'Hmph' and picked up a red bottle of something and handed it to Neptune.
"What this?"
"A health potion."
"NEPU?! Why didn't you give it to me Eariler?!"
"I wanted to know if you'd actually save the world. If you chose the other, I would've left you here to die." Magic said, and Neptune was stuck by her heartlessness. He had just narrowly escaped a slow death...
Well, he still drank the potion he was handed regardless, and slowly, the pain in his abdomen disappeared. Neptune ripped off the bandages, and lore and behold, the wounds were healed. Neptune stood up and stretched. Magic walked over, picked up his shirt and jacket, and threw it at Neptune.
"Hurry, we must make for Planeptune. We have a way into the city, and we're going to rescue your friend. After that, we must travel to Lowee and join up with the Rebel Army." Magic explained as she looked back at him, handing him his Trinity blade, in its sheath. "There, we will find the other member of the Quartet."
"Eh?" Neptune said, as he took hold of the sword.
"His name is Blanc. Our head Leader is there as we speak." Magic said as she handed Neptune his bag.
"What's he like?"
"...Uh..." Magic didn't know what to say to...describe him. But, one word in particular came to mind for the question.
"Huh, neat."
"Anyway, we must leave. If you're ready, let us depart." Magic said as she began walking towards the exit.
"...Talk about a Unexpected Journey."
"What was that?"
And so, the two began their journey to save the girl known as Noire. This will be the start of a grand journey...with the help of many family faces, most of which happens to be enemies...and the greatest protagonist known to Mankind.
The ultimate and unstoppable, Kung fu master-!
"Okay Lady Purple Heart, imma stop you right~ there."
In the Planeptune Basilicom, Neptune, CPU of Planeptune, was on the phone with someone. She held the phone up to her ear, as she listened to the man's questions.
"First question...Are these Nightröth's original? Because they sound oddly familiar to-"
"Don't say it, it's fine as long as we don't say it aloud."
"Second Question, why was Lady Nepgear a child?"
"I thought it was really cute to see lil' Nep Jr. like that!"
"And Why did you write your Male self in those situations with Lady Black Heart?"
"The better question is; How much will you pay me to be in those situations with Noire?"
"...You're gonna go FAR in this business."
The RPG "Shadow of Gamindustri" was later produced the next year.
It grossed 9 Billion Credits in its first week of release.
Due to Neptune's lack of foresight, however, as well as a conflicted contract, she received no money from the game and was stricken from the credits of the game.
She now lives, as broke as the day her series began, at Compa's Apartment.
This happened, however, after she was released from the hospital from a sudden attack from Blanc, who went on a rampage and inflicted life threatening damage on Neptune in a blood rage.