(Author's Note)

Well… this is a strange event I see before me.

Hello everyone! And welcome to Days of a forgotten time, or DOFT for short. This was an idea I came up with while pacing around my room, as that is where I get most of my story ideas from.

Now before anything is said, I have no intention on keeping to an upload schedule, meaning if I lose interest, I'll put the story on an indefinite Hiatus. (Kinda like what I've done with all of my other stories…) Basically what I'm saying is, If I lose interest, I'll put it off until I get interested again.

Anyways, with this said, this story takes place after the final chapter of ReBirth: Guardians. You don't need to read it to understand what's going on… but I'd recommend it, because you may get lost during certain parts.

Also, while the idea I'm about to do is probably not the most original, the story and setting for such is all made up by me, hopefully.

Well, enough standing around here! Let's get this show on the road!

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN HYPERDIMENSION NEPTUNIA! The property is owned by Idea Factory, and Compile Heart. I only own the ideas and characters that are of my own creation. Please support the official release.

Lighting… The roaring of the thunder sounds as I feel wind smack me in the face, but I stay composed.

I stare at the monster in front of me, it looks at me with slight disgust and yet… a familiarity that shouldn't be possible.

I aim my M6H2 at the Monster, my eyes hardening.

A bolt of lightning strikes in the middle of the gap between us, I find myself staring back into a pair of Purple Eyes, and a face that looked like it came from a mirror.

As the light from the lightning strike faded, everything went dark, only the sounds of thunder was there now…

All I see… is a pair of purple eyes… dead… purple eyes…


I bolt up from the bed with a start, placing a hand on my chest. I sigh, before hopping down. I look over to my left, seeing that my girlfriend hadn't woken up yet.

I sigh, before throwing on some jeans and a purple t-shirt. I silently closed the door before walking to the kitchen. I needed some iced tea right about now…

I grabbed a can from the refrigerator before cracking the top open, before looking down at my left hand, the faded mark on my hand a reminder of both the good I accomplished, and the bad that followed me like a plague wherever I was.

"You're up early." Said Histoire, as I turned to face the book fairy. She was wearing a tiny night dress that I swear Plutia got from a toy doll.

"And you're up late." I responded, taking a sip from the can in my hand. "Had trouble sleeping." I said, placing the can on the countertop.

"Same nightmare?" Asked Histoire. I nod, before looking at the hallway connecting the kitchen to the bedroom me and Plutia share.

"You're going to have to fill her in eventually. If not now sometime soon." Said Histoire. I sighed, I knew I needed to but I was unsure how to explain it. I don't even think I was able to convey it to Histoire correctly.

"...It didn't last as long this time." I said, turning to Histoire. "Normally it does something else… this time was different."

Histoire closed her eyes and thought about it, before opening them back up. "I'm not sure what to say about that…" She said, as I picked the can back up. "If I remember correctly, you said you'd do some Quests from the Guild."

"That is true facts…" I said, before chugging the rest of the can, tossing it into the recycling bin nearby. "I better get a head start then."

I walked over to my coat that had been laid against a chair, before grabbing it. I slipped it on as I attached my hidden blade to my right arm.

I walked back to my room, before grabbing my M6H2 Magnum, as well as my phone and headphones. I looked over at Plutia's sleeping form. Smiling, I walked out of the room, nodding at Histoire as I made my way to the Guild.

The ambient sounds of adventurers, adrenaline junkies, and loot hoarders were commonplace in Planeptune's guild, as it was the hot spot form a quick way to earn cash… as well as most people's way of getting exercise. However, a select few have the luxury of the quests they take end up going towards share percentage, and I happen to be one of them.

I poke the holoscreen of the quest board, finding a few fetch quests and a few monster elimination ones that should keep me busy most of the day.

I select the quests before linking them to my ID Card, making it so that the guild knows I've taken the quests and so that once they're completed, they know I'm on my way to drop the completed quests off.

It was a system that was implemented before my arrival, but wasn't updated to the way it is now until only recently.

I slip my headphones onto my head as I head my way to Otori Forest.

The minutes of walking pass by as I bob my head to the music playing through my headphones. As I look out in front of me, I pull out my magnum. Time for some fetch quests.

(Much Questing Later…)

Let's see… that should do it. I think I'm done for today. I thought, as I went over my mental checklist. "I should head back to the Guild. The sun's setting already."

I turn around to head back to the guild, as I'm stopped by the appearance of what appears to be a skeletal looking figure. It was is they hadn't eaten in days and their body refused to let itself die.

"...You okay there? No offense, but you look like the inside of other people's *ssh*l*s…" I said, walking towards the figure. They looked up at me, as hollow eye sockets glared at me, before it let out a screech, a wave of unease shaking me to the core.

"Please don't be a redead…" I said aloud, as I extended my hidden blade. The figure suddenly appeared before me as I blinked, a long bony finger pointed at my forehead. I couldn't blink, couldn't move, as it slowly connected with my forehead.

The reaction was immediate, as I felt myself being flung off my feet, my back slamming into a big tree. Suddenly the area around me began to warp, as the figure degraded into dust.

The trees and grass around me began to change, as if they were both growing, decaying and shrinking at the same time. What seemed like years blurred into my mind in a matter of seconds, as I saw the forest slowly grow more wild, as if it was reverting to a time when it wasn't as touched by man as it was then.

Eventually, I fell off the tree, but at the same time I wished I hadn't, as I turned around to see the tree was gone, as if it hadn't existed. In it's place was a sapling.

I spun in a circle, as what looked like dead trees suddenly return to good health, branches flying back to their rightful place, and the sun and moon spinning out of control around me.

...And then it suddenly stopped.

I felt myself stumble, as I stopped to regain my balance. I looked around, one thing was for certain.

"I'm not in kansas anymore, huh…" I said to myself, before retracting my hidden blade. I looked around, the forest had overgrown, as I sighed.

"This is going to be a pain, isn't it?" I asked myself, sighing as I put my hands on my hips.

"Well well well, what do we have here boys?" A man asked, as I turned around to see a group of 3 unsavoury looking individuals.

"A 16 year old whose lost. Anything else you'd like to add to that?" I deadpanned, subtly reaching for my Magnum.

"Yeah, a smart*ss. And you boys know what we do with smart*ss." Said the man, as he pulled out a dagger of sorts, his goons following suit. The man rolled his sleeves up, as I just raised an eyebrow.

"Really? Rolling up the sleeves?" I asked, hands at my side. The Goons charged at me, as I grabbed my Magnum, double tapping the first goon, before kicking the shin of the other, hidden blade going into his skull. Both goons exploded into a burst of pixels, signalling they've been sealed.

"Now we can do this the easy way, or the hard way." I said, getting into a stance. "And here's a secret, there is no easy way."

The Man growled at me, before charging with a roar of anger. I smirked, sidestepping the attack, before tripping him as I brought my arm out to clothesline him. He landed onto the ground with a grunt, as I pointed my magnum at him, sealing him.

"Just where the hell did I end up?" I asked myself, as I looked around. Deciding it would be a stupid idea to wait until they were unsealed, I put my magnum away and retracted the hidden blade.

I looked around, before running off. If I hurried, I'd have time to set up a campfire and set up a camp of some kind.

I sat in front of the fire, as I chowed down on a bird I had cooked over the fire. Now normally I wouldn't eat bird, but since I was out in a forest in a place that seemed… not right, I didn't really give a damn.

As I was chowing down on my food, I heard a rustling to my right. I turned to my right, finding a girl who looked to be in her late teens, early twenties crawl out. She looked as if she hadn't eaten in awhile, not bony like the last guy, but still to a concerning level.

She had sky blue hair that was in a mess, and wore glasses that had the left side of them a bit broken. The glasses still worked, but they weren't in the best of shape. She had an air of familiarity, like I had seen her before, but not in this state.

She looked up at me in worry, like she had just walked into a shootout. A growl was heard from her stomach, so I grabbed some of the cooked bird I had gotten and held it out to her.

Next thing I know the cooked bird is out of my hand and the girl is eating as if this was the first meal she's had in a year. And while I know that isn't humanly possible… I can't be sure with how this place is.

"...You alright?" I asked, as she finished. She looked up at me in a mix of confusion and slight fear.

"..." She remained silent. I looked at the fire, before holding out the rest of the bird. I wasn't that hungry anyways. As the same as before, she had eaten it in a matter of minutes.

"...W-why…?" A small voice asked me, as I turned to the woman. She seemed to have slight tears in my eyes. "...W-why did you help me?"

I looked at the fire. "...I dunno… Seemed like the right thing to do…" I said, a hand on my right cheek, as I lazily sat down. "You seemed hungry, and I was full anyways so… you know…"

"..." The woman stayed quite at this, as she looked at the fire.

"You can come closer. I'm sure as hell not going to hurt you if that's what you're worried about." I said, looking over at her.

She looked at me, before scooting over. She seemed to shiver at the heat, as if the heat had made the cold she was feeling before move to one area along her back.

I held my hand out. "...Bryce."

She looked at me in confusion, before shakily holding her hand out.

"...R-rei…" She answered.

'That's why she looks familiar!' I thought to myself. I then remembered who Rei Ryghts was in the Victory story. With this knowledge, and how she was right now, and how everything around me was… a lot more dense, one thought came into my mind that confirmed where I was.

'...I'm in the f*cking Past…'

(Author's Note)

Welp, there we go. One chapter done.

I hope you guys enjoyed this. The story following this chapter will focus on the past of the Ultradimension Bryce resides.

And if any of you ask: 'But won't this cause a paradox or something?', I'll point you in the direction of my answer for how the ending of ReBirth: Guardians works.

Closed time loop.

So yeah, now that I've gotten that out of the way, I need to get the mandatory, follow and review stuff out of the way.

But I'd like to focus more on the reviews. If you can, PLEASE review. Feedback from my readers is WHY I keep writing. It gives me a reason TO write. If I don't have that drive, then things go on Hiatus and I lose interest.

With that out of the way, I have things to write.

And Until next time…