Chapter 10: A Play with the Devil

Words: 4,141

Recap: So the Centaurs had not-so-gracefully given me a prophecy for my next Quest. Not that I don't mind helping out when they're in trouble, but I'd be grateful if they don't make a big deal out of it and decide my fate for me. Give me a simple direction, and I'll see what I can do! Oh well, at least I have good enough friends who'd bring food when I'm down, is there anything more iconic than that?

Though the parting words from Damien Sommer and his favor I "owed" him doesn't bode well for me.

"So you're telling us the centaurs, one of the most egotistical creatures living in that god-forsaken forest, gave you a prophecy out of the goodness of their heart?"

"I doubt it's for any goodwill considering the reception I was given."

"You do know most people died just to get their brand of divination, right?"

"So basically," Lily cut in and slid the parchment that had the lines of the prophecy given to me, "The first line says… 'The yet shone Huntress aims at the unfulfilled promise tree where the Savior shall lit anew.' Okay, I understand those words but not in that sentence."

The Huntress I could take a guess, but it's not like I could tell them there is an inexistent constellation because my friend, Zoë, hasn't died yet.

Zoë hasn't died yet.

Which means she's still running among the Artemis' Huntresses. Alive.

'Wow, hold your horses, boy. You don't want to go into that rabbit hole.'

"The second line, 'The moonlight dimmed, her domain's cry in uproar.' Whose domain does it mean? The moon?"

Lily managed to interrupt that particular thought and focus back on the present problem, "Well, maybe it's meant to say Artemis' domain? Since she's the symbol for the moon."

"If that's true, then the domain the centaurs meant was the forest, right? Artemis is also the goddess of the hunt, wild animals, and wilderness. So something bad could be happening in the Forbidden Forest."

Lily gasped, "So that's why the Thestrals and Grindylows acted the way they did. They were running away." But from what? She didn't say, but the question lingered regardless.

Sev nodded in agreement, "then it won't be the first either. The third line also mentioned 'many deaths may loom upon you.'" He went silently before looking back at me in pity. "At least it's not saying you'll die."

"Thanks for the silver lining, Sevvy, but it doesn't help to make sense of the words," I swore the centaurs' prophecy is a whole lot vaguer. I'm starting to miss the rhymes.

"But the most interesting bit is the next line: 'The guardian of the spirits shall descend once more' and the name Rangifer… Rangifer… where have I heard that before?"

"It's a constellation, right? Is it important- oh my God, Sev, you're bleeding!"

Severus looked nonplussed before a hint of red droppings hit the parchment from his face. "Oh, no, sorry, don't worry about this. I must have drunk too much hot chocolate."

"Sev, you don't like the hot chocolate here. You said it's too sweet."

"It's only a nosebleed, nothing serious." He wiped away the blood with his sleeves, and he looked better already, "Look, we should focus more on the deciphering Percy's fate since who knows… lives might be at stake here… again. So, where were we?"

Lily pursed her lips but conceded to his point. Though I knew he'd be having an earful later. "Rangifer? Constellation?

"Oh yeah, this mist be symbolizing the guardian spirit from the line before. Percy, Is that really all they said?"

I gulped and wasn't sure if I wanted to tell them the last line. I've already lied enough to last a lifetime but I wasn't sure that "the blood of the innocent" would be something worth knowing. Thankfully, I didn't have to answer her before Professor Silverback cleared his throat near enough that it can only be made right by our side of the table.

We flinched, and looked up at the pointed look he was giving us that contrast with the patient smile he had.

"I see you three are having fun. You wouldn't mind sharing with the class what part of my lesson that gets you excited?"

That's difficult to answer, seeing that I was utterly unabsorbed with your lesson while trying to decipher my fate.

Sev sat straight and promptly answered, "You were explaining how there are three distinctively well-known Runes used by wizarding today. Each has its own meaning and function that depends on the wizard or witches' compatibility and usage; the Egyptian Hieroglyphics that are most often used by Elementalist, Nordic Runes that are used for protection and curses, and the contemporary Witches Runes that are more often than not used for potion rituals. Any of the Runes can be used for transfiguration and charms but each has different condition fulfillment that is still being studied today. Hieroglyphics are said to work only when it's spoken through its Divine Words. Still, no one actually knows the precise pronunciation of the words from three millennia ago, Nordic Runes are said to only be used by wizards who had gone through extreme hardship, but those are just hearsay, and Witches Runes have little restriction and can be combined used with the other Runes."

My mouth went slack, witnessing Severus reciting information that I don't think even Doc can make sense in the 100+ page textbook filled with language from the 1700s and summarized it that easily I know he's a genius but daaaaaaamn. Lily looked just as shocked as I did before smiling proudly at her friend.

Professor Silverback hummed with his usual smile of his that you can no longer tell whether he's impressed or not, "Impressive, Mister Snape. It would be better if you try not to disturb your desk mates next time just because your intellect doesn't require you to listen to me. It is most shameful to discredit your friends."

The confident posture wilted out of him, and Severus' mouth opened to protest, but Professor Silverback wasn't finished, "I'm sorry to do this, but I suggest you go sit among your kind and give them a chance to study."

Severus looked resigned as he took his bag along to sit with his housemates. I felt guilty that my problem got him in trouble, but Lily consoled me, shrugging, "What can we do?"

Once class was over, I had to bolt since there's Quidditch practice. Slytherin and Hufflepuff will be filling the first match this weekend, and Marlene was firing up more than ever. Though I can't say what motivates her more; winning the match or getting a one up at her opponent's captain.

Speaking of him, I spotted Damien standing by the corridor, alone. I paused on my steps since it was an unusual sight. Damien is a lot of things, social butterfly is one of them. You can always count him and his groupies to walk among the Hogwarts halls, endlessly gossiping and flirting.

Seeing him on his own is like spotting a wild Pikachu.

"Jackson! Just the man I was looking for."

"I am?"

"Yes, I was hoping we can have a talk, you and I? If you allow sparing your time."

"Err, sure? I still have time before practice starts."

His grin turned genuine and we started walking to the field at a more sedate pace. He threw an arm around me, gripping my shoulder, and started talking, "Do you remember the favor you owe me yesterday?"

"You mean the favor you push on me without much consent? Yeah."

"Ha, you're as funny as they say. I like you."


"I'll get to the point, I want you to sabotage your team."

"No thanks." It spilled out of my mouth before his words registered and I had to pause and looked at him as if he had just eaten his own shorts. "What?"

"Oh, was it not clear? I thought it'd be better to not beat around the bush seeing how inexplicably straightforward you are."

'I'm more concerned why you think I'd be willing at all to listen to you considering how 'straightforward' you think I am.' But I was still too busy gaping because of the audacious request coming out of his mouth.

"Basically, what I want you to do is, well, not play your best as a Chaser in your team. Nothing difficult."

"Nothing difficu—" I brushed off the hand gripping my shoulder and moved to face him, Are— are you seriously asking me that?"

"Of course, I wouldn't have asked you otherwise." He still sounded carefree and the laid back attitude he had kind of threw me off.

"You do know that's cheating, right?"

"Not really. There's no rule that the player has to play his best. Not any rule applied outside the game. At worst, my action is best defined as immoral."

"That's, that's, that's not any better." Does this person have common sense in his head or is he a sociopath? I can't tell which is which.

"So what do you say, Percy Jackson? Will you take the deal?"

It took me blinking a few times just to come up with proper words to respond, "What if... I say no?"

"Then I'll have to ask you another type of favor for another time."

"Wait, that's it?"

"That's it, actually. Is there a problem?"

"No, it's just… I heard you always collect what you're owed. So it was a bit surprising since the answer doesn't really match the rumor."

"Well, I'm sure you know how exaggerated rumors can be."

'Deeply,' I thought.

"And while I make sure everyone pays their due, I never force them to do anything."

Why do I get the feeling he's only giving me half-truth? "Is that so?"

He just gave a polite smile. I took that cue for me to continue on my way to the Pitch.

"Although," he raised his voice even as I was at a distance and braced myself for the punchline, but whatever I expected it certainly wasn't the next few lines he made, "It would be bad if it's known that Severus wears a Cursed Ring he bought."

"What are you talking about?" I tried to play off his accusation, but my voice came unnaturally scratchy. It was too late to play dumb.

"Hmm, I meant him playing with a dark magic item he bought off from Knockturn Alley. You know, it's a dangerous place that I doubt the Professor would be pleased to know their students have visited."

"Even if you're not making it up, why should what Severus do concern me?"

"Aaw, it's cute that you act like you don't care. You can't even let Reggy win in his match because you feel sorry for him." My heart jumped, how did he even know that? "But to answer your question, I'm sure you're aware he wasn't alone in that Alley—"

Wait… don't tell me…

"—he had his fellow Slytherin accompanying him too."

Ooh, phew, I thought he was talking about Lily and me. But I'm confused, where is this going?

"Imagine if all the Slytherins who visited were known by the faculty. Not only will they get in trouble, but they'll also wonder who would snitch on them. And you know how the muggle says about snitches."

I gulped, his veiled threat carried more weight with every word he said. Still, I wanted to catch if he was bluffing, "I doubt you'd do that, you're a Slytherin. I know how you guys think. You protect your own."

"Hmm, you're right. But the thing is, you're not willing to gamble your friend's wellbeing, are you?"

Clearly, the rumors haven't done his character's justice. "Has anyone ever told you, you have a nasty personality?"

"Why thank you. I am to please."

"Well, I'd be more pleased if you turn around and bend over so I could see where my shoe fits."

Damien chuckled and got up from his seat, "Well, I let you consider your options. It's only fair to give you time—"

I stood and blocked his path. Being thirteen, I haven't gotten my growth spurt yet, so it was hard to meet him eye-to-eye. But I made sure he saw a glimpse of the raging storm the Son of Poseidon would unleash. To let him know that I wasn't a person to be trifled as a plaything for his own amusement.

"You got yourself a deal." I held out my hand.

Damien looked down in shock, no longer smiling as he gazed back and forth between my hand and my face. "To be perfectly honest, I didn't think you'd accepted my offer this fast."

"But you knew I'd accept it anyway?"

"Of course. I don't make deals that wouldn't be accepted, and you're a disgustingly good person for me not to take advantage of."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

His next smile showed more teeth, satisfaction was written all over his face, and took my hand to shake on it, "It's a deal then."

With the disaster meeting at its end, I felt sluggish until I reached the Quidditch Pitch. Everyone was on their uniform and started their stretches.

Marlene spotted me and immediately bounded over, "You're late!"

"Sorry, I got held up by the devil."

"Haha, very funny. Didn't I tell you that everyone needs to be on the field 30 minutes before practice?"

Jeremiah coughed loudly.

"Yes, fine, 10 minutes before practice. Now go on and wear your—" she halted as she took a good look at my face, her brows knitted in concern, "Percy, is something the matter?"

I considered her briefly before waving her worry off, "Nothing of concern, let's teach those snarky snakes how good we 'Duffers are."

. . .

Around the time for breakfast the next day, my feet came striding straight to the Green House. I spotted the back of his greasy head and knew who it was before I grabbed him by the arm. "We need to talk. Now."

Lily noted the seriousness I had going on and excused herself from her friends to follow us.

We went as far as to the Black Lake in the hope the scent of water would calm me. Instead, the lake rippled restlessly, so much for that front.

"Perce, what's wrong?"

"Okay, you remember about owing a favor to that prefect of yours?"

"...damn, what did he want?"

Lily looked between us, confused, "What Prefect? Sev, what's he talking about?"

"Damien Sommer, the Slytherin house Prefect, and most know him as someone you don't want to owe favors unless you're desperate or stupid," I answered for Severus.

"Well, how did you owe him a favor if you knew, Percy?"

"Because the guy played dirty and threatened me if I didn't comply with him."

"WHAT?!" They both cried in shock. Lily, mostly, was fuming. "That— How dare he— Oh, when I get my hands on that man-"

"What did he even threaten you with?"

"That's the interesting part, he said he might let it slip to the teachers that one of my friends is using a dark magical item he bought from Knockturn Alley? Sound familiar?"

Two pairs of eyes staring pointedly at our raven-haired friend. He was tight-lipped before looking away.

"Severus!" Lily sounded scandalous.

"It was supposed to be a harmless Focus Ring."

"'Supposed to'?"

"The potion version of it barely works since the author is dead from the neck up! I've drunk energy-drink that works better than that knob laced concoction. I thought I could make something better if I experienced an actual working Concentration Spell, that and it helps me go through the 6th year materials faster. And it's not like I didn't tell you when I first brought you in that alley!"

"We didn't think you were seriously using since… oh, I don't know… you said it made you bleed! You had a nosebleed just yesterday"

"Only a little bit, nothing serious! I mean, sure, sometimes my nails bleed out sometimes as well or my ears, and couldn't sleep for days even after I'm done using it. But it's all good, a glass of milk tea is enough to make me feel better and I'm pretty sure I haven't popped a vessel if I haven't cried blood yet."

'By the love of gods, this kid might be death to himself.'

Lily and I exchanged grim looks before silently agreeing with each other. "Hey Sev, you don't happen to have that ring with you now?"

"Err, yeah, I have it." It signified how trusted we are to him that he didn't think twice before showing us the black iron ring from his pocket.

Which is why he didn't expect me to shout Lily's name that prompted her to hold Sev's arm back while I stole the ring. I then faced the large expanse of water ahead of me and wasted no time throwing it into the lake with a shout, "SAYO-FREAKING-NARA!"

Yeah, I didn't know where the Japanese came from. It seemed appropriate at the time.

"Percy, that cost me 50 sickles!"

"I'll reimburse you, and I think you have better things to worry about than a simple ring."

Severus looked between the two of us as we gave our best disappointed™ look. He managed to act a bit cowed but not before I put on my Counselor's voice about everything that he did wrong. That pursuit of knowledge doesn't excuse him from hurting himself and dark magic are called dark for a reason.

I hope you're proud, Sevvy. You made me throw off the gauntlet. It's never fun when you're adulting your friend.

But from the roll of his eyes, my concern was pushed aside in his head, "Fine, I get it, I'm at fault, happy? God, not even my own mom nags me this much."

"And whose fault do you think this is?"

"Percy," Lily interjected, "What will you do about Sommer? Even though Sev doesn't have dark items on hand, you've already made the deal with him."

I waved her concern off, "Don't worry about it, I've got that handled."


"All I can say is that the Slytherin won't expect what my team has in store for them."

. . .

The day of the match came quicker than any of us felt but after the brutal training beaten into us, we were more than ready for the D-day. There couldn't have been more perfect weather for a bunch of kids to smack each other apart on a broom at broad daylight. Clear, cool, with barely any wind.

Jeremiah had lost his usual sharp tongue (with much effort), knowing better than to talk back with Captain around. Our smoll bean, Howey, was vibrating with constant nerves in contrast to Chris' excited vibe. Mason looked like she couldn't care less and was busy managing her clip nails (Let it not be said she can't have you eat her dust and look good while doing it). Gideon looked more or less done and wanted nothing more than going back to his book and the match hadn't even started it yet.

'Yeah, we got this.'

"Alright team, you know our strategy. Our Man with the Plan-"

"Please don't call me that," Gideon futilely pleaded.

"-has considered all the scenarios to face our most wretched enemy-"

"Err, you mean your personal grudge against their Captain," Mason lazily added.

"-and show them that we lived up to the fact that badgers eat snakes for breakfast!"

"We might as well forfeit with how ridiculous this plan is," Jeremiah finally offered a few words of snark.

"Shushed, are you guys ready?"

"Ready, yes, right, okay!" Howey nodded vigorously that I was almost afraid he was going to let his head fall off.

I patted his back to calm him down, "Hey, don't worry, we've trained hard for this."

We started walking toward the field, the air trembled from the cheering crowd. The stadium and pillars had distinctive green and yellow that signed our respective supporters. No matter how many times I do this, the pressure seems to always hang over me with so many people watching intently for our moment of triumph (or screw-ups) they get to witness firsthand.

Maybe it was to ease the nerves that I decided to walk beside Marlene and started asking her, "Hey, quick question, is there a reason why you don't get along with Captain Sommer?"

She looked quizzically for a moment before it dawned on her, "Oh, right, this was before your time. You see, Percy, other than the fact every Slytherin is a scoundrel, Damien Sommer is the devil incarnate whose main purpose is to make our lives a living hell."

"What she means," Chris cut in, "Is that in her fourth year, one of our senior Chaser managed to cross his path and made a deal with him to let Slytherin win the match. Marlene really looked up to him so imagine her devastation that he screwed up enough to goal at his own post."

I gasped, I knew it was bad but not that bad, "No… he did not…"

"He did! Also, you know how lenient Ted can be? Well, after hearing the circumstances, our deal leader asked what favor he owed him, and you know what he said?"


Cap had to hold back from yelling to hissing viscerally, "That the piece of garbage asked the two-faced snake to help him get a limited edition Wizard Card. We were sold out for trading cards!"

"I've never seen Ted as angry as he did," Jeremiah said, uncharacteristically wistful, "Best day of my life being a player here."

"And winning the Cup is not?" Gideon shook his head incredulously before giving his two cents to me, "Moreover, we're not the only victims, Sommer has gone and targeted a lot of talented players from the other teams and messed with their playings."

"Isn't this kind of… I don't know… against the rules? Hasn't anyone confronted him on this?"

"Oh, I have." Marlene grimaced like she remembered the taste of sour milk, "After the incident, I made sure to give him an impression, more specifically, one on his cheek while giving him a piece of my mind."

"The second best thing that ever happened here," Jerry expressed.

"The scoundrel had the nerve to keep his eat-shitting-grin of his like I'm nothing but a toy to him. He actually argued there's no rule against dealing before the game to ensure his winnings as if anything about that can be called a fair strategy!"

I nodded, understanding not only where Marlene was coming from but Damien as well. I can't help thinking back of the Game of Flags during summer camp. Particularly, whenever the cabins started conspiring and making alliances with one another. The thing about the GoF is that the game started before the game itself. The deals and politics you make behind closed doors can determine who will win as much as the strategies. Being the only one in my cabin, the only exchange I can give was my raw power for their support so I never participated in that front. I had fun playing with and against Annabeth.

Though I got to say, Damien's style is nasty even for my taste. There are times when a cabin betrays one another, but that's for really rare cases. It's a strategy you can't use all the time. Otherwise, there will be no more alliances.

"Anyway," the Captain continued, "I'm certain there isn't going to be a repeat of the Match-that-doesn't-Count. None of you had tried to even exchange words with him outside this field, so I trust all of you with every fiber of my being that you will not backstab this team."

I couldn't even say anything at that point, I just hummed and nodded along.

We lined up on the grassy field according to our default position; the Keeper on the furthest right, then the three Chasers, our two beaters next, lastly the Seeker furthest on the left.

The Slytherin team was doing the same thing when their captain froze when he saw our team's lineup. Captain Sommer gawked at my placing, which was on the furthest left on the line. I raised a knowing eyebrow before giving him a finger I reserved especially for him with a grin that would hopefully throw him on the edge.

He wanted me to not play my best as a Chaser? Well, a deal's a deal cause I'm not even playing as a Chaser anyway.

Damien then burst out laughing, surprising everyone on the field, including me. "Apologies, I just witnessed something funny, do carry on." The Slytherin Team's Captain was still struggling to stifle his giggles.

Once he managed to calm down, Madam Hooch called out the team's captains to come forward before the players could spread out on the field. Marlene and Damien shook hands, but then he leaned closer than strictly needed and whispered something near her ears. Marlene backed away quickly, shaking her head in perplex before going to her position, but not without passing me by.

"Hey, err, apparently Damien wanted to send a message to you. He said something about 'Well played'? What does that mean?"

"Nothing for you to worry your head off, Captain. He'd just bet on a losing card, that's all."

AN: Between the Rune magic system, my little snake Damien, and the little drama in between. This shits is getting harder to write. NOT to worry, I got through it in the end, didn't I?

And oh Percy, you're two friends are in their teens now. They won't forever not get into their own kind of trouble.

Plot twist: finding out Percy isn't the most reckless in the Trio.

Percy likes his to think he has his own brand of recklessness, which is Controlled Chaos. Whatever trouble he gets into, he's experienced enough to get himself out of trouble.

By the way, if you actually look closely there's one line referencing to a certain bastard, orphan, son of a whore. So who here has streamed it online and cried all over again after watching it, because this girl certainly did.

Mr. Miranda I applaud and bow to your talent.

Okay, let's go straight to the QRA Corner where I answer any question and thank you for all the love!

SandaKagami: Wholesome Trio is a good alternative other than Golden Trio. And I didn't think you'd like the Rhea/McG standoff. It's interesting that I put it in randomly but then I realized how Rhea was defending Percy and McG was defending Lupin because they know what the other doesn't.

Patolemus: Dude, what are you doing up that early, anyway? Your love-hate for James and Sirius tho? I feel them. These guys are just self-righteous little shits thinking anyone from Slytherin and those friends with them are either bad or duped. But that doesn't mean they can't be charming and funny, you know? Because they are and they know it, so they often take advantage of it. The fact that you know those kids have the potential for a lot of good doesn't help. Also, they are unpredictable, so when the Wholesome Trio and the Marauder Quartet clashes, I always giggle a bit because there's no way trouble doesn't go down when they meet.

I'm glad Centaur!Legolas make you laugh because it did for me. I wanted a wise centaur that's an expert on prophecy, and wise old man are cliche so I went for the wise, ridiculously handsome man (Which was why Legolas was the first thing that came in mind, complete with silver mane that complement his hair.) The Centaur Prophecy is probably the vaguest prophecy ever made because... well... they're not reliable. I mean, in human standard, they are, but they're still low-tier prophecy if you compared it with the Oracle. Definitely not because I haven't made a concrete resolution for this story. Nuh-uh. I'm a better writer than that.

I didn't think Rhea vs Minnie would take your attention. To be fair to Percy, it's the first time he ever met his grandma, hahaha so it didn't occur to him to introduce her. Regulus is the only decent redemption character that was only measly mention by JKR and I'm MAD! That's what I ultimately want, a decent character arc going through redemption without too focus on making the character GRAY!

AHAHAHAH, Hades doesn't want to rule the world. Do you know how exhausting managing souls and make sure they get the right judgement? He's already tired enough trying not to repeat another civil war because of the minimum wage.

I'm glad you love the bracelet, it took a lot to think about it for something that simple. And I love that you love my work so much :))) Hope you like this chapter, what do you think of Damien. Between the Marauders and the Devil, which one you think are worse?

Geni Blaze: Damien was the first name that came into mind and Legolas Centaur is one decision I will never regret.

pinkdoughnuts: Of course Percy doesn't owe Damien anything... too bad he doesn't have much choice in that matter. Good thing fo him, Damien messes with the wrong Half-Blood.

Stjinbus: The Thestrals was Hades way of saying that he doesn't need any of Poseidon's horse shit. Oh, and I just thought of a joke!

Do you know why Thestrals avoid you? Because your fashion sense is DEAD

FolkLuz21: I loooooove your review so much, especially how excited every time you write to me. Don't worry about the Maraudorks, they were made that way but will see the light one day. You can love them while they're still being jerks. Your violent self is also hilarious, so don't hold back in the review section, let your inner dark self out for a bit. No war will break out in here, LOL. You're the third reviewer to have a love-hate relationship with them, and I'm feeling a bit proud (?) to make a lot of people feel that way? I don't want to downplay them since they were excessive in canon, but it can't be helped if they're stubborn and charming about it too.

Your first reaction that the centaur looked like Orlando Bloom being "Damn, that HAWT?!" was the only appropriate reaction to having a Mr. Bloom as a centaur. PotC is my childhood too! :))))))

Thanks for what you say about the Prophecy because I am self-aware enough to know it was written a lot vaguer than it should be. There's not Huntress of Artemis... at least not in this act... I can't promise for the future. A lot of people also like The Food Scene, I just thought it was the most Percy reason for Lily and Sev to go search for him when he's not in trouble. (Good thing he put in the "Hangry" notice in the bracelet, am I right?)

Espero que usted y su familia sigan sanos y salvos. ¿Qué te parece mi capítulo esta vez? Aku selalu senang kamu senang dengan ceritaku, selalu membantu motivasi aku :) I'll look forward to your reply, sampai jumpa!

RF111: Oh, I have lots and lots of plans prepared for Percy, Sirius, James, EVEN SEVERUS! My goal is to make this fic happier and more heartbreaking than canon and your question links to that so I can't say, otherwise SPOILER! Wish me luck on that endeavour.

theertha: Thank you for the compliment :)

snowsTorm18000: Wow, it took you, what two days to read Two Acts?! Daaaaaaaaaamn. And coincidentally, your suggestion is something I've been thinking of using for this act. I see you we have the same wavelength. Hope you like this chapter as well.


Kimikiwi:'s 4K chapter... you call it shorter... when I usually write 3K... I-

Should I take this as a compliment? wkwkwkwkw

Currently, the fight is between Percy and Lily, but they're making up. If you're talking about future fight, well, let's just say that would be telling.

CalRedEss: Hello! I think you're a new name among my reviewers, but welcome anyway. THANK YOU SOOOOOOO much for the lovely review. You push my blush button when you talk about my character portrayal and plot. So much love in one review. I hope you're looking forward to the epilogue of Act Three because that's when I threw canon out of the proverbial window.

zoomingaway: At least you put the review in time before I post the next chap :)

Can I just say, your live comment as you react to my chapter is refreshing and I love it so much? The Debby Ryan got me howling in laughter. Do you not love my Damien? He's my new a-hole in this fic and I love him so much. And when you wrote Scottish Tim Burton Horse... perfection.

Percy is the God of Sass that Harry will pray for his snarkiness. (I almost wrote God of Ass HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ROTFL). If you want Percy's help, you will everything including his unstoppable sass that not even the gods can contain. And yes, the Fates isn't done throwing problems at Percy so another Prophecy for another Quest.

To be fair, Hogwarts is where Percy met her the first time so he doesn't really know KNOW her to introduce Rhea to his friends.

Again, a lot of people seem to love the Food Scene when it's supposed to be an excuse HAHA!

Related as in I will not tell you because of spoiler. And I know how you feel with Sev. I'm more pissed of JKR not because of Sev's portrayal but because there's no meaningful redemption. I mean, Narcissa and Draco ran away from the war, Peter saved Harry for honor, Sev was too drown by hatred for Potter and himself to get his stick out of his arse. Like... the only decent redemption character we've seen is Regulus Black and he's only been mentioned like... WTF JKR?! We want one decent redemption arc! Is that too much to ask?

I love redemption character okay? They're like a symbol that it's never too late to do the right thing no matter your past.

Wise old man are old school, in this fic we have Wise HAWT man. XD

Elusoto: ELLUUUUUUUUUUUU! You're back in the review section! Estoy tan feliz! and daaaaaaaaamn, reading your review it's like you're making notes for exam and my fic is the textbook. I can't even answer most of your questions because MAJOR SPOILERS! You've hung out with me for too long that you have basic ideas what's in my head without knowing where I'm driving you to. But I can say that yes, dementors have a plot point in this story. No centaurs, like satyrs, are all male. So they date with Nymphs and the like. Thank you for the love and I wish you family is safe and healthy as well. We'll fangirl Hamilton next time ;)