The Following is a Fan-based work of fiction. Star Wars is the property of the Walt Disney Company. Please support the official release.

At first, the tomb was just a simple cave – a cave that I had, at first, considered a dead end and that my trip was a waste of time. That is, until I moved a rock off of the trap-door which covered the tombs only entrance.

The long, long, long tunnel down was lit at the bottom with a soft, violet light at the bottom which had me worried that the grapple hook and line wouldn't be long enough. It was, but just barely – I was going to need to jump off of the wall to get that extra air.

But it was then that things were starting to look familiar. Kind of. I had come down to a corridor with designs carefully carved into the stone floors and walls. But my way was barred by a giant boulder that I didn't recall at first, until I remembered that Jaden had pushed this rock into some unfortunate mercenary and sent him tumbling below.

You know he was only fourteen when he fought that entire cult? I know, I couldn't believe it either, I could've sworn he was an adult already.

I digress.

Thankfully, I was able to squeeze past this boulder as it didn't seal the corridor completely. Then I came to the tomb proper and I was blown away.

The tomb was built into a massive cavern, with bridges connecting one side to another. The light of the massive growths of Kyber crystals bathed the cavern in violet light, almost giving the tomb a dream-like quality. The walls and corridors almost seemed to fade out of view like the whole tomb was just a giant ghost.

To cap it all off was the sheer feeling that this place was alive. It was a force nexus, after all and while I knew that intellectually, it was a completely different thing altogether to feel it. To feel the force pulsing in every nook and cranny nearly took my breath away.

I was breathing heavily regardless and I could hear binary sunset playing while I looked out into the tomb.


My crystal had to be here somewhere.

The question is where?

Reaching out with the force, in this place, was like diving into the ocean after only being exposed to water in small glasses for your entire life. Like hearing a symphony after you've only heard a single note from a single instrument. It was, quite frankly, the best thing ever. Whoever this Jedi was, he was very powerful and endlessly benevolent and it showed even in the cracks where the tomb's architecture was beginning to crumble.

I know where my crystal is.

On the walls, written in Aurebesh, were endless passages about Jedi teachings and their philosophy. The only thing that stopped me from taking pictures of this stuff to go over later was that I didn't want any evidence of my trip here and bringing evidence with me while I was in the Empire was just asking for trouble. More than just taking a lightsaber that can be easily passed off as a custom multitool.

But some of the stuff was so good though. Like "a Jedi should endeavor not just to control their emotions, but to understand them so they can find true peace" or "a Jedi should always seek greater knowledge, but not at the expense of all the other knowledge they gained".

I think that second one means trying to understand the dark side is fine but not if it means you lose your ability to reason out right and wrong. An odd way of putting it, but it makes sense. Anakin went from zero to child murderer in a few seconds, so I can see where it's coming from.

Walking through the halls, feeling the still air move around my legs as I walked past the statues of old masters, through crystal-decorated rooms and over bridges, opening each door I came across, seeing more art, more Jedi scripture, and more monuments to this Jedi Master's magnificence.

Eventually, I came to a large staircase. I had brief memories of the Disciples of Ragnos standing guard, preventing Jaden Korr from reaching the sarcophagus at the end so they can siphon the energy of this Force Nexus. Had to cut my way through them with a lightsaber very similar to the one that I was trying to construct.

Then I came to the end, and there it was. The Sarcophagus itself, propped up on a bed of Kyber crystals and there, at the foot, was a crystal. Mine.

…what's it doing at the foot of the sarcophagus? I…don't sense danger or anything, so maybe it's just the Force giving me a bone. To which I say, thanks!

I bent at the knee, gingerly picking it up and watching as the transparent crystal slowly turned blue at my touch. My favorite color and I felt it as easily as I would my own skin and through that feeling I could sense that it almost mirrored myself in its own way.

"Hey little guy," I muttered to it with a smile on my face. "You just want to hide as much as I do, huh?"

Not really a response, but it didn't need to give one. I felt that I wouldn't have any problems hiding this thing from any but the most determined seeker.

I wrapped it up in the clothe that I had brought, and gently placed it into the pouch on my belt that I prepared. With a breath, I looked up at the sarcophagus. "Either Chandrila adored this Jedi, or he was loaded."

"It was most certainly the latter."

I whirled around, blaster in hand, ready blast some guy right between the eyes when I caught sight of the source of the voice. He was a man, clearly human, with dark hair that was carefully groomed. His face was cleanshaven and if I didn't know any better, I'd have said his robes were embroidered with gold. Er…electrum. He was tinted blue and transparent…this is a force ghost.

"Uh…hi," I said, slowly lowering the pistol. "Sorry about that. I wasn't really, you know…expecting anyone else."

"That's quite alright," The ghost good-naturedly smiled. "Consider that crystal my gift to you, Jethro. I've been eagerly awaiting your arrival since you came into the galaxy."

"You have me at a disadvantage," I replied, holstering my blaster and regarding the ghost carefully. "Who are you and what do you mean by 'since I came into the galaxy'?"

"My name is Azar Kazerbyne," He formally introduced himself with a bow. "And I know that you aren't necessarily from the galaxy. Originally. You know what I mean."

I blinked. "You know I was reborn here."

"That's right," He nodded. "And since no one else has had the ability to do so, allow me to be the first to formally welcome you to the galaxy far, far away. We're very glad to have you."

"Thank you," I said with a sheepish smile of my own. "I'm really happy to be here."

"Quite," Azar nodded again, his smile shifting to a thoughtful look. "And you've come at a very interesting time. The Republic became the Empire, the 'Chosen One' fell to the Dark Side and the Jedi have few if any living members remaining. Just before the birth of our galaxy in your old galaxy, if I'm correct."

"That's right," I nodded. "So you know about everything…and…"

"I already knew everything you knew, but seeing it from the perspective of a holonovel was interesting," Azar shrugged. "I would say that everyone person that has ever become one with the force is aware of you and your existence, as they are aware of everyone else."

"You know, if someone figured out that I came from a reality where all of this is just fiction, I'd have thought they'd either go delirious with existential crises, or wouldn't stop asking me questions," I replied, folding my arms behind my back. "But then, if anyone would figure that out, it would be a force ghost and…like you said, you already know everything I knew. So…yeah. Expectations subverted."

"Life tends to happen that way," Azar mused. "If I may be so bold, I'd say you've become an insurance policy if the Empire ever finishes destroying the Jedi."

I blinked. "How did I do that?"

"By being a force sensitive that's joined the Empire and is capable of hiding from the Emperor himself," He replied. "I know that wasn't your intention, but the fact that you have the force, a Jedi Holocron and a full understanding of what the Sith are capable of means that they could find Obi-Wan, Yoda and still fail to fully extinguish the Light."

"You do know that it's my intention to cut ties from the Empire as soon as is convenient, right?" I asked with a frown.

He shook his head. "No, it isn't."

"Yes, it is."

"I'm afraid it isn't," Azar shook his head again. "Because if it were your intention, you'd have cut ties the moment you set foot upon Correllia's surface. No, your intention, for good or ill, is to emulate a Jedi Master which does not exist in this rendition of the Galaxy by following his footsteps into the darkest places of the Empire, fully intending to keep your will and conscience intact."

I was quiet for a minute. "Is that possible?'

"With the Force, all things are possible," Azar nodded. "So yes, it is."

"Well, that's a relief," I let out a sigh of relief. "Can you train me?"

"Certainly!" He beamed. "In fact, I was hoping you'd ask. I have much to teach you."

"Just like that?" I asked, blinking.

"Just like that," He replied, his eyebrow being raised. "But by necessity, your training will be brief. As much as it would be great if you could spend the rest of your leave here, training with me, the repeated supply trips, your paycheck being spent on Chandrila instead of Corellia to buy supplies, Chandrila itself being very sensitive about the location of this tomb…you'd leave a paper trail."

"I never thought a force ghost would be concerned about such trivial matters as a paper trail," I replied incredulously. "Its…funny."

"We'll I'd hate for my first student in millennia get destroyed by the Sith due to carelessness," Azar replied with a raised eyebrow. "Though if you left the Empire right now and disappeared, I'd be able to give you a much more solid education."

It was tempting. But I had already made my choice. SCAR or bust. "I'll pass."

"Very, very hard headed," He put his hands on his waist, shaking his head. "Alright, then. How long can you remain here before you return to civilization?"

"I have supplies for two more days," I answered after a brief look at my pack.

"Very well, let's begin," He said. "I'm going to give you a series of exercises for you to practice while you are away. These are exercises meant to strengthen your connection to the force and help you control your emotions…you've already gotten a fairly good handle on that, but more tools can't hurt…"

Well, this is bizarre. Cool, but bizarre.

Learning how to meditate correctly meant meditating in uncomfortable positions. The more uncomfortable you are, I think, means that it took more to shake you from your focus. On the one hand, these positions were uncomfortable. On the other hand, I was finally lifting something – a smooth, round rock that had been brought out for this exercise.

"Your relationship with your girlfriend is troubling you," Azar stated.

"Is this really the best time to be talking about that?" I asked, since I was in the middle of a one-handed hand-stand, trying to focus.

"A Jedi has to learn to multitask," Azar replied and while I couldn't see it, I think he was smirking.

"Okay then. On our first date, Tori and I had a political discussion," I said, taking a breath, keeping my legs up. "Next day, we continued that discussion and it seemed like her interest went cold. Final day of leave, she shows up in a mini-dress and says she likes me in spite of our disagreement."

"You suspect her of betraying you?" Azar asked.

"I suspect she might've reported me to ISB, yeah," I replied, my words coming out in labored breaths. "She was told to keep an eye on me because it would be good for her career."

"Did you try to discern the truth with the force?" Azar asked.


"Why not?"

"Because as much as I steal skills, copy the good and productive parts of their routines from their brain and into my own," I started, pausing only to switch hands. "I do my best to not go diving into a person's memories or thoughts. A person's identity is sacrosanct in my opinion."

"Yet you were able to tell that the secretary trying to mislead you was lying," Azar pointed out.

"That's not something I can help but notice," I answered.

"Well, was Tori lying to you when she said she decided she could overlook your difference in opinions?" Azar asked.

I stopped there for a minute. "No. But there's more too it than that. I sense it."

"How are you going to find out?" Azar asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I could just ask her?" I suggested. "If she did, she'll lie to me and I'll have my answer. But if she didn't, I'd be hurting her feelings a lot and still have my answer…and she might do exactly that because I hurt her feelings. Hell hath no fury and all that."

"What's the full saying?" Azar asked, sounding curious.

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned," I repeated. "Don't know where it's from or who coined the phrase, but I don't want to experience it first-hand."

"I can certainly see that," Azar agreed. "Now, this discussion…was it overly treasonous or was it just an actual discussion?"

"I didn't advocate we overthrow the Emperor or anything," I answered. "I even agreed that the Tarkin Doctrine has some merit. At least I think I did. But I seriously doubt she actually believes that I'll commit treason just because I don't believe the Tarkin Doctrine is necessarily the best way of going about things. I mean, I'm not going too until the Alliance to Restore the Republic is formally organized."

"You sound like you have reservations about the entire idea of defecting," Azar stated.

"Everyone I know and love is in the Empire," I explained. "So, I decided I won't leave until they force me too. Essentially."

"By ordering you to partake in those atrocities the Sith seem to love so much, undoubtedly," Azar summed up. "That's hardly a plan."

"I'm allergic to overly complicated plans," I replied, taking a deep breath. "A plan with too many moving parts is likely to break."

"Do you really want the Republic to be reinstated?" Azar asked.

"You ask a lot of questions," I said, moving my head to look at him. Upside down he might be, I still wanted to glare at him. "I thought you knew everything."

"I know most things," Azar explained. "I'm more interested in helping you teach yourself."

I groaned; I had used the exact method of teaching that he's using before and I knew it was effective. It was just annoying is all. "Not as it was, no."

"What would you change?"

"The republic as I knew it was a large, gluttonous, unproductive mess," I explained. "So I'd like more delegation, less weight being placed on the Senate and Supreme Chancellor or whatever we'd end up having, just so the entire galaxy isn't held up by a single trade dispute."

"You would like something similar to the Moff system put in place by the Emperor?" Azar asked neutrally.

I fell to the ground, the air being knocked out of me as I crashed to the ground. The stone I had been lifting fell, hitting the ground with a solid 'thunk'. "That's hurtful."

"But is it untrue?"

I sat up and shook my arms out. "No, I guess it's not. The Empire's problem is that everyone is corrupt."

"That tends to happen when those ruled by the Darkside are placed in charge," Azar pointed out conversationally. "I've only ever met one Sith Lord that was truly in control of the power he wielded; the rest were more similar to rabid kath hounds than sentients."

"Who was that?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Darth Imperious," Azar answered with a smirk. "I believe you know of him?"

I was sputtering. "No way. He was real? Wait, if you met him, that's means that you are…"

"That's correct," He smiled good-naturedly. "I'm sorry my story was boring to you, but I think that's mostly due to you suffering from fatigue from playing the same class for so long."

Darth Imperious was one of the Player Characters from Star Wars: The Old Republic. Imperious was one of the titles given to Sith Inquisitors at the end of their story, but only if they made light-side choices throughout the campaign. The fact that this guy was so wealthy, so powerful and most importantly, alive at that period, only means that this guy is the playable Jedi Counselor.

"Well, you blew my mind just now," I told him with a gesture, starting to get back up into my handstand.

"That's enough." He held up a hand to stop me. "I think you can use a break. Tell me, did you bring the parts to your saber?"

"I did," I said, drawing the hilt out from my belt. "Am I ready to assemble it?"

"Not yet," Azar replied. "But possibly soon."

"What do I need to accomplish?" I asked with a frown.

"Well, you're finally able to lift your saber off of the ground," Azar said with an approving nod. "So, we'll see about putting it together tomorrow."

"Awesome," I said with a grin.

"Now going back to Tori," He started.

I sighed.

"How are you going to find out?" He asked again.

"I don't know," I replied, standing up.

"I would normally say reach out to her with your feelings and discern her intentions," Azar continued. "But you've made mention of your hesitance to do that so…do you have another solution?"

"Talk with her again, talk about the Empire's good points," I began with a shrug. Then I sighed again. "…I just need to ask her, don't I?"

"Perhaps. Do you trust her?" Azar asked.

"…yeah," I nodded. "But…trust but verify, you know?"

"That is wise," Azar nodded. Then he looked curious. "Is that the whole saying? 'Trust but verify'?"

"I think so."

I've been through a lot since I came to the Galaxy.

With M7's help, I gained the qualifications to the Royal Academy on Coruscant. Then with Pyrus's help, I passed with enough flair to qualify for the senior track and had the grit needed to pass all three years in spite of some backstabbing.

Then I survived an actual attack on a Star Destroyer, doing everything a normal Storm Trooper is supposed to do. I found a girl who, now that I've had a chance to really think and let the Force…'weigh in' as it were, I don't believe reported me, but was wrestling with the decision to do so or to not do so for a while. But she likes me. Actually likes me.

Does it say anything about me that the notion surprises me?

I even think she'd follow me to the rebellion if she were exposed to the Empire's crueler habits; hearing that the attack on the Highlander was because of an Imperial Moff was even enough to shake her faith to begin with.

Bottom line, I have a life here and it's an awesome life.

Here on Chandrila, I found the force ghost of someone I had forgotten existed, all too happy to train me. For what? Well…I'm the backup plan, but I'm more than that. I feel like I'm going to be more than that.

Because I'm here and I know what I know, I have the opportunity to change things. I think that my big opportunity to really change things is coming up soon. I don't know what it's going to be, exactly, but there's an opportunity coming up very shortly that's going to change everything.

I might not recognize the opportunity when I see it. It might not be obvious at first. But it's going to arrive and when it does…I think I'll do the right thing. I have the force. I have used it before – I used it all over the place when the Highlander was being attacked. I'll seize that opportunity.

The goal I originally set for myself, to follow in the steps of Kyle Katarn, become an Imperial Commando, then defect to the Rebellion, doesn't matter as much as I previously thought it did. Kyle was known as the Chuck Norris of Star Wars not just because of what he could do, but because of what he let the players experience in his boots. How powerful he made them feel.

But now I'm here, living out my own story and I don't need a proxy to do so. I'm learning the ways of the Force myself and I'm building a lightsaber myself. It feels good. I love this galaxy and everyone in it. Even the Emperor…kind of. I mean, without him, Luke, Leia and Han would never have risen to prominence to stop him.

I'm not the hero of the galaxy. I was never meant to be. But I've got my own role to play…I feel like I'm going to give hope to someone who has none, though I don't know who that is and, honestly, that's just my best guess.

And if I pass from this galaxy having only done that in my life, I think I'd be content.

The bright, blue beam of the lightsaber ignited from the handle in my hands and a giddy, impossibly happy smile slowly painted itself across my face and tears poured from my eyes. I've got my very own lightsaber. Absolutely anyone who has seen Star Wars has wanted one. A real, functional, Lightsaber.

I've got one.

"You've done well," Azar said with a smile. "Good work. Now, how are you going to keep it hidden?"

"Beyond my crystals fondness for being hidden," I began, locking the flaps securely in place with the force, so that the split down the middle was not visible. It looked like a seamless, solid metal tube with rounded ends. "I'm going to keep this locked securely near the back on my belt, with the Astromech-plug facing up so that those who know what my 'power-pack' does will think that's all it does."

"Very good," Azar nodded. "Now, when are you going to return?"

"In three months," I replied with a nod. "And two weeks. And a day. Spaced out that way so it doesn't look like I'm making regular trips to Chandrila – and I'll be visiting Tyferra later because I want to see how Bacta is manufactured…and see if I can visit Cloud City because why not and…"

"You're going to be touring the galaxy to avoid making it seem like you're coming to Chandrila for any particular reason," Azar raised his hands to stop me, a smile on his face. "It's a good plan."

"Is there anything to look for on Balmorra?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "I'm going to see Tori in the month, so I was wondering."

"No," Azar replied. "But perhaps you might find something later?"

"I might be able to get a personal battle droid," I mused, raising my eyebrow as I considered the possibilities. "Customize it with a bunch of gadgets, a jetpack…you know. The usual."

"That would be helpful," Azar nodded. "Take great care in hiding your lightsaber – should the Sith discover you, your flight will need to be expedient and skillfull…and highly likely to fail."

"I have the force on my side," I replied.

"So, do they," He replied forlornly.

"Point," I replied with a nod, placing the lightsaber – I mean 'multitool', in it's place, where it was secure and didn't flop around. "I'll be careful."

"Thank you," He said with a smile. "Now, some homework. In addition to doing those meditation exercises each day, I want you to come up with a plan in case you are discovered. A real one. You have dozens of plans for remaining undetected, but no plans for if the worst should happen. "

"…alright, I'll get it done," I said. And I will…honestly, the idea that I might get caught has been pushed to the back of my mind to prevent panic attacks, but that's not going to get me any closer to dealing with that eventuality, is it?

"Good, my young Padawan," He smiled. "Very good."

Author's Notes: I think my biggest fear with having the Force Ghost of the Barsen'thor teach jet is having it feel Deus Ex Machina – like it was happening just because the plot said so. I actually didn't plan on the ghost appearing, it just…happened.

As for Tori, I don't know what's going to happen with her and Jet. What I do know is that her strength as a character lies in being a sympathetic member of the Empire that Jet can have discussions with, not necessarily because her and Jet are a power couple.

Shout out goes out too Raven Uzushi, Javier Ricaurte, welcome to the circle of patrons.

Shout out also goes out too Avinash Bakshi, congratulations on becoming a Super Patron.

Shout out also goes out too Melden V, Anders Kronquist, Ray Tony Song, makopaulo, Volkogluk, Aaron Bjornson, iolande, Martin Auguado, Julio, keefe owens, Jiopaba, Hackerham, Tim Collins-Squire, Maben00 and Devil's Bite, thank you guys, you are all awesome.

Until the next time!
