Parker Residence:
Peter Parker managed to endure two days of Midtown High without any major incidents. So far, Flash and the others had only done what Peter considered to be minor infractions. There was the morning where he had been completely splattered with rainbow paint after opening his locker. There was also the constant barrage of small green beans from Flash and Kenny that same day during lunch. Then, at the end of the day when he was standing with Jean in the courtyard, Kenny had come up to him and smacked his belongings to the floor before running off to Flash and the others and giving them high fives. Needless to say, Peter was left irritated as he picked up his items which he really had no use for. Jean was about to go over and knee Kenny where the sun doesn't shine, but Peter managed to convince her and calm her down.
The next day, Peter took extra precautions to avoid the immaturity that was Flash, Harry, and Kenny. He knew that the three weren't dumb enough to pull the same tricks twice. Even if they did, it would've become repetitive and he was sure they were aware of that fact. Peter would put the skills he had acquired over the years as an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper to use and easily avoid the traps that were laid out for him. Using his keen sense of awareness, Peter smartly positioned himself to make as little contact as possible with Flash throughout the school day. However, that would not be enough to prevent their feeble attacks during class time in the classes he had them with. Overall that day turned out okay.
Now, Peter found himself scavenging 'his' room. After enjoying an after-school snack with Jean at a local fast-food joint, he bade farewell and made his way back home. From there, he spent three hours with Aunt May. He helped her around the house, did some chores that would put a strain on the old woman, watched TV with her, had long conversations with her, and tidied up the house for her. Honestly, Peter found it refreshing and nostalgic, memories of his life before joining the ODSTs surfacing. And he was sure Aunt May needed this just as much as he needed it. After that, Peter told his Aunt that he would be 'calling it a night' and headed upstairs.
That's where Peter found himself in his room, searching for possible answers. Answers to Spider-Man who he had no doubt was himself—his other self. He hadn't had the proper time to do so and this was that time. He checked in drawers, the closet, in notebooks and books, behind and under his TV, under the alarm clock sitting on the nightstand, and every possible location that came to mind with no such luck.
That was when he realized that he hadn't checked under the bed. Kneeling low and scanning the dark area, Peter finally found something noteworthy: a brown briefcase. Reaching under the bed and gripping the black handle gingerly, Peter pulled the briefcase out from under the bed. He took a moment to wipe the dust off of the briefcase before unlocking the latches and opening it.
To his total disappointment, the inside was barren. Nothing at all except a small piece of paper he doubted held any information pertaining to what he was looking for. He was about to close the briefcase and shove it under the bed until he decided it wouldn't hurt to check the piece of paper.
Sighing, the trooper grabbed the piece of paper and flipped it over before bringing it close for examination. Expecting to see nothing, he was pleasantly surprised to see it had some sort of writing.
It read, "Web fluid formula."
Under that, it contained a written list of chemicals needed to produce this "web fluid" as well as steps and tools required. Peter, satisfied, then stuffed the piece of paper in his pocket and closed the briefcase, carefully sliding it under the bed. He would take a visit to the facility and consult Mag about his plans as well as use the device replicator to begin creating a batch of "web-fluid."
With everything planned out in his head, Peter turned off the lights and slipped into his bed and pretended to be asleep on the account of May checking up on him. Then he'll just have to wait he's one-hundred percent certain his aunt was fast asleep before he can sneak out. It made feel Peter feel bad to betray the old woman's trust, but he reasoned that it wasn't really his aunt so he didn't feel too bad. Besides, Peter had important things to worry about.
Peter closed the front door slowly, making sure not to make any noise. It was fairly late at night, about 2200 hours, and Peter was certain May was sleeping rather peacefully knowing that her nephew was safe in the confines of his room.
The trooper descended the stairs of the Parker porch, moving quietly as he did. Just as Peter was about to cross the white picket fence leading outside of Parker property, a voice rang from his right.
"Where do you think you're going, Parker?"
Peter stopped and swiftly turned to face the assailant. The voice belonged to none other than Mary Jane Watson sitting on the steps of her own home. It seemed as if she was sitting there for some time just for the sake of it. Maybe she had noticed his odd behavior and caught him sneaking out the other day. Perhaps she was there to catch him in the act and interrogate him.
"Nowhere," Peter replied, staring coldly at Mary Jane. He shoved his hands deep into the pockets of his black pants, his left one brushing closely against the paper that contained vital information. "Why are you out here?"
Mary Jane stood up and moved herself to the white picket fence. She leaned over the fence with a look of carelessness, her long vibrant red hair flowing down to her shoulders. "No reason," she answered.
"Good. Now, if you'll excuse me." Peter continued on his way towards the subway station about a block away.
"Y'know," Mary Jane raised her voice as he walked farther away, "It's really shitty of you to show up after being gone and then sneak out at night without your aunt knowing."
Peter stopped right in his tracks suppressed the urge to wince. Mary Jane was right as much as he hated to admit it. Yet, after taking a moment to compose himself, he continued on his merry way, faintly hearing Mary Jane scoff. He reminded himself that these were not the people he knew. He had no relationship with them. Aunt May was not his Aunt May no matter the similarities. The idea of staying at the Forerunner facility was beginning to sound more ideal. But that would mean staying cooped up in one place with nothing productive to do other than wait for his teammates to recover. Here, in New York, Peter could interact with others like Jean and May. Oh, well, he thought. He'd think about it more when he reached the facility. He hoped Mag finished the whole teleport-where-the-hell-I-want-to project because frankly, he was getting really tired of taking a constant trip to an alley in Times Square.
Forerunner Facility:
After a tedious and long trip to the godforsaken alley, Peter now found himself back at the facility. The lightbulb that was Solemn Magnitude hovered, waiting for him.
"Welcome back, reclaimer!" Mag rejoiced, his light blinking happily. "How can I be of service?"
"Hey, Mag. Look, I'm just here to use the device replicator." Digging into the confines of his pockets, he pulled out a piece of paper for Mag to examine. "I'm doing a little project. Apparently, this universe's me is, in fact, Spider-Man according to this web fluid formula. Think we can create a batch of this?"
The bowling ball hummed thoughtfully, taking a closer look at the piece of paper. Scanning the ingredients, he enthusiastically answered, "Of course, reclaimer! I've recorded every element and chemical compound that exists here. Follow me, reclaimer."
Peter followed Mag as he led the way. He could never understand why the Forerunner AI was so keen on helping him and so cheerful, not that he wasn't complaining. Guilty Spark was the same way until he realized Master Chief planned to destroy his ring. And then he comes back as a friendly and optimistic as ever.
"Hey, Mag. Have you finished the teleporter project?"
"Oh, my! My apologies, reclaimer," Mag said as he opened a door, revealing the device replicator inside the room. Peter was the first to step in. "I had almost forgotten. To answer, reclaimer, the project to which you are referring to is, in fact, complete!"
"Cool," Peter said with great relief, pressing the button to activate the replicator and taking the helmet and placing it on his head. "Now I don't have to come back to the damn alley now."
The AI circled Peter like an excited dog. "Isn't that wonderful!"
Peter nodded. His thoughts were focused on the first ingredient on the list and before long, a small glass test tube appeared with the ingredients filling the tube. "So, how does it work, exactly?"
"Unfortunately, your travels are not done, reclaimer," Mag informed, his light dimming ever so slightly to express his disappointment. "I'm afraid you'll have to place these teleporter pads at your desired location. But don't worry, reclaimer. The process is relatively quick and simple."
In the amount of time Mag took to explain the teleporters, Peter had already acquired four of the six ingredients. "Hey, as long as I don't have to walk far, then I'm fine with that. I have a few key positions in mind."
"Fortunately, the pads are rather anonymous and are configured to respond only to you, reclaimer."
Peter was on the final ingredient. "That's good. How will it be concealed?"
"The pads are invisible once activated."
Peter finished replicating the last ingredient needed and took the time to organize them before moving on to replicating the tools he needed which, fortunately, he recognized thanks to his love for science. "Uh, don't I have to stand directly on the pads so I can teleport? Gonna be hard to do that if I can't see it."
"Not at all, reclaimer. After some further analysis of your biology, I've discovered something that I believe you call a neural implant."
Peter stopped the process altogether, almost dropping the beaker that he had recently created. "Wait, wait, wait. How the hell did you know I had a neural implant?"
The floating ball turned to look at Peter with its single eye. It blinked. "After analyzing your physiology, reclaimer."
"...Right, after my teammates and I barged in?"
Peter slowly nodded before resuming in his endeavors, beginning to replicate the final tool needed. "Okay, go ahead. What does my neural implant have to do with these teleporter pads?"
The monitor of the facility hovered about the room, taking the time to admire Peter's work. "Simply put, reclaimer, I've configured the teleporter pads to respond to your neural interface. So long as you request to see the location of one through your neural interface, a marker will appear showing the precise location."
Speaking of neural interface, Peter mentally facepalmed. After being used to ODST equipment like the helmet and the VISR function, he had nearly forgotten that neural interfaces had standard motion tracking. Apparently, the VISR function of his helmet interfered with the neural implant's motion tracker. Maybe he could get Mag to correct that some other time. Then he realized that he would need to figure out a way for his IFF system to tag certain people friendly like Jean. Again, he might need to consult Mag for that. Access to Forerunner technology meant plenty of possibilities.
"Wow, Mag," Peter said as he removed the helmet, already completed replicating what he needed to create the web fluid. "You've helped me out a lot right now. Like, you don't understand."
"I'm always happy to be of service, reclaimer," the AI said rather bashfully, it's eye brightening up.
Peter smirked, taking a glass tube containing one key ingredient. "Alright, let's get started making this web fluid."
The Next Day…
Midtown High:
Peter entered the quad, his mind focused on what happened last night. The web-fluid was a success and he had Mag working on a way to implement it into his armor. It was ingenious, really. His counterpart was a genius and it was obvious that he used some sort of firing mechanism from a machine to travel as Spider-Man. Unfortunately, it appeared as though the notes on constructing said mechanism were lost.
His motion sensor seemed to be working flawlessly. Several red blips were appearing on his radar. Of course, Peter had to reduce the tracker's range from fifteen meters to ten meters. He didn't want to see his radar coated with red blips. The only friendly blip on his motion tracker so far was him. Speaking of which…
His eyes scanned the crowd littered about the quad, searching for Jean. He needed to get this done as soon as possible to avoid any mishaps. After a moment of searching, his eyes locked on the redhead who was sitting at the ledge of the fountain in the middle, toying with her smartphone.
Immediately, Peter set off towards her, hauling his specially designed ODST rucksack designed to be multi-purpose. The large storage made it easy to carry his school supplies in the main compartment while the other hidden and locked compartments were used for equipment. He carried a biofoam canister inside as well as a medkit in the event he or someone else will be critically injured however unlikely it may seem. His time as an ODST in the war has taught him that it always pays to be prepared for anything.
Seamlessly dropping beside Jean, Peter uncharacteristically wrapped his arm around her and subtly pricked her arm with a small FOF tagger in the midst of the distraction. It wasn't long before his HUD gave the readout of 'Friendly Identified'
It also wasn't long before Jean delivered a surprisingly powerful punch to his shoulder. Looking down, it appeared Jean had been rather frightened by his approach if the wide eyes and hitched breathing gave any indication. He responded with a sly smirk.
"What the hell, dude! You scared the freaking—"
"Hell out of you?" Peter finished with a grin, retracting his arm. "What's up with you?"
Jean, after calming down from the scare, sighed as she looked down at her device held in her hand. "Nothing much. Just a headache that won't go away."
Peter snorted, shrugging off his rucksack and placing it on the floor beside him. "And you think the best way to deal with the headache is to look at your gizmo in your hand that emits harmless radiation, but radiation nonetheless."
Jean grumbled, turning away from him. She seemed to close her eyes and focus on the sound of the fountain releasing water in a peaceful flow.
"You sure it's a headache instead of a hangover?"
Jeans' eyes opened as she turned towards him and delivered her best scowl. "I wasn't drinking last night, okay?"
"Sure, sure," Peter said, nodding as if to go along with her story.
The corporal then noticed multiple red blips advancing towards his yellow blip as if they were beginning to invade him. He mentally sighed, noting that they were coming from the northwest and braced himself for the confrontation that would most likely be physical and oral which would no doubt worsen the headache Jean had.
"You should probably get out of here," Peter told Jean with narrowed eyes, giving the indication that he was serious.
Jean gave off a bewildered expression as if to ask 'why'
Now the red dots on his sensor were almost directly behind him and were making their way around the fountain before completely disappearing.
"Penis Parker," Flash called out to him with a snicker. Jean realized the warning Peter gave and facepalmed.
"Hey, Flash," Peter replied, turning to face him and his crew consisting of Harry, MJ, Liz, Sally, Gwen, and Kenny. "How's life?"
"Ooh, what's this?" Flash said, ignoring his question as he quickly stepped forward and grasped his rucksack, lifting it up with both hands. Flash's face contorted into one of concentration, giving Peter the indication that Flash was struggling to hold his rucksack. "This a new backpack, Parker?"
"Yes," Peter answered with a blank expression. "You having trouble there?" He asked.
"No! You must be retarded if you put rocks in here," Flash retorted before shoving the baggage into Kenny. "Feel it, man! I bet he put rocks in there!"
Kenny had a much more difficult time hauling the rucksack than Flash. "Ha! Parker really did put rocks in here! I can hear them."
With no guilt, Kenny dropped the rucksack to the floor, producing a loud thud. Peter guessed it served to demonstrate his point and take the weight off his shoulders. "Oops!" He said with an obnoxious laugh. The others joined in on the laughter.
"Maybe it's not rocks in his bag! It's probably all the books his nerdy ass needs!" Harry hollered.
Flash turned to him and flashed a devious grin. "Well, let's find out!"
Peter wasn't too worried. He doubted they had suspicions of the hidden compartment. The only compartment they could access was, of course, the obvious one their eyes could find.
Flash was quick to squat low and tear open the bag. Soon, a puzzled and confused expression painted his face as he looked into the bag's dark space.
"What the fuck is this?" Flash asked, pulling out what Peter identified as the biofoam canister and showed it off to his group.
"Maybe it's the dork's drugs," Sally suggested, looking at the container with confusion. Peter had no doubt that Sally's voice alone had made Jean's headache much worse.
"Hell, it might be drugs!" Gwen said, snatching the canister out of Flash's hand and began inspecting it.
"Or it's just water," Jean muttered, her hand reaching over to massage her head to relieve her pain. The others besides Peter didn't hear her.
Luckily, Peter was smart enough to remove the packaging label. Otherwise, Flash and his groupies would've started spouting questions about what Medical Biofoam is.
"Hey, there's something else!" Flash called, his hand digging in and grabbing and pulling out a somewhat heavy white object with the red highlighted H on the center of the object being the most discernable thing as well as the light red square outline surrounding it and the four red marks on each corner. Peter easily identified it as his health pack or medikit.
"Christ, Parker's a weirdo if he has all this shit in his bag," Kenny said as he looked at the health pack in Flash's hands.
"Let me see," Liz said despite taking the object out of Flash's hands. Her hands explored the foreign object and marveled at the texture and the cool exterior. Her eyes flicked over towards Peter, a mischevious smirk forming. "Well, whatever it is, it looks expensive. Bet we could sell these for a fortune."
Peter frowned at the implication that Liz gave. They weren't aware that the two items in their possession were medical advancements beyond their comprehension. He wasn't sure this Earth's humanity could be trusted with such advancements just yet.
He stood up and stepped forward, making sure to emphasize his serious nature however futile. Now, he meant business. "Okay, you've had your fun. Now, give those back."
"Or what?" Flash challenged, coming close to Peter and folded his arms to appear intimidating. "Don't know if you've counted, but you don't stand a chance against us. Now back off and let us leave with our reward before we teach you a lesson."
"Yeah, come on, Parker," Harry added, standing by Flash's side. "Don't want to make a scene now, wouldn't you?"
A hand came down on his shoulder and squeezed. "Come on, Pete," Jean mumbled behind him. "Just let them have it and let's leave…"
Usually, Peter would be inclined to go along and follow Jean. But this is one exception where he knows he will have to forcefully get back his stuff, school consequences be damned.
"No. Those belong to me and if you don't give them back you'll wish you did."
At the threat, Flash's group stared at him for a moment before breaking out into guffaws as if finding the threat hilarious. Which they did, Peter was sure.
"Puny Parker against Flash? That'll be the day," Liz said confidently before engaging in laughter.
It was time to make his move. While they were occupied with laughing and mocking him, Peter shrugged and said, "Alright, okay then. You asked for it."
Flash ceased his laughter to look at Peter and ask what he meant. That is until a swift and powerful punch was delivered across his right cheek, sending Flash stumbling toward and over the fountain, landing in the water. Immediately, the surrounding students were rushing towards them and surrounded them in a circle all the while chanting 'Fight!'
Shocked, Flash got up and growled, his eyes making contact with Peter's with the intent of murder. "Get him!" Flash barked out at Kenny and Harry.
There was a single yellow blip moving away from him and out of the crowd. That was all Peter needed to know that his only friend would be safe.
Harry, shaking himself out of his stupor, clenched his fist and charged at Peter. His fits hit nothing but air as Peter dodged and weaved out of every attack. Kenny was moving to flank Peter from behind, but Peter's motion sensor allowed him to be aware of that.
It seemed as though Peter wouldn't be able to escape the attack from Harry and Kenny. As both Kenny and Harry charged forward from both sides, Peter evaded the attack by leaping to the side, leading Harry and Kenny to hit each other.
Moving quickly, Peter grabbed his rucksack off the floor and immediately spun around and raised his rucksack to shield his upper torso as Flash, appearing to recover from Peter's earlier attack, went in for a punch. Luckily, the rucksack served him well as the punch connected with the rucksack shielding Peter and left Flash nursing his bruised fist.
Peter then quickly placed the rucksack on his back and felt a slight jolt as Kenny's fist connected with the pack instead of his exposed back. While Flash was distracted by his injury, Peter rushed forward and delivered a powerful punch to his temple, effectively knocking him out. Turning around, Peter went to do the same with Kenny but it appeared he had recovered faster than Flash. The large athlete was about to deliver a punch to Peter's gut, but the ODST shrugged the pack off, grabbed it mid-fall, and brought it to shield him from the attack.
"Mother fucker!" Kenny shouted as he stumbled back to rub his hand. Using the same tactic with Flash, Peter dropped his pack and sprinted forward and delivered a swift jab to Kenny's head. Unfortunately, it seemed that it's going to take a bit more to take out King Kong. About three lightning-fast punches to Kenny's gut knocked the wind out of him and immobilized the brute as he went to clutch the pained area. Peter wasn't going to show mercy. On his motion sensor, a red blip was approaching quick.
The corporal kneed him in the gut for an added measure before grabbing Kenny's arms and twisting them while Peter quickly maneuvered himself behind the man's own backside. It wasn't long before a kinetic force connected with Kenny. After hearing the painful slap, Peter shoved Kenny to the side, his limp body hitting the ground. Then, there was Harry who had unintentionally delivered the final blow to Kenny Kong.
"You're going to fucking die, Parker," Harry growled, circling Peter like a Lion would with its prey.
Peter shrugged carelessly. "Hey, I did tell you to give my stuff back."
With a shout of anger, Harry rushed forward and prepared to deliver a ferocious jab at Peter's upper torso.
Being the trained Shock Trooper, Peter dropped low and performed a leg sweep, leaving Harry Osborn to fall flat on his bottom. Wasting no time, Peter was over Harry and delivering punch after punch to Harry's face. The young man had no chance of defending himself from the assault.
After delivering the sixteenth and final punch, Harry Osborn had been knocked out. The result of the relentless assault left Harry with several bruises on his face and even some blood.
By then, the crowd was stunned to silence. Peter stood up and turned to find Kenny Kong, the King, attempting to crawl away. The trooper felt himself move towards the fallen king.
"S-Stay back you f-fuckin' freak!" Kenny shouted with a cry of pain.
Peter stopped in front of Kenny and squatted low to meet the brutish young man's eyes. It was apparent that Kenny was terrified of Peter. His eyes were wide and pleading, flicked over towards the knocked out forms of Harry and Flash and then returned to look at Peter. "P-Please!"
Peter nodded as if consideration before delivering a punch the Kong's temple. Kenny joined Harry and Flash in the state of unconsciousness.
Standing up once more, Peter went to grab his bag from the floor, his eyes searching for his targets. He finally found them, the three of them close to the walls of the crowd looking fearful as they clutched his two belongings.
He approached them with narrowed eyes. "I'd suggest you give those back to me. Or are we going to have a problem?" Peter wasn't heartless enough to engage them physically. He'd just forcefully take them out of their hands if they were being uncooperative.
Liz grabbed the biofoam canister and the medikit from both the frozen Gwen and MJ and threw them on the ground in front of Peter, a loud clang reverberating. "J-Just take them! L-Let us go!"
Peter nodded and hummed thoughtfully. "Good girl," he said before retrieving the two items and placing them in his rucksack. At that time, the bell rang. The ODST picked up his rucksack and magnetically attached it to his back thanks to the hidden magnetic seal in his clothing. The crowd had yet to leave, appearing to be too stunned by the events that took place. "Now, leave me and Jean the hell alone if you don't want a repeat of what happened."
With that, Peter pushed himself through the cloud to make it his first class of the day after rendezvousing with Jean who appeared to be in awe,
"What the hell was that?!" Jean practically yelled as they entered the school.
"You fighting Flash, Kenny, and Harry!"
"Me proving a point," Peter said, shrugging.
The two entered a classroom, said good morning to their teacher, and took a seat next to each other. "You're so going to be expelled," Jean said with a worried tone.
"Hey, come on, now. They said they were going to sell my stuff."
"True, but did you really have to knock out the three jocks out there?"
Peter grinned in satisfaction. "They had it coming."
"Shit, what about Harry?!" Jean almost yelled in panic as realization struck her.
"What about him?" Peter appeared indifferent.
"Harry? Harry Osborn? Y'know, the son of Norman Osborn! The same Norman Osborn who owns Oscorp! He's probably going to sue you."
Peter raised a brow. "And…?"
Jean's eyes widened and looked appalled at Peter's indifferent reaction. "What do you mean by and?"
"S'not a big deal," Peter assured her. "Stop worrying about me, okay? How's that headache?"
As if being reminded of her headache, Jean clutched her head and massaged her temple. "Feels like it got worse," Jean groaned out.
Peter gave a comforting pat to her back. "It'll get better…"
Lunchtime came around. Jean and Peter were sitting alone at a table while they ate what the school considered lunch. Flash and Kenny had recovered. They were sitting at a table far from them and glared at Peter, but there was a hint of fear in their posture. The girls avoided contact with Peter if possible. Harry's state was unknown and no one had mentioned anything about Osborn. Peter was tempted to ask the in-crowd, but he knew that wouldn't be such a wise idea. He was surprised that when it came to punishment, the principal had been far too lenient. He had only let him off with a warning which was completely unexpected. But, Peter did notice the compassion in the man's eyes and how he appeared regretful when he mentioned Peter's history with the bullies. Maybe the man knew that Flash, Kenny, and Harry deserved it.
A frustrated sigh came from his side. Jean's lunch tray was untouched and its owner had her head down on the table. Jean's condition wasn't improving in the slightest. In fact, it's as if it was becoming worse and worse as time went on. It probably didn't help to be in a cafeteria with hundreds of students chatting at the same time.
"Hey, you okay?"
Jean's response was a groan. "S-So many voices…"
Peter pursed his lips. "Maybe we should go somewhere more quiet, yeah?"
"Uh-huh," Jean mumbled in response.
Peter ate the final piece of his lunch before dumping it in a nearby trashcan. Reaching over, he grabbed Jean by the arms and lifted her up. Jean's head rested on his shoulders as her hands were occupied with massaging her head to ease her headache.
The two walked towards the exit with Jean using Peter as support. Pushing the door open, the two walked through and the sounds of the cafeteria became muffled as the door behind them closed.
"N-No. Still loud. Can hear them."
"I said I can still hear them," Jean replied.
"Um, let's go somewhere else," Peter said aloud, feeling a bit perturbed of what happened.
Peter and Jean found themselves in the quad outside. The same quad where Peter had won a one-on-three fight and came out untouched. They took a seat at the ledge of the fountain, the sun shining itself in the quad.
"How about now?"
"Better," Jean answered with a sigh of relief. "Much quieter now. I think it's stopped."
"The headache?"
"Mhmm," Jean mumbled, moving closer to Peter. "Y'know, you're a good person. Thank you."
Peter remained silent, his eyes cast toward the gates of Midtown High and watched as a few motor vehicles passed by. His ears concentrated on the dripping water from the fountain. It brought peace to his mind and visibly relaxed him. There were few moments where he could enjoy the peace in the Human-Covenant war. It was a constant battle after battle with little to no time for resting. Casualties were high and survival was not expected, especially for an ODST. Yet, here he is. He's been an ODST since the near beginning of the war. How he's survived this long, Peter had no idea. How he's survived against the Flood on Halo or Installation 04. Sure, there were times where he thought he was going to die yet he still lived. He supposed he was cursed to live with the horrors he's faced. Like the Flood invasion in Voi…
"What's an ODST?" Jean asked, snapping him out of his thoughts and turned to look at Jean right in the eye. Her eyes said she was both confused and alarmed. "And a Halo—and the Flood, and the Human-Covenant War. Peter?"
A/N: Sorry it's been long. Wanted to get a laptop before writing out this chapter. Kind of hard to write if you're at a desk sitting in a chair for hours.
Anyways, what do you all think of the revelation? The fight?