1st Night

Haruhi Fujioka

I heard your agitated breathing and the slight sob that escaped from your lips. I emitted a slight groan, as I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the clock placed at my nightstand: it was two in the morning.

"Has something happened?" I asked as I turned around and looked at you.

You were on your side of the bed, but weren't asleep. Actually, you were sitting on the mattress, still with your agitated breathing, still sobbing.

It was at that moment that I woke up completely. Something must've happened to make you react like that.

"A nightmare" you answered, still frightened.

I sat too, so to be close to you, and you immediately approached me. You left yourself fall into my chest, and so I hugged you, surrounding your body with my both arms. I assumed you needed a little of comfort in that situation. I was hoping that I could offer it to you.

"A nightmare" I repeated in a calm voice. "Do you want to tell me?"

You pushed yourself a bit away from me, and started to tell me your story. Honestly, the more I listened, the less I understood how it was even possible for that imagination, produce of your subconscious, could've frightened you. But I didn't say anything; in that state of fear that you still were, I assumed that it was best not to say something that could make you feel even more uncomfortable.

So once you finished telling me that nightmare, I hugged you once again, leaning my head against yours.

"I don't remember having a nightmare like that one" I said thoughtfully, for I was really trying to think of something that could put me in your place, so to understand how you felt. "But I remember when I was little, rather than being scared of nightmares, I was afraid of waking up alone"

This time it was my turn to tell my story. You listened carefully. I knew it 'cause your breathing slowly came back to normal, and soon the sobs were over.

"But you mustn't fear" I concluded as I pushed you away from me, just a little bit so to see directly into your eyes. "I'm here"

You smiled at me, and I couldn't help but smile you back. After all, I was really glad that you felt better now.

"Ready to go back to sleep?" "I asked. You replied by giving me a kiss on the cheek, and immediately slipped under the blankets.

"Good night" you whispered.

"Good night" I said, as I lay down next to you.

I was happy with myself. Knowing that I had been able to help you make you feel better meant a lot to me. However, I could see that you were still a bit uneasy. I wondered if there was anything else I could do to calm you down and get you to go back to sleep as peacefully as always.

It was then, when I felt you cling to my shirt. You looked like a helpless little girl. So I decided to get you a little closer to me, and hugged you tenderly.

"Sweet dreams" I said as I gave you a kiss on the forehead.

I ran my fingers down your back, caressing your body, hoping to infuse you a little bit of calm.

I must admit I was surprised to see how quickly you fell asleep again, but thanks to that, I could also go back to sleep with a smile on my face.


For the ones who know me, this is the story I'll be translating now~

For the one who don't know me, I'm Ribonette, and I'm actually translating all my fics in english, so to practice~ So take care of me and please tell me if you see any mistake. I'm here to improve, so don't be afraid to criticize my work.

Anyway, this fic is more like a drabble (or one shot) collections. As I said in the original story, this was inspired by a tumblr post I saw long time ago. Would totally give credit to the owner of this idea, if I only could remember who it was.

Basically, each chapter is about a member of the host club taking care of us, when we wake up in the middle of the night, due to a nightmare. This is just a lame excuse to make a Host x reader fic, and to explore each host's personality.

As the original fic is already completed (you can find it in my profile, altough it's in spanish), the order of the hosts is already decided. This first chapter was about Haruhi, since she's the only girl (lame excuse but whatever). Next chapter will be Mori, so stay tunned (?)

Anyway, I hope you leave me a review, follow or favorite (whatever suits you), and feel free to tell me what you liked or disliked about this first chapter. Once again, I'm telling y'all, I'm here to improve. So help me please (?)

I'll be updating every week, so, don't miss me too much, and I'll see you next weekend.

XOXO, Ribonette.