Reviews for A Nightmare
Lala-rainbowlight chapter 7 . 5/23/2017
Tamaki is such a sweet romantic! He's like a big labrador :)
Lala-rainbowlight chapter 6 . 5/13/2017
This was so adorable, this is why I love Kaoru: he's such a sweetheart! I can't wait to read how Tamaki will handle his love having a nightmare :)
Lala-rainbowlight chapter 5 . 5/12/2017
I really like how the twins seem to be polar opposites when they're separate :)

I really liked this one, you really did do his character justice!
xxxSerinaxxx chapter 4 . 5/6/2017
I loved this one so much; so beautiful and cute. I wish this was a part of a longer story. :)
BloodOfMyLove chapter 1 . 5/6/2017
These one-shots are so sweet and I love that you included Haruhi. For being a translation its really well done and gets the emotions across nicely. There are grammar mistakes, but nothing that takes away from the overall feel. Good job, and thank you for sharing!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/23/2017
Honey is so freaking cute!