Mass Effect: The Reaper

Zane is a man out of time...literally. Being transported almost 200 years into the future will do that to anyone. But he knows much about this time, this universe, its rules, its people, if knowledge is power then he is the most powerful being in the galaxy. However, many things will change because of one enemy: The Reaper Vanguard or better known as Sovereign. Zane cannot sit by and let this universe, and these people burn. He must do something, and so he does, he fights backā€¦

A/N:A few things to know as you go into this story. Number One: The Main Character can easily be considered a "Mark Sue" however I am hoping that in future installations into this series that will be expanded upon and explain why he is what he is. If that is a turn off for you I get it, no hard feelings. If that is a turn-off and you really want to tell me, have at it won't bother me one bit. If you're willing to give it a shot at the very least. Then welcome! Number Two: This is technically an AU story and you see how and when. In this first installment, it is minimal at best.