AN:This is my first fanfic, hopefully you enjoy it.(This is the sixth time I've written it)

He was surprised, he could tell. He never knew it was going to lead to this, but that was ten months ago, Matt's promotion to a pilot. He completed his training as a pilot and then was sent to Typhoon. Where a I.M.C Research Facility was, but that wasn"t the worse part. The militia was there and planet wasn't, anymore. Well unless you count the pieces. The only thing he remembered was getting into a militia dropship, killing the crew, and escaping. Wasn't very easy, but hopefully it had supplies, or food because it was almost out of fuel.

Matthew Dregan 325th I.M.C Pilot, He was looking at his dog tags. He got up and decided to look around a little more to find something useful, mostly just makeshift supply's and tools, and even some stolen from I.M.C Supply Post's. Matt was looking around some crates when a box dropped behind him, Matt turned around quickly until realizing he had no weapon, he pulled out his data knife and got into the 'knife fighting stance' he learned during his Eight months of pilot training and inched his way too where he hear the noise, watching carefully.

"What Happened?" Matt Heard the voice followed by a voice that sounded synthetic

"Welcome back pilot, you were recently destroyed."


"The planet Typhoon was recently destroyed along with you and many others, I.M.C and Militia alike."

"Wait, where am I?"

"An I.M.C Pilot took this ship and killed its crew and flew away from the planet Approximately One hour ago."

"Wait he is still here?" "Affirmative." Matt Heard a sudden switch into a fighting stance used by the I.M.C. How do they know of these tactics? Matt slowly approached the Militia pilot and then finally saw him. He was a Stim, the head shape gave it away. The pilot was the only one there nobody else, Who's voice was that? Robotic and female. Wait, do the Militia have a Titan OS, that keeps with the pilot?

Matt focused again but, the Pilot wasn't there.

"Hello this is unit 223452 I need backup now!" Well... Fuck, the pilot was able to Transmit a message to the Militia. Matt rushed to the front of the ship to stop the Pilot. Matt slowed and entered, his knife ready.

"This is Greener Palms from the 9th Militia Fleet Im on board a dropship with an I.M.C Pilot Need backup stat!"

"Copy that Greener, We are on our way." The transmission responded, Matt creeped up on the Militia Pilot and charged the knife towards his head, but the Pilot dodged it and attempted to punch Matt. Matt countered and stuck the knife into the pilots arm, Matt kicked the pilots leg making him fall over.

"Gotcha." Matt said with confidence. The ship suddenly shook and Matt lost his balance, the Pilot took the advantage and kicked Matt down and jumped up and rushed to the window and looked out hopeful.

"What?" The hopeful look on the pilots face was wiped away, Matt got up and went behind the Pilot but the pilot did not turn, instead went to a seat and sat, hanging his head down. Matt looked out and saw a ship The MCS Spyglass.

"This is the MCS Spyglass, Surrender or we will shoot you down."

Matt rushed to the radio and responded,

"This is Matt Dregan From the 325th I.M.C Company, I need evac!"

"The transmission responded "Alright, your name and association check out, we'll get you home."

"Also, there is a Militia Pilot, a Stim."

"Copy that, we'll bring specters and take him prisoner."

Matt looked over toward the pilot, he heard a possible sigh, Matt couldn't tell because he(?) was a robot. Matt then heard the familiar sound of a ship jumping in, he looked out another window and saw Three I.M.C Dropship's approach one having a airlock on its side. The dropship's side hatch was blasted open, followed by a team of six specters weapons drawn. The stim didn't react, but then was thrown to the ground by two of the six and was held down by the others.

"I.D Asap!" Matt turned and saw a Grunt with a R-97 Drawn, Matt took off his tags and gave them too the Grunt. The grunt pulled out a scanner and scanned the tags.

"Alright, get in the ship let's get you out of here." Matt followed and turned to look at the pilot, He noticed a chip in the back of his head. Matt went to the pilot and pulled the chip from his head 'Titan O.S JD-2308 Northstar Project 2.6' Matt put the chip in his pouch and returned to the Dropship. The hatch closed and the ship was detached and floated off, the ship he was on jumped back to the MCS Spyglass.

They docked and Matt got off after the now prisoner was carried away to the brig.

"Ah so you're the pilot we recovered." Matt turned and looked at the owner of the voice and saw a older man his tag read 'Softfield' and his rank showed he was a commander of this ship.

"Uh, Yeah."

"Well I'm Commander Softfield and also the Captain of this ship, our database shows you were on the M.C.S Laserblade, correct?"

"Yes sir."

"It was stocked full of Ronin's and Ion's Right?" Softfield questioned.

"Yes, but it also carried two Legions, one for the captain, and one for his right hand."

"Ah, have you ever piloted a Titan before?"

"Yes, but just a little."

" Great, our ship is loaded with extras, one of every type." Softfield reponded a little too joyful.

"But let's not rush you, get some rest, our bunks are on the third floor, take room 394."

"Thanks, I need it."

Matt went to a possible elevator and pushed the down button, The elevator opened and he entered and went to floor three like he was told. The elevator went to his floor and he walked until he found room 394. He entered and dropped his gear on the floor and put down his pulse blade. He then opened his pouch and pulled out the chip he took, it could fit his helmet's O.S slot. Matt put it in and a voice spoke,

"Hello I am JD 2308, but you can call me Jade"

"Uh, okay?'

"You are now my new pilot, I have a new update in my drives', should I download it?"

"Sure I guess?"

"Downloading, time of completion, 16 hours, Goodbye Pilot."

Matt was confused but still he needed sleep, so he lied down. Rest... Finally.