" damn it I can't hit him in fact I...well darn that doesn't look good"

I see the person who referred to themselves as 'proud black' which of course he looks like me but I digress right now he's holding a HUGE ball of energy with one arm which I bet HAS ENOUGH POWER TO DESTROY THIS DIMENSIONS TIMELINE!...so naturally I have to stop it...but how?"

During the time proud was yelling at himself in his head proud black sent the ball of energy at proud

"Damn it I can't get away from it I don't have moves from that one franchise and I don't have a beam-blade so I'm gotta catch it...with my hands"

Proud caught the huge ball of energy with his hands but he was getting pushed back

"Guess I have to use my dark flame form(dark flame awakening in case you don't know)"

Proud got consumed by dark red flames(the appearance of the form for his past outfit is in one of my past storys) and he was able to slow the speed he was getting pushed back by alot but not enough to push it back

"Guess I got to use my new form but what should I call it...I know my true form"

Proud activated his true from(description in last chapter) which was enough to stop it but not enough to push it back

"DAMN IT WHY THIS FORM SHOULD BE ABLE TO PUSH THIS BACK...if only I had help...heh...guess I may die for the first time see my pals even my parents I loved them so much I wish they were here to save me now"

Proud cried at all the bad things that happened to him and only him he lost his parents his pals died he doomed a timeline and gotten a cpu canadate killed

Suddenly a hand that was peer black and had a black fog aura around it appeared on the right of proud while on the left side a hand that was yellow with a gold aura around it was on the left side of proud helped him push the ball back at proud black proud turned to identify who the hands belong to

And saw something he never expected

"Mom...dad is that you?"

The people looked like his parents only the person who looked like his father was completely black(imagine the color black) the only thing that wasn't black was his eyes and the were pure white like he had no pupils at all the person who looked like his mother was yellow...actually now that he looked at it more carefully it was a golden colour a black and red coat was visible but it was being lifted cause of the aura but only slightly and of course there were blue shorts and brown boots and the person also had red pupils with what looked like a circle with white lines surrounding it(if you know the game series the symbol is from you deserve a medal)

"Yes son it is me your father"said proud's father

"Same goes for me I'm your mother" said proud's mother

"It's been so long since I last seen you in fact you died right in front of me in fact your body's were assumed to be burnt to a crisp!"

"Well we weren't burnt to a crisp but instead we were sent to the future which...you don't want to see son also you may as well call me by my real name which is xeno"said xeno

"And call me by my real name as well then my real name which is aurora"said aurora

"Heheheheh now I know your real name mom and dad"


Oh yeah proud blacks outfit was destroyed his pants were cut in multiple places his shoes were alright surprisingly but his shirt and coat were gone and the rest of his body had cuts and was bleeding all over and his left eye was shut and his left arm was missing

"THIS MOVE WILL END IT...DARK SHINE..."said proud black which he began moving the only arm he had which charged a attack

"Hey dad do you know a move a can use to win this?"

"Yes in fact your mother knows it too just follow my movements and stand in the middle of us" said xeno




"ATTACK!" Said proud black

"WAVE" said the mother the father and son at the exact same time

To make things easier on the author since he is frankly to tired for this fight scene proud,aurora and xeno beat and killed proud black

"Hey son can I tell you something" said xeno


"Me and your mother are alive so we were wondering if we could live with you if not we can just go back to the future and..."said xeno

"You can in fact let's pray we get to present era gamindustri "

"Yeah let's..."

Pov Neptune(adult)

"Looks like I'm not needed guess I'll go and pay proud a vist when I get back and find out where he lives"

And as quickly as a nep could she went back to gamindustri to go well you know...

AUTHORS NOTE : hey guys I'm back by the time this gets uploaded It will be 3:45 am...FUN...anyway I'll leave you to guess the connection with proud and adult Neptune anyway see you next story/chapter