So, Just a warning,
This is most likely going to be bad, like really bad.
So bad you'll want to print it. And then burn it.
I know I'm not a good writer, so… anyways, we good?
Okay let's go.
Also, I'll respond to all reviews! ^-^
He was on a night flight, just a short one.
Hiccup leaned close to Toothless, pressing himself close to the neck of the sleek black dragon, blending in with his dark black cloak, black boots, black flight suit, and his mask. The mask was simple, went over his head, and attached to his cloak, making it impossible for it to fly off. It was black, with dragon scales covering the surface, making for a terrifying appearance. The scales were, of course, from Toothless, ones that he had lost over the years. It had been a long five years.
But it was worth it. Hiccup eyes narrowed at the thought of Berk. They had abused him there, kicking him, beating him up, making him feel worthless, and ignoring him. He had nobody. Until he found Toothless, however. They had become the best of the best of friends. They day after Stoick told him he wasn't his son, when he ran away… Hiccup had taken off, taking Toothless out over the ocean. After flying for a few days, and taking a few breaks on islands, Hiccup and Toothless got shot down, landing on an island, surrounded by hostile villagers… but with a stroke of luck, they saw the connection he had established with Toothless, and they cut their ties. Hiccup had made friends and connections with the village, which was the Drakoak (Pronounced: Drack-Oh-Ack) Clan. Once joining the Drakoak clan, the chief, who had no children, Hoarif The Thoughtful, had adopted him, taking in Hiccup, giving him more attention and care than Hiccups own biological father had done in Hiccups whole life. Hiccup had grown to love Hoarif as a Father, making friends, and… getting married.
Wait what?
Hiccup smiled, thinking of Kala, who was waiting for him back at their house on Drakoak. He had met her when he was wandering the village, and they had immediately hit it off, talking and laughing together, smiling and sharing moments. He had proposed on her birthday, with the help of toothless. Toothless had flown them out to an isolated island, and he had led her over to a grove of trees, and kneeled down, and proposed. She had squealed (Very loudly) in happiness, and said yes. They had walked to the edge of a cliff, which overlooked the ocean, and sat together, finding Drakoak was visible in the distance. They spent the rest of the night leaning against one another, happily.
That was two years ago.
Their daughter had been born three weeks ago. Kala and Hiccup had named her Elva, a name with the meaning of Fair, in Norse.
Hiccup shook his head, looking down. Toothless was gliding towards a hill, and a house was perched on the top, trees surrounding the back of it, the front open to overlook the groupings of houses below the hill. They had arrived at Drakoak. Hiccup felt a jolt as Toothless landed, and then he hopped of, gently jumping to the grass next to the house, which Toothless had landed outside of. Hiccup stretched, looking up at the moon, which was illuminating the dark night sky. It was pretty late; Kala and Elva were most likely already asleep. Hiccup and Toothless walked to the door of the house, which was a two story home, built out of a dark wood, with a balcony overlooking the village below the hill. Once inside, Hiccup crept through the living room over to the closet, and hung up his cloak, flight suit, and mask, taking off his boots, and gently setting them on the floor, leaving him in just knee length brown pants, and a light green tunic. Once he hung up his outfit, he motioned Toothless to come over to him. Once Toothless was standing next to him, he took off the saddle, bags, and harness. Then he closed the closet, and they both tiptoed back through the living room, then the kitchen, then up the stairs, emerging in a hallway, and they crept down the hallway to the door at the end, pausing to look through a door, which was cracked open. Inside was a crib, with a small baby girl sleeping peacefully. Once checking on Elva, Hiccup quietly opened the door at the end of the hall, allowing Toothless to get through, and then he closed it behind him. Inside was Toothless's bed rock in the corner, two drawers, and a door leading to the balcony, two windows, and a bed. Toothless crept over to his rock, and flamed it, then he laid down on the now warm rock, and closed his eyes, letting out a quiet yawn. Hiccup crept over to the bed, and lifted the covers, and slid in next to his wife, who was still sleeping. Before lying down, Hiccup looked at Kala, thanking the gods for letting him have such a good life, for having a wife and a family.
Kala was slim, and tall, lanky just like Hiccup, with soft, pale skin, with freckles everywhere, shoulder length brown hair with blond sun streaks, and green eyes, like him. Hiccup smiled, and lay down next to his wife, pulling the covers up to his shoulder, closing his tired eyes, quickly drifting into a peaceful sleep.
He did not regret leaving Berk.
He had a good life, with no regrets, no problems.
Or so he thought.
What happened? What do you think? I hope to post more chapters today! Please review! I love reading your reviews, and I promise to reply! I also promise to update faster if you do! :D
Please, Review with ideas! I would love that, or what you think will happen! :D Hope you enjoyed!