Disclaimer: I own nothing of RWBY which belongs to Rooster Teeth and the late Monty Owm.

Chapter 12 (Epilogue): Where Pyrrha finds Happiness (And where Jaune finds Hell)

Pyrrha Nikos was skipping back to her shared team dorm room. Why wouldn't she? It had all gone right! The mood, the atmosphere and even the confession had all gone right! She was now dating Jaune Arc! A giggle slipped through her lips on all the things they would do.

"Would he take me on midnight strolls or a picnic later?" she wondered. Her imagination was on full blast now that she had a chance to do all of those things.

Two years. It had been two years since she had met him and now they were dating. It would've been a fairy tale story if she was his partner but beggars cannot choose in this case. She was just so…happy that Jaune was in her hands now. Of course she now had a whole different battlefield to stand on.

It was a real shame but the situation with Jaune was something that had long since learnt how to compromise with. Her lovable blonde had been dating Cinder for a week before she managed to confess and she could easily admit that her heart was crushed when she heard the news. The shank that stolen Jaune before her-again!

But all was fine now that she was also dating him. Oh and Ruby somehow managed to achieve the same after a short argument.

She shook her head at what Ruby got herself into. Pyrrha knew for a fact that her partner had sibling-like feelings towards the blonde. It was more likely that she youngest member of the team didn't want to be excluded and made a rash decision. Then again, if Ruby was fine with a 'taboo' relation than what did it mean with her relationship with Yang?

The red-head blushed at the imaginary but got her head back on the right tracks.

Right, she was ranting against Cinder before Ruby filled her thoughts.

"I would've thought two years would be enough time for her to learn not to backstab me like that" she grumbled.

To think that she had trusted the bitch on how she was working her way to confess to Jaune. Pyrrha had only realised she had played into the hands of Cinder the moment she heard the news. She had unfortunately let her guard down and suddenly Pyrrha was reduced to the second girlfriend of Jaune.

That was a big blow to her morale and it showed when she could barely keep up with Cardin using their spar. Of course, when tried cheering her on she managed to somehow smash the brute into the ground accidentally via her semblance. Well it wasn't like everyone didn't know what her semblance was at this point.

She made quite a showing at her first year Vytal Festival against that android Atlas sent in as one of their students.

"Well then, all I have to do is take his virginity to claim first place" she muttered. Everyone knew that that was the prize only second to having a child. Of course marriage was now on the table and she had no intentions of letting the blonde go.

-Even if she had to deal with his extra lovers.

While Cinder was certain in Jaune's life (not by her choice) and Ruby was solidifying her position as either another lover or a younger sister. Then there was Yang and Blake as more candidates that she might need to 'deal' with.

The other blonde was not really a surprise to Pyrrha in that it was only natural for Jaune to attract the attention of other women because of how earnest he was. And it helped that he had filled out more and how other males seemed to be true perverts that Yang didn't particularly like.

As quoted from the woman herself, Jaune was 'refreshing because he didn't stare at her breasts all the time'.

As for Blake, they had a surprising friendship that popped up during their second year. He had been hanging out with Blake more after a few encounters in the library where she helped him search and study certain books. It seemed that they had eventually started to make small talk over a long time before interacting more and more to the point that she now regularly spars with him.

If Pyrrha was concern before, she wasn't now. As Jaune's girlfriend, she didn't care what he did with other girls as long as she had a significant place in his heart. Meaning as long as things stayed the same she wouldn't need to yank someone to a ditch. Then again, she had a feeling that Cinder had conditioned her to be fine with 'sharing'.

Besides her obvious milestone with Jaune, there had been a couple other changes to her status at Beacon.

For one, there were a couple of Mistral immigrants that were her 'fans' which was annoying. She still pasted a smile on her face every time she rejected sparring with them. Some people were just arrogant and annoying enough that she didn't want to deal with them. It seemed her lack of presence at Haven made some think she was an easy enough target to a quick fame.

Second was that she actually made friends with Team RNBY and some other teams at Beacon. Sure most of them were those who befriended via Jaune first but it was the principle of things that mattered. But all of that didn't matter compared to the fact that she was dating Jaune!

"Hey P-money! You look extremely cheerful. Finally managed to catch Jaune and your way with him?" came the teasing voice of Yang.

"In a matter of speaking, yes" she turned to the blonde woman and smiled.

"Don't worry, you'll-wait what? You actually managed to shack up with Jauny-boy? When did this happen?!" demanded Yang. She walked up to her and started shaking her shoulders in disbelief.

"Just today actually. I confessed and he accepted" she answered not minding the shaking. If you were disturbed by only this level of dizziness then you would probably not fare well in more complicated high speed combat that would be needed later on.

Remembering how he seemed to smile brightly at her while accepting her, a smile couldn't be helped but to appear on her face again.

Of course, there was the added benefit of seeing the shocked face of Yang in front of her. Was it that surprised that she managed to get Jaune in the end?

"Holy-how did you manage to get Cinder's approval?"

To that question a smirk appeared on her face, "Who said I ever got her 'permission'? I wasn't aware that Jaune needed to ask for permission to date anyone. Well I am willing to share him in the end."

"You didn't ask-" all of a sudden Yang's face paled though the red-head saw in reason for that. She was with Jaune after all. There was nothing to be afraid of.

"Oh and Ruby is dating him as well" she off-handily added. Ruby was her sister so it would be better for her to know who she was dating. The fact that it was Jaune only made it clear that Pyrrha could tell her ahead of time.

Yang froze again but this time it was surprisingly deeper than the previous shock. Pyrrha sighed; of course she would be surprised. After all even she didn't expect for Ruby to pin after him.

Of course when that shock wore off, the busty blonde's eyes turned into a deep red before her hair started going aflame.

"That bastard is doing WHAT to my sister?! I'm going to kill him!"

Sighing a second time, the red-head prepared for combat. It wouldn't do well if either Jaune or Ruby was hurt by an enraged Yang.

"I'm afraid I cannot let you do that" she warned while using her semblance to rip off a pip from the wall as a make-shift weapon. The hell was strangely empty for a while so at least she had the benefit that no one else would be dragged into this battle.

A smirk that would not be dissimilar to the one Cinder wore all the time appeared on her face seeing one of the few people she could fight seriously charge at her with the intent to hurt.


Ruby Rose on the other hand was trying to hide from the world as much as possible by stuffing herself in pillows and blankets. It was only after returning to the team's room and reading a couple of those romance novels Blake recommended that it dawned on her of what she just did and forced onto Jaune.

"Oh my god I'm so embarrassed" she muttered hugging her pillow deeper into her face. Any more and she would die from a lack of air coming through to her lungs.

That is, if Pyrrha didn't kill her first. She knew that the red-head and her partner had been waiting to confess to Jaune for literal years now and she had just made the big event into something that she needed to share. Fortunately she knew that if her partner didn't slay her then, it is likely she would not slay her later.

Of course there were many things her partner could do to her that would make her life…uncomfortable without actually sending her to see her mother early. Ruby shivered at the possibility.

For better…actually only for worse, Pyrrha had been picking up some of the bad habits of Cinder.

And speaking of Cinder…

"Would she actually mind if I'm 'dating' Jaune as well?" she wondered. It was really an act of impulse to demand for whatever Pyrrha wanted and what Cinder had with Jaune to apply for her as well.

She didn't know it was for dating him!

After a few more minutes of pitying herself, the sort of black-haired sort of red-head girl popped her head out of the blankets to scroll through her scroll of the recent messages she had gotten.

They were from those her age that were entering Beacon from Signal.

She really didn't know what to think about this or them. She really didn't have many or any friends at Signal. She was the younger sister of the much more social Yang and the daughter of the headmaster there. Those who talked to her either wanted to suck up to her dad or sister or only wanted her expertise on weapons.

"I wonder if I can just avoid them all" she suggested. It wouldn't be too difficult. The course of first-years and third-years were simply too different.

Every other month Team JCNR and the rest of the third-years were sent on missions to subjugate Grimm or do other Hunter related tasks. While at the same time the first years would stay at the Academy for most of the year except for a single mission with a professor around mid-year.

If it was her and if she told everyone that she wished for this, she was sure they would hide her from them all-

No no no no no no. She shouldn't think that way. Just because she didn't get along with them before as well as she got along with her friends now didn't mean she needed to go out of her way to avoid them.

She wasn't bitter about being used so many times back then while being talked about behind her back. Not at all.

A knock on the door.

"Come in!" she raised her voice to whoever was on the other side. It was probably someone from her team or Team RNBY. No one else really dared come to either of their rooms after that one time Cardin tried to get back at Cinder and ended up withdrawing from Beacon permanently.

The door opened and a familiar cat-eared faunas appeared looking agitated.

"Ruby, your sister and partner decided it was a great idea to start a fight in the middle of the hallway" she warned and stared at the same time. However for some reason she told Blake was starting at her for another reason.

"Eh? Why would they fight?" Ruby looked confused. Why on earth would Yang fight Pyrrha?

"There are only two reasons why Yang would pick a fight-well three if you include her mother. That is, her hair or you" she said. "And there is really only two-make that one reason why Pyrrha would pick a fight and that is Jaune."

"Did you or Jaune do something together that would get them both mad at each other?" she asked.

Ruby thought about it and immediately started to deny, deny and deny as much as she could.

"Nope. Not at all Blake. Try to…not get in their way. I think everyone knows how much damage everything goes when they fight with the exception of Cinder getting involved" she grimaced at the amount of paperwork Jaune forced the team to help him fill that one time.

She wasn't even involved that time at all!

Said Cat Faunas snorted to that advice, "I think only the first years are ignorant of that fact. And even if they weren't before, they will now. But are you sure you don't know the cause of their fight?"

Amber eyes glared at her with the intent of finding any lies. If this was two years ago and before Cinder, Blake would've seen through her instantly. However Ruby had learnt how to lie and have an almost perfect poker face in order to fool Cinder enough so her cookies wouldn't be taken away.

As such, she expected Blake to believe her innocent of the matter.

"I have nothing to do with what's going on" Ruby waved dismissingly with a sigh, "Yang probably made a bad comment about Jaune and Pyrrha overreacted."

"…I see. And can you explain why my partner's semblance is at full force right now?"

"Pyrrha probably accidentally cut her hair? Like that incident a few months ago" she replied.

This time Blake winced seeing that she was one of the victims of that event. During one of the regular sparring rounds where the top three fighters were Yang, Cinder and Pyrrha, the latter managed to accidentally cut a fair portion of the blonde's hair off.

As someone who could go berserk by having the slightest bit of hair cut through, Yang naturally went more berserk than ever seen before and the one on one sparring match turned into a boss raid where Yang was the fiery dragon that kept on fighting and got stronger no matter what.

Lots of ice dust was used to trap her and Ren went into a coma for a few days overusing his semblance to calm her down.

"Ruby" Blake glared at her, "Please calm your sister and partner. I'm sure I can handle Yang on my own but not with Pyrrha around."

Shoulder slumping, Ruby redundantly got out of bed and went to help Blake make sure part of the school wasn't destroyed. Actually, didn't she just ruin what was supposed to be one of the happiest moments of her partner's life?

"Actually I think I have something else to do-"

A hand shot out and grabbed onto her cloak. This time Blake was fuming and she wasn't letting go. Without considering to her, the faunas started dragging her no minding that she wasn't moving at all in that direction.

"You're not getting out of this easily."

Ruby sighed. Sometimes she regrets that Team RNBY managed to reveal the rather forceful personality behind the once shy and distant person that she had met before initiation those years ago.

Well considering she had to deal with a combination of Yang and Nora, she wasn't surprised at all that the black-haired beauty developed a rather forceful personality when it came to troublemakers.


"How is the progress between reforming the White Fang? I care not about their stance but rather if they are behind my cause Emerald" another black-haired beauty said to the other person on her scroll.

The leader of one of the fractions that was once the former White Fang, Emerald answered her, "I managed to regain control of around half the numbers of the former White Fang. However they desire to promote an image similar to the original White Fang. Many of them don't actually want to fight."

"That's fine. There's more than just causing death and destruction. People will cause all the death and destruction when it involves their livelihood. Watts managed to lecture her on that…well before he was captured and executed" Cinder waved the issue off.

She honestly had nothing to do with that. The man got cocky and Ozpin found out about him and swiftly got him 'removed'.

If the Faunas wanted peace, so be it. For them to gain peace they would need to create bloodshed. Therefore she needed pieces to make sure that they would shed blood in the places she wanted, places that would gradually cause the foundations of the Kingdoms to fall apart that much easier.

That is, if when she decided to enact her plans again.

"What of Mercury?"

"Mercury is dealing with the more violent fractions. Under your instructions he had leaked information so decrease attacks from Faunas. This allowed more good-will from the other fractions that are under my control" she replied.

"Good good. What about the development of his contacts in the various Underground societies?"

"Decent at best" Emerald replied, "The one in Vale is the most developed but as expected the one in Atlas is almost non-existent to begin with. Well did he did mention something about trying to seduce the Schnee Heir…"

"Remind me to find a replacement for him soon" Cinder rubbed her forehead. There weren't that many memories of Weiss Schnee and most of them led her to have a bad impression on her.

The fact that she failed to get into Beacon and was sent home wouldn't have helped her personality over the years. Not to mention there was that one article where it was reported she was recovering from taking 'recreational' drugs and was suicidal for a while.

Well tablet news were often faked so she held no belief those events actually happened.

"Ah, if that's all Cinder can I get back to my paperwork?"

"Go ahead. Know that I had to deal with it before you and yet I managed to achieve what I had despite that" she said.

"Of course Cinder. I won't let you down."

The call ended and Cinder sighed. It was getting harder to get a grip on the world when she was stuck in Beacon for so long. The weekends and those few days where she was free to do anything were consumed by her team and Jaune.

The latter taking his own category eventually when she realised that her moulding plan was working and she needed a closer hand so Pyrrha's influence would be minimal. If the red-head had it her way, Jaune would be a cushy man who would need to rely on her for everything.

Cinder wouldn't have that. She needed Jaune to be at least competent to take charge on his own simply because there was a good possibility that Team JCNR would side with her instead of Ozpin if anything happened.

Of course besides making him a decent fighter, she also made sure that Jaune had skills in cooking, housekeeping, financing, gardening and many other areas to make sure he didn't lack in any area. Then again, she only realised she was unconsciously making her partner and leader into a house-husband after a year and a half and it was too late to stop then.

She was not going to let someone like Pyrrha Nikos reap away her results that she had cultivated for so long.

Through the Beacon gossip network, she had quickly found out that Pyrrha had confessed to Jaune and he had accepted. That was not surprising to her and on some level acceptable. For now she could tolerate other women with Jaune.

The competition on who would 'own' Jaune would continue between them per usual. Sure she had to share with Pyrrha for now but eventually her partner would choose her in the end and everything would be fine and perfect. She was Cinder Fall and she would not lose.

What she didn't expect was Ruby joining in as well. And it was likely she would join force with her rival. This only made things more complicated.

"Knowing Ruby…she probably did this without knowing what she was getting into" she deduced, "The girl has abandonment issues that are only a cut below the one Yang has. I can see her joining in just to not be excluded from what the rest of the team was doing."

Well it wasn't like a third girl joining in would be too bad. Jaune did have the stamina to do stuff with all of them if he wished, that was basically what his semblance was. Never-ending, ever-lasting almost unlimited stamina as long as he had Aura.

It fitted him more than a semblance to say…block attacks with his Aura more effectively if Pyrrha had anything to say about it. Semblances were a base reflection of the person who uses them combined with a twist of circumstance and desire when it first activates.

A person who desired to hide would get a semblance that would hide them; a person who didn't want to get hurt would get one that would protect them and so on. Really, you could tell a lot of a person by what kind of semblance they had. Ruby didn't want to be left behind, Pyrrha wanted control over everything else and Jaune just wanted to keep on going until the end.

As for her…

Flames raged around her as-

She hated them, all of them-

They will all turn to ash-

They will all fall-

A small flame lit in her palm as she stared in it. This was her semblance. Her fire.

But people weren't defined by only one event in their lives. People weren't defined by their semblance.

The next moment, a notification appeared on her scroll. Opening said message and reading it quickly, Cinder took a moment to stare at the setting sun in hopes that what she read was wrong. A moment turned into two before sighing heavily.

"What the hell are those people doing?" she muttered as she walked towards the ever growing battlefield that started off with just Pyrrha and Yang. Actually he might as well get to the bottom of this by asking Jaune what happened.

Not to mention what the hell he was thinking of three-timing her with the rest of their team.


Ozpin sipped his coffee and reviewed the reports about the new first years. They certainly had potential but so far the most noticeable things about them were that some of them knew Ruby Rose back when she was still at Signal.

He suspects one or two arrogant ones would eventually challenge her to a spar to prove themselves and find themselves lacking.

"What Miss Rose lacked…was experience. It had been two years since the inexperienced young Huntress came to Beacon" he mused.

Two years was a long time for someone so young and already had the shy child disappeared to be replaced by the confident young woman that holds a fair resemblance to the late Summer Rose. Of course his mind went onto other matters besides the young Miss Rose.

He wasn't obsessed with the girl or her team no matter what anyone else said.

Despite popular theory to his close allies, he did not put everything into the hands of 'fairy-tales' and 'legends'. As potent as the silver eyes may be, it was useless as long as Ruby Rose did not awaken them just like Summer Rose hadn't. Not to mention the power of the 'Four Seasonal Maidens' could be easily stolen away by assassins.

Therefore it was crucial to train up other defenders of humanity. Hunters. This was why he was at the position of Headmaster to make sure each generation of Hunters were at least as great as the ones that came before them.

And despite everything the Hunters were losing slowly but surely. Was it that surprising that he went to look into ways of increasing their success without increasing their death toll at the same time?

He believed so.

Still, it was a shame that Miss Nikos denied to become the next Fall Maiden. In terms of skill, personality and character she was the top candidate to become a guardian of humanity. Not to mention she was at close proximity to other characters of interest to him. Miss Rose and Miss Fall.

The former interested him due to the legend of the Silver-Eyed Warriors and the latter was due to how much power she processed. He had a suspicion that she was the 'Queen' he was looking for but he didn't make any moves. She was too close to other essential resources and attacking her might end up killing too many important people for his plans.

But amusingly enough, he might not need to remove or even try to convince her. The young Mr Arc seemed to be doing a good job in slowly worming his way into her heart and seducing her along with the few other close female friends he had.

Amber had soon died a few months later and he did not know whether if the power had transferred to another person including the assailant which took a fragment of the power to begin with or was lost forever.

"Hopefully we can locate Summer, Winter and Spring. Salem isn't going to take the loss of Fall well" he muttered.

The Grimm Overlady was still a problem to Remnant but thankfully now in a sense of being a long-term problem rather one that was about to burst under their feet. With the White fang dissolved and slowly being turned back into several organisations that wishes for equality between the two species, one of the primary method for evil to take root and drag down the Kingdoms have been eliminated.

It was a fortunate change that he had honestly didn't see coming. He had prepared James back then to lend some military support if anything bad could happen though in the end it wasn't needed.

Of course there was also the incident where they had found another pawn of Salem that wasn't the queen. A politician that worked in the shadows who managed to manipulate Mistral and Atlas alike heavily to cause incident after incident. It wasn't surprising that after he was removed the relations between Kingdoms rapidly improved.

He shook his head remembering the reports of the damage that a single man caused to the Kingdoms on his own. Not only did the damage go beyond a few billion lien over the period he had been operating but perhaps even a million lives had been destroyed completely by his action. And all because there was a 'weakness' known as self-interest I the upper brass of each Kingdom.

Still, with such a dangerous being no longer operating among them, Ozpin had hopes that they would have enough time to prepare for the next thing Salem would throw at them. He has no doubts that she had other pawns moving around beyond his gaze even now.

His thoughts were interrupted as a 'ding' sound echoed throughout his office. Someone had entered the elevator.

As the Headmaster he had made it quite clear that his office was open to anyone who would want to discuss any problems. However being teenagers not yet adults, most students refused to lower themselves enough to ask for help. It was a constant problem that he had no doubt factored by his position.

Due to this, he often moved around his school in hopes for a problem to run into him.

Nonetheless he was pleased that someone had the mind to actually personally seek him out to talk about a problem. The person that came through was however unexpected.

"Mr Arc-"

"You have to let me transfer! Get me away from this madness!" the younger male screamed.

Blinking in surprise, Ozpin resorted to his base instinct and took a sip of coffee all the while listening to the leader of Team JCNR's ranting.

"Oh god, Pyrrha snapped! She and Yang destroyed the west wing of the dormitory already and more people started joining into the fight trying to stop them! They were looking for me to stop them. That's insane. How can someone like me even stall them?"

"Now now-"

"Not to mention of what Cinder will do to me! She had been slowly making my training strange. I had to learn how to cook and manage a household out of nowhere! I'm supposed to be training to be a Huntsman not a house-husband! Shit! I actually accepted Pyrrha's confession forgetting about that devil."

"Mr Arc I-"

"Actually Pyrrha might be the one who would kill me in the end. She had become stranger by the year you know. Last week I caught her smelling my used underwear. I was honestly creeped out but didn't want to hurt her feelings and had to fake a smile to assure her that I wasn't mad. I wasn't mad, I was scared as hell!"

"How fascination but-"

"Didn't Ruby say something back then as well?...SHIT! Ruby confessed to me and I also accepted her as a girlfriend. Double damn! Yang might find out…"

At this point the Headmaster of Beacon really had enough. Grabbing his cane, he slammed it onto the ground vibrating the place where the young team leader stood to the point it shook him out of his madness.

Clarity coming back into his eyes, the student started to ask, "Headmaster Ozpin please let me-"

"Mr Arc, might I remind you that I allowed you in Beacon for a reason despite your transcripts? Besides, I have heard much of your…romances with your team" Ozpin wasn't surprised that he would want to run away. Unlike in fantasy and delusions, managing even two women at once was a nightmare let alone a harem.

He always pitied the fools that managed to get themselves stuck in one. They usually ended up with the victim being stabbed due to poor management of relations or suicide from all the stress and constant fear that heightens every once a month.

"Yes-but! I'm going to seriously die! Cinder is a sadist, Pyrrha is a Yandere and while Ruby won't kill me, Yang will!" said Jaune with clear desperation in his eyes…face and everywhere else.

"I don't see how that's my problem" he really didn't. A few more similar exchanges and the young man eventually gave up.

Ozpin huffed. How come the problems that his students end up willingly bring to him are all things related to the mess they made in team relations?


Jaune Arc was a dead man walking. As the elevator went down he was considering his options. Half of them involved running away and he was considering going back to see his family one last time before his team tracked him down.

However all hopes disappeared with the appearance of a single person standing at the exit.

To any onlookers they would see a beautiful woman in her prime waiting with each grace that any males would want to beat up the fool that dared make her wait. Her black hair curled at its end and her legs seemed to go on forever according to some.

To Jaune, she was nothing more than the figure of the devil about to take his soul.

"Jaune Arc. Can you explain how there are rumours you are now dating the WHOLE team?" she asked kindly as a figure of a demon appeared behind her, ready to chop him up into tiny pieces.

He gulped and decided to go for his gut instinct. That is to grovel on the ground as much as possible and hope for forgiveness.

A/N: This is the end...*looks around for people about to demand more chapters* At Last! I have finished a series properly without stopping mid-way due to a lack of motivation. *Starts rubbing sweat off forehead*. This series was an interesting concept when I first thought of it the end of last year. It stayed as a concept before I decided to flesh out some ideas on how it would work where I had finished a working plan on what the beginning to team announcement.

Looking back, that may be the main reason why chapter 6+ seemed to have changed the tone of the story so much. *shrugs* Well I can't do anything about it now and I don't have the motivation to go back and change anything. Anyway my thoughts of this series...

To describe it would be complicated at best. There's not much pride or a sense of accomplishment but rather amusement? Well I did start off my writing hobby with a comedy based series though I since changed to a more serious tone. This can be seen as flexing my rusty writing muscles on humour based writing. And as you can see, it's quite rusty.

Anyway, the basis of this story was less about the action but rather the change in relation of everyone when you replace Weiss with Cinder and mix around the team a bit. Ren and Nora practically got no screen-time aside from initiation and a few comments. And why should they? This is about Team JCNR. Those two and Blake are practically non-existent except in a minor way to the team. I can't see them changing just because they're in different team than Jaune and Pyrrha.

Only Yang gets the cut because she's Ruby's sister. As for everyone else...well to start off easy with Team RNBY, Ren and Nora are pretty much the same. They really hadn't gotten much development until Vol 4 of RWBY. Yang is pretty much the same except she's getting used to not taking care of her little sis all the time.

Blake on the other hand got the better hand compared to when Weiss was there. Without Weiss, she didn't run away from the team because there was no one to place 'judgement' on her. RWBY would've been a much different series if Weiss decided to stay by her initial view of Blake after it was revealed she was a Faunas. Yang would never accept the person who would drive away her partner and Ruby would stick by her sister than the person who she really didn't have any good relation to. Team RWBY would break because one person decided their opinion mattered most. Luckily Team RNBY doesn't have anyone with a negative view of Faunas.

Vol.1 of RWBY can be summed up as the struggles of Jaune and Blake respectively.

As for Team JCNR. Boy their relationship can twist around a lot.

Jaune is pretty much the same goofy, mostly non-serious person but seeks out help on his studies and combat skills more often. But at the same time with Cinder and Ruby added for him to lead, the crushing expectation is increased at the same time. Stressed simply cannot describe how he feels when compared to the rest of his team.

He sees everyone pretty much as a friend but on different levels. Pyrrha is his dependable friend, Ruby is the friend he goofs around with and Cinder is the strict friend that pushes him forward whether he asks for it or not.

Ruby is no longer a leader and goofs around more. With less responsibility there is less pressure on her to be more mature. However with the 'guidance' of Cinder who really takes over the role of strict-stick that Weiss had, she actually studies and works hard in her own way.

Her relationship with Pyrrha is more similar to the one she has with her sister than the one she has with Jaune. Her view of Cinder is less of a friend but more of a mentor though she still tries to befriend as many people as she can.

Pyrrha actually got the better change here. There are two things that define her the most in RWBY. Her crushing skill at fighting and the isolation from her peers as a result of this that created this not arrogant person you would expect from someone so praised. Cinder's appearance basically ripped down the fact that she was the strongest and Jaune was pretty much her first friend.

While she still has a crush on Jaune, she also has a rivalry with Cinder that balances things out...until that rivalry also turned into a competition for Jaune's heart. Along with Ruby, she has three focuses on her relationship instead of the just one in RWBY. While she was friends with Ren and Nora there, I don't see her relationship with them as important as the one she had with Jaune.

And finally Cinder. There is a reason why this is called Cinder's Mid-life Crisis. Anything thinking that she actually changed at all raise your hands...*starts laughing* No seriously, in a place where she is stuck within 'enemies' rank for so long, you would eventually start thinking the mask is real. While she has post-pone her plans it's not like she's going to stop. She doesn't realise the Fall Maiden had died.

Think of a pet. A puppy. You trained it, raised it, it's yours. That's how Cinder thinks of Jaune. She may like him, perhaps love him but her thoughts drive in the fact that Jaune is her possession. As for Pyrrha and Ruby? They are tools to her. Useful ones, ones that she preferred on her sides but tools nonetheless. She may favour them but number 1 in her heart is still herself.

Anyway I think this is enough of a A/N. Uni is picking up and I'm getting less and less time for writing. Now...to think of my next project.

*Looks at story stats...starts crying due to how this series easily overtook another story that months was spent on*