Proud(ultra):"so other me you want me to tell you my past?"

proud:"yeah since well thing are different in dimensions so I'm wondering were you born from share crystal or from a human?"

proud(ultra):"well that parts complicated but ill explain"

Ultradimension,time: unknown,place:unknown

pov: no one

(plutia was sleeping like she usually does but of course something happens that should be exp-)

mini histy:"plutia please wake up the share crystal is acting up ( 0_0 )

plutia :" hiiisty why is this soo worrying *yawn*"

Mini histy:"well cause it's glowing brightly that's why I'm worrying! ( 0_0 )

(and fun thing is she ain't wrong but you guys know what's up so I'll skip to when plutia is in the room with the share crystal I honestly can't spell the full name )

plutia:"wow it IS shiny"

mini histy:" this very worrying the other cpus haven't got this yet (-.-)

Plutia:"well maybe it's like what happened to neppy jr?"

( and as plutia said that a bright light engulfed the room and a few minutes later a little boy as in front of the share crystal)

Proud:"is that true?"

proud(ultra):"that's what I been told by histy but I think it went like this"

Ultradimension,time unknown,place planetplutune basilicom

( we find a plutia that is walking back home presumably after a nap or quest when of course )

?:"Mrs iris heart!"

plutia:"huh? Oh hello little boy can I ask you something?"


plutia:"where are your parents?"

?:"I-I don't have parents Mrs iris heart"

plutia:"oh if its ok with you could join me on my way home and you can just call me plutia ok?"

?:" sure Mrs-I mean plutia and I wouldn't mind joining you on your way home"

Plutia:"yay oh what's your name?"

proud(ultra):"my name is proud"

plutia:"proud is hard to pronounce how about I call you pro?"

proud(ultra):"sure plutia heheh"

plutia:"heheh thanks pro anyway let's go"


( plutia took proud(ultra) to the basilicom and took him in which surprised histy which meant proud(ultra) got to live with plutia )

proud(ultra):" that's what I think happened but sadly I remember not very much from when I first met plutia"

proud:"well that's alright but you want to explain everything else that led up to now?"

proud(ultra):"sure but later right now I can see if and it looks like she grabbed someone to take her to wherever she's headed"

proud:"let's go"

( and proud and his ultra self continued following IF to the place we know as the library )

Hey guys got this done so yeah this will update after I get to certain parts in my main story anyway see y'all later