I found this chapter while scrolling through my drive, after it had been languishing, unfinished, for nearly two years, and added a few sentences to bring it to something of an ending. Un-betaed, so consider yourself warned! lol

And yes, the parody of the famous quote was deliberate (and I make no claims on it at all!). It just seemed to suit Éowyn, too, and I couldn't resist it!

December 23, 3019 - Edoras

Éowyn stood in Windfola's stall, idly working small plaits into his mane as she waited for her brother to arrive. Éomer was the one who had suggested a ride this afternoon, but now he was late, and her patience was growing thin.

At last she heard noises from outside the heavy doors, but it sounded like hooves rather than footsteps. A quick look to her right confirmed that Firefoot was indeed in his stall, so it couldn't be that Éomer had ridden out without her and was now returning. Curiosity aroused, she stepped out of the stall and into the aisle, where she would be able to see the newcomer once the doors were opened.

At last the door swung open and she looked back at them to see who had arrived. The horse that entered was not one that she was familiar with, so she looked up at the rider. The battered leather satchel, stained green cloak, and the White Tree on the tunic beneath that cloak all made it obvious that the new arrival was a messenger from Gondor. Since she had become familiar with all of the messengers in the past months she smiled as her eyes continued upwards to see which of her new friends had arrived.

The rider had pulled the hood of their cloak down low against the chill, but as she watched they lifted a gloved hand to pull it back. Suddenly, she found herself looking at a face she thought of daily, hourly even, but had never expected to see this day, in this stable.

Dark grey eyes quickly lit with humor as the rider watched her. "Well met, my lady."

"Faramir? But… How are you here? Why…?"

His rich laughter filled the stable, and eased an ache that she had not even realized had been clutching her heart.

"I heard tell of a lady fair who was being held captive by a cruel and tyrannical brother, and have come to kidnap her, carry her off to my own princedom, and to see that she is happy and free forever more."

With a struggle, she held back the laugh that wanted to bubble up. "You came to kidnap me." She managed to drag her eyes away from his beloved face for a moment to take a quick look at the horse he rode. A quick look was all it took to make her brows lift in surprise and skepticism. "On that horse?" She looked up at him again, proud of how she was able to restrain her grin. "You are braver than I thought!"

Faramir laughed again. "He is not one of the Mearas, I grant you, but he has a good heart." He reached forward with one gloved hand to pat the horse's neck fondly, "I trust he could go a few more miles before needing a longer rest." Dancing grey eyes met hers, and his voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. "What say you, lady? We could be well away and hidden in some quiet place before your brother even knew you were gone."

A softly cupped hand reached towards the gelding as Éowyn stepped forward, and she took a moment to speak a few Rohirric words of greeting as she approached. Once the horse had accepted her she smiled up at her beloved, with challenge clear in her eyes. Her left hand reached up and gripped his wrist. "I know just the place."

In a flash Faramir's hand turned, so that he was gripping her wrist securely even as he took his foot out of the stirrup. She stepped up into it, then swung herself up behind him, wrapping her arms about his waist as she did.

The horse skittered sideways, unsure of what was happening, and Éowyn tightened her arms about Faramir's waist, at least in part to remain in her seat. After a few commanding words in Sindarin, followed by some soothing ones, the gelding was brought back under control and stood quietly once more.

Faramir lifted his right hand to cover hers, and turned his head enough to speak over his shoulder. "Are you secure, love?"

In answer she laughed merrily and pressed herself still closer against his back. "It will take more than that to unseat a daughter of the Mark."

With a chuckle he squeezed her hand gently. "My wild shieldmaiden."

Laughing again, she turned her hand enough that she could lace her fingers through his. When he turned his head still further, she reached up to press a quick kiss to the corner of his lips. "Are we going to ride, my brave rescuer, or wait here talking until my brother finds us?"

His answering laughter filled the stable again, causing not a few horses to poke their heads over the door to their stall with curiosity. Squeezing her hand again he spoke a few words to the gelding, and nudged his sides to move him into a walk towards the doors. The stable boys in attendance went to open the doors for them, but they opened from the outside before he could reach the handles.

It was Éomer who was entering the stables,, and he came to a stop just inside when he saw the scene before him. His brow furrowed into a scowl even as he crossed his arms across his chest, inadvertently creating the very image of the tyrannical brother Faramir had described in jest.

The gelding took a few steps to the side when Faramir drew him to a halt, and he tossed his head with an indignant snort.

Éomer's scowl lessened as he watched Faramir bring the horse under control again, and he quirked one eyebrow. "My lord steward. An unexpected surprise to see you here. I had not heard you were coming to Edoras..."

Faramir brought his right hand to his chest, fingers still twinned with Éowyn's, and gave a small bow in the Gondorian style. "Westu, Éomer Cynig, hal. It was a last minute journey, as the messenger who was slated to come was ill and unable to travel."

Though she tried to stifle it against Faramir's shoulder, Éowyn's snort of laughter was heard clearly in the quiet of the stable. Both men looked at her, and so she gave up the struggle and grinned widely. Her voice shook with laughter as she spoke. "Then you did not truly come to kidnap me?"

Éomer's brows flew up in surprise. As his sister had done, he took one quick look at the gelding and then back up as his brother-in-law to be. "You planned to kidnap a daughter of the Mark on that horse?" He gave a derisive snort. "I almost feel more offended by your choice of horse than by an attempt to kidnap my sister!"

With a shrug of his shoulders, Faramir grinned at the other man. "Well… Surely you cannot fault me for the attempt?"

Now Éomer laughed, dropping his arms as he did, and came forward to help Éowyn slide down from where she was perched. "Nay, no Rohir would fault the attempt. Only the horse you chose to go about it! Firefoot and I would have caught up to you almost before you'd left the city."

Faramir laughed as well, and swung his leg over the saddle to dismount. "Yes, that is likely very true." He handed the reins to one of the boys with a smile of thanks, then turned back to face Éomer, who had by now pulled Éowyn's hand held firmly through his arm. "All jesting aside, Éomer, I ask for your hospitality for the space of a few days. Aragorn's council has disbursed for Mettarë, and my uncle is there should anything unexpected arise." He looked over at Éowyn, and gave her a small smile. "And three months… It has been far too long."

Éomer gave a soft chuckle even as he rolled his eyes, then looked to his sister. "I leave it to you, sister. Have we a room to accommodate the Steward?" He shot a quick but hard look over at the man in question. "One well away from your own chambers?"

Faramir grinned, and again raised his right hand to his chest in a small salute. Éomer gave a curt nod in response, though he also gave a smile to show he was jesting. At least in part. Then both men turned their attention to Éowyn.

She looked back at her brother with an expression that made it clear that she had not seen any humor in his comment. "Shall I have him board with your eored, brother? Or perhaps blankets could be brought here, so that he can be under constant watch, as the horses are?"

Faramir managed, barely, to keep his face carefully neutral by focusing on removing his gloves, but Éomer gave a bark of laughter. "Why not a pallet on the floor by my bed?"

Éowyn jerked her hand away from Éomer's arm, and crossed over to take Faramir's instead, smiling up at him. "Fortunately, at least one of us knows how to treat a visiting dignitary." She started to walk towards the door with her betrothed, who leaned his head down to hear what she whispered to him as they walked. Faramir laughed again as they passed through the door, and Éowyn looked back to give her brother a grateful smile before they disappeared together onto the path leading to Meduseld.