Okay. Let's get serious for a second. If you don't care about me, skip the bolded part. If you care, keep on reading.

I've been having serious family issues. And I'm going to explain them for you. A while ago we basically disowned my nineteen year old cousin from the family for doing drugs, stealing, and verbally abusing my grandma + uncle/her dad, who is divorced, and she was living with him, they both lived in my grandma's house (My Grandpa died last year) Since stuff stopped going missing when she left, we thought it was done. She claimed on Facebook that she didn't steal some of the things we said we did, but we thought she was just lying. But we recently found out that my uncle was the once that stole the stuff, and he sold it for money. He stole from my grandma, who has no job, and only gets money from selling and showing cows at the fair. (Best job ever by the way, in my opinion, she lets me come along sometimes, it's great.) But I have always loved my uncle, and the fact that he stole family heirlooms, from my freaking GRANDMA (who is the best Grandma in the world) really hurt me. I thought that he would never lie, and it turns out he lied so much, and let us misjudge my cousin. All of this came out around a week ago, and 4 days was an anniversary of a bad time in my family's life, so it was just… a lot to handle. I hope I can update more, but no promises. (By the way, in case you're worried –for whatever reason, I don't think anyone would care, but you know- My cousin was living with a friend and her family, but she was kicked out because she did drugs, and the family had a four year old, and she is now living with her mom I think.)


I hope you forgive me!


Okay I'm done. It's happy time again.

Thanks for all the reviews! I know it only 25, but AHHHHHH :D

Review Time!

Sparklehannah: Yay! I really hope this makes up for the long wait!

Guest: Hope this clears up your confusion!

Tsalyah: Okay, I'll fix that! Thank you!





Toothina watched as Jack stood, frozen, his tooth case clutched in his hand, staff dropped at his feet. Toothina gazed at his face, watching as it went through many fazes of emotions. First his face was looking confused, and then shock, sadness, and finally, understanding. Toothina took a step back as Jack jolted, and straightened up, a look of puzzlement on his face. He then proceeded to lean down and pick up his staff, turning it over in his hand, examining it.

"Jack? You okay..?" Toothina inched forward.

"I… remember everything..." Jack breathed; looking down, hand loosely gripping his staff.

"Everything?" Toothina pressed.

"Everything… Why did Manny take my memories, Toothina?" Jack looked up, sadness in his eyes. Toothina froze, and then shook her head.

"I'm sorry Jack… I really don't know why Manny would do such a thing..." Toothina stepped forward, and grabbed his hand. "Come on Jack; let's go back to the Pole. The others will be happy to hear you got your memories back." Toothina gently pulled Jack along, and lifted into the air with him. As the flew along, Toothina felt a breeze swirl past her, and Jack drifted away, tilting and spinning in the wind, a smile slowly making its way onto his face. Toothina watched as he turned and rotated in the wind, happiness evident on his face. Toothina reverently prayed that Jokul never showed again.

She liked Jack so much better when he was happy.





Jack watched as the wind gently blew open a window, and he let Toothina land first, then he landed behind her, gently coming to a stop in the carpeted room. It was the room North had given Jack when he had become a guardian. Jack looked at Toothina, and then gestured toward the door with his staff.

"To the globe room?" Jack questioned.
"To the globe room." Toothina agreed, leading the way out the door and down the hallway. After floating through a few hallways, freezing a few elves and yetis, and making it snow in the hallways, Jack entered the room after Toothina.

Jack was about to float onto the top of the globe to sit down, but he only made it a few feet into the room before he was hit by a big bulldozer- err… scratch that, it was just a lot of fur and muscles... Bunny was… hugging… Jack?


What was that?

"What." Jack stated.

"Oh. Sorry Jack! I missed you!" Bunny backed off quickly, looking embarrassed.

"Missed me?" Jack was skeptical.

"Yeah, if you left, I would have nobody to tease!"
"Har har har." Jack rolled his eyes. Bunny reached forward and punched Jack lightly in the shoulder, before stepping back, letting the other Guardians crowd around Jack, who had given up on reaching the globe.

"Jack! You're okay?!" North.
"You remember us?" Bunny.
"What happened?" North. Again.
"Hey Tooth, what happened?" Bunny. Again too. Jack sighed, and turned to Sandy, who had just a simple question mark above his head.

"At least Sandy is calm." Jack motioned for silence, and cleared his throat. "Okay. First things first. We don't know if Jokul is gone, I think he probably is, yada yada. And yes I used my Tooth Box to get my memories back. Okay. We good?"

"I… guess?" North shrugged.

"'Kay imma go take a nap. Later." Jack floated lazily out the door, leaving the Guardians to converse by their lonesome. He floated into his room, and the wind carried him over to the bed, gently landing him on it, pulling the covers over his tired body. It swirled around him caringly, before pushing the window open, and zooming out, leaving a swirl of snowflakes fluttering behind it. Jack nestled into the blankets, laying his head down on the pillow, and closing his eyes. He then jolted back up.


He didn't know Jack was alive.


Jack jumped out the window, and felt wind embraced him, and they raced off towards Burgess, towards Jamie.

After dashing across the world, the wind gently set him down on Jamie's roof. Jack shimmied down the side of the house, and crouched on Jamie's window. He opened it slowly, and saw Jamie, curled up on the bed, loud sobs wracking his small frame.

He was crying for Jack.

For Jack.

For Jack?

Jack stepped into the room, silently.

Creeping across the room…

Gliding silently over toys, toys left, abandoned on the floor.

Reaching the bed, facing the back of Jamie.


Jacks hand brushed Jamie's shoulder gently. Jamie jolted up, and swirled around. He froze, and then his eyes opened wide.

"J-Jack?!" He cried.

"Ai." Jack smiled.

"You're alive? How?!" Jamie breathed, not taking his eyes off Jack for a second.

"Manny brought me back. Now what are you waiting for? Come here for a hug!" Jack opened his arms, and Jamie jumped into them, Jack laughed and sat on the bed, Jamie enveloped in his arms, after a few minutes, Jack thought Jamie was being strangely quiet. He peeked under his arms, and almost laughed.

Jamie was asleep.

Jack gently lifted his arms, and then scooped Jamie off his legs, and onto his bed. Jack lifted the covers, and scooted Jamie's legs underneath.

"Night Jamie." He whispered, and turned to the window. After clearing the minefield of toys, he clambered onto the window sill, leaning out the open window. As he prepared to jump into free space, he heard a noise. He turned around, and saw Sophie standing in the doorway, eyes filled with awe. Jack saluted her, and then dropped out the window, the wind carrying him away, back to his warm… or cold bed. After the wind deposited on his bed, Jack was tucked in yet again, and this time, the wind swirled around him, carrying him off to sleep with the gentle sounds of the wind whistling.

This time, he floated off into the land of dreams.

He opened his eyes and saw that he was seated on a sofa, and surrounding him were the guardians with Jamie, all laughing and sharing stories, smiling, and grinning.

They were friends.

They weren't enemies.

They were…

A family.

A happy family.



Bye. Hope I'll update soon.