Alright, after taking a short break, I think I can finally continue telling the story. Although, I think I might change it up a bit. Instead of going into full-on detail about everything that had happened, I'm just going to give you all the main points along with a few minor things.

This is taking a little bit longer than I expected, and we've got stuff to do, so I'm trying not to waste all of our time. Hopefully, you'll understand.

Now, with that out of the way, I believe it's time to continue on with our story. After parting ways with Compa, I wandered around for a bit and eventually found a hotel. It then dawned on me that I didn't have anywhere to sleep, so without any hesitation, I went in.

Tamazaki pushed opened the doors that lead into the hotel, only to be immediately blinded by the bright lights upon entering. Tamazaki winced a bit and shielded his eyes, but after waiting a few seconds, he moved his hands away from his face and looked forward.

Although it was just the reception area, Tamazaki could tell that the hotel he had stepped in was probably highly rated. The room had looked pretty and radiated a lot of energy. "This place has to be 5 stars, if not, then at least 4." The blonde male muttered. "Which probably means that renting one of these rooms is going to be pretty pricey."

Tamazaki winced at the thought and took out his pouch. Inside the pouch was the same note that his, "benefactor" had left for him, as well as 10,000 credits. Tamazaki also hadn't eaten anything in a few hours, but because of the situation he had found himself in, food was the last thing on teen's mind.

"I don't even know the price and I'm already worried…"

"Excuse me, sir?" Tamazaki had heard a voice and lifted his head. A young woman, who was most like the receptionist, stood behind a counter and was looking at him with a warm welcoming smile on her face. "Is there something that I can help you with?"

"H-Huh? Oh, I uh… guess so?" Tamazaki had found himself caught off guard and walked towards the front desk while fixing the collar of his shirt. "I was wondering if you knew how much it would be to rent a room for one night."

"I'm terribly sorry, but we only can only give rooms to those who have reservations." Tamazaki groaned. The very thing that the blonde haired male was hoping the receptionist wouldn't say was that they had done room bookings by reservations. "And even if you were to book now, all of our rooms are currently full at the moment, so wouldn't be able to stay in this hotel for at least another week."

"This is just perfect…" Tamazaki didn't really have many options. The teen was just barely able to stumble across this hotel due to how dark it was getting outside, and with the danger of being assaulted by those criminals who were attacking Compa earlier, he couldn't really risk wandering around to find another hotel, and even if he did, what were the chances of him being able to get a room? "Oh, alright. Thank you for telling me. I'll be leaving now."

"I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience, sir." The young woman bowed as Tamazaki had walked away. "We hope you'll be able to come back here next time as a guest!"

Tamazaki walked out of the hotel and stood on the sidewalk of the now dark streets of Planeptune. The street lights were now starting to turn on, and the streets were started to become less populated.

"Ugh… What am I going to do?"

I didn't really have many choices since all of them wouldn't really work out in my favor. I could've gone to find another hotel, but as I said before, the chance of me being turned away was highly likely, and I also could've been on some sort of secret hitlist that I felt like I was somewhat aware of.

Part of me was regretting not going with Compa into that giant tower since there was a chance that I wouldn't have been in this predicament. On the other hand, I just didn't want to intrude into her personal life, if that makes any sense… or is even a thing.

After thinking about it for a few minutes, I had come up with a solution to my sleeping problem. Although, looking back on it… It wasn't really the best.

Tamazaki looked as if he were in deep thought as he had tried to come up with a solution. There were so many ideas that he had but had to shut them down due to specific reasons. "Am I seriously going to have to sleep on the streets somewhere…?" Tamazaki shuddered at the thought of that. "I'm definitely not going to be safe if I end up doing that!"

Tamazaki felt like giving up, but there was a small part of him that was holding on. That small part was using all the resources in his brain to formulate an idea that would have the least amount of negative side effects.

After another moment of silence, a miracle had happened.

While Tamazaki was thinking, a very small leaf had landed in his hand. With it being a leaf, the man didn't really put too much thought into it, yet for some reason, he had found himself staring at the leaf for a long period of time.

"I got it."

Something had clicked in Tamazaki's brain as he stared at the leaf, and that was another idea. What had made the blonde haired teen happy was that it had little to no drawbacks. Tamazaki clenched the leaf in his hand tightly and had started to walk down the street, and towards the place, he had entered the nation from.

Tamazaki had now found himself at the bottom of the hill, staring up at a gigantic tree. This hill happened to be the very hill the man had woken up at earlier in the day. The area around the hill gave a calm and relaxing vibe. "Never thought I'd be back here so soon." Tamazaki talked to himself as he climbed the hill. "I guess it really doesn't matter, now does it?"

Once the blonde haired teen had reached the top of the hill, he went and sat against the tree. "Phew, I think I can finally rest now…" Tamazaki took a deep breath and looked up into the sky. The moon was somewhat blocked by the leaves, but it was still visible. "You know, for being someone who just got transported into a different world, I didn't really have that big of a reaction towards anything… Guess that just means that this place isn't much different from Earth, huh?"

Tamazaki then lowered his head and found himself watching the flickering lights that came from the buildings in Planeptune. He found it a little funny since there weren't as many lights on when he was in the nation as there were now. "Something tells me that I should stay away from this nation for the next few days…" Memories of earlier events had begun to flood the teenager's mind, causing him to grit his teeth in response. "Maybe I should go explore those other nations that Compa had told me about."

All Tamazaki had to do was turn his head and he was able to see another one of the four nations of Gamindustri from where he was. The teen could make out a few bright lights from where he was sitting, as well as a cloud of what he believed to be smoke in the air. "I'll start with that one..." Tamazaki pointed towards the nation with a smile. "It certainly looks promising…"

Tamazaki soon felt the strong sensation known as sleep overcome. The teen let out a loud yawn and leaded head against the tree. Tamazaki continued to look at Planeptune until he his eyes had eventually closed, and he drifted off into a deep sleep.

What I was doing wasn't exactly the best idea as I later realized. I'm just going to mention this now, but I had to sleep under that same tree for 4 nights straight until I was finally able to fall asleep in the bed. To be perfectly honest, there was nothing wrong with sleeping on that hill and under that tree, I felt at peace and the sound of the tree leaves blowing had put my mind to ease.

But as you'll understand eventually why I say that sleeping under that tree was a bad idea. This had only happened because I was being careless, but it still could've been avoided if I wasn't being-... Whoops, I'm getting a little too far ahead of myself, aren't I?

Anyway, I slept for the entire night without any disruptions surprisingly. When I woke up, I expected something to have gone terribly wrong, like I would find a knife lodged in me, or I would be blindfolded and tied to a chair, or nature would tell me to go F myself… But no, everything was fine.

I waited to wake up a bit before heading out to the nation that was to the left of Planeptune, that nation being the "Land of Black Regality", otherwise known as Lastation.

"I'm getting a really big industrial vibe coming from this nation." The moment Tamazaki had stepped through the gate that had led him to the main city of Lastation, he saw able to see factories from miles upon miles on end. The blonde haired teenager was able to figure out that the smoke he had seen the previous night was more than smoke, but pollution.

To Tamazaki, Lastation felt like it had more of a steampunk vibe than anything else. While he did feel like the nation was just as technologically as Planeptune, there was something about it that made it feel different from Planeptune altogether.

Tamazaki had noticed that the citizens of the nation were wearing formal clothing while walking around. The streets weren't as busy as Planeptune's streets were, but there were a lot more of vehicles moving up and down the roads than there were people.

"Well, would you look at that, these people really do dress like me." Tamazaki had remembered that when Compa was trying to figure out what nation he was from, she mentioned that he dressed like a Lastation citizen. "So that would mean that this nation is Lastation if I remember correctly…"

Trenton looked up and saw a billboard. On said billboard was what looked to be an ad for some JRPG of some sort, but it seemed like it most of the board was being heavily censored by fake rays of light. "...Y-Yeah, this is definitely Lastation…" The blonde haired male sweatdropped.

As Tamazaki stared up at the sign, he had failed to notice a random civilian walking into his direction. "Woah!" The person had bumped into Tamazaki, who had almost lost his balance and fell onto the floor.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" The person apologized to the teen. "I'm in a bit of a hurry, please excuse my rudeness!"

"Oh, no, it's fine actually-"

As Tamazaki was about to forgive the person, they had run off in the opposite direction. Tamazaki stood there for a minute and sighed. "People have manners, but they can't stay and listen for a few seconds…"

Tamazaki had begun to wander around Lastation not long after he had arrived. Instead of trying to ask for a guide, the teen figured that it would be better if he were to just look around the nation for himself and learn the details about it at a later time.

Along with a large number of factories, Tamazaki had found it weird that there were a lot of weapon shops. Most of these shops had window displays, so Tamazaki was able to get a feel for the type of weapons that were being sold at the shops.

"Geez, what's with all these weapon shops?" Tamazaki had asked himself as he walked by a few more stores. "Is the crime rate high here or something? Cause if that's the case, then I find it weird that these are meant to be used against other people. Even if it's for self-defense, I still think it's weird."

As Tamazaki was thinking to himself, a group of four girls had walked out of one of the many weapons stores and were now about to walk past Tamazaki, who was practically blocking everything out.

"Hm… Having a weapon to protect myself with doesn't seem all that bad of an idea. It will probably benefit me more than a one night stay at a 4-star hotel." Trenton had walked past the girls, not knowing that he was making a weird facial expression as he walked right by them. "Alright, it's settled! I'm going to buy myself a weapon!"

After coming to that conclusion Tamazaki had started to reach into his pocket while looking at all of the weapons stores that had surrounded him. The teenager was having a hard time deciding what store he should go to, or what type of weapon he should get. The man didn't want something too small that could easily get lost, but he didn't want something too big that he would have to lug around with him.

"Maybe I should go to-" Tamazaki reached into his pocket and froze for a minute, and then reached into his other pocket. The teenager had then proceeded to check his jacket pockets before he had started to turn very pale.

"W-Where did my pouch go?!"