Right Through You

Maui was sure he was about to faint. He couldn't die of blood loss, but that didn't mean he couldn't lose consciousness like any other human. His senses were numb, but the pain was there. Oh, yes. It definitely was there. Just as the warmth of the pool of blood heating his fingers, palms, and knees. The thick liquid felt surreal running down his hands and calves, filling his nose with an unpleasant stench. The blackish red brought back memories of very dark times. Monsters bleeding to death by his hand, human wars he was unfortunate enough to witness and an odd sensation of familiarity, hidden in one of the furthest corners of his mind.

Self-harm was not new to him. In his darkest days, he didn't just consider it, he attempted it and failed. He still remembered the tightness of the rope around his neck, the sharpness of rocks in his wrists and the loud snap of breaking bones.

His attempts proved useless, always ending in meaningless discomfort and new skin, mended bones and fading bruises as if nothing had ever happened. He fell into despair when he had no choice but to recognize that death simply would never come for him. It was a harsh fact to accept, especially because he was forced to move on with his life. A life without purpose or joy. With no one that understands him. Anyone to share anything with.

Until Moana.

Ever since she appeared, those thoughts never crossed his mind again. Never felt alone again. Never resented life again. He began to laugh anew. Genuinely. To feel loved by humans through a real bond, not just worship, and godly adoration.

Moana adored him for who he was, not for what he was.

She didn't know how much that meant for him but he sure did. And he was going to repay her for as long as she lived.

He took deep, steady breathes as he focused back on the present and his current situation. He was not going to pass out. Losing blood and regenerating so much physical damage was pushing his body to the limits but he couldn't afford a break. As soon as his limbs respond properly, he'll push them to the limit once more. Just a few seconds would suffice. Closing his eyes, he hoped to doze off and speed up the process by using energy efficiently in his healing.

"Are you counting chickens or what?"

Maui ignored the Mangarevan prince and imagined his own body, flawless as ever.

He could feel it. It even tickled.

When he opened his eyes, he saw no wounds. Although they could be hidden beneath all the blood that was dense enough to even hide his tattoos. Even so, he had never healed this quickly before.

Now, he could move.

Maui did not hesitate to take Tuarua by the neck and slam him to the prison wall. "You have 5 seconds to explain yourself."

The boy growled with shock in his eyes ever so slightly. "Go ahead." He uttered. "Kill me. You won't find your hook in time. The army will get to them and you'll be back here in a matter of hours."

Maui considered his words and mentally cursed before slamming Turua again against the wall. The choked sound he made was satisfying.

He was right. He didn't know Mangareva. He might be in the heart of the village and without any means of concealment by morphing, keeping his body out of sight would be extremely challenging, especially in daylight.

Damn. I don't even know how late it is. Is it day?

"Admit it. You need me. Right now, you are just like any other human." He choked as Maui increased the pressure gradually. "Without your hook... you're nothing."

Maui stilled. For a second, he was back at that broken boat with his broken hook and broken spirit. He let go of Tuarua's neck and reflected on the irreparable consequences of what he was considering doing to the poor bastard.

He was Maui. And not just any Maui. He wanted to be the Maui Moana believed he was. A kind-hearted, caring, stupid and vain demigod.

He would not kill if he could avoid it (there were still exceptions). And right now, not only was unnecessary but also counterproductive. He pointed at the Mangarevan prince, still on the floor rubbing his bruised neck.

"I don't like you and I don't trust you. I don't know why you're doing this, but you will take me to my hook and we're done."

"Oh, didn't I mentioned it?" His said mockingly as he struggled to stand. "You're taking me to Motunui as well. I'm leaving this island."

Maui gritted his teeth angrily. "You are an idiot if you think I'm letting you close to Moana again."

"It's not your call. We made a deal and I already made my part by giving her back her freedom."

"Which you took away in the first place."

The ghost of amusement left Tuarua's features. "I saved your fucking lives and the lives of many others. Now, because of you, this place will never be more than a dump."

"Yeah, sure. Now you are supposed to be the hero."

"I never wanted to be a pathetic hero. Seriously? Is it that hard to believe I noticed father's unsustainable way of governance?"

Maui opened his mouth to protest when Tuarua interrupted. "We. don't. have. time." He spelled it out like the demigod was a 5 year old. "We'll talk about this shit later. If we find your hook and f-fly to Motunui, we might make it in time before everyone is slaughtered."

Maui did not miss the stutter. He would've loved to tease and humiliate him further. For now, Moana needed him. And soon.

If circumstances were different, he would've rejoiced at the memories the next phrase brought to his mind.

"Ok. Let's get my hook."

Turua underestimated the demigod's size. His height and voluminous muscles were profoundly changing his tactics. Even at night, it would be easy to be spotted and with father's heavily guarded chambers, many eyes were sure to be alert.

As usual, two men were guarding the door. Armed, alert and with the recognizable attire of the chief's personal guards hanging on their waists. The sharp and unique spears rested on their right hand. The tip of the weapon was green due to the freshly tied leaves of the commissioned Ongaonga shrubs cultivated specifically for the royal guard's weaponry.

The thing was poisonous. One touch can make the toughest man scream in pain and beg for mercy as he loses control over his slowly paralyzing body. The itchiness from the rash is also said to be unbearable and nausea haunts you for hours.

Tuarua was not eager to go through that again. Not since father forced him to touch one intentionally.

Crazy bastard.

He contained the goosebumps of his memories and focused on the issue. Sneaking in was not an option. Deception might not work either since they were probably informed that Tuarua was not to be trusted. Barge in and take what they came for? Too risky.

Tuarua cursed under his breath. He had seen the guards' skills in training and if they throw a spear, it was sure to reach them (just the best of the best for the chief, of- fucking- course). Maybe he could still make a play for it. Maybe they weren't informed yet about his betrayal.

"What is it?" Asked Maui who was frowning at his notably rising anxiety.

Tuarua considered it for a moment. Should he take the chance? He swallowed. "Stay here."

The prince took a deep breath and abandoned his hiding spot, feigning urgency and anger as he strode fast toward the door. "The demigod has escaped." His voice raised in alarm and to reach their ears over the distance. "The royal guard is required immediately at my father's side." He ordered as demanding as possible. The building had a radius of open ground of at least 10 meters. No vegetation, no structures or obstacles. Tuarua's long legs allowed him to cover a third of it in two heartbeats.

The guards' eyes went wide open as he materialized out of thin air with bad news but they reacted quickly, as they were expected to, and saluted properly.

"My Prince, y-"

"My safety is not your concern right now. Father is waiting."

Tuarua was halfway there when both guards raised their spears. He stopped dead in his tracks as his heart plummeted down to his stomach.

"We have orders, my prince. I apologize."

Suddenly, a spear was flying straight to his head. Tuarua managed to dodge it rolling to the left, but he knew the second guard had already thrown his weapon with the same deadly precision as the first. He gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and waited for the blow.

Instead, Maui's scream was heard by the whole village.

In my mind, Maui is inmortal in all the sense of the word. He can't die of age or mortal wounds. Not sure if this is accurate, but this is way I envision his condition of inmortality.

AkumakoRonso: Sorry I didn't address your comment before. Moana is a very strong person, that is undeniable. But she was threatened at knife point in Makoha's house and overpowered in the prison cell. She is strong in will but not physically. Thanks for reading :)