Let's finish this.

Chapter 40

The Fairy Tail guild got back to their home, instantly being welcomed by the ones they left behind.

"You're back!" Wakaba cried happily. "We were beginning to worry!"

"I'm so glad you're safe." Macao whimpered, almost squeezing his son to death.

"Dad, I said I'll be fine." Romeo gasped, struggling to breathe.

"I bet you did really well."

"He did." Carla said, flying up to the pair. "He took one a member of Tartaros by himself and won to save Wendy."

"That a boy Romeo!" Macao grinned, ruffling his son's hair. "Good way to get her to like you!"

"Dad!" Romeo shouted.

"Um..." The two turned to find a pink Wendy, nervously looking at Romeo.

"Great..." Romeo sighed, also turning pink.

On the other side of the hall, next to the bar, Mira was happily looking around the place.

"I hope nothing bad happened while we were gone." She said to Erza.

"It looks fine." Erza shrugged. "I'm just wondering what's going to happen next." She turned her attention to the man on the stool. "Master?"

"I know." Makarov sighed. Standing on the bar, he yelled into the crowd.

"Gray!" The ice-make wizard looked over. Silence fell over the guild.

The master sighed again. "I can't believe you... Of all people. Gray, our guild is family. A family we promise never to hurt. A family we promise to protect. That's what our emblem means. That's how Fairy Tail has gotten this far. And so, with great pain, I must ask you to remove your emblem and leave our guild."

Cries of annoyance as heads flickered between Makarov and Gray, who had his head hung in shame.

"Believe me Gray, it pains me most." Makarov said, tears forming in his eyes. "I've watched you grow from a boy into the man you are. But you know the rules. What you did was worst then Laxus, meaning an instant removal. Gray, please."

"Why!" Natsu snapped, standing up.

"Stop Natsu..." Gray said quietly.

"Don't you dare remove him Gramps!" Natsu yelled, fire already swirling around him. "I don't care what he did. He's family. We won't let him leave."

"Natsu!" Makarov boomed. "Stop. Gray committed the worst offense. He attempted to end another guild members life. You expect me to let him stay here? No matter what, you're still E.N.D. Yes, you can control it. But Gray's father's single mission was to destroy you. And he passed that one to Gray. Who is to say he won't try again."

"I am!" Natsu barked.

"I said stop Natsu." Gray said louder, lifting his head.

"Fine!" Natsu stamped his foot, causing rubble to drop from the ceiling. "If Gray goes, so do I!"

"Natsu..." Makarov said dangerously.

"Don't think you can break our family over a mistake." Natsu hissed. "We've lost Laxus once. We've lost Mystogen. Half our guild was lost for seven years on an island. Gray has tried to take his life once before. We've just lost a founding member of our guild. Fairy Tail has been through enough. I won't let it get worse."

"This isn't up for debate Natsu." Makarov bellowed. "As guild leader, Gray Fullbuster, you are removed from Fairy Tail."

"I will leave too!" A voice shouted. Juvia was on her feet, tears pouring down her face.

"And me!" Wendy was next to her, also watery eyed.

"Wendy... Juvia..." Makarov growled. They weren't the only ones. One by one, guild members got to their feet and announced that they were leaving the guild along with Gray, Natsu at the front.

"Guys..." Gray said slowly, unable to hold back tears.

Everyone was on their feet expect Erza, who was still next to the master.

"You have to say," She smirked. "Fairy Tail has a strong bond." And with that, she walked over towards the others, facing Makarov with a watery smile.

"You brats..." Makarov muttered. "Always making things hard."

"If Gray get's kicked from the guild, will you all leave?" He asked them.

"In a heartbeat." Lucy answered.

Makarov sighed. "Fine. You brats win. Gray, you may stay. But!" He roared before everyone started celebrating. "You must receive punishment for what you did."

"W-What is it?" Gray asked, swallowing thickly.

"I will decide later." Makarov grumbled. "But for now, we must celebrate our victory over the Balam Alliance. Everyone party hard." Makarov jumped down from the bar and headed up to his office.

"You heard the man!" Natsu yelled. "LET'S PARTY!"

"Expect that?" She asked him. Zeref faintly smiled, barely breathing.

"No." He replied simply.

"Fairy Tail isn't one to cross, are they?" Mavis asked.

"Indeed. Natsu, all of them, are strong." Zeref answered. He couldn't move. Over 400 years of energy and black magic was fading, his body becoming weak. "I'm... I'm glad."

"You got your wish." Mavis smiled.

"Indeed." Zeref repeated. "I... am finally free. All of my crimes, all of the destruction, everyone I killed. It's all over."

"Yes. I guess you did do a lot of damage." Mavis glared at his pale body.

"I finally got what I deserve." Zeref smiled weakly. He felt the last of his magic go, and his eyes closed. "Goodbye Fiore. Mavis..."

"Goodbye, Black Wizard Zeref."

You expected Gray to get away with that? No. Sorry for scaring everyone who thought he would be kicked. But with that, I'd like to announce that Fiore Alliance is officially over. 40 chapters. And damn did I have fun writing this. I really hope you enjoyed. This plan was to have everyone end up in a relationship, but that ended up being too big a task for me. So it turned into a war.

Thank you all so much for reading Fiore Alliance, the next fanfics I am writing will be The New Tournament and Recall. Another Fairy Tail and my first Overwatch one. ALSO I am doing a remastered version of Academy. Yeah, I'll be re-writing all of my Fiore Academy chapters so they are even better, so be sure to check that out!

Remastered versions of Fiore Academy will start being uploaded on the 7th of January, a whole year after the first chapter was posted. After that, one will go up every week! Recall has already started, and I plan to post chapter one of The New Tournament on the 20th of January!

Guys, review and tell me what you think, and I'll see you in 2018 - Afro