Reviews for Fiore Alliance
Chickenzilla chapter 40 . 3/12/2018
Make Gray have to do a year of posing in embarrassing costumes, like in the anime, when Natsu, Gray, Jet and Gajeel lost the race.
Guest chapter 30 . 2/24/2018
what a valid explanation: I know you guys just want to see him arrive and tear stuff up.
Poodie chapter 40 . 12/31/2017
I'll be glad to see you in the next year coming! This was a fun ride. Very interesting idea.

What I admire most about you though: is that you managed to stick to your schedule. You kept some pretty decent length chapters. And things kept flowing. You put in some plot-twists, but you didn't twist too hard. Catch my drift? Some people put a plot twist and then things are just all over the damn place.

Loved this! Congrats on finishing another story, and good luck on the rewriting. I'll check out Recall when I get the chance, but my first exam is on Wednesday coming, so my shit will be busy XD

Poodie chapter 39 . 12/24/2017
I like this. I really enjoyed the mention for Sabertooth and how things played out for them. The mysterious figure? Just gotta wait until chapter 40!

Poodie chapter 38 . 12/24/2017
Sorry I'm late. I like the whole ganging up on Zeref thing XD To think that Natsu is just beating the shit from his brother XD

Guest chapter 38 . 12/16/2017
I have a bad feeling that Zeref is going to end up dying again :C (he is my second favourite character so it frustrates me that he seems to always end up dying) if he does die I hope there is some kind of care/acceptance from Natsu before it happens.
Poodie chapter 37 . 12/8/2017
I have a question about the actual franchise: What was Zeref's motive? Was he actually evil or did he have an alternate agenda going there where everything he did was to promote good in the end?

Like Itachi?

I enjoyed the little snippet of the Gray and Natsu fight. I honestly wasn't expecting Lucy to jump in there

funkyunicorn124 chapter 4 . 12/6/2017
You want Natsu? All you need to do is kidnap Lucy and he'll be there in seconds
Someone chapter 37 . 12/2/2017
It is spelled Rogue, not Rouge. Rouge means red in french and is pronounced with a soft G. While Rogue has a hard G sound.
Poodie chapter 36 . 11/27/2017
While I was reading, I kept replaying the previous chapters in my head thinking "Yes yesss, I see the connection!"

Finally got around to downloading my K-pop music and I had a blast reading this with that music in the background.

I know for a fact that if Erza was serious...Grey may not have been in one piece XD Still a little low on FT knowedge, but Ive read enough and seen enough content to have a pretty decent idea of hpw things work there XD

Poodie chapter 35 . 11/14/2017
Screw Natsu at this point! I want to see what happens to the Erza and Grey fight! XD I mean, I still love Natsu and all, but shit about to get REAL with the others

Poodie chapter 34 . 11/5/2017
I knew someone else was going to die!

Oh yeah, the E.N.D thing I so didn't see coming XD And I am so in love with the name of Grey's magic XD "Devil -freaking- slayer magic" So badass.

AS for generations: What do you mean dead? Dude, come on, you can't really expect all your stories to have a continuous support 24/7. Just because you haven't got many reviews doesn't mean you drop it. I have a few projects that I wish I could just get some more freaking reviews on (not to mention Criminal Life) but I'm still going to continue. Feedback is awesome and great and all that, but you can't rely on that only... unfortunately...

Guest chapter 33 . 10/28/2017
Gahhh! This is so good! But i want to read what happens next! Post all the chaps at once and have everyone (mainly me) shower u with thanks and praise! Please? Pretty please? With a virtual cherry on top?
Poodie chapter 33 . 10/29/2017
I agree with you, Laxus is Laxus! To hell with the technicalities! I'm glad Lucy got another chance, but now I feel like her life may be hanging on a thread.

Now that the Dragon Slayers (artificial and alike) are supified, I hope Acnolia knows what he did...
Poodie chapter 32 . 10/18/2017
I am actually pretty excited for the next chapter thanks to the sneak peek XD Now that the teams have split, its a wonder for how the fights will turn out. Like, is anybody else going to die?!

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