"You're so lucky I love you," Beckett said jokingly to her husband.

"Oh come on, you look great," Castle said as she walked over to where he was standing at the windows in their bedroom.

"Thank you but I'm just glad I don't have to dress like this all the time," Beckett replied as she smoothed her dark blue skirt with a black chevron pattern on it. Her husband had wanted her to wear an actual poodle skirt but she was relieved he still appreciated her final choice. "And you look ready," she told her husband as she made sure that his tie was straight. She looked him over and said, "You still have those glasses?"

"Yeah but they're not going on until we get there," Castle said, smiling as she was checking the lapels of his dark blue suit that had a fifties style cut to it. "Ready?"

"Yeah," Beckett said simply before they held hands as they walked out to the hallway and Julia's room where they knew their daughters were. "Hey, you-" she started to say when she was at the doorway. She was cut off when the girls rushed over to her and smiled as they hugged her before she told them, "So you like my outfit?"

"Yeah, it's perfect," Julia said, studying her mother's skirt that she wore with a white blouse and a black jacket over that. "You do kinda look like Linda did, especially with your hair up in a ponytail."

"But you look like Mommy too," Eliza said quickly.

"Thank you, girls," Beckett said with a laugh. "Were you two trying out your skirts?" She wasn't surprised when the two looked at each other and giggled before she said, "I thought you might."

"You look nice Daddy," Julia said as she realized they'd forgotten about him.

"Thank you but it's just a suit so I'm not surprised you paid more attention to your mother," Castle said. He looked behind him and saw that his daughter and her boyfriend were coming across the hall and said, "We all look great," as she was wearing a light blue gingham dress.

"He's right, you two do too," Alexis said, smiling widely at her little sister. "So… we're going?"

"We need to," Beckett said. "Or else we'll miss the whole thing."

With that the girls left quickly to go to the car, the adults following them and they split up to head out to the restaurant.

"Even the old cars?" Julia asked.

"Mmm-hmm," Beckett said, smiling back at her as she could tell from her tone that she was eager to see them. "They were around when Buddy Holly was."

"Can I drive?" Eliza asked.

"No," Castle said, slightly laughingly. "But you can look around them." He paused when both girls cheered; to make him and Beckett laugh; before he added, "After dinner."

"The cars will still be here girls," Beckett said, trying not to laugh again when the two groaned. She got out of the car and helped Julia before watching the girl straightening her deep green poodle skirt with a record and music note near the bottom of it. "Ready?" she asked her as she saw Castle and Eliza were walking to them.

"Yeah," Julia said, smiling at her little sister who was jumping up and down to make her red skirt with a Scottie dog in plaid on it bounce.

"Calm down," Castle said laughingly to the little girl. "We're going right now."

"Are we gonna dance?" Eliza asked her father as Alexis and Louis came up to them.

"If they have a place for that we can…" Castle began to say.

Since he was looking at her Beckett looked over to the rest of the parking lot and said, "Maybe, it looks like there's a stage there."

"We can ask inside," Alexis suggested.

"Speaking of which…" Castle said. He held onto Eliza's hand while they went into the restaurant, letting her go when she hurried over to the large jukebox with Julia. "Think they'll eat?"

"They know they need to," Beckett replied.

"What about a shake to bribe them," Castle said in a low tone.

"Not bribe them," Beckett said, glancing at him pointedly. "To thank them for going to school in the end." She smiled when a look of realization appeared on his face momentarily and she said, "But don't tell them that."

"I wasn't going to," Castle said with a laugh. He glanced at Louis and Alexis and said, "Don't tell them either."

"We won't," Louis said, laughing.

Shortly after the family was seated at a large booth and they ordered their usual dishes; Louis taking a little longer as he wasn't fully used to the restaurant yet; before Castle asked the girls to tell them about school.

"That's it?" Julia asked her little sister when she stopped at the end of her school day. When her sister nodded, she sighed and said, "This is going to take longer."

"Don't worry," Alexis assured her. "You had a longer school day."

"And we do want to know what you did," Beckett added.

With a smile, Julia began by saying, "Ms. Cookston is so nice."

"Oh, right off the bat," Castle said, making the girls laugh at his tone. "Keep going though, I'm glad to hear that sweetheart."

"I'm glad I can say it too," Julia said, nodding her head. She told them about the subjects and the order they'd gone through them in the class. "I think I like History and English the best," she said when she finished with her last subject which had been the latter.

"As usual?" Beckett asked with a smile. When the girl nodded she said, "So are you okay about going back to school tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I get to sit next to Peter, Ms. Cookston isn't gonna make us change desks," Julia replied eagerly.

"Then she is a nice teacher," Castle said.

Their food was served as the others were laughing at Julia nodding her head rapidly. The sight of the dishes seemed to remind the girls they would be able to see the cars after they ate so they were doing so, being careful not to go too fast and have their mother slightly reprimand them for that. When they finished, they watched their parents and waiting eagerly for them to finally say they could go out to where the Buddy Holly night was actually going to take place.

"You two will have to stay with us," Alexis was telling her sisters as she stood with them and her boyfriend outside of the restaurant once they'd finished.

"We know," Julia said, glancing over at the stage.

"Do you want to see the cars or just dance?" Louis asked.

Julia turned to look at him and smiled before saying, "Both but mainly the last one."

"You don't have a competition coming up do you?" Alexis asked as their parents were walking outside then.

"No, Ms. Grey would have told us while you were there," Julia replied. She made a slight face and said, "But I think there will be, it's time for it since school started."

"And if you get picked," Beckett said as she and Castle reached the four. "You'll do a great job."

"You guess," Julia said.

"I know," Beckett replied. "Since you'll try the best you possibly can." She wasn't surprised to see her hesitate before she nodded twice and asked her, "What would you like to do now?"

"Look at the cars," Julia said, looking behind her at her little sister who was skipping next to their father.

"We're going right now," Beckett said with a slight laugh. She soon let go of Julia as she hurried with Eliza to the first car they went to, staying with Castle as they watched the two looking at everything they could.

By the time they'd finished looking at the cars and had made their way over to the stage Castle was relieved to find the band there beginning to perform. He wasn't surprised when they started off with That'll Be the Day and he turned to his wife. "Dance with me?" he asked her.

"We'll keep an eye on them," Louis said when Beckett looked at both him and Alexis.

Julia, watching her parents, smiled widely as they began to dance before she thought of something and said, "They knew how to dance at the hop too, how come?"

"I think it's a little easier dancing like this," Alexis replied. "Now who wants to dance with me?"

After spinning his wife carefully Castle said simply as they were in each other's arms again, "They're dancing."

"No surprise there," Beckett said before she looked over at the two who were dancing with both Alexis and Louis. She looked back to her husband with a slight smile and said, "They're alright."

"It looks like this is something we'll have in our lives now," Castle replied.

"We will," Beckett said simply so her husband knew she was alright with the new development. She was going to kiss him when the song ended and they applauded for the band before their daughters were rushing to them.

"I guess you two want to dance with us," Castle commented.

"Yeah," Eliza said, wrapping her arms around her mother.

"Come on," Castle said slightly laughingly as Beckett and Eliza started to dance to the song the band was performing.

As they spent the rest of their time dancing the family switched between one another until they needed to go home for the girls' bedtime. The girls protested a little more vociferously than they normally did until finally their parents were taking them by their hands and going back to their car.

"That was so fun," Julia said when they were inside the house a little bit later. "Thanks for taking us and letting us dance."

"I don't think we could have stopped you from dancing," Beckett said with a smile.

"Are we taking a bath?" Julia asked as they went to the stairs.

"You're taking a shower," Beckett replied. "Your sister is having a bath."

"I'm giving it to you sweetheart," Castle told the little girl who'd started to open her mouth to speak.

"What are you two going to do?" Beckett asked.

"Change," Alexis replied.

Pausing Beckett looked at her husband and said, "We should do that too."

"Do we?" Eliza asked.

"No," Beckett replied with a smile. "You're going to take a bath so you'll do that when you're done."

"How will we do this?" Castle asked.

"Come on," Beckett replied, taking the girls' hands. Inside hers and Castle's bedroom her husband went over to the bathroom to change into his pajamas while she took her own out to the bed where the girls were. "You're tired already sweetie," she said lovingly to Eliza who was yawning widely.

"No, I'm not," the little girl said quickly.

"That doesn't work if you yawn before you say that," Julia said to her sister. She turned to their mother and said, "What're you gonna do while I'm in the shower?"

"I'll check on my e-mails," Beckett replied. "Unless you want me to help your daddy giving you a bath?" she directed to Eliza. When the little girl shook her head she smiled and said, "Okay, I'll be doing that," to Julia that time.

At that moment, Castle stepped out into the bedroom and said with a smile, "We're set?"

"We are, and Eliza's yawning so we should hurry," Beckett said though she was speaking in a teasing tone of voice. She looked with the two at the little girl and smiled with them as she was pouting.

Castle followed his wife down the hall and to Eliza's room where he took her from Beckett saying, "You'll come meet us?"

"Yes," Beckett said in amusement. She shared a kiss with him and said to their daughter, "Behave for him."

"I will," Eliza said with a giggle. Her father carried her over to the bathroom and she stood next to him while he filled the tub.

"I don't think you have enough time to play tonight," Castle told her as he turned off the water and helped her get out of her costume. "But you got to dance for a while; you didn't mind doing that for so long?" When the little girl shook her head, but didn't say anything, he looked at her in slight concern and asked, "What is it?"

"Nothing," Eliza said quickly. When her father just looked at her as he began to wash her hair she couldn't help squirm and said, "I think I wanna do that too."

A smile broke out on Castle's face and though he was already aware of what she meant by that he asked, "You want to dance too?"

Looking a little shy Eliza asked, "Can I?"

"You can," Castle replied easily. "We just need to get you signed up in your sister's class." He was slightly startled when the little girl looked hesitant and said, "What's wrong?"

"Will Jules be mad that I'm copying?" Eliza asked slowly.

"She won't think that," Castle told her reassuringly. "Actually, I think she'll be really happy if you try it out since she'd love to share more of the dances with you."

Giggling softly at the reminder about how she had already danced in her sister's class Eliza said, "Will you tell them?"

"If you want me to," Castle replied, smiling at her. He finished washing her body and with that done he helped her out, drying her off quickly to get her into her pajamas. "I hope," he said as he brushed her hair once she was dressed. "Your mom didn't mind waiting for your sister."

"Me too," Eliza said with a smile before she began to brush her teeth with the toothbrush he'd handed her.

While Julia was in the shower still Beckett was looking at the screen of her phone, checking on her e-mails. She saw one eventually from Madeline and mumbled slightly, "It's about time," under her breath. She was about to read the message when she heard the door open and looked up to see her oldest stepping out.

"I brushed my teeth," Julia told her mother.

"I know," Beckett said, setting aside her phone and reaching for the brush her daughter was holding. "Hopefully your sister didn't give your daddy a hard time."

"She didn't," Castle said, standing at the doorway with Alexis and Louis, Eliza in his arms.

"We're going to head to bed," Alexis said. "That hike tired us out."

"And it was still warm today," Castle added, handing Eliza to her.

"Come here Jules," Alexis said, holding her other arm out to Julia. When she had the two in her embrace she said, "Goodnight Jules, Lizzy. I love you both and we'll see you in the morning."

"Night 'lexis," Eliza said first. "Love you too."

"I love you too," Julia told her next. She and her sister shared a kiss before they waved to Louis and then went together to their parents who were standing together.

"Night Dad, Kate," Alexis, hugging them both quickly. "Make sure we're up for breakfast if we don't get up."

"We likely will though," Louis said after he'd said goodnight to the two before they could reply to his girlfriend.

"Don't worry," Beckett said first. "We'll have breakfast together."

With a last wave to her sisters Alexis let her boyfriend take her over to her bedroom across the hall and after she had closed and locked the door said, "Luckily you like Buddy Holly's music."

"You know my da," Louis shot back before he smiled at her. When she turned around his expression became serious and he went over to her quickly as she was looking at her neck in the mirror.

"What?" Alexis asked as she turned to him, her eyes wide.

Louis was going to speak; was prepared to do so; when he suddenly shook his head and leaned down, kissing her hard. When her arms wrapped around him tightly he held her with slightly gripping fingers until they needed to part.

"What's wrong?" Alexis asked him with a smile through her swollen lips as he seemed to be in serious thought.

"No, nothing," Louis replied, shaking his head. "Just thinking of how it will be odd to get back to school."

"With no one to really say goodbye to us?" Alexis said teasingly.

"Something like that," Louis couldn't help saying with a laugh. "Though I must say it will be nice to be on our own for a bit."

"We're not going to be on our own," Alexis said, rolling her eyes though she was smiling. "There are the girls."

"No hard work that," Louis replied.

"No," Alexis said, laughing softly. "But you're partially right."

Louis looked at his girlfriend in confusion before he realized what she was talking about and he coughed slightly. "Might we go to bed Lex? I'm quite tired," he replied.

"That would be nice," Alexis replied with a smile before she took his hand, tugging him after her to her bed before they stopped and wrapped their arms around one another tightly, kissing fervently before they would fall to the mattress together in their passion.

"Night Mommy," Julia said to her mother. "And you too Daddy," she said, looking at Castle as he came into the room then with the glass of water she'd asked for. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Castle said, kissing the top of her head as she sipped at the liquid.

"I love you," Julia said, looking up at him.

"I love you too sweetheart," Castle told her. "No nervousness about school tomorrow?" he asked her.

"No," Julia said, laughing slightly. "I'm ready to go back now but I still wish I could stay home with you."

"We'll just be writing," Beckett said simply as they'd had that discussion already.

"We kind of need to," Castle said as he covered Julia's legs with the sheets. "If we get too far behind because of the tour your mom will go nuts." He laughed with Julia when Beckett hit his shoulder with the back of her hand and said, "Goodnight."

"Night Daddy," Julia said before they shared a kiss. She watched him step out of the way of her mother and said to her, "This was a great day," as she sat on the edge next to her.

"Good we wanted it to be for you," Beckett replied. She hugged her daughter and said, "I love you sweetie."

"I love you too Mommy, you looked pretty in your outfit," Julia said.

"So did you," Beckett said, leaning down and kissing her cheek. She pulled away and said, "But for now sleep."

"I know, I'm going to," Julia said before she and her mother laughed with each other. "Night."

"Night," Beckett said, a smile still on her face as she wasn't surprised her daughter knew she had been about to say that. She embraced her one more time and let her go before she stood up to tuck her in. With that done she went with her husband to the doorway after they'd scratched Macca behind the ears and stood there for a moment.

When he was sure Julia was trying to fall asleep Castle took his wife's hand and they checked very quickly on Eliza before heading to their bedroom. Inside he locked the door behind them and said, "What is it?"

Smiling as she wasn't surprised her husband had figured out she had something to tell him Beckett said, "I got a message from Madeline."

"Finally," Castle replied. "Did she say how the date went?"

"Well, they're going out again in two weeks," Beckett replied. "But she and Isabelle will be having lunch with him when they can."

"So… they sound like they're starting," Castle replied.

"It does," Beckett said, smiling at him as they'd been waiting for Madeline and Rudolph to begin dating. "But we'll leave it to them to say what happens."

"I wasn't planning on telling them what to do," Castle said quickly. When his wife just looked at him he smiled and said, "Are you tired?"

"No," Beckett replied. "I'm a little thirsty though."

Pausing in walking over to her Castle asked, "You want some tea?" At her nod, he smiled and went over to her, reaching her and gently kissing her on the lips. "I'll be back."

Nodding Beckett waited for him to close the door behind him before she breathed out heavily and looked around the room. She went over to the closet and grabbed a few things there before she went out to her nightstand. Unlocking the cabinet, she took out their Kama Sutra before sitting on the edge of the bed, flipping through the pages before one made her stop and look up as the door opened again.

Since he'd had no distraction Castle managed to make the tea quickly and he was soon coming back to his wife. He locked the door behind him and said, "I had a feeling."

"Hopefully you don't mind me being predictable," Beckett said with a smile as she stood, the sleeves of her kimono robe from Japan falling along either side of her.

"It's not really predictable, what else could you wear?" Castle told her as he set the tray on her nightstand.

"A dress," Beckett said simply.

Smiling Castle said, "Too much in the way." He then focused his attention on pouring out the tea, watching her prepare it before starting to drink it. He did the same with his own mug and sipped before he said, "You've picked something out."

"You will too," Beckett replied as she handed the book to him.

Castle was glad that he wasn't drinking as the picture would have made him choke on his tea. Instead he studied the picture and nodded saying, "Will the ottoman work?"

"It's big enough," Beckett said, looking down at the picture of the two gods herself. She smiled at her husband and urged him saying, "Look for yours now."

"Okay," Castle said slowly before he proceeded to flip through the pages past that one. He held the position with his finger until he was nearly at the back and said, "This one."

Studying it Beckett smiled and said, "Wonderful."

"Really?" Castle asked, looking at her in surprise.

"Oh sure," Beckett said. "If you had a toe fetish you could indulge there."

"Not why I picked it," Castle told her quickly. He said, "I don't think we'll be like that for long."

"That's alright," Beckett said. She drained the last of her tea and told her husband, "Come here," holding her hand out to him.

Castle quaffed the last of his drink before setting the mug next to hers, turning to her and wrapping his arms around her to bring her directly against him. "You-" he started to say.

"Hold on," Beckett said with a smile, stepping away from him before she sat down on the edge of the bed. When her husband was with her she reached for the tie of her robe, loosening it enough so she could expose her naked upper body to him. She wasn't surprised when he stared at her and leaned his hand down to her right breast, cupping it gently before he moved it away.

"I don't want to start pawing at you," Castle explained as his wife looked at him questioningly.

Beckett couldn't help smiling and said, "Then tell me what you're feeling right now."

Trying his best not to shudder in pleasure at the tone of her voice, gentle to his ears, Castle told her as quickly as he could, "My heart is beating… fast."

"Is it?" Beckett asked, reaching up and placing her hand on his chest. "I can't really tell," she said seriously to him, looking into his eyes.

"Let me…" Castle started to say as he reached for the bottom of his shirt.

Beckett; when her husband's chest was bared to her; placed her hand back onto it and gently rubbed the tips of her fingers against his skin watching him shudder in pleasure. "Let's…" she began.

"Yes, let's," Castle finished for her, unable to keep the eagerness out of his voice. He stood up and allowed his wife to reach for his pajama pants before he helped her get them off his hips as well as his boxers until he was naked. He remained where he was in front of her, looking at her and watching as she tugged her robe's tie, letting it fall open the rest of the way. "You're stunning my love," he breathed to her.

When her husband grabbed, her Beckett didn't try to stop him, wanting to feel their skin against each other which she soon did. Their kiss was heavy and extremely passionate and she was sure she was going to collapse the second her husband let go of her. But he had a tight grip of her and she was suddenly trembling, making him pull back to look at her. "Sorry," she said quickly as he was looking at her in concern. "I was just thinking of the position."

"Oh," Castle said, realizing he'd forgotten it himself. He looked over at the armchairs and said, "What would you like to do now?" he asked his wife as he turned back to look at her.

With a slight smile on her face Beckett took his hand gently and they walked to the ottoman they had for the armchairs. She studied it and said, "I better take this off." She smiled again, a little wider, when Castle nearly literally jumped to help her with her robe and when she was naked she pressed up against him saying, "If we-"

"If? More like when," Castle corrected her.

Beckett gave him a brief look before she continued with, "When we change position take me to the bed."

"Sure," Castle replied. They looked at each other and he said, "Why did it get awkward?"

Not answering at first Beckett looked down at herself and back at him before he was stepping up to her, wrapping his arm around her so he could place his hand on the small of her back. They then kissed and she was immensely pleased when he began thrusting his tongue a few times into her mouth. When they had parted some time later she said with a smile, "Help me?"

With a quick nod, Castle moved to help his wife lay back on the ottoman and he said, "Good thing we got one this big," as her head and hips managed to fit on it at the same time. "Good?"

"I think so…" Beckett began, looking down at her body. "What about you?" She raised her head and said, "Your-"

"Hold on," Castle said in annoyance.

"I don't want your knee-" Beckett started to say as she sat up when he went to his dresser.

"No, I'm annoyed at myself for forgetting this," Castle said as he proceeded to slide his brace onto his leg.

Beckett watched him closely while he was doing that but saw he seemed to be alright once he was finished. She didn't move to lay back down as he came to her, instead waiting for him to half kneel and half squat in front of her before she leaned in to kiss him. They were gentle at first before things got out of control and her lips were soon throbbing painfully before they separated with a heavy gasp of air. Her arousal; which had been a little diminished making sure he had on his brace; seemed to surge back to her and she grabbed for him as he helped her lay down. On her back again she watched him take her legs and she allowed him that before he was sliding into her slowly. Her cries were nearly ripped from her throat and when he was fully within her she found herself breathing heavily as she looked up at him.

"I… you're insanely… tight," Castle said, breathing hard himself. He looked down at her and said, his voice slightly strangled, "I need to fuck you my love."

"Please," Beckett said immediately. She watched him starting to move and she cried out loudly when his first thrust brought him deeply within her. "Oh… already… oh god Rick," she moaned loudly as the pleasure was quick to hit her. She allowed it to for some time at first without trying to keep it from taking her over completely. She very quickly found out how risky that was and had to reach up to her husband, stopping him saying, "I can't…"

Not surprised she couldn't continue Castle watched his wife closely, wanting to make sure she would eventually want to. "We weren't really moving for that long," he told her.

"No," Beckett said, smiling slightly at him. "It was getting to be too much."

"I really wish I could reach you," Castle said, unable to ignore the space in between them.

"Fuck me so you can," Beckett told him with a smile on her face. That soon dropped off as he was beginning to thrust again and she reached up to him to try and hold onto his arm but couldn't do so for too long. Since she was moving with him she had to focus a lot of her energy on matching his pace and when their hips slapped together she was fighting with herself to try and keep from falling over the edge. It was a struggle for some time and when she felt a little surer of herself she looked up at him, watching the way the pleasure he was feeling was so obvious on his face. She finally couldn't take it any longer and said, "Wait… Rick stop." Partially relieved when he listened to her immediately she was also very disappointed as the friction she'd been feeling steadily between them had disappeared. But she tried to focus on what she needed to do, telling him, "Take me to the bed."

"Oh, thank god," Castle breathed out heavily. He picked her up before she could say anything to his reaction and he laid her on the middle of the bed, following her without breaking their connection. Beckett was holding onto him tightly so he found no reason to delay and swiftly began to thrust once more. He groaned as she cried out and felt her legs coming up to wrap around his waist, that brought him in deeper within her and the sensation was instantaneous. It made him attempt to move even faster but that was a little difficult since he was already going quickly. Suddenly, he recalled he could do more than just thrust and he leaned down, kissing her as hard as he could before she pushed herself up on her elbows. Their tongues tangling, he loved the way she felt there and around him and he knew he wasn't going to be able to keep from stopping again; everything was getting to be too much with the time that had passed since they'd gotten on their bed.

"No… oh… Rick please… harder, I want to feel you deeper in me!" Beckett begged him, not sure how he could do that. She gasped when he suddenly tilted her hips up and could drive down further into her. She dropped down onto the bed as she wrapped her arms tightly around her husband, digging her nails into his back as she was having a hard time withstanding what he was making her feel. Their kiss evolved into multiple ones and she let him pull away from her very reluctantly before she sighed and whispered, "We haven't been together long enough."

"Oh no, we have," Castle told her firmly. "But I know what you mean," he continued, his voice husky with desire. "You feel so… fucking amazing my love… we need to do this again," he said seriously, looking into her eyes.

"I know… I'm already thinking about… having you in me… just like this, so deep like this…" Beckett whispered, grasping at his back again. "Oh… Rick please I'm going to come, I need to feel you in me harder… deeper…"

"Come love I'm with you I just need you to come first…" Castle said, trying to ignore the way that his muscles were screaming out in protest at the force of his movements.

Beckett almost thought she was going to find it difficult to reach her climax as she was so focused for some time on the exact sensations he was making her feel. But very shortly after the tightly coiled pleasure seemed to find its release and her back was arching roughly as she cried out his name, feeling Castle seeming to move even harder within her than he had before. She was literally clinging to him as a few seconds later he was joining her in his pleasure and the ecstasy of the moment nearly knocked her out. She found herself a bit dizzy when things calmed down, her husband still moving against her hard, and she let him continue as she became still.

When he'd finally managed to stop, Castle was holding himself above her the best he could as he buried his face into her neck. He wasn't surprised he took some time to recover and when he raised his head he asked, "Okay?"

"You're not crushing me," Beckett said with a smile as she knew what he was concerned about. "Are you okay?"

"Now I am," Castle replied. He froze and said, "You can feel that, can't you?"

"I don't know how I couldn't," Beckett said to him, smiling at the way he tried to move from her. She held him in place with her legs and said, "Not yet."

"I'm starting to-" Castle began to say.

"Don't," Beckett interrupted him. She wasn't surprised when he looked at her closely and told him, "I'm serious, I'd like to try it."

"Okay," Castle said though it took him a while to do so. "Can we move at least?"

Beckett nodded, wondering what he wanted them to do, and sighed as he pulled away from her and then helped her up. "What do you-" she started to say before he was kissing her. Though it startled her a little bit she made sure to respond to him and their tongues were fighting again for a while. She wasn't sure; when they finally stopped; if they'd just kissed once or went on to numerous ones and she said, "How long do you want to do this?"

"Not long, I just want to make sure that you're ready," Castle told her. "And me too."

Leaning over slightly Beckett pressed a few kisses to her husband's jaw and said, "I think you're more than ready," making her tone sultry.

Trying his best not to shudder at the sound Castle focused his attention on his reply, soon saying, "I am but again you…"

Studying him for a moment Beckett leaned into him and shared a sensuous kiss with him before she said, "I'll be ready quickly." When her husband opened his mouth to speak she hurriedly told him, "If you know what to do."

Castle paused and said, "I happen to know exactly." He wasn't surprised when she smiled at him and he was quick to lay her down on her back before he leaned down and kissed her again. When they stopped, he said, "You have to tell me when you're ready."

"I will," Beckett said, trying not to smile at how anxious his tone of voice was. She then watched as he leaned down to her neck and proceeded to kiss her there, making her shiver heavily before he moved again. Her breath caught slightly when he trailed his lips that time and she couldn't help it, moaning his name as he reached the top of her right breast. She waited almost impatiently as he raised his head, looking to her, which made her say, "Hurry," in a breathy whisper.

Castle did his best not to smile or laugh and took her right nipple within his mouth, suckling at it gently before he stopped and moved over to her other breast. He worked on it for as long as he had with the other before moving back and saying, "You're ready."

"I was wondering why you were laying against me like that," Beckett said in amusement though it was tinged with the desire she was feeling.

"Now I really doubt the position," Castle said.

"I can grab the book," Beckett suggested.

For a moment, Castle wanted to tell her to go ahead and do that but hesitated, not surprised when she looked at him in disbelief. "No, let's stick with it because we won't last long," he told her.

Beckett got up and said laughingly, "How can you be so sure? What if this is the one that takes us through all the way?"

"You did look at the book, right?" Castle said jokingly as he lay down where she'd been.

Beckett didn't reply to that, instead climbed up onto him and straddled him before lowering herself onto his erection he held for her. She immediately began to pant at the feeling he promptly got out of her, feeling him as rigid as he'd been the bout before. "Okay, here's the fun part," she said to him.

"Do you need-" Castle began.

"No, I'll be alright," Beckett said. She hesitated at first; not entirely sure about her balance with them coupled at the same time; but finally leaned her hands back onto his thighs before raising her legs so she could rest the outsides of her feet on his chest, pressing the soles together before she glanced at him. "Okay?" she asked him.

"Yeah," Castle hissed out. "You're really tight," he quickly added as she was looking at him in concern. "You need to give me your hands," he then said, remembering again the picture.

Though she didn't want to risk the loss of balance that would provide Beckett knew he was right. So she quickly placed her arms into his hands and held onto his arms tightly as he was doing the same with her. She moved and she cried out hard at the sudden rush of pleasure that had provided her and she bit down on her lip to keep from getting any louder than she already was. With how she was positioned and the way her legs were she was squeezing around him tightly and she lost her hold of her lower lip, moaning as the pleasure was getting to be a lot very rapidly. "Rick… I don't know-" she started to say.

Though he hadn't meant to Castle was suddenly yelling his wife's name as he orgasmed, his head literally spinning as it was too fast for him to comprehend. But a second later he was helped with that when his wife climaxed shortly after him. Though he couldn't move that much he still tried the best he could until finally his body stopped him itself and they were limp, panting nearly in sync as they tried to regain themselves.

"Rick?" Beckett finally asked.

"I'm here," Castle assured her, slightly smiling. "I think… that's amazing but fast. I wasn't intending to give you a quickie."

"I still enjoyed it, don't worry," Beckett said quickly to him. She smiled and said, "Really enjoyed it if you couldn't tell."

"I could hear you," Castle said, smiling at her. "So… should we move?"

Looking around them; at what she could see of their bodies doing that; Beckett said, "One more."

His breath coming out in a hiss Castle said, "I agree, maybe we'll last longer." He had just barely finished saying that when suddenly his wife was moving and he tried to hurry to meet her. After a while it soon became obvious that they weren't going to last longer and he was breathless with the way she felt around him again a second before she was orgasming and he followed her lead soon after.

When they had finally recovered after they'd spent themselves completely Beckett forced herself off her husband before she moved to lie next to him. She smiled and said, "I get the feeling you thought that would last longer."

Castle was going to speak when he hesitated and sat up, reaching for their book on the nightstand. He went to the papers that were tucked into the back cover and opened it before running his gaze over the writing there.

"It says something?" Beckett asked him as she looked on, having sat up when he had.

"Pleasure between the lingam and yoni is brief but memorable," Castle read, he had had the passages in Sanskrit on some of the pages translated and that had been the one for that position. "They weren't kidding."

"No," Beckett said with a smile, watching him get off the bed to lock the book away. As he walked to her she said, "Are you ready to write tomorrow?"

"Definitely," Castle said as he got up to get back on the bed. "You're sure we couldn't write something like that into the story?"

"I'm sure," Beckett said, giving him a look. "We'd have to really be graphic."

"I could do it," Castle said firmly.

"You could but do you want to really imagine the response Jay will have?" Beckett said as she watched him pulling the sheets over their legs.

"Not really," Castle said. "Alright, I'll write it out another time." They laid down together and he said with a sigh, "I guess this means we're back to work."

"For barely a week love," Beckett said, looking up at him as her cheek was pressed to his shoulder. "And then we're on vacation again."

"Yeah…" Castle said slowly. He wasn't surprised when she laughed softly before he said, "I do still wish we could have taken the girls."

"Me too but now they're enjoying school already…" Beckett said before trailing off herself that time.

Castle smiled and said, "I was really worried about Julia."

"Me too," Beckett said. "Though less than before we went to see what teacher she had."

Nodding Castle wasn't surprised when his wife asked him what he was thinking and he answered, "Just wondering how it'll go for them when they're in separated schools. Recess and lunch, I mean."

"I bet you anything Mari will join her," Beckett replied. "They'll comfort each other in missing Julia."

"You make a great point," Castle said, nodding his head. He said, "It's great how close they are."

"The sisters or the friends?" Beckett asked.

Laughing Castle said, "Both. Too bad Dani's not getting to school yet."

"They won't be too far apart, three years," Beckett said. She could hear her husband yawning and she said, "How is it I'm not yawning?"

"I have no idea," Castle said seriously. "You were in a more strenuous position than I was."

"But you were definitely moving hard," Beckett said quickly.

Castle was quiet for a moment before he said, "I think we were both even on that." He smiled and said, "Should we keep that one?"

"That might be an occasional kind of position," Beckett replied. She looked up at her husband and caressing his cheek murmured, "Turn on the light."

Castle did so as quickly as he could before he watched his wife lay on her back, staring seriously at him. "Kate… I adore you, let me worship you," he begged her.

"That's what I want, make love to me Rick," Beckett whispered to him as she pulled him to her. He slid into her body and she moaned deeply before he started to thrust, making love to her very gently. It was exactly what she wanted and she kept a tight hold of her husband, caressing the back of his head numerous times until they were orgasming together some time later.

Pulling away from one another the two lay as they'd been before, soon after speaking again as they broke into the silence of the room.

"I wonder if we could say this was our third honeymoon," Castle told his wife as he caressed her hair.

"No," Beckett said in amusement. "Our third will be after our tenth anniversary." She was going to say more when she suddenly felt Castle's hand on her abdomen and turned to press even closer to him. "We should write for an hour in the morning."

"Really?" Castle asked in surprise, knowing what she meant by that.

"Really," Beckett replied. "If we have the house to ourselves," she added.

"Oh… that's true," Castle said slowly as he thought about that. "I'm sure we will… okay I hope we will," he started to say before he had to correct himself at his wife's gaze.

"We'll see," Beckett replied. She glanced down at her husband who was taking her left hand, watching him rub his finger over her rings. She smiled and said, "We've got a long time until that day," knowing he was thinking of their tenth anniversary. She leaned her head up and kissed him gently before she told him, "And we have more until then."

"A lot more," Castle said seriously before he told her he loved her and after she responded in kind they were kissing passionately.

When they'd parted Castle and Beckett moved together and they slipped into making love once more. They found that though they'd been sated several times that night already they couldn't stop. They were unable to resist one another and the thought of all the time in their future when they would have the chance to indulge in that addiction pushed them on. They continued reaching the heights of their pleasure nearly as one many more times as the night carried on around them, neither wanting to stop just yet when they had so much more to go.